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  1. Like
    TwoScoops reacted to BTM_Pix in No More Arguments About Lexar Cards Then....   
    Coincidental that it happens at the same point as Canon end the 1DC.
    Clearly, it must only have been the 1066x cards servicing the voracious mjpeg files for 1DC owners that was making them any dosh  
  2. Like
    TwoScoops reacted to Ed_David in Things I've Learned of Recent for the Camera   
    1.  Trust your own opinions.  Don't follow what someone likes, even if they are a big shot DP.  Do tests.  Use your eyes.
    2. Don't be lazy.  Being lazy is the worst.  Get low on the floor.  Move that light higher or try something different.
    3. Be prepared.  Be organized and think before the shoot as much as you can.  Make diagrams and lists.
    4. Do not overlight.  Trust yourself in the moment.  Step away from the monitor then come back.  
    5. Bounce the light.  Try that first, then direct.
    6. Use a capture device like the odyssey 7q and then take screengrabs and you can compare your lighting and blocking.
    7.  Communicate as much as you can with your crew ahead of time of how you work.
  3. Like
    TwoScoops reacted to wolf33d in Is 8K too much?   
    You guys made me laugh hard. 
    You are the same people who said years ago that FHD was completely enough and that 4K was useless, when we were telling you it is not about the people having 4K TV to watch your 4K movie, but about the cropping, stabilisation, noise, resampling, and so on that allows you also to have a lot nicer FHD image. Soon the same will be true for 8K to the 4K content we will deliver. 

    You are the same people that said the 12mpx of the D700 were absolutely plenty enough for photography, that more was absolutely useless unless you print on a wall, where I am using 24-42mpx sensors all the time and benefit all day from their cropping capabilities, better noise, better details even seen on my 15" laptop. 

    Anyway, just like 90% of the people on earth, you are reluctant to change and with people like you we would still be using nokia keyboard phones. 

    Thanks god the 10% do exist. 
    Can't wait for 8K 1000FPS 14 bit 400mbps x.268 to arrive in my hands! Stay with your 480p cameras! 
    No insult in my message, take it with humor 
  4. Like
    TwoScoops reacted to Mattias Burling in C/Y speedboster adapters   
    The dog is kicking it in the summer sun
  5. Like
    TwoScoops got a reaction from Christina Ava in Cheap wide glass for 5D mark IV? looking for recommendations   
    Tokina 11-16 is cheap. This guy tried it here: 
  6. Like
    TwoScoops reacted to Hans Punk in how to simulate the original "shake" of the old movies shot on film?   
    Sounds like you are describing 'Gate Weave'.
    That is when a film frame passes through a projector, sprockets outside the image area control the vertical motion of the frames through the projector. Over time, a film can become warped or the sprockets can wear, causing the frame to appear to move side to side. It can also be caused by a worn mechanical movement in the camera not keeping perfect registration with the sprockets on the negative or by the film itself being warped by heat.
    A good plugin for exactly this (and other old film effects) for Premiere/AE is Red Giant's Misfire:
    or you could try and see if you can customise the parameters in this free camera shake plugin:
    Gate Weave is primarily a horizontal motion (like a soft sway left and right) that can have different speeds. You could possibly keyframe your clips to have this motion with a Bézier curve to mimic the effect with the inbuilt motion control tab within Premiere. 
    The most 'scientifically accurate' way to achieve the effect would be to shoot on film with a worn movement in a camera that does not have double-claw pull down...or you could purposely introduce movement during the telecine scan.
  7. Like
    TwoScoops reacted to kgv5 in how to simulate the original "shake" of the old movies shot on film?   
    I have seen something like this - great little presets for premiere, i used them couple of times and looked cool.
  8. Like
    TwoScoops reacted to BTM_Pix in Sony A7S Mark 3 - What to expect   
    If anyone is looking to get one then Jessops include a voucher for 500 free 7x5 prints and a 20x16 canvas if you buy an A7Sii from them.
    That's the sort of deal that you'd never get if you bought an Alexa.
    Possibly the most Alan Partridge special offer since he was pushing Rawlinson's doing slightly damaged chocolate oranges.
  9. Like
    TwoScoops reacted to Snowfun in Sony A9 - No SLOG 2/3????   
    Why not just be happy to keep the A7S rather than waste emotional energy "wanting" a sports-journalists still camera? The A7Siii might offer more of what you require for a video upgrade but until then you have a camera you "love" so it's a good place.
  10. Like
    TwoScoops got a reaction from jonpais in ETTR: Noise, Dynamic Range and Skin Tones   
    Well, random pictures of flowers and cats look "pro" on an FS7. Kind of the same way in stills, a Pentax 67 with Porta 400 will make anything look good. 
  11. Like
    TwoScoops reacted to tweak in The wraps are off! Panasonic EVA1 compact cinema camera announced with Super 35 5.7K sensor and Dual Native ISO   
    This "on the go" thing is un-watchable... back to the drawing board guys.
  12. Like
    TwoScoops reacted to tonysss in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    According to my experience, with (GH4, G80, GX80, GH5)  Expose maximum to 0 ,but mostly better slightly negative, If even slightly overexposed the colors disappear and the predominant yellow (waxy skin) , and mainly in combination with negative contrast !
    In this test it is clearly visible, exposure +1 and red from the skin is out !
    my exposure Zebra max. 90% in skin
    My current setting GH5 :
    Cine D    0,-5,-5,-5, 0
    iDynamic : standard
    WB : Auto A:5 M:4 
    and 0 and mostly slightly negative exposure.
    Panasonic and ETTR It does not fit me, sorry...
    Before that I had the Sony, and that ETTR was ideal.  (a6000, a5100, A7S , a6300)
  13. Like
    TwoScoops reacted to Zak Forsman in The wraps are off! Panasonic EVA1 compact cinema camera announced with Super 35 5.7K sensor and Dual Native ISO   
    They drove right by my neighborhood along Beverly Blvd (keep an eye out for El Coyote on the left). Also their new campaign slogan, "$8K for 8-bit" is not very compelling.
  14. Like
    TwoScoops reacted to Fritz Pierre in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    Nothing to say about the GH5, but really about your post....and your monkey see monkey do comment (spot on!!!)...there is a weird kind of Hive Mind mentality at work these days...I see this both in politics and as a frequent visitor to forums....members claim to be merely expressing their opinions, but in reality it's the same tired phrases being repeated over and over...hardly an original thought being expressed and in the case of the GH5, both a well loved and hated camera it seems excessively obvious...but what's also more obvious, is that we increasingly act like a herd of sheep stuck in some corner...bumping into each other...mulling the same thing over and over as if it came from us, as an original thought...now THAT would be an opininion...but THIS... is this loneliness?....is it a complete lack of intellectual curiosity... what it's not at allabout, is about cameras....@mattiasburling just posted a very interesting guess the camera thread and really nobody had a clue about the camera...so why the same old tired refrain that would be laughed off any movie set?...I really have no clue...
  15. Like
    TwoScoops reacted to Orangenz in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    It may well be just way better microphones. They are also used as part of the onboard sound cancellation system when using external mics. An external mic rated to 120dB is probably handy for parties. The TM-2X has a -15 pad that allows for this (for example). 
    Attached spec sheet. 12 fps raw. 
    It's rather nice. I do recommend checking it out in a store. Get someone to film you when you first look through it. 
  16. Like
    TwoScoops reacted to 7 Lakes in An adventure into the Panasonic GX85/80 begins - and a look at the Leica Nocticron for Micro Four Thirds   
    Hello. Here is my new music video, shot mainly with Lumix GX80. And also with DJI Phantom 3 and B-Cam Canon 70D.
  17. Like
    TwoScoops got a reaction from Mark Romero in D750: Anyone Using It? Loving It? Hating It?   
    The D750/D810 replacements should have 4k, coupled with the great color science etc; could be pretty interesting.
  18. Like
    TwoScoops reacted to silvertonesx24 in iMac Pro   
    Does anyone make backpacks for my old Mac Pro towers so I can edit 4K at Starbucks? Must have exposed area so everyone can see the Apple logo
  19. Like
    TwoScoops reacted to AaronChicago in iMac Pro   
    I use this for my PC when I need to edit at Starbucks.

  20. Like
    TwoScoops got a reaction from mercer in The Canon C200 is here and its a bomb!   
    I'm watching 'The Keepers' on Netflix right now. It looks like it was shot on a 1982 Casio watch.
  21. Like
    TwoScoops reacted to Eric Calabros in The wraps are off! Panasonic EVA1 compact cinema camera announced with Super 35 5.7K sensor and Dual Native ISO   
    Its always entertaining to scroll through dreamy wishlists here
  22. Like
    TwoScoops got a reaction from Mark Romero in D750: Anyone Using It? Loving It? Hating It?   
    It's soft but worth keeping just for the profile videos I'd say. 
  23. Like
    TwoScoops got a reaction from silvertonesx24 in What "style" of edit is this ?   
    The best part about these great edits is when some moron posts in the comments asking which software they used.
  24. Like
    TwoScoops got a reaction from Gregormannschaft in What "style" of edit is this ?   
    The best part about these great edits is when some moron posts in the comments asking which software they used.
  25. Like
    TwoScoops got a reaction from arson519 in GH5 - What lenses?   
    17.5 Voigt and 42.5 Panaleica are the best MFT lenses.
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