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Posts posted by Evgeniy85

  1. 1 hour ago, PannySVHS said:

    My two cents. (five cents for the jar box for phrase dropping:) I don´t see anything impressive image wise. OG post from 0.57 to 1.02 looks gruesome, other shots still just fine compared to well shot 8bit 709 HD on Lumix and other old hybrid cameras. Above example shows very nice locations and light and sufficient framing and shot design, though not far off from being generic imho. So, well done by the creator. Nothing less but nothing more neither.

    This is the so called film look without a costly plugin. It was shot on an almost 7 years old pocket camera, a Lumix LX15 in Rec709. To my eyes this is very beautiful and a nice achievement for out of your pocket cinema verité:



    There's a bit of post-processing involved in this video too but I do agree it does look great and miles better of other examples posted in this thread.
    There's a difference between a DP and a person who likes tech and pretty images. 

  2. 4 hours ago, markr041 said:

    S5 is great. But, an APS-C crop in 4K 60p and really bad AF - it loses focus, and it goes back and forth. Also the 4K 60p crop is in S5 ii and iix.

    Do you think that the mic quality is good enough on ZV-E1 to not use an external mic? 

  3. On 8/8/2021 at 3:02 PM, ntblowz said:

    I m currently editing 4k 160mbit on a base 8gb/256g m1 MBA with external 2tb ssd, pretty smooth most of the time except some lag when scrubbing timeline occasionally on longer videos.

    And 0 sound as there is no fan.



  4. Hey guys,

    I bought slr magic anamorphot 1.33 adaptor and I'm confused about Near/Normal setting. According to description, I need to put it on NORMAL to achieve sharp images at infinity, but it seems that NEAR looks sharper than NORMAL. At NORMAL I can't achieve sharp focus at all. Could that because of the lens?

    Camera Nikon Z6 in crop mode tested with 28mm and 50mm at 5.6



  5. CST only transforms color space but it doesn't make the camera sensor match better. It's useful for matching luminance if you intend on using the same LUT on both cameras.
    For your situation, once you get 100% on luminance and WB, use hue vs. hue and hue vs. sat adjustments. People pay more attention to luminance than color differences. 

  6. Got myself A7SIII and tested it against A7III. I've noticed that when I record in Slog2 or Slog3, A7III appears brighter despite having the same settings. It's about 1/3 to 1/5 stop brighter than A7SIII. When I shoot with PP off, everything looks the same.
    Has anyone experienced this issue?

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