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Everything posted by newfoundmass

  1. It's never been an issue for me, but I also don't use it in spontaneous ways. I always have it on and ready for when I need to record, not because it's slow to boot up (I never noticed that really) but just because that's how I've always been.
  2. I use the Senal SMH-1000 for monitoring and mixing. You can find them on sale for under $50 from time to time. I've been happy with them.
  3. It's not under $200 but I've been very happy with the Zoom H6 overall.
  4. If weight is important, make sure to factor in lenses. APS-C lenses weigh more than most M43 lenses, so even if the body weighs more, overall it may weigh less. I really like what Fuji is doing, but they don't tick enough boxes for most of my uses yet. If they can get their IBIS to Panasonic's level and eliminate recording limits, as well as some of the other video quirks, that could change!
  5. I think he's being a bit tongue and cheek! I like Caleb. I wish he didn't do the click bait titles, but he pretty much exclusively reviews cameras that he has bought.
  6. Yeah, Facebook proves people are willing to be as awful under their real names as they are under aliases. Though I do think when someone is being condescending to others and acting as though their experience is more significant/important than others, they should be compelled to show who they are and what they've done, otherwise they're just denigrating others work and experience while hiding behind anonymity. It's not too difficult to see @IronFilm's work/experience, as I subscribe to his YouTube and see him active on Facebook groups, so seeing someone diminish his knowledge and experience by just calling him "an audio guy" really kinda ticks me off.
  7. I assume most equipment is disposable at this point, either because eventually something significantly better comes along or because everything seems to have a shelf life these days. I've always thought, or assumed, that lenses would be the one thing that both retain most of their value and will continue to work long after any camera I'm using does. It's only recently that I've started to have my doubts about that, at least when it comes to modern lenses that have motors and lack real manual control. My Minolta lenses are older than I am. There's a good chance they'll outlive me and still work! But I don't have high expectations for my Panasonic lenses lasting nearly that long, and that's unfortunate. Part of that is the compromise that comes with technology, but also just the way things have gone with society. I don't think I'll ever be able to pull the trigger and pay more than $1,500 on a modern, non manual lens. Not unless I have no other choice or am wealthy/making enough to do so without a second thought. The idea that it could just stop working one day terrifies me. Once that motor is gone, it's gone. I also wonder how these lenses will stand up to video usage over time, since I assume that puts more wear and tear on the motors than just auto focusing for stills does. But that might just be my ignorance showing!
  8. What does his knowledge of audio have to do with this discussion? Does that make his opinion on cameras mean less or something? You realize his professional experience goes beyond sound, right? Most of us have experience in all forms of filmmaking. It's kind of a necessity when you do your own thing or work with a small crew. He's here for the same reason as you and me. Stop being condescending to people. It's unnecessary.
  9. The LX100 is a lovely camera, but as you said, the lack of IBIS hurts it. I guess you kinda have to weigh that against using larger or slower lenses. The GX85 and the 12-35 isn't that big of a combo; you could easily find a little pouch to put it in if necessary. My favorite hoodie has huge pockets so I put the lens in one and the body in the other
  10. They're not going to use a new lens mount, but I think/hoping they've finally decided to change the overall design of the camera to accommodate the processing power needed.
  11. Is it just the Olympus zooms that have the manual focus clutch? My 7-14 has it and I LOVE it. I wish Panasonic would implement it on all their lenses.
  12. Daemono, do you work for Panasonic? It's just weird that you've predominantly post just to defend this camera...
  13. It's not fan boy talk at all. Go on the Frugal Filmmaker Facebook group and ask how many have shot features on the GH5. Heck, the user escapes me right now, but I recall someone here posting a trailer for their feature shot on a GH5 and it was beautiful. It was even mostly shot at night! In a world where DV camcorders and iPhones have been used to shoot features with wide releases, it's asinine to act as though a GH5 couldn't be used to great effect. It's the art and artists, not the camera that matters.
  14. "Right now we’re focused on the launch of the new camera, and it will be a complete redesign of the whole system, including the image sensor. Everything is new." I took redesign to mean they have redesigned the camera. I might've read too much into that though!
  15. I was more intrigued by the comment they made about it being a complete redesign. I think that is a good sign. I'm sure it'll still be uncomfortable to hold since that's Sony's thing, ha ha, but I'm guessing they realized they needed to increase the size to accommodate the higher end features that just haven't been possible with the standard bodies they've been using.
  16. What about it makes it a better travel camera than the GX85 or the GX9? Megapixels? Weight? C'mon. The G100: when 210 grams is just too heavy for you! Here's a camera that weighs less, costs more, and has fewer features!
  17. Z-cam definitely needs a FAQ or knowledge base on its website, because the Facebook group can be very overwhelming.
  18. The entire argument is silly. Countless low budget features, music videos, docs, short films, commercials, events, etc. have all been shot with a GH5 and other M43 cameras. The fact that major features aren't shot on M43 doesn't mean it's because the cameras aren't capable or that M43 isn't good enough, it merely means that films that have the budget are going to use the same cameras that always get used. They're not using Blackmagic or Z-Cam much either, despite their larger sensor offerings, which shows it goes beyond just sensor size. Heck, Canon has largely failed at getting their cinema line adopted by Hollywood, too. The power of the GH5/S, the Pocket 4K, etc. is that you CAN use it for a feature and get great results. You can use it for a run and gun documentary, or event too. That's the strength of the system. It's incredibly versatile. You're not limited by the camera, just your abilities. If you can't understand or see the benefit of all that, then there's really no point in arguing. Just write the system off and let the rest of us appreciate our tiny but powerful cameras in peace.
  19. Another M43 shooter here. The G100 is trash, even in the context of a "starter" vlogging camera. It pains me to say but no amount of excuses will change that. It's inexcusable. There's literally no reason for it to exist; no one asked for it. Not vloggers and certainly not enthusiasts or professionals. I don't even mean to encourage them to just take a GX85 and add a flip screen and mic, because that'd have been bullshit too, but it'd still be much better than what they did with the G100. It is genuinely concerning that this thing even moved beyond a pitch, let alone production. The Lx100 II and G95 might've been disappointing updates, but at least they improved and added something. This though? It's a crippled camera that would make even Canon blush.
  20. Camera Conspiracies is definitely satire, with the occasional good point here and there. Half the time he has no idea what he's doing, which is part of the charm. He makes fun of everyone, especially himself. Example: Instead of f-stop he calls it Toneh, as a dig on Tony Northrup after Tony posted this video: I don't know what Tony was thinking here. "I'm gonna go on the beach and shoot wide open so you can't see anything behind me. Oh and I'll frame myself terribly." Eventually people were so confused about why he was calling it Toneh that he made a video about it Once you get where he's coming from he's one of the most entertaining channels on YouTube. Have you seen the Canon Cripple Hammer? And the Panasonic Pony of Hope?
  21. The Z-Cam folks definitely seem receptive. In many ways they're a model for what more companies should be doing. You can't compare them to anyone else in the camera game when it comes to listening to their user base, they're unmatched. I don't know that they'll be able to continue that as they get larger, but I certainly hope so! The users though are definitely fervent, and it's not always endearing. It seems your best bet, before criticizing anything, is to heap praise first or risk getting their fan base riled up. I watched Gerald's original review and I thought it was fair, and pointed out serious issues. I really didn't expect it to get the reaction it got.
  22. The LX100ii and G95 were legitimately the most I've ever been disappointed by camera announcements. They were such easy home runs, I couldn't imagine Panasonic striking out on them. I really, really hope this isn't a sign of things to come from Panasonic.
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