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Posts posted by FHDcrew

  1. 2 hours ago, dreamplayhouse said:

    Thanks for all your comments. I decided I'm going to go with Z6 and might get a Ninja 2 or Star for 10bit video. I just prefer the handling and EVF of the Z6. Actually had the Z6 last year and returned for another camera... it's been a camera gear disease for a few years now.

    Let me know if you have any questions, saying as I have that exact same setup!

  2. 40 minutes ago, IronFilm said:

    Theoretically a person could have a custom V-log to S-log LUT in their S5mk2 camera and be able to smoothly shoot alongside Sony cameras as well? Hmmm

    Could (kinda... half way) "fix" one of the other big negatives about the Panasonic cameras: "it is not Sony". 

    As Sony is the dominant player in the pro market for anything low to mid budget (i.e. "not ARRI"). So very frequently you'll see a Sony Camera Op being requested, so that they smoothly integrate in with their existing workflow. 

    Could buy cinematch, convert to SLOG3 and export the result as a LUT from Resolve?

  3. 4 hours ago, mercer said:

    The C200B is on sale at B&H right now. I think it's $2400. 

    That is awesome. I mean who doesn’t want internal RAW, pro tools like waveform, SDI, internal ND?  In all seriousness though I’m pretty much sticking with my Nikon Z6 as the external 10 bit image is all I need and my money is better spent on lenses and lighting gear to give me more opportunities to advance my skill. But someday, maybe someday…

  4. 1 hour ago, fuzzynormal said:

    Maybe it's just me and my background as a doc guy, but you're being incredibly particular there as the two shots are pretty similar.  Your shadows are only slightly more defined from one to the next.

    If you're looking to be a wildly accomplished and precise gaffer and you are OCD by nature, I suppose you could be this discriminating, but even then?  Debatable.  In fact, it might be a liability on set, depending on the production you're doing. 

    Personally, if I had crew fretting about lighting issues and THIS was the thing they were worried about, I'd be, like, yeah, I'm not going to be able to work with anyone that precious ... I don't know ... ain't too many narratives I've ever done wherein I'd be upset about this technical result if t was the look I wanted.

    I'd be much more worried about the storytelling, the acting.  Heck, even the craft services table (seriously, gotta keep the crew happy) than this lighting difference.

    Thanks for the reality check that was honestly good to hear 😂 

  5. 1 hour ago, flip21 said:

    Hi Kisaha, remember me? Flip21 from Portugal? 🙂

    People are dumb, Kisaha. People follow a brand even if there are other brands  making better products, and cheaper too. It is crazy. It is like a religion.

    Only someone really stupid can not see, how the Nx1 image is superior, in everyway. If you zoom 400% you can see that the NX1 video is much more detailed, and crisp. But these cinematice freaks call it oversharpened image... hilarious!!! Cinematic people love soft, out of focus image. 

    I just love to see the NX1'4K video against the Fuji H2' 8k Video. I bet people would be surprised. Well, Fuji fanboys would be in a state of shock... Go Samsung! 🙂

    Why are we responding to a 5 1/2 yr old post out of the blue?

  6. 20 minutes ago, newfoundmass said:

    The X-T4 has IBIS, but it's not very good. If you decide to go that route I'd honestly probably just get the X-T3 since there wasn't much different between the two outside of that.

    I'm biased, but I'd go with the S5. I prefer the look of the video out of the three, and it takes very good photos too.

    Good to know the XT4 IBIS is trash so we can all save money, the XT3 goes for peanuts these days. Have considered switching to gain the internal 10 bit but using the Ninja Star works well enough for me and I’d rather keep full frame because occasionally I need the good high ISO performance. 

  7. I just noticed you mentioned AF is not important. In that case don’t consider the z6, go with the S5. Again, externally the Z6 can keep up with the S5 image but autofocus is the only advantage the Z6 has, as well as more affordable lens opportunities if one wants to maintain that autofocus. On the S5 you need first-party Panasonic lenses for the best performance. On the Z6 you also have affordable used F-mount glass via the FTZ adapter. You also have third party Z mount primes from Viltrox that are affordable and have reliable video AF. 

  8. I can chime in with the Z6 as one who has been using it for video since 2020. With an external recorder and shooting NLOG the quality is quite excellent. I believe it will hold up against the s5. S5 probably looks slightly more filmic and has more DR but honestly the z6 is plenty, still has excellent DR and good highlight rolloff. Grading in Davinci Resolve is great, but use the Davinci Resolve CST instead of the NLOG 3D LUT.  


    The setup is heavy, bulky, and not great ergonomically with the Z6 and Atomos Ninja V. But the Ninja V brings great assist tools, and the 4k 10 bit PRORES looks fantastic. Weigh your options carefully, as I don’t love the internal footage so to make the most you will need to rig up an external recorder each time you want 10 bit and LOG. Rigging up can be a major pain as it means extra steps whenever you want a really good image out of the camera.  It also means more batteries to worry about  


    If you can get your hands on a cheap Atomos Ninja Star, this provides a way to keep the setup smaller while maintaining 10 bit. You are limited to 1080p 24p or 30p, but the Z6 can output a downsampled 1080p signal using oversampling, so detail is quite good. I find the footage holds up well especially if you are delivering online, and I prefer the downsampled image any day of the week compared to the internal 8 bit 4k recording. 

    The only real benefits over the S5 are phase detection autofocus that is quite usuable in video mode, as well as mini HDMI instead of micro HDMI. The main benefits over the XT4 are again a slightly larger HDMI port and the various advantages full frame bring to the table, such as better lowlight. Dynamic range in NLOG is probably slightly more than the XT4 in FLOG. But I honestly think outside of high ISO performance the XT4 internal 10 bit 4k will hold its own against the Nikon Z6’s external 4k. And you can get fast lenses to get similar DOF on the XT4. 

    The Z6 is underrated for video, as used when paired with either the Ninja Star or Ninja V makes it the cheapest full frame 10 bit camera with phase detect AF. That being said you really need to decide if you are fine using external recorders for your video, or if you value a great image internally. I would seriously consider the XT4 due to that benefit. And if you can accept reduced autofocus performance or just shoot manual, get the S5 and call it a day. 

  9. I really enjoy my 47" parabolic softbox, but I've not used the honeycomb grid for most projects.  While I love that it reduces light spill greatly, it also creates undesirable hot spots that seem to ruin the ultra-soft quality of light.  Is this normal, and is there a way to prevent the hot spots while using the grid?  This is a shot of me on a Nikon Z6 shooting NLOG to the Ninja V, with a Tamron 45mm 1.8.

    Here is a shot with the grid:



    Here is a similar shot but without the grid:


  10. 19 minutes ago, Amazeballs said:

    I sort of never heard about it before you have just mentioned ☺️

    will try it out!

    Though OFX plugins are usually damn slow and for this one you would want it to be quick. I hope Resolve will improve on its own plugin a bit. 

    Yeah. From what I’ve heard RSMB is quite slow!  You could edit your whole video, then just let it cache overnight once the project is finished. Would make internal ND filters irrelevant

  11. Scratch my previous post. I literally any full-frame camera released since 2018…with a catch. Never going to happen, but if someone were to decrypt the firmware and write a simple script to dump the raw live view feed to the memory card, magic lantern style, that would be my perfect camera. The just give me usuable autofocus and zebras and I’m good. So even an A7III or Nikon Z6 with a hack like this would be perfect. Never going to happen though. 

  12. 6 minutes ago, Amazeballs said:

    I just thought today, what do I want from a next iteration of Sony FX3? 

    I want simple things:

    - much bigger screen of at least 1000 nits and around 5 inch diagonal

    - build-in eND

    - all the firmware upgrades from recent Sony cameras

    - maybe a gopro build-in gyro stab, without the need of post processing

    And thats it! I have enough resolution, plenty of DR and everything else. Yes sure, I dont mind 6k or even 8k, dont mind more DR but basicly this camera is alreday perfect fot its size. Just need those couple of features that would make my life so much easier. In terms of IQ and sensor tech Sony is already awesome and you can shoot basicly any project with it. I really hopy Sony impliments those things (at lease eND and bigger screen) in the next installment of its FX3 camera.

    Agreed we aren’t far away. It’s really not possible to truly complain about the images anymore. The 10 bit image from my Nikon Z6 is already good enough that I don’t think one needs better, plenty of DR, good color, thick coded and easy grading. FX3 is even better. We literally just need internal ND and waveforms basically and we are good

  13. Random lens question. I’m thinking of picking up a cheap old Tokina 12-24 F4, as it covers around 16-24mm without vignetting on full frame. Will be using on a Nikon Z6 with FTZ, but I won’t get AF support so will have to manual focus. If I’m zoomed out to around 16mm, is it possible to do tracking shots on a gimbal without having to worry too much about focus?  As in I can set it to infinity and it will be good?  I know it’s an F4 on FF, though my thought is it might be fine since it’s so wide so there will be little shallow DOF. 

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