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Everything posted by sanveer

  1. You cannot Unsee his Insanely White Teeth, once you notice them. So Basically this camera is an Unreliable FX30 with massive overheating issued in Real Shooting Conditions (not under controlled environments). With No IBIS and a few other strange issues.
  2. There was this debate that smartphones will get better than ILCs, by 2020-22 or so. Suddenly smartphone sensor and Computational Photography/ AI development slowed down almost plateauing completely. In some ways the trade embargo on Huawei and Samsung and Sony mysteriously abandoning Triple Gain Sensors that they had presented papers on. Also, there were some talks on improving optics on smartphones much beyond the plastic lens optics currently used by the majority of the market. Somehow all of it was abandoned, and smartphones never became equal to or much closer to ILCs. White for dynamic range, colour accuracy, low light and a few other parameters they can be great, in real pixel to pixel detail, and exposure latitude, they aren't comparable. Until they improve Computational Photography/AI with the intention of replicating details on pixel levels comparable with ILCs, this seems to be something a bit in the future. While Topaz Labs and many others do it, including increasing resolution and even increasing bit depth, I wonder if it's actually as good as something shot on higher resolution (above the 12MP on smartphones) ILCs (24MP and above) with good quality glass. Smartphone photos, for now, only look good on small smartphone screens. On larger displays/ monitors they look strange (semi water colour pixalated).
  3. I didn't mention anything or anyone here. I was merely reminiscing about a very eminent grandfather-grandson filmmaker duo, who are also famous polymaths and who haven't apparently gotten their due. Has it become a crime to remember great filmmakers?
  4. Why does it appear that the great Ebrahim Saadawi is among us ... 🤣🤣🤣
  5. Seems pretty stellar. Dynamic Range should be tested and also whether it has heating issues in warmer environments. Also all other 24MP sensor makers need to improve their sensor tech. This had some superb rolling shutter.
  6. I know what you mean. At one point of time, a lotta TV series (especially low budget food, and travel and living kinda), were shot on the 5D. And the majority of the time they were not in focus. It just looked unnecessarily soft and terribly blurry. P.S.: Hope someone creates a speedbooster for the RF mount. Those could make it look wild on M43 cameras
  7. If Panasonic paid him $1 Million, he would. Also, I may be wrong, but its difficult to really judge the image unless one sees it on a much bigger screen, that had great HDR. On a smartphone screen it's pretty useless. On smaller monitors too, it's pretty difficult to judge.
  8. Panasonic basically leap flogged all the Netflix Certified Cameras 😎 They NEED to sell these in the Truckloads to Influencers, Film School Students and Low Budget Filmmakers. Hope their Marketing gets it right this time. Hopefully they don't shoot a video on the Alexa35 and pass it off as the GH7 😉 Great time for M43
  9. There's a certain charm and thrill to a super low budget short film, that absolutely no large budget feature can match.
  10. They can just make an external recorder for the GH7, which simultaneously records multiple flavours of RAW, with a built-in battery. Having such a contraption below the camera is great since other things can be out above. Though a rig within the new YAGH avatar would be great. They don't need a sound recorder because the Panasonic DMV-XLR1 does a great job, expect that's it's been replaced by better mics and preamps for 32-bit recording or stays the same, while the 32-but magic happens internally within the GH7?
  11. The Single Most important thing, "has Gerald been invited or Not?" On a more serious note, I feel Panasonic can squeeze out another 1/2 of dynamic range (from the G9ii) by tweaking the VLog, improving heat management and improving the Sensor coating further. That's 11.8 (G9ii) + 0.5 stops. That Full Frame territory. A few flavours of ProRes, BRAW and RAW wouldn't be too bad. They could shrink that horrible YAGH attachment that they made for the GH4, to about 1/3rd it's size, and have external multiple flavour RAW in the recorder.
  12. sanveer

    Lumix S9

    That's probably very common in all camera and smartphone promos. It may have to do with the AD Agencies and Panasonic's advertising division just be stupid, disorganized and lazy, instead of anything else. Contrary to us assuming that the Great Gerald has dented Panasonic's image and given them a bad name, cause they didn't send a Rolls-Royce and a private jet to receive him, people seem to calling him out and others like him, who've suddenly become self appointed demi-Gods. On youtube, influencers are shameless deleting comments, but on regular forums and sites where it's discussed, the discussions actually highlight the problem quite succinctly. https://petapixel.com/2024/05/28/panasonic-reacts-to-controversy-concerning-its-lumix-s9-event/ These two guys have highlighted all issues with Panasonic. Which is a pretty long list, according to them. But there is a certain dignity and maturity to their review and criticism. Something obviously lacking in some others. https://petapixel.com/2024/05/22/panasonic-s9-initial-review-small-pretty-and-confusing/
  13. "Dialing in the color science and optimizing the dynamic range on the sensor is still very much a process we are dialing in. There are two modes for the sensor, one is 12-bit and the other is a 16-bit ClearHDR as Sony calls it, which is Dual Gain Output ( like Arri sensors / fairchild sensors used in Blackmagic ) it's this mode that has quite a bit of configurability and some further tuning. Most of the footage shown in this video is from the standard 12-bit mode." Wow. Sounds quite promising. Would love to see some footage from the 16-bit video. I am guessing it may have impressive exposure latitude. The video in this clip has crushed blacks and blown out highlights. So adding a stop or 2 more may be a welcome change.
  14. This is hilarious. Some Moral High Ground Fable was Woven by some guy named Gerald, whose sulking cause he didn't get invited to a launch party, and people have started bashing the whole world. This is ludicrous. If he doesn't get invited to the Academy Awards next year, he'll probably have an absolute meltdown.
  15. sanveer

    Lumix S9

    Whoa. This is pretty terrible 😕 Thanks for sharing this.
  16. sanveer

    Lumix S9

    I believe it doesn't have overheating or recording time issues in 4k mode (except in high speed modes?)
  17. In wonder if the Snapdragon X processor laptops will be good for productivity. Sone laptops makers including Microsoft seem to compare them with the M3 chip laptops. If they are truly that good, good riddance to enormously heavy laptops with terrible battery, and plug-in dependant performance.
  18. Panasonic should have put something like the 61MP Sony sensor inside, with a slightly wider lens to create the street photography monster that can compete with Fujifilm.
  19. Apparently the 50GPU is going to being far more drastic improvements. Maybe you could make do with a 30GPU and then directly move to the 50GPU when it releases later this'll year.
  20. Apparently this is very popular among people who are into paranormal activities and looking to recording on-field audio
  21. sanveer

    Fuji X-H2S

    I was thinking of using the Fuji X-H2S for a small project but I saw some video regarding IR pollution. Has anyone else encountered it?
  22. It actually seems on the mid or lower scale for a video shooting APS-C sensor. It's a little disappointing especially considering it's immense popularity. Though its prick point is pretty low, which is due to It's missing hardware features like EVF. Probably doesn't have any water or dust resistance (?). The Panasonic G9ii has about half a stop better dynamic range and way more features including some amazing anamorphic modes, good weather sealing, HHHR etc. It's more expensive but it has a lot more features. There may be a small series of glitches with the dynamic range test chart. It cannot make out the difference between overbaked images and actual dynamic range very clearly. All smartphone images are way too processed. And the excessive noise reduction and over-sharpening seems to make the image very limited for post work. Apple has clearly figured out to fake results on the test chart. Much like some smartphone companies having higher results on the SoC testing apps. The difference between total visible stop at SNR 1 and usable ones at SNR 2 seem to suggest good headroom, especially when codec is high bitrate and with good bit depth (atleast 10-bit 4-2-2?). Then SNR 1 and SNR 2 are similar it's difficult tonsee whether the image is way too baked in to recover any more than the visible image shows.
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