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Lux Shots

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  1. Like
    Lux Shots reacted to MrSMW in Super tiny Sigma 28-70mm F2.8 for mirrorless camera (E / L Mount)   
    I like it. A lot. But just purchased a used L Mount Panasonic 24-105mm so it's covered!
    Looks perfect for a Sigma FP though or one of the new Sony's.
  2. Haha
    Lux Shots reacted to SteveV4D in SONY FX3 new camera to be announced   
    So no DCI, no true 24p, no waveform... even the GH5 offers this... maybe we should call the GH5 a cinema camera. 😄
  3. Like
    Lux Shots reacted to Trankilstef in SONY FX3 new camera to be announced   
    What annoys me the most is how some youtbers in those reviews are already saying how this camera is the best mirrorless option for serious filmmaking. Cinema camera my ass ! The S1H is still the king of professional video centric mirrorless ! It has everything that this Sony FX3 doesn't have as a proper cinema camera :
    - 4K DCI (even 6K)
    - Anamorphic modes
    - Shutter angle
    - Synchro Scan
    - Possibility to import Luts in camera
    - waveform, etc.
    How those "reviewers" could forget how much the S1H is more suited to professional video shootings than this FX3 !
  4. Like
    Lux Shots reacted to Video Hummus in SONY FX3 new camera to be announced   
    Andrew is so right about this camera. When I saw the release I was like...OK so this is a worst A7SIII for $400 more with a XLR top handle but all the important cinema features are missing:
    No internal ND No XLR on body No audio controls on body Same shitty LCD screen without an EVF to save it No SDI They didn't even include a way to secure the HDMI PORT! LOL! Cinema camera my ass!
  5. Haha
    Lux Shots reacted to Andrew Reid in SONY FX3 new camera to be announced   
    That red line on the back is actually a vent!
  6. Like
    Lux Shots reacted to deezid in SONY FX3 new camera to be announced   
    Ugh, the X-T3 and 4 have a nasty artificial and plastic looking image with strong temporal filtering on top of the excessive sharpening which gets thrown on the footage even when it's set to -4. Even the A7s3 performs better in that regard.
    Really no comparison to the S1H with NR set to -1.
  7. Like
    Lux Shots reacted to Video Hummus in SONY FX3 new camera to be announced   
    Simple answer, because Panasonic didn't send them a bunch of stuff and a free camera to review and return.
  8. Like
    Lux Shots reacted to Trankilstef in SONY FX3 new camera to be announced   
    Really Panasonic is so frustrating. They would have fixed the shitty AF and makes real marketing strategies, they would own the video mirrorless market right now. But they don't want to change their DFD focusing tech and they are so lame at marketing themselves and their products. My S1H was a true workhorse and so close to a perfect camera. But I really felt the need for a reliable AF even though I am used to manual focus. it just makes life easier now that I switched to Sony a7SIII. 
    Panasonic should really wake up.
  9. Like
    Lux Shots reacted to Video Hummus in SONY FX3 new camera to be announced   
    I believe part of Panasonics woes is this exact problem. The Sony juggernaut marketing machine is now eroding the classic word of mouth professional back-channel chatter. At the tip of Sony's Marketing spear is YouTube.
  10. Like
    Lux Shots reacted to currensheldon in SONY FX3 new camera to be announced   
    The S1H still has the best image of any camera under $10k, in my opinion. And I've used a lot of them. They need to put out an EVA-2 and S2H (or S5H) asap with update AF and they'll be good. I will probably use Panasonic cameras in the future for IQ alone, but AF, 120fps 4k, and a few other of the new bells and whistles are very useful in cameras like the C70, FX6, and this FX3. I'm still not sure Sony has fixed their color and IQ issues fully and their WB seems to be way off - but I'd like to test. FX3 would be excellent if the A7sIII didn't exist, and frankly, the A7sIII shouldn't exist, not the other way around. 
  11. Like
    Lux Shots reacted to herein2020 in Canon on EOS R5 video users   
    Well at least everything he said was obvious from the minute that Canon put in a fake overheating timer, refuses to offer dual slot recording for anything below a cinema camera, and also refuses to put any real video tools into their mirrorless line. It wasn't so obvious in the marketing material leading up to the release of the R5 or R6 but their real  view of their consumer and their cripple hammer plans were made pretty clear shortly after release; cue the C70 anyone?
    The best thing Canon did for me was helped me gain a greater appreciation for Panasonic's S5, S1, S1H, VLOG, and endless video features. 
  12. Like
    Lux Shots got a reaction from IronFilm in Panasonic S5 User Experience   
    Don't fret about the fan, as it's really ingenius how they did it. The fan intake does not go into the body, but just draws air over the radiator fins that are completely sealed from the body internals. You will struggle to hear the S1H fan in most any case. I first though my fan was broken until I literally rested my ear on the camera!
  13. Like
    Lux Shots got a reaction from MicahMahaffey in Panasonic S1 V-LOG -- New image quality king of the hill   
    This news is so good, I'm trading my S5 for a used S1 and the Sigma 45mm f/2.8 and a spare battery. This will fit nicely with my S1H and I also get the deeper buffer and the no time limit 10-bit recording, as well as internal 5.9K!!!
  14. Like
    Lux Shots got a reaction from IronFilm in Frame grabs from my first (and maybe last) feature GH4/GH5   
    This is one of my biggest mistakes of the production to be completely honest.
    I shot most of the scenes with Canon FD 28mm f/2.8, 50mm f/1.4 and 35-105 f/3.5. Beautiful glass, but you need to stop down a stop or two to get it really sharp. I lit all the scenes with LED Fresnel lights and panel lights, but sometimes that wasn't enough unless the lenses were wide open, so some shots are way too soft for my liking, like the black guy with the white guy in the car scene. I was away from power, so couldn't use my A.C. powered lights. 😥
    When I rented the GH5 for some scenes, I also rented the Sigma 18-35 f/1.8 and Speedbooster. This is the lens that is shooting the scene with the guy and girl in the bar (shout out to my fine ass wife 💞).
    In other scenes, I even used the Panasonic 42.5mm, 25mm and 20mm f/1.7 primes. That was just stupid of me. I even used the 14-45mm 3.5-5.6 in a scene because I needed a much wider shot indoors. The guy looking out the window at night was shot with this.
    The one other thing I wish I had was an electronic gimbal. I had a vest with spring arm and mechanical stabilizer, but I really wasn't good at it at all. It would have been better for me to go into more debt to add better motion shots, as many were killed and just shot on sticks.
    I went with the GH4 and GH5 because it was the camera I had. I made certain to always shoot out to a Ninja 2 and at the time I was using DNxHD as a codec. All in all, I'm very pleased with the quality.
    You may be surprised, but low light shooting wasn't really an issue! Every single scene was lit, so I didn't go over ISO-1600 for any shot. This is why I really can't understand cameras like the A7S line (even though I eventually bought the GH5S myself) when it comes to filmmaking. For docu work, yeah, that's a perfect camera, for weddings it makes life super easy. But when you are trying to sculpt a look with light placement, when shooting a film in available light, you relinquish all control of the visual medium. Now you could use negative fills to great effect (never seen it done once on an indie set) or fly large diffusion panels and scrims, but what indie production can afford to do that?
    The biggest  problem for this project is, well,  life.
    Everyone in the film has jobs, businesses and careers. Getting the moons to align was quite the difficult task. Many a time it was a shoot day, and someone had to be at work early the next morning and couldn't make it. At that point, I just needed bodies for grip just to not loose another day. I even hired my handyman that does home repairs for me to do grip work!
    Almost all shooting was done exclusively at night by design, but that worked out in my favor.
    The budget went to craft services, location rentals and gear. I also paid a talent agency to wrangle extras for me for two scenes. At least these people had an interest in the business, as you really can't have just any Joe or Jane do this because more often than not, they will fuck up your shot by looking into your camera or talking when they aren't supposed to, etc.
    I hope this helps!
  15. Like
    Lux Shots got a reaction from IronFilm in Frame grabs from my first (and maybe last) feature GH4/GH5   
    Here are some frame grabs from my first feature length film Bad Decisions. I started on the GH4, then shot some scenes on the GH5. I will finish this next year with the S5 and S1H if COVID-19 doesn't turn into COVID-20. 😬 I'm probably going to go straight to Amazon Prime. My budget thus far has been $10K and I have another $3K or so for the last two scenes. 
    As so many of you know, no ifs, ands or buts about it; filmmaking is fucking hard!  This is probably why this is my last one. I've been discouraged so many times that I had pretty much decided to delete the whole film and just quit altogether. But looking at these grabs, and knowing that I lit that, I blocked that, I wrote that, I shot that and I directed that gives me the courage to complete what I've started. It would be nice if I break even, but even if I don't, I can say that "Hey, I did that!" And boy I didn't do that alone! I had so much help from friends, family and complete strangers that it's too much to even count! They were angels, there just when I needed them, and for not a moment longer,
    There was one scene, that I was shooting straight guerrilla style. I needed to shoot on three city blocks at night, and I had to light it, and there was a gun scene that kinda made me nervous for the safety of the cast and crew. We have no permit process in my city, so I went to the police department, and explained what I was doing that night, and they were like "Ok".
    As soon as it got dark around cast and crew call time was at 6pm. We went to the neighbors houses and let them know what we were doing. We started blocking, and laying down markers for lights tripods and actors. It got dark at 9pm, and we started shooting. We were shooting in moving cars, had special effects, and every scene was lit. We even faked a window getting shot out. We wrapped that scene at 5am the next day, right before the sun came up.
    Do you know for the entire time we were shooting, not a single car drove up any block visible? It's like we rented 100 homes, paid everyone to stay inside and blocked off the area for a 1/4 mile radius! God was most definitely on my side that day, and it was one of the best scenes in the entire film!

  16. Like
    Lux Shots reacted to kye in Frame grabs from my first (and maybe last) feature GH4/GH5   
    Lenses can be matched in post if you're willing to put in a bit of effort.
    Here's an example where I match a Samyang to a Lomo...  unedited:
    and matched:
    If you put a look over the whole film you'll also help to even things out too.
  17. Like
    Lux Shots got a reaction from John Matthews in Frame grabs from my first (and maybe last) feature GH4/GH5   
    Here are some frame grabs from my first feature length film Bad Decisions. I started on the GH4, then shot some scenes on the GH5. I will finish this next year with the S5 and S1H if COVID-19 doesn't turn into COVID-20. 😬 I'm probably going to go straight to Amazon Prime. My budget thus far has been $10K and I have another $3K or so for the last two scenes. 
    As so many of you know, no ifs, ands or buts about it; filmmaking is fucking hard!  This is probably why this is my last one. I've been discouraged so many times that I had pretty much decided to delete the whole film and just quit altogether. But looking at these grabs, and knowing that I lit that, I blocked that, I wrote that, I shot that and I directed that gives me the courage to complete what I've started. It would be nice if I break even, but even if I don't, I can say that "Hey, I did that!" And boy I didn't do that alone! I had so much help from friends, family and complete strangers that it's too much to even count! They were angels, there just when I needed them, and for not a moment longer,
    There was one scene, that I was shooting straight guerrilla style. I needed to shoot on three city blocks at night, and I had to light it, and there was a gun scene that kinda made me nervous for the safety of the cast and crew. We have no permit process in my city, so I went to the police department, and explained what I was doing that night, and they were like "Ok".
    As soon as it got dark around cast and crew call time was at 6pm. We went to the neighbors houses and let them know what we were doing. We started blocking, and laying down markers for lights tripods and actors. It got dark at 9pm, and we started shooting. We were shooting in moving cars, had special effects, and every scene was lit. We even faked a window getting shot out. We wrapped that scene at 5am the next day, right before the sun came up.
    Do you know for the entire time we were shooting, not a single car drove up any block visible? It's like we rented 100 homes, paid everyone to stay inside and blocked off the area for a 1/4 mile radius! God was most definitely on my side that day, and it was one of the best scenes in the entire film!

  18. Like
    Lux Shots got a reaction from Adept in Frame grabs from my first (and maybe last) feature GH4/GH5   
    This is one of my biggest mistakes of the production to be completely honest.
    I shot most of the scenes with Canon FD 28mm f/2.8, 50mm f/1.4 and 35-105 f/3.5. Beautiful glass, but you need to stop down a stop or two to get it really sharp. I lit all the scenes with LED Fresnel lights and panel lights, but sometimes that wasn't enough unless the lenses were wide open, so some shots are way too soft for my liking, like the black guy with the white guy in the car scene. I was away from power, so couldn't use my A.C. powered lights. 😥
    When I rented the GH5 for some scenes, I also rented the Sigma 18-35 f/1.8 and Speedbooster. This is the lens that is shooting the scene with the guy and girl in the bar (shout out to my fine ass wife 💞).
    In other scenes, I even used the Panasonic 42.5mm, 25mm and 20mm f/1.7 primes. That was just stupid of me. I even used the 14-45mm 3.5-5.6 in a scene because I needed a much wider shot indoors. The guy looking out the window at night was shot with this.
    The one other thing I wish I had was an electronic gimbal. I had a vest with spring arm and mechanical stabilizer, but I really wasn't good at it at all. It would have been better for me to go into more debt to add better motion shots, as many were killed and just shot on sticks.
    I went with the GH4 and GH5 because it was the camera I had. I made certain to always shoot out to a Ninja 2 and at the time I was using DNxHD as a codec. All in all, I'm very pleased with the quality.
    You may be surprised, but low light shooting wasn't really an issue! Every single scene was lit, so I didn't go over ISO-1600 for any shot. This is why I really can't understand cameras like the A7S line (even though I eventually bought the GH5S myself) when it comes to filmmaking. For docu work, yeah, that's a perfect camera, for weddings it makes life super easy. But when you are trying to sculpt a look with light placement, when shooting a film in available light, you relinquish all control of the visual medium. Now you could use negative fills to great effect (never seen it done once on an indie set) or fly large diffusion panels and scrims, but what indie production can afford to do that?
    The biggest  problem for this project is, well,  life.
    Everyone in the film has jobs, businesses and careers. Getting the moons to align was quite the difficult task. Many a time it was a shoot day, and someone had to be at work early the next morning and couldn't make it. At that point, I just needed bodies for grip just to not loose another day. I even hired my handyman that does home repairs for me to do grip work!
    Almost all shooting was done exclusively at night by design, but that worked out in my favor.
    The budget went to craft services, location rentals and gear. I also paid a talent agency to wrangle extras for me for two scenes. At least these people had an interest in the business, as you really can't have just any Joe or Jane do this because more often than not, they will fuck up your shot by looking into your camera or talking when they aren't supposed to, etc.
    I hope this helps!
  19. Thanks
    Lux Shots got a reaction from Adept in Frame grabs from my first (and maybe last) feature GH4/GH5   
    Here are some frame grabs from my first feature length film Bad Decisions. I started on the GH4, then shot some scenes on the GH5. I will finish this next year with the S5 and S1H if COVID-19 doesn't turn into COVID-20. 😬 I'm probably going to go straight to Amazon Prime. My budget thus far has been $10K and I have another $3K or so for the last two scenes. 
    As so many of you know, no ifs, ands or buts about it; filmmaking is fucking hard!  This is probably why this is my last one. I've been discouraged so many times that I had pretty much decided to delete the whole film and just quit altogether. But looking at these grabs, and knowing that I lit that, I blocked that, I wrote that, I shot that and I directed that gives me the courage to complete what I've started. It would be nice if I break even, but even if I don't, I can say that "Hey, I did that!" And boy I didn't do that alone! I had so much help from friends, family and complete strangers that it's too much to even count! They were angels, there just when I needed them, and for not a moment longer,
    There was one scene, that I was shooting straight guerrilla style. I needed to shoot on three city blocks at night, and I had to light it, and there was a gun scene that kinda made me nervous for the safety of the cast and crew. We have no permit process in my city, so I went to the police department, and explained what I was doing that night, and they were like "Ok".
    As soon as it got dark around cast and crew call time was at 6pm. We went to the neighbors houses and let them know what we were doing. We started blocking, and laying down markers for lights tripods and actors. It got dark at 9pm, and we started shooting. We were shooting in moving cars, had special effects, and every scene was lit. We even faked a window getting shot out. We wrapped that scene at 5am the next day, right before the sun came up.
    Do you know for the entire time we were shooting, not a single car drove up any block visible? It's like we rented 100 homes, paid everyone to stay inside and blocked off the area for a 1/4 mile radius! God was most definitely on my side that day, and it was one of the best scenes in the entire film!

  20. Like
    Lux Shots got a reaction from TrueIndigo in Frame grabs from my first (and maybe last) feature GH4/GH5   
    Here are some frame grabs from my first feature length film Bad Decisions. I started on the GH4, then shot some scenes on the GH5. I will finish this next year with the S5 and S1H if COVID-19 doesn't turn into COVID-20. 😬 I'm probably going to go straight to Amazon Prime. My budget thus far has been $10K and I have another $3K or so for the last two scenes. 
    As so many of you know, no ifs, ands or buts about it; filmmaking is fucking hard!  This is probably why this is my last one. I've been discouraged so many times that I had pretty much decided to delete the whole film and just quit altogether. But looking at these grabs, and knowing that I lit that, I blocked that, I wrote that, I shot that and I directed that gives me the courage to complete what I've started. It would be nice if I break even, but even if I don't, I can say that "Hey, I did that!" And boy I didn't do that alone! I had so much help from friends, family and complete strangers that it's too much to even count! They were angels, there just when I needed them, and for not a moment longer,
    There was one scene, that I was shooting straight guerrilla style. I needed to shoot on three city blocks at night, and I had to light it, and there was a gun scene that kinda made me nervous for the safety of the cast and crew. We have no permit process in my city, so I went to the police department, and explained what I was doing that night, and they were like "Ok".
    As soon as it got dark around cast and crew call time was at 6pm. We went to the neighbors houses and let them know what we were doing. We started blocking, and laying down markers for lights tripods and actors. It got dark at 9pm, and we started shooting. We were shooting in moving cars, had special effects, and every scene was lit. We even faked a window getting shot out. We wrapped that scene at 5am the next day, right before the sun came up.
    Do you know for the entire time we were shooting, not a single car drove up any block visible? It's like we rented 100 homes, paid everyone to stay inside and blocked off the area for a 1/4 mile radius! God was most definitely on my side that day, and it was one of the best scenes in the entire film!

  21. Like
    Lux Shots got a reaction from ntblowz in Frame grabs from my first (and maybe last) feature GH4/GH5   
    Here are some frame grabs from my first feature length film Bad Decisions. I started on the GH4, then shot some scenes on the GH5. I will finish this next year with the S5 and S1H if COVID-19 doesn't turn into COVID-20. 😬 I'm probably going to go straight to Amazon Prime. My budget thus far has been $10K and I have another $3K or so for the last two scenes. 
    As so many of you know, no ifs, ands or buts about it; filmmaking is fucking hard!  This is probably why this is my last one. I've been discouraged so many times that I had pretty much decided to delete the whole film and just quit altogether. But looking at these grabs, and knowing that I lit that, I blocked that, I wrote that, I shot that and I directed that gives me the courage to complete what I've started. It would be nice if I break even, but even if I don't, I can say that "Hey, I did that!" And boy I didn't do that alone! I had so much help from friends, family and complete strangers that it's too much to even count! They were angels, there just when I needed them, and for not a moment longer,
    There was one scene, that I was shooting straight guerrilla style. I needed to shoot on three city blocks at night, and I had to light it, and there was a gun scene that kinda made me nervous for the safety of the cast and crew. We have no permit process in my city, so I went to the police department, and explained what I was doing that night, and they were like "Ok".
    As soon as it got dark around cast and crew call time was at 6pm. We went to the neighbors houses and let them know what we were doing. We started blocking, and laying down markers for lights tripods and actors. It got dark at 9pm, and we started shooting. We were shooting in moving cars, had special effects, and every scene was lit. We even faked a window getting shot out. We wrapped that scene at 5am the next day, right before the sun came up.
    Do you know for the entire time we were shooting, not a single car drove up any block visible? It's like we rented 100 homes, paid everyone to stay inside and blocked off the area for a 1/4 mile radius! God was most definitely on my side that day, and it was one of the best scenes in the entire film!

  22. Like
    Lux Shots reacted to herein2020 in Panasonic S5 User Experience   
    I've been working with the GH5 for the past few years and the fastest lenses I could get were F0.95 MFT which translates into F2.8, so these lenses look great to me. I do wish they had a 14mm or 16mm prime on the way for real estate work, but other than that, the 24mm for video and the 50mm for portraits might pull me further into the "alliance".  If the 24mm outperforms my current Canon EF 24mm for sharpness and usability then I may go for it.
    I tested the Canon EF-S 10-22mm; and holy sh*t I stand corrected @Lux Shots, the Sigma 18-35mm EF-S lens does work on the S5, but not the Canon EF-S 10-22mm. I also tested the Canon EF-S 18-135 F3.5-F5.6 and it worked also.  Maybe the EF-S 10-22mm does not report that it is a crop sensor lens and the rest of them do which is a real bummer because that 10-22mm would have become my real estate video lens. I'm still not sure why manually selecting APS-C mode does not make the EF-S 10-22mm work unless its a crop factor thing that gets adjusted when the lens reports its crop factor to the Sigma EF adapter.
    This little camera just never ceases to amaze me; Panasonic has got to be the best kept secret out there. All YouTubbers will ever talk about is the AF, there's so many more important things to a camera system than just AF. 
  23. Haha
    Lux Shots got a reaction from Thpriest in Panasonic S5 User Experience   
  24. Thanks
    Lux Shots got a reaction from Thpriest in Panasonic S5 User Experience   
    I use the entire Flashpoint system, and they really do work great! I use the Flashpoint XPLOR 600 and the Zoom LiOn.

  25. Like
    Lux Shots reacted to Trankilstef in Panasonic S5 User Experience   
    First pictures leaked !

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