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    anonim reacted to Tiago Rosa-Rosso in Could this year's Oscar winner be the first Netflix movie to win?   
    Just saw this short now. 
  2. Like
    anonim reacted to Andrew Reid in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    They did give the camera to reviewers. John was either wrong or lying.
    Correct. Just want to do my fucking job.
    It only sounds presumptuous if you aren't aware that this thread alone has 380,000 views, and the blog a million since August, and that I have been covering 'pocket' cinema cameras of all varieties since 2010 with the GH1 and was the first blogger to embrace Blackmagic's cameras when they came out in 2012. If you followed EOSHD from 2013 onwards you'd understand why it is an injustice. It's hard to explain this without sounding rather big headed about it, but that's the truth.
    Well, you won't get the camera reviews you deserve if you don't support an honest reviewer. That's life!
    I don't care about being in the pro box with lots of dull clients and a day rate.
    I make my own films and music videos. You clearly haven't been following EOSHD for long enough to realise it and it's a really off judgement you're making, and not a very nice one if I may say so as well.
  3. Like
    anonim reacted to Anaconda_ in Could this year's Oscar winner be the first Netflix movie to win?   
    My main work is based around film festivals and it always frustrates me when a movie shows somewhere and then I can't see it anywhere for months or even years, and it's in my industry. No hope for your average movie lover.
    'Girl' is a Belgian movie, most likely their Oscar contender. I met and interviewed the director and lead actor in Cannes, but probably won't be able to see the film until at least February 2019, almost a year later. Same story with 'In The Fade'. Premiered in Berlin, I was there, spoke to Diane Kruger about it, but couldn't see it until it was released for home viewing over a year later. Partly my fault as I don't have time for the screenings at the festivals, but still, infuriating.
    You're right, I forgot Blakkklansman was in the competition, my bad - I did say 'If memory serves' ?. Lars wasn't in the competition though, and his movie still got more attention than the films that were, which says something. FYI, Star Wars also played this year and 'Gilliam's 'Who Killed Don Quixote'.
    In my opinion, Cannes is becoming less relevant for those kinds of films, and placed like Toronto, which doesn't have a competition, are getting bigger and bigger. Maybe it's about the timing, and studios release this time of year to kick off the awards run, making Cannes just too early for them? Maybe it's behind the scenes politics?
  4. Like
    anonim got a reaction from webrunner5 in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    I look at mr JB fertile engagement in this thread from different professional angle... as interesting example of growing narcissism exercise. We read pages (before at page 170 finally appears truly professional mr Hook with concrete infos) about touchable memories of some Autralian filmmakers pioneers or such, that mr JB shared with us as a theoretic and emotional-involving part of his educational course inside the privatized thread, than we have full galleries of mr JB lying around the studios and interiors in spectacular positions with obligate cool-looking-hat, following with tirades and opinions to the such extent that whole thread at the moment became as circus... with reverent mr JB in the role of the main moderator clown... who has no any interested connection with BM and any reason to feel to say thanks to mr Read... besides constantly showing BM micro cameras as part of his spectacular shooting poses.
    So, from the same other professional angle of view  (as I wrote the same, answering in the case about that galactic-war director with quasi innocent and stupid a la pedophilia jokes) EOSHD looks to me as some sort of institution with much much more social weight, honor and importance than, say, mr JB showcase shooting session in Medical institution so innocently and generosity presented here to common folk and ungrateful clowns: I see here extremely funny place for free-treatment of any sort of Ego-mania or narcissistic-attitude  
    I'm so glad to meet here gentlemen (and ladies?) with witty mind, capable for humorous exchanging games, with sharp and fast tongue, with angry reactions but also with ability to take a smile as final position...
    So - as would say my dear slang-teacher from these threads - this is not a place for "pompous asses"... and this is, for me, so... precious.
    Because, not being "pompous ass" is the most important lesson to learn aiming to be-and-stay truly artist.
  5. Like
    anonim got a reaction from Myownfriend in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    Yes, I think it really make sense if situation is so serious... but I cannot imagine that people could be so serious about such unimportant matters
    (Hey, there are millions just in Syria left at the moment without homes, food and medicament, and I bet that at least for 100000 of them just several years ago the main problem in life could be also weather to buy GH4 or A7S or some corresponding toy of interest...)
  6. Like
    anonim got a reaction from Myownfriend in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    But no... you are just imago of figure of authority. And mr Myownfriend simply shows a courage to say that you don't scare him... You are zero (or false) of authority = he never got anything from your articles :)
  7. Like
    anonim got a reaction from greggreenhaw in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    Yes, I think it really make sense if situation is so serious... but I cannot imagine that people could be so serious about such unimportant matters
    (Hey, there are millions just in Syria left at the moment without homes, food and medicament, and I bet that at least for 100000 of them just several years ago the main problem in life could be also weather to buy GH4 or A7S or some corresponding toy of interest...)
  8. Like
    anonim reacted to seanzzxx in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    Mr. Reid, I don't know you and I won't pretend to understand what you are going through, so please do not take this statement the wrong way. However, when you say you are 'feeling really quite down', do you think that your current mental wellbeing is served by continuing to have this discussion? By arguing (no matter how justified) with people on these forums, your blog and Facebook page (all three of which you seem to hold very dear and personal, something which I understand).
    In my opinion you absolutely did the right thing by locking up this thread temporarily, and my advice to you would be to do it again. Why revel in this energy-consuming discussion? I get that you're dissapointed and feel sleighted by Blackmagic's decision no to hand you the camera for early review, something only exacerbated by the fact that the event was in your own home-time. That must have honestly felt like shit. Nonetheless, scratching the wound left by this event (by returning to the discussion over and over again on these forums) might feel satisfying in the short-term, but it is absolutely not conducive to it healing. I suspect you are not gaining any longterm insight or satisfaction by having this discussion in this manner, and even worse, you might be worsening you're already crummy mood because you are now infecting this website with a discussion that 1) will make it harder to take back anything you say in anger because it is now done in a very public way, and 2) taints your very personal project with a negativity that you probably don't want in your life. Finally, in your anger you might end up taking actions or saying things that will end up doing damage to this project (eoshd.com) which you obviously hold so dear to you.
    My advice (but hey, who am I) to you would be to give yourself a break - delete the blogpost you made, lock this thread and go for a walk/watch a movie/have a nice dinner with friends. Seriously do anything else for a while instead of having this situation drag you down. When you come back, delete this entire tangent and have this thread be about the Pocket 4K again. If you find Blackmagic's answer to your emails not satisfactory in the future, just don't cover them anymore if it makes you feel better. I just don't believe it is conducive to your wellbeing by dragging the argument into the public (and very ill-informed) sphere.
    Hope that all makes sense. Thank you for your passion and thanks for hosting this site.
  9. Like
    anonim reacted to webrunner5 in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    Well as an old turd that has done a lot more stuff than I have deserved, or ought to have,  and when I look back at it 75% of it was a total F ing waste of time family wise, stress wise, money wise, on and on.
    A persons life goes fast as hell, and you never know when you are going to die, or one of your family dies, like my first wife at a young age of cancer did. Hey it happens, but to go thorough all the stress, the shit you put up with in doing it, for really no real gain is pretty disheartening when you look back on it I can tell you that.
    You might as well live on a sailboat out on a river or the ocean, in a cabin in the woods and just sit back and enjoy life with not a lot of commitments. All those accomplishments don't amount to shit when you get divorced,  have a heart attack, or wake up one day and your kids are all grown, and it's like man did I waste half my life for What!
    I know some of you people make a living doing this stuff, and a hell of a lot as just a hobby. I can see a trend here now in the Video industry that there is NEVER going to be an end to a better toy next year. It is like Smartphones now, You have to have the latest and greatest, and man in the video industry that amounts to a Hell of a lot of money. Tons of money. Is it really worth it. It all goes back to my first sentence. Is it worth all the bullshit? I bet it's not. I am not going to buy anything! I will use what I got, good or bad. A new camera won't make me that much better.
  10. Like
    anonim reacted to Andrew Reid in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    Sorry to hear that, makes you realise what's really important!
    Very true and it's so relentless, there's a new temptation around the corner every few weeks. Easy to get hooked. These companies are spending millions on getting us hooked. Just like us, they're never satisfied either.
    It's like in home audio... Eventually you will end up with an end-game, which is perhaps 5 or 10% better than what you had mid-way through the spending spree.
    I am going to review the E-M10 III next. $500 camera. I'm going to use that instead of the Pocket 4K, forget raw. I'm going to go out, have fun with strange Russian lenses, and appreciate how short life is and how the time is better spent with family than with disposable consumer goods.
  11. Like
    anonim reacted to mercer in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    Haha, yeah where else could I change my mind every other day about which camera I should get next. Btw, right now I’m thinking D3400, a6000, M50, or G85... lol. 
  12. Like
    anonim got a reaction from Vladimir in Fuji X-H1. IBIS, Phase Detect 4K beast?   
    I think there are so many nicely made movement- and tonal- transitions between shots, presented in a whole as wonderfully consequent  atmospheric string... Thanks, it seems to me that, besides aesthetic quality, in a such way you made  this camera extremely  desirable! 
  13. Like
    anonim reacted to Vladimir in Fuji X-H1. IBIS, Phase Detect 4K beast?   
    and here is a complete work (some art event deep inside russian territory):
  14. Like
    anonim reacted to Mark Romero 2 in Sony a7SIII - Full Frame 4K 60fps 10bit with Flip Out Screen   
    It's not a bug... it's a high-tech hand warmer...
  15. Like
    anonim reacted to deezid in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    I agree. Grading went wrong - in many directions.
    Somebody tried denoising the ISO3200 footage?
    Works extremely well and looks way better than anything I could even achieve on my GH5 using ISO1600 actually...

    Download here:
    (used Neatvideo (70% opacity) and grading in Davinci Resolve)

    BTW: walking-night footage is available now!
  16. Like
    anonim got a reaction from emielregis in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    Is it just me that can't download "Models Walking at Night" clip?
    I'm interested because of exclusive usage of Olympus 12-100 in it... but that clip always answer "The URL is invalid or expired..."
  17. Like
    anonim got a reaction from deezid in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    Is it just me that can't download "Models Walking at Night" clip?
    I'm interested because of exclusive usage of Olympus 12-100 in it... but that clip always answer "The URL is invalid or expired..."
  18. Like
    anonim reacted to Sage in GH5 to Alexa Conversion   
    In his case, I believe he is using a Film Lut intended for LogC. Arri tends to be more rigorously supported by third parties (accurate film conversion). This would be a very different starting point from Arri's R709 Lut. Main/Soft are a nice place to start grading from (without further *technical transforms etc.)
  19. Like
    anonim reacted to Sage in GH5 to Alexa Conversion   
    The format that the Arri Alexa actually shoots to is LogC. The LogC conversion conforms VLog to the exact output of the Arri (when the footage is WBed correctly under a supported light source)
    From there, the LogC data format needs to be conformed to the display to allow the correct handling of RGB. The standard approach for Rec709 is to apply the Arri R709 Lut to the footage (which has the correct RGB primaries). Other Luts and workflows intended for LogC may also be used following the LogC conversion (the Alexa is often well supported by 3rd parties).
    My experience has been that Arri's default 709 color space is a very uninspiring starting point for me. The underlying color science is great, but the luma and saturation placement is just not very cinematic.
    Enter Main/Soft; these include the LogC conversion, combined with a luma and saturation placement that I much prefer (and conforms to the 'Sicario luma ceiling'). They include the Arri R709 primaries for correct RGB on a Rec709 display. The base look is informed by film (celluloid) luma and saturation. I may release this as a separate component for Arri users eventually (the 'Emotive Color' component)
    The following is from an Alexa Mini (Master Prime 35mm):

    Arri 709

    EC Main

    (Click to see in the correct dark context, the page is very bright)
  20. Like
    anonim got a reaction from Bioskop.Inc in Lenses   
    Visually, in general I like them more than Contax  - they are full metal and always smaller, so very pretty and... sexy as full set, resembling me to SLR Magic line 
    Construction wise - as I bring some of them to refreshing treatment to master - they are on the same level as Contax, but my impression that they are little bit or two-three more prone to time-passing effect... so try always to find nice condition examples, lubrication etc. wise. Also, zooming operation is stiffer - at least with examples I had. 
    Coating of Contax is always little bit better - so Rolleis are more prone to flaring... but there is, of course, some magic.
    "Sharpness" and all connecting with image wise, there's no difference between Contax and Rollei, besides, probably, as usual sample variation.
    BUT... pay attention that signature should always be Rollei Zeiss line... Although Japanese version of just Rollei engraved could be also equally nice, German origin is more proven to quality.
    I especially liked 35mm 2.8 Rollei Zeiss.
    Sometimes they are on the market even more pricey  than Contax... for example 85mm 1.4 is very very rare, as even more 35mm 1.4
    f2.8 line  is wonderful as set for gimbal - little and powerful 25mm (strange painting instrument!), 35mm (astonishing smooth rendering from 2.8), 50mm (also sharp from 2.8), 85mm (same as Contax secret 85mm 2.8 favorite). 
    Once upon a time there was an Ikarex 50mm 1.4 concave version - it could be easy the most astonishing rendering lens that I was lucky to try with proper adapter.... extremely rare, but my country is inside old East German optic circle, so these lenses today mostly come from Eastern Europe.
    Just be careful not to messed them with Rolleinar lenses - these are not at the same league... so just Rolleiflex line...
  21. Like
    anonim got a reaction from mercer in Lenses   
    If this information may be useful for someone: I had 5-lenses set of Rollei Zeiss as also Contax-Zeiss - Rollei version could be very easy "Leitaxed" with cheap chinesse 3-screw replacing mount... such are provided just for Rollei, not for Contax version of mount.
  22. Like
    anonim got a reaction from Wild Ranger in GH5 to Alexa Conversion   
    Actually, for me camera- and post- color manipulation goes totally to the second plan... it seems to me that you dispose with truly high level of object composing, subject positioning and colors-harmonization intuitiveness. Many used angles and tonal compositions are so nicely chosen  to provide brilliant accompaniment for according psychological aim... So, if it in general has a sense and if it is necessary at all, I encourage you to invest deeper in drama-shooting treatment, having great talent, feeling and eye, capable to - at favorable circumstances - result in something like, say, Enter the Void  
    (Lets say I have some aesthetic background to dare to notice something like this :)
  23. Like
    anonim got a reaction from Wild Ranger in GH5 to Alexa Conversion   
    Wow... I'd call it "educational framing".  Bravo! 
  24. Like
    anonim got a reaction from Sage in GH5 to Alexa Conversion   
    Wow... I'd call it "educational framing".  Bravo! 
  25. Like
    anonim got a reaction from Sage in GH5 to Alexa Conversion   
    "Lol, not quite..." Why lol  I really don't understand why Panasonic didn't already hire you... such capable "hacker" will make their life easier and comfortly prolong life of GH5 to the indeed legendary period of time in regarding field of usage - they already did it with Nick Driftwood...
    The Lane looks to me really "amazing"... In Tilian-Cocky author really didn't spare sack with a precious grain
    No, I found it two month ago, but decide to post now because for some time I didn't see contribution to this one, my most favorite thread - simply I like very much talented independent people... Also, I feel a need to approve myself as proud carrier of the fresh-acquired title Fanboy!
    But, I'm sure you have something to note about similarity with ML and 5D III - but you still hesitate
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