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  1. Haha
    sanveer reacted to BTM_Pix in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    They should definitely have called it The Pocketti !
    It sounds like some sort masterpiece of industrial design sculpted by Pininfarina for the gentleman filmmaker of the late 60s.

  2. Like
    sanveer got a reaction from Raleigh in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    Don't jump off your chairs, but here is the link to the Live Event (along with a countdown to the event):
  3. Haha
    sanveer reacted to Anaconda_ in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    Not jumping off my chair. In fact, settling down into it.
  4. Like
    sanveer reacted to AaronChicago in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    Why not have options under sharpening (OFF, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
  5. Like
    sanveer reacted to JordanWright in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    The ability to take pictures also is killer for location scouting etc 
  6. Like
    sanveer reacted to AaronChicago in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    I've been begging Panasonic to add a firmware addition to turn off internal sharpening. Seems like it would be so easy.
  7. Like
    sanveer got a reaction from graphicnatured in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    Peace everyone. Let's discuss the exciting BMPCC 4k.
  8. Haha
    sanveer reacted to Kisaha in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    ...and drink some more!
  9. Haha
    sanveer reacted to anonim in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    To discuss, or to entertain We really still don't know anything, isn't it?
  10. Like
    sanveer got a reaction from Rinad Amir in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    Peace everyone. Let's discuss the exciting BMPCC 4k.
  11. Like
    sanveer got a reaction from JordanWright in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    Peace everyone. Let's discuss the exciting BMPCC 4k.
  12. Thanks
    sanveer reacted to Geoff CB in NAB 2018   
    They would have put 4.6K in the name if it was.
  13. Haha
    sanveer reacted to IronFilm in NAB 2018   
    I can't imagine the BMPC4K being crammed into anything which could be described as "pocket"?! It would surprise me. 

    But yes, I also hope not!
  14. Like
    sanveer got a reaction from Emanuel in NAB 2018   
    I hope it has the 4.6k sensor instead of the 4k sensor. The difference between the two is just too much.
    P.S. that sensor size may most likely be different, so this comment may not be valid. 
  15. Like
    sanveer reacted to DBounce in NAB 2018   
    Leaving tomorrow for NAB. Will be sure to check out the Sony booth... Panasonic is also showing something new!
  16. Thanks
    sanveer reacted to BTM_Pix in Panasonic Profile Stepper App   
    So, as you may recall, I have an interest in tweaking the combinations of the basic profiles in the camera along with the contrast/sharpness/saturation/NR parameters.
    The purpose of that is basically a mining operation to see if there are some combinations that perhaps may not be intuitive but whose interaction may yield pleasing results.
    Outside of the usual "select cinelike d, reduce everything to -5" etc stuff that we all do, who really knows if Natural with +4 contrast/-5 sharpness/+3 saturation/+2 noise reduction might actually be the golden ticket?
    I did a hardware controller last year based on a midi control surface that let you tweak the parameters in real time which, whilst offering a way of 'discovery through play', wasn't exactly ideal from a structured testing point of view. 
    It also wasn't particularly practical (or cheap) for you to go out and replicate yourselves if you fancied a go !
    Anyway, in pursuit of something a bit more structured, I created a very simple automated testing app which I thought I might as well hand out in case anyone else is interested in this sort of thing.
    Its Android only so you elitists with that other phone type are out of luck for now
    As its also a bit of a utilitarian thing that was only really designed for my own meddling, its not exactly pretty either but it works. Mainly.
    OK, so here is how it looks, how to use it and what it does.
    First things first, obviously, is to enable the Wifi on your Panasonic camera as per if you were using their app and then go into your phone/tablet and connect to it.
    In the ProfileStepper app, you then press the "Connect" button and it will take control of the camera. It might complain the first time about approving the connection but if it does just repeat and it will be fine.
    Once connected, you press the individual parameter buttons and select the range that you are interested in so in this example we have set it to be using the base Natural profile and how it looks with all permutations of Contrast from -5 to +3, Sharpness from -2 to 0, Saturation from -5 to +5 and NR from -5 to +1.
    Next up is to set if you want to use Stills or Video, which we toggle between by pressing the Stills button and then to create a delay (of between 1 and 10 seconds) between shots you press the button (currently set to 2 seconds) and select it.
    When you are happy with the settings range, press the Start button and the app will begin compiling the list of commands it needs to send to the camera. As this is a variable amount of time (in our example there are 2079 commands ) you may see a progress pop-up before it proceeds to the playout screen. Be patient.
    The progress screen will then appear and display the value of each parameter in the set it is sending to the camera and the current progress (in this case we are on set 4 of 2079).

    After it sends each set to the camera, if you have the mode set to Stills it will then fire the shutter on the camera. Obviously, make sure you have a decent memory card capacity if you are testing a lot of permutations!
    If you are set to Video mode, a recording will begin on the camera as soon as you pressed the Start button and the changes will all be recorded into this one recording. This is where the Delay function becomes useful as it determines how long each setting is held on the video as it progresses. As with the Stills mode, be careful regarding capacity as if you have 1000 permutations with a Delay time of 5 seconds then, well....
    In either mode, pressing the Stop button will abort and return you to the main screen and if you are in video mode it will stop the recording.
    The purpose of the progress screen is not just to provide you with a countdown to whats going on but also meant to act as a slate so that you can put your phone/tablet in your test scene and the settings will then be embedded in the images/video when you review them. This is an example frame from a GX80 to illustrate. 
    There is a 3 second delay built in to the beginning of the command playout process to allow you to do this but obviously as the camera is being controlled over Wifi you can place the phone/tablet in the scene and press Start from there anyway. This just gives you a chance to get your hand out of the way !

    So there you go.
    Its a bit of a niche app to say the least but might be useful for some.
    Bear in mind, its not really meant to be about analysing every single permutation in one go (though it can do that if you want) its more about helping you to look at how more targeted ranges of settings interact with each other (such as Saturation and Contrast in a specific Profile for example). And what exactly is the Noise Reduction bringing to the party in terms of colour shifts and sharpening etc.
    Download link is here
    You'll need to set your device to install apps from non-Play store sources etc.
    Its completely free, no ads or any bollocks like that.
    As I say, its my own test tool and wasn't designed for general release but thought it might be useful to share.
    If nothing else, its a quick way to get the Cinelike D hack on to your camera!
    Because its just a quick and dirty test tool, there is no particularly elegant error handling going on (other than telling you that you haven't connected the camera) so if it throws one up just quit and restart it. 
    If you set the To range to be lower than the From range (i.e. the From is -3 and the To is -4) then it won't execute the commands so don't do that. 
    NB - The eagle eyed amongst you may have spotted the Bracket function at the bottom of the screen. This does exactly what you might expect but its unrelated to the main function but I needed it to test something so you get it as a bonus! You set the shutter speed and then the 1/3rd steps above and below and press Bracket and it takes the required frames with suitably altered shutter speeds. Its a bit flaky on some Panasonic cameras because they don't all allow the 1/3rd shutter changes so your mileage may vary and, as I say, you can largely ignore it.
  17. Like
    sanveer reacted to DBounce in How Many Stops of Dynamic Range Needed for Cinematic Look?   
    I'm going to go out on a limb  and suggest  the reason  footage from professional level cameras looks more cinematic than most footage from amateur cameras is more to do with the professionals behind the "professional" cameras.
    There's a reason lights comes before camera. Capturing what the eye sees  is not what cinematography is about. It's about creating art.
  18. Like
    sanveer reacted to lucabutera in NX1 RAW VIDEO???   
    To recap:
    - A guy says that from 7 months he shoots NX1 Raw video with his Hack.
    - the guy in question in these 7 months has never published a video shot in Raw on Youtube or Vimeo...
    - at some point he declares that he will give proof of his statements, but not before the day "April 1" because he is German and has too many commitments with study, but he loses more time to answer many messages in English better than mine, rather that upload dng file he has on his computer for 7 months.
    - after 2 improvable jpg images published, I ask to block the charlatan but I am called a cyberbully.
    - the guy responds to my provocation and declares that he will publish the evidence to show that I'm wrong.
    - no proof is published.
    - I raise the stakes and I promise a NXL as a gift in exchange for irrefutable proof.
    - the guy reappears and promises again that he will publish the tests after 24 hours.-
    - for the second time no proof is published.
    - in the private mail of the owner of the site arrives an email that promises again that will send evidence but that for 3 days without explaining why he can not respond to messages (no smartphone in the pocket of an experienced programmer?).
    - the owner declares to block the guy from the playful and disrespectful behavior of the common sense and the rules of the forum.
    - during all this time, a man with a cat on his back, one with a horse face, a man with a name like tax code and some other poor naive attacked me and defended the guy from the many promises but from the no proof and no tests and pray desperately the owner of the site to wait to receive a file full of shit for 1 April breakfast!
  19. Haha
    sanveer got a reaction from Deadcode in NX1 RAW VIDEO???   
    By 1st April 2022, I will release a hack whereby you will be able to shoot 5k RAW on you Mavic Air. 
    I am sharing this pic. I don't know what's it's got to do with the 5k hack, but honestly, who cares.

  20. Haha
    sanveer reacted to lucabutera in NX1 RAW VIDEO???   
    This is me waiting for the raw video file...

  21. Like
    sanveer got a reaction from IronFilm in NX1 RAW VIDEO???   
    Thank you. I think both the pics are JPEG quality (4k in 4-2-8 8-bit, and curiously their exposure seems Pretty Off, visible from how quickly the photo disintegrated when he tried to sell it as a DNG file). That's why his effort at trying to fool us fell flat on his face. The position of the cars and trucks at the traffic signal give it away. Also they are less then 5 seconds apart, as can be noticed from the position of various vehicles and ships/boats in the pic. 
    People claiming he is some 12 year old, mentally unsound, undicovered geek, oppressed kid blah blah blah are the ones feeding all the tomfoolery. These members should be given a 1 week ban.
    He didn't ask money yet, most likely because, Fortunately a Lot of Members started shouting wolf ! Thank you all the people who remember Sadaawi. 
    I am guessing, that otherwise he was planning to make a few quick bucks off a campaign for a RAW hack and some NX1 sales (the Sale for the 31st could have been a Pilot Project with a pushing back of dates, to accomodate a few more sales, sharing more random JPEGs as DNGs).
    I wish there was someone from Interpol on EOSHD. He would help bring in a lot of (in)famous people from across various countries. 
    There are many ways of improving most pics in post. Also the difference in this case seems minor, at best. 
  22. Thanks
    sanveer got a reaction from lucabutera in NX1 RAW VIDEO???   
    Thank you. I think both the pics are JPEG quality (4k in 4-2-8 8-bit, and curiously their exposure seems Pretty Off, visible from how quickly the photo disintegrated when he tried to sell it as a DNG file). That's why his effort at trying to fool us fell flat on his face. The position of the cars and trucks at the traffic signal give it away. Also they are less then 5 seconds apart, as can be noticed from the position of various vehicles and ships/boats in the pic. 
    People claiming he is some 12 year old, mentally unsound, undicovered geek, oppressed kid blah blah blah are the ones feeding all the tomfoolery. These members should be given a 1 week ban.
    He didn't ask money yet, most likely because, Fortunately a Lot of Members started shouting wolf ! Thank you all the people who remember Sadaawi. 
    I am guessing, that otherwise he was planning to make a few quick bucks off a campaign for a RAW hack and some NX1 sales (the Sale for the 31st could have been a Pilot Project with a pushing back of dates, to accomodate a few more sales, sharing more random JPEGs as DNGs).
    I wish there was someone from Interpol on EOSHD. He would help bring in a lot of (in)famous people from across various countries. 
    There are many ways of improving most pics in post. Also the difference in this case seems minor, at best. 
  23. Like
    sanveer got a reaction from lucabutera in NX1 RAW VIDEO???   
    There are way too many strange things. This photo just happens to be one of them. The ships could be in this particular formation during certain times of the day, but the construction crane(s), vehicles at traffic signals etc etc are just a complete giveaway.
    For someone who is apparently, ahem, struggling with his English, and his early years, his command over language is way more impressive than almost all native english speaking members here. I noticed this in so many posts of his. It couldn't possibly be google translate. I doubt it is that eloquent.

    I guess this keeps getting more exciting. Almost out of an Agatha Christie Novel. 
  24. Like
    sanveer reacted to Andrew Reid in NX1 RAW VIDEO???   
    Thanks for that detective work @BTM_Pix
    The situation so far would suggest raw video on the NX1 doesn't exist... at least not yet.
    Whoever is trying has my support! @Arikhan is welcome to continue posting his progress, but only if real.
    I will soon be locking the thread.
  25. Like
    sanveer got a reaction from iamoui in NX1 RAW VIDEO???   
    Has anyone actually met @Arikhan in person, or have you only chatted with him in private message chats?
    Why does he remind me of that honest multi-generation genius named Ebrahim Saadawi, who graced this community with his frequest posts, not so long ago. 
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