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Eric Calabros

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  1. Like
    Eric Calabros reacted to mercer in The wraps are off! Panasonic EVA1 compact cinema camera announced with Super 35 5.7K sensor and Dual Native ISO   
    If they were to do that I think it would be in a DSLR/Hybrid format. This won't eat into their Pro Camcorder sales, but a $4000 version would. 
    I predict that JVC will add internal Raw to the LS300 and it will look and work amazingly, and no one will care. 
  2. Like
    Eric Calabros reacted to Ehetyz in The Canon C200 is here and its a bomb!   
    The DSLR filmmaker community is funny. It's like "Gimme 8bit proxy, 10bit, RAW, Canon colour science, Log, 4K, IBIS, DPAF and HFR in one package, in A7S form factor, max 2500 bux. I need a silver bullet that covers all cinematography and videography scenarios but make it cheap because I'm not a pro and want to shoot flowers/cat in my garden with it. Also has to shoot on SD cards because Cfast is too expensive". 
    There's no silver bullet for everything in cinematography. Every camera body and ecosystem has its compromises. You can hold out for the perfect dreamworld unicorn camera, or you can pick up one that fits your shooting style and then actually shoot something.
    Also, the C200 looks awesome and exciting - and daaaymn, official 4K RAW on an affordable Canon frame, without the unreliability of hacking stuff. Had I not sprung for an UM4,6K recently I'd be throwing my money at the Canon.
  3. Like
    Eric Calabros reacted to Liam in Does this piss anyone else off?   
    thought 1: those people just don't understand budgetting at all. it was minimal enough of a setup, that when factoring in the volunteers, they could have made a feature film on half of that. this part isn't evil probably, just weirdly ignorant
    thought 2: it must not actually have been a passion project. which it seems like you agree with? again, not evil, other than it being a lie. "I even chipped in a couple thousand dollars of my own money," was not spoken.
    their careers can survive my poo poo
    but yeah, let's all use our resources. 
  4. Like
    Eric Calabros reacted to Bioskop.Inc in Does this piss anyone else off?   
    Yes, but if people are stupid enough to donate their money to rich people then that's their problem - they're idiots, but its their money. What also annoys me is when a film crowd sources & instead of saying they'll get a return on their investment, they get offered free tickets to the premiere or a walk on part - that's worse.
    However, the real thing that gets my goat is when you hear all these stars saying that there aren't enough female directors. Yes it is true for film & it is a problem, but the solution isn't to give money to movie stars who haven't spent years learning their craft (no, acting in a film is not the same thing) & the end result is an average film - just compare the films of Andrea Arnold, Lynne Ramsey or Kelly Reichardt to say Angelina Jolie or Elizabeth banks. I know which ones i'll be watching!
    Now the flip side, is that there are a lot of female directors working in TV dramas (not shit ones, but really good shows), so why don't they get a chance at films? The most recent example is Reed Morano, who directed the first few episodes of The Handmaid's Tale & consequently set the visual & narrative tone for the whole series - it's well worth a watch.
    But, you just got to suck it up & realise that this industry isn't about what's fair....it's about who you know & how much money can be made.
  5. Like
    Eric Calabros reacted to Axel in Does this piss anyone else off?   
    Worked for a german short film one day, directed by the then-unexperienced daughter of a famous TV producer. A friend of mine was the production designer/set dresser/prop maker (the first being her profession), and I helped her. Everbody got paid after profits, which means nobody. Regular medium sized crew, credits ran long, including a long list of sponsors (???). The regular TV cameraman had a RED, he also worked three 12-14 hour days without payment. Well-known TV and stage actors (in part "borrowed" from the father's TV shows). Everything looked promising, but at the premiere (free buffet with champagne for the crew) I found the result rather mediocre. Couldn't tell a moral from this.
    My friend also worked for Cronenbergs A Dangerous Method, and out of curiosity I volunteered to help demount the studio sets. I liked this film very much, but the actual sets were really amazing, I expected the visuals to turn out much more spectacular than they eventually were. To be more precise, I expected a much higher production value. Again, I don't know what to think of that. Both experiences were inspiring.
  6. Like
    Eric Calabros reacted to Liam in Does this piss anyone else off?   
    Fincher doesn't come to set anymore. From what I heard, literally Spacey didn't want to direct, and she said "hey, I'll do it" *cough, two paychecks*. They said sure, because there are so many people it can't really go wrong.
  7. Like
    Eric Calabros reacted to Liam in Does this piss anyone else off?   
    Haha, I learned that the hard way
  8. Like
    Eric Calabros reacted to Liam in Does this piss anyone else off?   
    Some House of Cards crew, and star Robin Wright, made a six minute short film, set in one location, shot in two days. I guess the crew volunteered their time and resources. And they still ended up crowdfunding $50,000 to make it happen. So just a bunch of millionaires not willing to put a cent of their own into a film they call a "passion project". From the stills I've seen, I have no idea where $50,000 would have gone. And it sounded like they got accepted to CANNES before they were even finished. For Wright's directorial debut. Just because it looked pretty and had a big name. (My source was an interview on Colbert, if you want to look it up, sorry for not posting it here)
    How is that okay? And how far back in time to you have to go to see Sundance and Cannes as the home of brilliant films that don't fit Hollywood's bill? (Sundance appeared to be a mess this year too. Apparently Nick Offerman and Kristen Stewart are the great talents of our generation)
    Let me know if I'm just being a dick, but wow
  9. Like
    Eric Calabros reacted to Mattias Burling in Don't count Apple (FCPX) out yet .........   
    Switching from Premiere CC/Resolve to FCPX is the best decision I ever made. Over the last year I must have saved at least six months in editing and render times
    (Btw, today I downloaded a 30 day trial of Capture One Pro 10. Took me about 20 minutes to realize that it's time to dump Lightroom as well. So, "Buy buy Adobe. Loved you from CS5 to CC but you have lost the mojo.")
  10. Like
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from kidzrevil in Sony A9 - announcement live stream   
    Thats the IBIS price you gonna pay. Without a fixed heatsink these sensors should overheat.  
  11. Like
    Eric Calabros reacted to gethin in nikon d7500 released   
    A minor segway for people who wonder why the hell anyone would shoot on nikon still: I was editing stuff from my last shoot yesterday. Interior shot exposed for the exterior sky (so there was just a tiny bit of data in the blue channel).  Flat profile on nikon d5500, as flat as possible on the gx85.  Blue skies recoverable from both shots, interior on the gx85 absolutely unrecoverable, no problems on the d5500 (and if only they had a decent codec it could be pushed much further).  I dont know how the gh5 and log will compare, but the *usable* dynamic range on the nikons is still better than I've seen in this segment.  
    I love my nikon gear, I also want them to be around in 10 years time :/
  12. Like
    Eric Calabros reacted to Andrew Reid in Canon 5D Mark IV Officially Adds C-log for $99   
    I will archive your face if you don't shut up
  13. Like
    Eric Calabros reacted to John Matthews in Sony A9 - announcement live stream   
    Interesting specs, but this is the camera for the rich at 5300 Euros. The A9 II will come out in just 9 months, tumbling the price of this one. I'll just stick with my GX80... good enough for stills and video and un-matched value! Period.
  14. Like
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from Marco Tecno in Sony A9 - announcement live stream   
    They could make this beast a perfect camera with internal 10bit recording! Why Sony? WHY? 
  15. Like
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from Inazuma in nikon d7500 released   
    Bitrate is 144mb/s. 
    D-light and stabilization is only available in HD. 
    Limitations of electronic stabilization is understandable, but I don't know why they couldn't make D-light ready for 4k. Implemented correctly, it has potential to become a must have feature in video shooting. Maybe lifting shadows of every 4k frame is tough job for its still-optimized CPU. 
  16. Like
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from Nikkor in nikon d7500 released   
    Bitrate is 144mb/s. 
    D-light and stabilization is only available in HD. 
    Limitations of electronic stabilization is understandable, but I don't know why they couldn't make D-light ready for 4k. Implemented correctly, it has potential to become a must have feature in video shooting. Maybe lifting shadows of every 4k frame is tough job for its still-optimized CPU. 
  17. Like
    Eric Calabros reacted to Nikkor in Magic Lantern progress continues as 14bit 60FPS resolution increases   
    They gain Customers because the 5D has no 1080 60fps mode?
  18. Like
    Eric Calabros reacted to mercer in I'm shooting YouTube content with my 1DC and CONTAX lenses   
    Idk, what I believe or don't believe is personal to me. But to come onto someone's post and tell them to ditch their beliefs, on their video is... kinda shitty. Just sayin'...
  19. Like
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from andrgl in At a quarter of a million dollars, is this the lens pros have been waiting for?   
    It was the most 10bit article of EOSHD to date, but some people still can't notice the difference.
  20. Like
    Eric Calabros reacted to Ehetyz in New 300MB/s Sony SD cards almost as fast as SSDs. Time for RAW video on Sony and Panasonic cameras?   
    I too am excited about getting my hands burned by a Sony camera that's melting from recording 5 minutes of RAW.
  21. Like
    Eric Calabros reacted to Liszon in New 300MB/s Sony SD cards almost as fast as SSDs. Time for RAW video on Sony and Panasonic cameras?   
    Ehh, what Sony forgets to mention in the headline grabbing campaign is that the card is still V30 meaning the minimum sequential write speed can easily drop to 30MB/s. Even the upcoming GH5 400Mbps firmware will need V60 at least and that's far from raw. At the moment only Delkin makes V90 cards, offering a 90MB/s minimum speed.
  22. Like
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from IronFilm in What the Berlinale film festival taught me about Cameras   
    Your eye is not trained enough. To my ears, all fighter jet engines sound same, but there are people who can hear the difference. Does it matter? I don't know. 
  23. Like
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from Ed_David in What the Berlinale film festival taught me about Cameras   
    Your eye is not trained enough. To my ears, all fighter jet engines sound same, but there are people who can hear the difference. Does it matter? I don't know. 
  24. Like
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from Adept in What the Berlinale film festival taught me about Cameras   
    Your eye is not trained enough. To my ears, all fighter jet engines sound same, but there are people who can hear the difference. Does it matter? I don't know. 
  25. Like
    Eric Calabros got a reaction from sanveer in Traumatic Experience with Panasonic QC and After Sales   
    Apparently customer support budget is mostly concentrated on few markets where they feel they have more chance to grab market share, like Europe.
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