Search Results: nikon (591)

[vimeo]12718346[/vimeo] The new 44MBIT AVCHD is amazing in low light. It holds onto so much more detail at ISO 1600. The GH1 needs careful handling and a great lens to perform at ISO 1600. You need to expose well, maybe a little over.

One of the biggest ownership dilemmas I ever had was between these two cameras. I loved the silky smooth shallow depth of field image from the 5D Mark II and the fun factor of the very usable Panasonic GH1. The low light performance of the 5D Mark II was completely…

[vimeo]10537333[/vimeo] Watch the shoot out on here This, the final part of Zacuto’s HDSLR versus 35mm film web series has a number of eye-openers. If you haven’t seen it already don’t read any further! I’m going to go into quite a bit of detail on what I think is…

EOSHD has in the last few days been talking to Human Target and Final Destination Director of Photography Rob McLachlan about the Panasonic GH1 and HDSLR shooting. Robert McLachlan ASC,CSC is a leading cinematographer based in Vancouver. Rob shot 1st unit on Final Destination, Dragonball Evolution and Fox’s network TV…

1. Economies of scale 40 million Canon SLR format cameras have been sold since 1987 and half of those after 2003. In 2010 digital photography is a huge market, much larger than niche Red found in the comparatively small indie filmmaking and professional production markets.

HDSLRs continue to be picked up by major film crews and network TV shows, which is a great vote of confidence in the technology. The latest is that a Canon 5D Mark II was used to film parts of network TV show American Idol, with a feature on Crystal Bowersox…

The mirrorless E mount NEX 7 will follow Sony’s next release above – HD video capable Alpha cameras. In February when rumours of the NEX series first trickled in, we also had information about a NEX 7 as well as the 5 and 3 series. The numbering appears to mirror…