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Everything posted by newfoundmass

  1. Yes, so remedy that by providing cooling like the S1H did. Canon is choosing to launch cameras with overheating issues. I disagree, as these two cameras were clearly marketed to video shooters, but even if all that is true it sucks and doesn't make complaints any less valid.
  2. I think the A7iii's price had more to do with it than the lack of PDAF.
  3. Specs are cool. So is having a reliable camera. There's really no excuse for not adding cooling mechanisms if you know that overheating will be an issue. It kinda blows my mind that people don't get that part.
  4. I don't think that's why they are skipping PDAF. I don't know why they are, but I don't think PDAF would be enough to overheat an otherwise fine camera. Maybe I'm wrong though?
  5. I understand what you mean but, to me, it's inexcusable that they didn't adapt to these issues and instead just decided to release it as is as a way to try and hurt their competitors. To me that's the real motivation behind this release and that sucks. Inevitably there will be people that create lovely work with this camera, as can be done with pretty much any camera released today, but we should expect more from these companies. Limits should be expected, especially as boundaries get pushed, but not at the expense of basic functionality.
  6. You know what Panasonic did when they released a camera that needed active cooling to prevent it from overheating? They added a fan and vents. Why? Because it made no sense to offer all the features of the S1H if it couldn't handle it. It was a choice to go this route.
  7. It really is insanity to see people justifying the overheating. Why? Because Canon literally could've done more to prevent it! They made a conscious choice to not put anything in the camera to remedy the problem. I get that Canon users feel some form of vindication that they're finally "innovating" (I guess?) after years of complacency, but come on! This shouldn't be acceptable, whether it's Canon, Sony, Nikon, Panasonic, etc.
  8. It's really not. If you can't see the difference between the two when watching back I'm not sure what to say. It's also harder to edit on older systems.
  9. Saw this on the Facebook group from Kinson Loo. If you want to applaud a company for innovating, applaud them. They're pushing boundaries and delivering.
  10. Some people will never consider anything but Canon/Nikon to be a competent photography tool.
  11. Agreed. I want better AF if only so people stop complaining! Ha ha
  12. You said that Sony won't release anything better than the R6, which is a really dumb thing to say given we know virtually nothing about the A7sIII. And you're acting like the S1H and the Z-Cams haven't been out for months. Not being blown away by these cameras, one of which seems to have serious problems pre-release, doesn't mean I have an ax to grind, it means I have common sense. But go off, man. CANON RULZ!
  13. You were gushing like a fan boy and talking out of your ass, I'm not sure what you expected. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Sony doesn't need to match the R5. If they can put out a camera that doesn't overheat and is reliable then they've already beaten Canon, specs be damned. It's not a high bar, regardless of what your fandom tells you.
  14. Depends on whether or not Sony really did redesign the body. I don't know that it'll do 8K raw but 6 or 8K is possible if they have cooling and a larger body. I'd be surprised if it doesn't at least match the S1H, but with Sony's AF.
  15. I think we should look at the overheating as a positive. You can use the camera to cook bacon to feed the crew in between takes. You'll save on catering!
  16. I don't think being a hybrid is an excuse, personally. And going the 8K raw route this early says to me they're trying really hard to appeal to video users. You're not throwing that out there unless you're trying to appeal to that user base.
  17. It's specs are obviously impressive, but what do specs matter if the camera is functionally limited? If you constantly need to give the camera a break to use these "groundbreaking" features, how is that practical? Innovation is great, but it should be fully realized, not half baked and just thrown out there because you're trying to undermine the competition. I hope once we are able to really see this camera in action that it exceeds expectations.
  18. Officiant: I now pronounce you hus... Video guy: WAIT! OVERHEATED! GIVE ME 10 TO LET IT COOL DOWN?!
  19. Why would you shoot with an R5 at all if there's even remotely a chance that it'll overheat? I am not much of a filmmaker, I've only recently started dabbling in that aspect, but for event filming, corporate, commercial work and interviews I don't turn off the camera unless I absolutely have to. Is it common to turn cameras on and off on a film set?
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