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Everything posted by heart0less

  1. That's why I'm putting my NX1 back on its shelf, where it's safely hidden from all those greedy hands just waiting for me to come in last.. ?
  2. YouTube will destroy it all.. ( : Maybe we should watch the results like 90% of today's viewers do - on our phones?
  3. Who knows, maybe posting there does not require an admin approval.. Nonetheless, it's very annoying.
  4. If I can use my laser damaged NX1 that I bought for 150€, I'm in! 1080p mode only, of course.
  5. While I'm a big fan of Gerald's techy videos, this short isn't really my thing. Looks like a footage from the beginning of DSLR revolution.
  6. How is this FTZ adapter doing, Geoff? Is the lack of many native lenses somehow compensated by it?
  7. It is, I bought it a fortnite ago and received the .pdf file only a few minutes later. https://www.eoshd.com/samsung-nx1-video-settings-guide-tutorial/
  8. I bought an used NX1 a couple of weeks ago and didn't experience any of the issues you mentioned. I did film some really dark environment with it - no green tint, thank God. Apart from some laser damaged pixels, it's in a great condition.
  9. Let me just leave this here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvNkFE7rK64QjdCKV-M85rVvRwYylFQ6A
  10. One can always go with the cheapo anamorphico DIY style. At ~2000$ you get quite a nice setup, which may be attached to your favorite spherical lenses. eg. https://vimeo.com/277302126 https://vimeo.com/284703208 https://youtu.be/LAM_7oU95MA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rr5nIwRBMbM https://vimeo.com/217946022
  11. It's kinda sad.. In the first question I answered that: no, I do not create video content for a living, nor do I plan to. And - voila, I was thanked for taking the survey. ?
  12. Yup, I know I shouldn't have gone this high, but there was nothing I could've done to improve the lighting conditions. It was either that, or not getting the shots. Tell you what, I even boosted the RGB values only to get more gain.. But hey, both the band and I are happy with the results, so there was no harm done. ( :
  13. That's why every one of us should ask Fuji for an open gate video recording - maybe they will incorporate it in some future update. I've already suggested it via https://www.fujifilm.com/contact/
  14. Join Anamorphic Shooters group on Facebook and look for more info there. Almost every question of yours have already been asked and answered many times. 420€ for Sankor 16F (even with front and rear Redstan clamps [which, by the way, are the best clamps possible]) is a bit pricey. I wouldn't pay more than 300€ for this combo.
  15. Just posting to say a BIG THANK YOU, wow!
  16. Well, SLR Magic products are convenient to use but they are not the best in terms of optics. It's a bit difficult to find a really good 1.33x adapter, people usually choose either 2x (quite affordable) or 1.5x (not affordable XD ).
  17. If you want to look at some handheld setups, this thread is a good start: It can weigh a little (around 1 - 1.5 kg), but if you don't mind the bulkiness, there is no reason you couldn't handhold it. I sometimes wish I had a third arm (one is used to support the rig, the other for operating the camera), which I could use to focus, but I guess it's a matter of experience. As did others, I highly advise against double focusing. Even if you do get used to it, it's very time consuming.
  18. To me, the more brilliant stuff you watch, the more easy and natural it gets to replicate it, even subconsciously. I've been 'collecting' short videos / ads / specs on vimeo and YouTube for a while and every time I watch them, I notice something new. It doesn't necessarily mean it taught me something new, but at least I start paying attention to these details. Photography (and therefore a good portion of cinematography) is made of learning how to see (and then capturing it). After seeing millions of well-composed scenes, with great lighting, etc, you start thinking like all these new neural networks. I know, it's a brutal comparison, but how do we (as humanity) learn if not by listening to others and watching how they work / accomplish something?
  19. As they say in the classics: Thank you my issue has been solved,.... ? Thanks to guys from BM forums (Peter Cave, to be exact) I learnt that the timeline resolution only dictates at what resolution stills will be exported, BUT to get top-end freeze frames one needs to match the timeline resolution to the source clips resolution AT THE TIME OF GRABBING the stills. I was editing and color grading in 1080p, so that my PC won't have a hard time. After doing that, I changed timeline res to UHD only to export some of the images. Turns out that's why I was getting the issue.
  20. I do keep them up to date. ( :
  21. I quickly reverted to Beta 3 and am back in the game. ? Stills still (har har har) suck.
  22. Screw betas. Just take a look at what happened.. I can't either 'Rediscover Optimized Media' or 'Relink Selected Clips'. The files play just fine when I open them via Windows Explorer in MPC-HC. Thank God I didn't start editing it. I don't know what's going on, but there is some hex on me, definitely.
  23. I didn't. ) : Yup, I think I'll have to resort to this approach in the end. Jim ran out of ideas, Peter Chamberlain came in his place. You can follow the thread here: https://forum.blackmagicdesign.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=92628&p=515308#p515308
  24. A couple of stills extracted from videos. Minolta 58/1.4 at f/2, Samsung NX1, mostly at ISO 1600, but few shots required ISO 3200, no hacks. Perfectly happy with the results, shadows on this camera are so deep and rich.. Lovin' it.
  25. heart0less


    A couple of stills extracted from videos. Minolta 58/1.4 at f/2, Samsung NX1, mostly at ISO 1600, but few shots required ISO 3200, no hacks. Perfectly happy with the results, shadows on this camera are so deep and rich.. Lovin' it.
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