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Video Hummus

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Posts posted by Video Hummus

  1. 17 minutes ago, Emanuel said:

    I love to use manual focus or semi-automatic going along tap to focus on my AF MFT glass coupled to P4K.

    This is mostly how I do it. I use back button focus to acquire subject and then use manual to adjust. I would also really appreciate linear manual focus option like is offered on the S series.

    I also have found that the pull focus assist is very handy for creative shots where you have time to set it up (45 seconds or so).

  2. 11 hours ago, DBounce said:

    Whatever it is,  sure doesn't look very large.  Plus it's on a tripod... so no IBIS? It must be the sensor that is game changing... and I can only imagine if they are making this much fuss, it's not a Sony sensor.

    If it’s a “dream” cine camera like we’ve heard from multiple sources it must be packing something special that we haven’t seen before in its price category. The organic sensor is a plausible candidate.

  3. 48 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:

    Not sure what gave you that idea. You can't see the camera at all behind the massive matte box.

    Also the use of HDMI and the fact it's launching under Lumix branding would suggest an S1 form factor.

    If it were a EVA1 form factor there would be an SDI cable going into that nice Zaucto EVF they are using from an SDI port on the camera.

    What’s against the side of her shoulder then? It’s either v-mount stuff or a camera body. Also all the rigging appears to be coming off something towards the back not something behind the matte box.

    the follow focus is in a weird spot too. You could be right. It’s hard to tell. Why didn’t your image enhancement work like it does in the movies? ?

  4. 45 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:


    I see a Zacuto Gratical with HDMI cable, SDI not used.

    I see a large matte box with small camera behind it... But follow focus is in a weird place, doesn't seem to be near the lens?

    Looks like a EVA1 form factor

    9 hours ago, DBounce said:

    So Atomos is apparently announcing "BIG NEWS" at this show.  I wonder if this is connected to the Panasonic announcement? 

    PLEASE, please announce ProRes RAW HDMI support for GH5S.

  5. 52 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:

    Hope they don't leave out IBIS like they did with the GH5S.

    The rumored larger body might allow this. They had to have heard the feedback about the GH5S. Everybody wanted the lowlight ability but with IBIS, like the GH5. It’s being marketed as a Cine camera though not a hybrid and that mostly likely means no IBIS.

    Regardless, this is a very exciting product announcement!

  6. 3 hours ago, Jimmy G said:

    What I'm hoping for here is that they've added to the thickness of the S1 size to accommodate better thermal control while still maintaining IBIS (like should have been done on GH5S, IMHO)

    GH5S has a larger sensor and uses every bit of the MFT image circle. There has to be some leeway in the image circle otherwise the IBIS will cause vignetting during heavy correction. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Skip77 said:

    As @webrunner5 would say " you can't shoot it on your ass with your iPhone and no one would care".  On set the P4K will get laughed off the set. No one is shooting the next BMW commercial on the P4K.

    Hmm, but you could if you had too. And thats my point. Take away the elitism and their isn’t a problem. Except that you aren’t using a 10K camera to charge your client to use. 

  8. 1 minute ago, webrunner5 said:

    Paying more is a hell of a lot better than having no job to pay Anything, and your country going belly up..


    Tell that to American consumers that are shopping in those Walmart’s filler with Chinese manufactured goods.

    Or the company CEOs with that take huge bonuses but pay their employees peanuts. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Skip77 said:

    No it doesn't. What P4K does the echo system work with?  And NO again on professional productions. If it's professional and matters and has a budget no way will the client be ok with the P4K as the A camera. You'll get laughed off the set by your hired guns on your crew.

    Because you provide an adapter for the EVA to L. No way is this press conference for the EVA to L mount. 

    And yet you can shoot a professional film or short or Indy film with a P4K and no one will notice while watching that it wasn’t shot on a “professional” camera. They won’t even care if the story is good.

  10. 50 minutes ago, webrunner5 said:

    I think the whole world needs to wake up and understand depending pretty much on China to make their stuff is a huge mistake. I am not talking as a personal insult to China. I respect what they have done. But the whole damn world is putting their eggs in one basket here. Nations are loosing their national identity, people out of work. This is leading to a F ing total disaster. You can't have one country making everything and the rest just going belly up, and not abide by the rules.

    That is the trouble with this crap. Trump is just a small ass piece of all of this. Britain is just about to be a nobody country soon. Other European countries are nearly in a worse shape. This is all some serious shit. South America is going to shit also. It Ain't going to get better keeping it the way it is. This has no good end without some big ass change. A hell of a lot of countries are to blame for letting this crap happen.

    Then you better be willing to pay higher prices for your goods.

    Trump wants everything made in America because it sounds good and wins him votes because people think it will create jobs. Yet, almost no one is willing to pay higher prices because they want a “decent” wage too. You can’t have both.

    China has cheap labor. China is also looking at Africa for its cheap labor.

    This is when you realize most things in this world have been built off the down trodden and less fortunate.

  11. 36 minutes ago, newfoundmass said:

    They're saying is an L-Mount cine camera ?

    Yeah, if it's a S1 video only camera I would be worried about MFT moving forward. I think they might do a GH6 and charge a premium for it but beyond that...it's full frame hype machine...until medium format video comes along...then large format. Can't wait to watch youtube videos at f0.85 FF equivalent ?

  12. This is out of the blue. Why would they wait to release a cine focused S1 full frame camera? I could see them offering a EVA2 Full frame L-mount, but that isn't in the LUMIX brand neither is the Varicam.

    And is Sony launching the A7SIII and Panasonic had this camera on standby to compete?

    1 hour ago, BTM_Pix said:

    The thing that amused me about this was these sites doing an official timed launch announcement for the release of a rumour.

    I'm surprised they didn't live stream it.


    Yeah the rumor sites sells itself to camera brands, I imagine, as free marketing for inside tidbits groomed for release.

  13. Baby MFT EVA with weather sealing, beefed up GH5S sensor, internal ND, and XLR input.

    3 minutes ago, newfoundmass said:

    Lumix would seem to indicate M43, no? 

    I would think so. Unless they are broadening the LUMIX brand with this new camera.

    They would do well to give us a GH5S firmware update too. It’s basically a cine-focused camera. 

    Now that I think of it, the GH5S was either a test run for something like I described above or just a one off market filling niche product. If they release a mini EVA without some love for GH5S I’ll be feeling kinda mad.

  14. 2 hours ago, kye said:

    And whatever you don't crop you're downscaling, which improves the real resolution.  

    8K will be great from this perspective too.  Think of it - you'll be able to get real 4K!

    Man, this is why 8K is appealing to me but I don’t want to think what I need to edit 8K footage. CFast and express cards better drop in price a lot in the next 4 years.

    Even H265 10bit 8K is pretty hefty and most people will want to shoot in ProRes RAW. 

    Honestly—the way we consume media—mostly YouTube or Vimeo with highly compressed h264 or h265 streams on mobile devices, 4K with a 1080p deliverable is still plenty good. 

  15. 40 minutes ago, kye said:

    I disagree.  In the case of the gyro stabilisation, what you want is for the distinctive pixels in one frame to be as close as possible to their location in the last frame.  It's a frame matching problem.

    I’m pretty positive that is not how it works with moving pictures (or, video) It’s a horizon and framing problem. You want to keep the horizon and angular velocities from changing as much as possible. You don’t have to look at the image data. That’s how stabilizer tank cannon platforms work. Anybody remember the famous leopard tank demonstration with the flask of beer on the end of the barrel?

    of course doing this process off camera with a faster cpu and multiple passes is going to yield better results. I invite Olympus or whomever to standardized some file format for it and software to take advantage of it.

    what your are suggesting in post can easily be done with dedicated hardware in camera and in real-time, which is still better than having to do it in post. 

    40 minutes ago, kye said:

    Plus, think about how well IBIS works on a 16mm lens - pretty darn well.  Think about how well it works on a 400mm lens - less well.  Stabilisation in post is just fine at 1000mm :) 

    Yeah that’s basic physics. The farther your focal magnification the more amplified movements become. OIS and EIS can help in both situations.

    The camera industry would do well to incorporate some features from the action camera market. There is a physical limit to how small a gimbal can be. 

    40 minutes ago, kye said:

    In image analysis based stabilisation, the computer looks for distinctive pixels in each frame, works out the movement, then works out how to change frame 2 to better match frame 1, knowing the overall direction of movement from frame 1 to frame 1000.  This method is about matching frames by analysing the frames directly.

    That is interpolating acceleration and gyro data from the image. Which will always be worse than actually reading and using that data in real-time or in post from dedicated hardware.

    43 minutes ago, Anaconda_ said:

    Like this? Skip to like 3 minutes for a great preview of exactly what it's doing to stabilise. 

    3 hours ago, kye said:

    Yeah, this is a perfect example of what I’m talking about. Now, put the hardware in camera and have dedicated CPU correct the image in real-time and you have your gimbal footage without a gimbal. Also works in low light because you aren’t relying on image data.

    It is by-far the better method. And what’s is stopping you to do more post stabilization after the fact as well?

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