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  1. Like
    newfoundmass got a reaction from Tim Sewell in Coronavirus survey part 2 - how are work & incomes going?   
    Not at all, otherwise I wouldn't have linked right to the article discussing it. They literally created quarantine centers where hundreds of thousands of people were made to quarantine, which contradicts your original point. Instead of acknowledging that fact you've decided to try and play semantics which doesn't even help your argument anyway. 
    I don't even need to push a "Vermont narrative", the facts and statistics speak for themselves. 
  2. Haha
    newfoundmass reacted to Eric Calabros in Coronavirus survey part 2 - how are work & incomes going?   
    That was at its borders. But you intentionally remove the word "border" to make it support your Vermont narrative. 
  3. Haha
    newfoundmass reacted to MrSMW in Are Sony sensors ruining video with the 'Sony look'?   
    Same sensors maybe, but different bodies and company tech applied, different lenses, tweaked settings, filters, profiles/film sims/different logs, 10 bajillion LUTS (get my set for ONLY $17 from my on-line shop sorry sold out!!), differently calibrated screens, phones, tablets, laptops...
    I couldn't tell you what end result came from what sensor only if I like the end result or not.
  4. Like
    newfoundmass got a reaction from Geoff_L in Coronavirus survey part 2 - how are work & incomes going?   
    The media you consume might be saying that but it doesn't match the reality that I live in every day. 
    And people are going outside in nature. Last summer bikes were difficult to buy in stores because there was a rush of interest in biking and used bikes were selling for much higher prices than usual for the same reason. Here in Vermont it has been difficult to find snow shoes for the same reason. They've been telling people it's fine to do this since last spring. 
  5. Like
    newfoundmass got a reaction from Geoff_L in Coronavirus survey part 2 - how are work & incomes going?   
    If someone hasn't left their house for nearly a year they've probably got issues that extend beyond the "paranoia hysteria" that came with the COVID-19 pandemic. No one has suggested you don't leave your house, they've suggested you wear a mask, wash your hands, and maintain a distance of 6 feet. 
    Regardless, you live in a country where 26 people have died of COVID-19. We're in a country where over a half a million people have died of it. It's easy to sound off and claim its paranoia when you're a world away and haven't experienced it first hand. 
  6. Like
    newfoundmass got a reaction from EphraimP in Coronavirus survey part 2 - how are work & incomes going?   
    If someone hasn't left their house for nearly a year they've probably got issues that extend beyond the "paranoia hysteria" that came with the COVID-19 pandemic. No one has suggested you don't leave your house, they've suggested you wear a mask, wash your hands, and maintain a distance of 6 feet. 
    Regardless, you live in a country where 26 people have died of COVID-19. We're in a country where over a half a million people have died of it. It's easy to sound off and claim its paranoia when you're a world away and haven't experienced it first hand. 
  7. Downvote
    newfoundmass reacted to IronFilm in Coronavirus survey part 2 - how are work & incomes going?   
    (bolding mine)
    That's not healthy at all! 
    What are going to be health consequences due to many people being short of Vitamin D? 
    And because they've got less physical exercise due to not going outdoors as much?
    The mental health consequences due to being lockdown for months on end?

    The MSM/politicians/"experts" will have a lot to answer for due to their feeding of this paranoid hysteria. 
  8. Like
    newfoundmass got a reaction from leslie in Coronavirus survey part 2 - how are work & incomes going?   
    One of the ugliest aspects of this pandemic has been the reminder of the sense of entitlement so many people have. It was always there but it's really been hitting us over the head every day since the pandemic began. Selfishness has been deemed "freedom" and any attempt to reel in such selfishness has been labeled "tyranny." It's to the point where people compare, without even the smallest bit of irony, that it's equal to slavery. 
    Mind you they make these statements on their phones and computers, with minimal restrictions on what they can say (depending on the platform), while living in their nice homes, driving their nice cars, eating in restaurants, and enjoying most of the other wonderful perks that comes with modern technology and society. 
    You know who don't have any of that? Actual slaves. And they exist today, not as these privileged people complaining, but as human beings forced to live in squalor, void of any rights, and forced to work for nothing. The minor inconveniences you've had to live with this last year is still better than anything those people have ever experienced. So yeah, people's insistence on comparing the efforts to combat COVID-19 to slavery is not only dumb but insulting to those that have experienced genuine slavery or whose ancestors were slaves. All of that should go without saying and yet here we are. Embarrassing. 
  9. Sad
    newfoundmass reacted to Marcio Kabke Pinheiro in Coronavirus survey part 2 - how are work & incomes going?   
    Man, I wish that I was there now (my best friend lives in Wellington).

    Here in Brazil will be probably the most tragical month in the last decades. The Amazon corona variant looks VERY deadly and transmissible - we had the first 200.000 deaths in the first 11 months, and the next 50.000 in...two months.

    Cities around here with 200.000 to 300.000 people had already collapsed - there are no more ICU units available. Zero. People are starting already dying waiting for a ICU unit.

    I live in São Paulo, the biggest city here (12 million people), and there are no more ICU units it the 5 biggest private hospitals of the city. Public hospital will have no more units soon too. The death rate of 30-40 year old people (with no comorbities) are climbing steadily. Only in the past week, 4 relatives of friends of mine had died of Covid.

    Vaccination? EUA is giving around 2 million shot per day. We have 6 million...since Jan 17th.

    And our president continues to sabotage any big vaccination effort. The most available vaccine that we have is the chinese Coronavac, but it refuses to buy too much of it because it is made by a state facility from the local governor, which is his political adversary (and another SOB). It refuses to get the Pfizer one too.Only moved to get 20 million doses fron Indian Covaxin because...the negotiation have a middle company the is involved in various cases of corruption. And only shows in public without masks (even getting children in his lap), saying that masks causes "suffocation" and don't prevent Covid.

    The result: Brasil is becoming an open field to Covid evolve, due to the lack of vaccination - with a low percentage of people vaccinated, it becomes easier to the virus to evolve by natural selection. We will become a threat, and probably will become pariahs in the world.

    I just want to be alive in 2022, since is almost certain that I will not be vaccinated in 2021 (i'm almost 50 years old).
  10. Like
    newfoundmass got a reaction from Geoff_L in Coronavirus survey part 2 - how are work & incomes going?   
    None of us live in a prison. None of us are slaves. If you think otherwise you lack perspective and, again, display your privilege. 
    Those that think the efforts didn't work don't know how to read and interpret data. In the United States the states that acted quickly did significantly better than those that didn't. The top ten states that had the lowest number of infections per million all faired better than the states that didn't, regardless of the size and population, because they mandated masks, limited gatherings, put caps on how many people can be in stores, etc. This idea that it didn't save lives is absolute fiction. 
    Take a look for yourself, you can sort everything by the numbers: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/
    Countries like Vietnam faired much better because those countries have always practiced things like wearing masks because they've experienced outbreaks before. Even before the pandemic you'd see many people wearing masks in public in Asian countries. People point to these countries and make foolish statements like "Vietnam didn't have to live in a prison" without even looking into what they actually did do. Firstly Vietnam set up quarantine centers where hundreds of thousands of people were forced to quarantine. Secondly if you actually look at what those countries did, you'd realize that most of it was the same stuff people here in the US and Europe complain about: aggressive testing, aggressive contact tracing, and quarantine. Source: https://ourworldindata.org/covid-exemplar-vietnam
    In short, aside from using false equivalency, you really have no clue what you're talking about and simply read stuff from other people that also don't know what they're talking about and then repeat it. 
  11. Like
    newfoundmass got a reaction from EphraimP in Coronavirus survey part 2 - how are work & incomes going?   
    None of us live in a prison. None of us are slaves. If you think otherwise you lack perspective and, again, display your privilege. 
    Those that think the efforts didn't work don't know how to read and interpret data. In the United States the states that acted quickly did significantly better than those that didn't. The top ten states that had the lowest number of infections per million all faired better than the states that didn't, regardless of the size and population, because they mandated masks, limited gatherings, put caps on how many people can be in stores, etc. This idea that it didn't save lives is absolute fiction. 
    Take a look for yourself, you can sort everything by the numbers: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/
    Countries like Vietnam faired much better because those countries have always practiced things like wearing masks because they've experienced outbreaks before. Even before the pandemic you'd see many people wearing masks in public in Asian countries. People point to these countries and make foolish statements like "Vietnam didn't have to live in a prison" without even looking into what they actually did do. Firstly Vietnam set up quarantine centers where hundreds of thousands of people were forced to quarantine. Secondly if you actually look at what those countries did, you'd realize that most of it was the same stuff people here in the US and Europe complain about: aggressive testing, aggressive contact tracing, and quarantine. Source: https://ourworldindata.org/covid-exemplar-vietnam
    In short, aside from using false equivalency, you really have no clue what you're talking about and simply read stuff from other people that also don't know what they're talking about and then repeat it. 
  12. Like
    newfoundmass got a reaction from Aquilasfx in Wireless mic Sennheiser G4 - Sony UWP   
    I know over a dozen video professionals that work full time that use Sennheiser G3 or G4 systems every day. I think they'd disagree with you re: whether they're professional pieces of equipment. 
    Do major films and television commonly use them? No. But only a fraction of the users on this board fall into that category and those that do aren't going to be asking this question in the first place. When someone does it's safe to assume they're indie filmmakers/documentarians/event videographers looking for gear that will work for that purpose and fit their budget. 
    When your focus is sound and that's what you do professionally you work with better equipment and have higher standards. The thing is, those are specialized needs that most people can't afford or simply don't need. When I shoot an interview I don't need a sound specialist with thousands and thousands of dollars of sound equipment. A $500 wireless system with a $200 lav is more than enough, and frankly maybe overkill, for something that will air on the local news or be on the internet. 
    Not everything that doesn't meet your standards can be considered trash. The G3 and G4 are great systems, used the world over by professionals every day. I think the OP will be very happy with them should be choose them over the Sony and vice versa. 
  13. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to independent in Wireless mic Sennheiser G4 - Sony UWP   
    Lectros and Zaxcom are industry standards for bigger productions. But the OP was asking about Sony UWP vs Sennheiser G3/G4. 
    For that class of gear, the Sennheiser is much more" pro" than the Sonys in terms of adoption, availability, and actual use in the industry. 
    Go call the rental houses in New York City. I guarantee you that all of them rent out the Sennheisers along with Lectros and Zaxcoms. Ask them whether the Sennheiser or Sony is more "pro," and most will tell you they don't carry the Sonys. That should tell you something.
    That's not to say the Sonys are bad! Just be careful listening to some poster on the internet who culls info from jwsoundgroup.net and goes around on other forums as some self-styled expert. 
  14. Downvote
    newfoundmass reacted to Eric Calabros in Coronavirus survey part 2 - how are work & incomes going?   
    "Temporary" was a lie.
    "Its just a disruption" was manipulation of public opinion. Its not a disruption anymore. Its ruining people.
    "Save the lives" was wishful thinking. It wouldn't work with that level of state incompetency, and it didn't, as expected. Vietnamese didn't have to live in prison and gradually become financially destroyed to save the lives of their neighbors. 
    You still talk in a way like there is two side, the science side and denier side. Sorry, that fake duality expired many months ago. The "know what to do" side have no idea what its doing:

  15. Like
    newfoundmass reacted to Tim Sewell in Coronavirus survey part 2 - how are work & incomes going?   
    No. It's like saying free people in a country built on genocide and slavery, who daily benefit from that history, shouldn't call themselves enslaved when they're asked to temporarily change their lifestyles in order to save the lives of their neighbours.
    No. Slavery is a situation where a person or a group of people are forced to labour for no recompense. Some people have concluded that they're in that situation right now because they're too spoilt and entitled to countenance a temporary disruption to their lives in order to save the lives of their neighbours.
  16. Thanks
    newfoundmass got a reaction from EphraimP in Coronavirus survey part 2 - how are work & incomes going?   
    One of the ugliest aspects of this pandemic has been the reminder of the sense of entitlement so many people have. It was always there but it's really been hitting us over the head every day since the pandemic began. Selfishness has been deemed "freedom" and any attempt to reel in such selfishness has been labeled "tyranny." It's to the point where people compare, without even the smallest bit of irony, that it's equal to slavery. 
    Mind you they make these statements on their phones and computers, with minimal restrictions on what they can say (depending on the platform), while living in their nice homes, driving their nice cars, eating in restaurants, and enjoying most of the other wonderful perks that comes with modern technology and society. 
    You know who don't have any of that? Actual slaves. And they exist today, not as these privileged people complaining, but as human beings forced to live in squalor, void of any rights, and forced to work for nothing. The minor inconveniences you've had to live with this last year is still better than anything those people have ever experienced. So yeah, people's insistence on comparing the efforts to combat COVID-19 to slavery is not only dumb but insulting to those that have experienced genuine slavery or whose ancestors were slaves. All of that should go without saying and yet here we are. Embarrassing. 
  17. Thanks
    newfoundmass got a reaction from EphraimP in Coronavirus survey part 2 - how are work & incomes going?   
    It's a completely natural reaction for ignorant people that have never read a history book to compare it to slavery but not anyone that's remotely reasonable. 
  18. Like
    newfoundmass got a reaction from EphraimP in Coronavirus survey part 2 - how are work & incomes going?   
    This 100%! And the thing about those measures is they work! That's why I'm so exhausted by these debates. 
    Even when you adjust the numbers to account for its small population, Vermont has the second lowest rates in the country. Why? It's not because it's rural since that didn't spare the Dakotas from having the highest numbers in the country. It's not because it was remote, given it bordered New York and Massachusetts, two states that were ravaged by COVID-19 at one point. It's not because they aren't testing; they're 7th in testing per million. 
    It's because they require masks, put limits on how many people can be in stores and restaurants at once, restricted gatherings, etc. Common sense stuff that even after 500,000 have died people still argue against or call "slavery." 
  19. Haha
    newfoundmass got a reaction from EphraimP in Coronavirus survey part 2 - how are work & incomes going?   
    "Things have been normal in Florida since May" says the guy that doesn't understand why the rest of the country is embarrassed by the state that just last month was averaging almost 20,000 new cases a day and has ignored the experts advice since the pandemic began, resulting in some of the worst statistics in the country. 
    He then compares lock downs to SLAVERY and wonders why people think he's a fucking idiot.
  20. Haha
    newfoundmass got a reaction from EphraimP in Coronavirus survey part 2 - how are work & incomes going?   
    Like I said, embarrassing. 
  21. Like
    newfoundmass got a reaction from Tim Sewell in Coronavirus survey part 2 - how are work & incomes going?   
    One of the ugliest aspects of this pandemic has been the reminder of the sense of entitlement so many people have. It was always there but it's really been hitting us over the head every day since the pandemic began. Selfishness has been deemed "freedom" and any attempt to reel in such selfishness has been labeled "tyranny." It's to the point where people compare, without even the smallest bit of irony, that it's equal to slavery. 
    Mind you they make these statements on their phones and computers, with minimal restrictions on what they can say (depending on the platform), while living in their nice homes, driving their nice cars, eating in restaurants, and enjoying most of the other wonderful perks that comes with modern technology and society. 
    You know who don't have any of that? Actual slaves. And they exist today, not as these privileged people complaining, but as human beings forced to live in squalor, void of any rights, and forced to work for nothing. The minor inconveniences you've had to live with this last year is still better than anything those people have ever experienced. So yeah, people's insistence on comparing the efforts to combat COVID-19 to slavery is not only dumb but insulting to those that have experienced genuine slavery or whose ancestors were slaves. All of that should go without saying and yet here we are. Embarrassing. 
  22. Like
    newfoundmass got a reaction from Geoff_L in Coronavirus survey part 2 - how are work & incomes going?   
    It's a completely natural reaction for ignorant people that have never read a history book to compare it to slavery but not anyone that's remotely reasonable. 
  23. Thanks
    newfoundmass got a reaction from Geoff_L in Coronavirus survey part 2 - how are work & incomes going?   
    One of the ugliest aspects of this pandemic has been the reminder of the sense of entitlement so many people have. It was always there but it's really been hitting us over the head every day since the pandemic began. Selfishness has been deemed "freedom" and any attempt to reel in such selfishness has been labeled "tyranny." It's to the point where people compare, without even the smallest bit of irony, that it's equal to slavery. 
    Mind you they make these statements on their phones and computers, with minimal restrictions on what they can say (depending on the platform), while living in their nice homes, driving their nice cars, eating in restaurants, and enjoying most of the other wonderful perks that comes with modern technology and society. 
    You know who don't have any of that? Actual slaves. And they exist today, not as these privileged people complaining, but as human beings forced to live in squalor, void of any rights, and forced to work for nothing. The minor inconveniences you've had to live with this last year is still better than anything those people have ever experienced. So yeah, people's insistence on comparing the efforts to combat COVID-19 to slavery is not only dumb but insulting to those that have experienced genuine slavery or whose ancestors were slaves. All of that should go without saying and yet here we are. Embarrassing. 
  24. Like
    newfoundmass got a reaction from Ed David in Coronavirus survey part 2 - how are work & incomes going?   
    One of the ugliest aspects of this pandemic has been the reminder of the sense of entitlement so many people have. It was always there but it's really been hitting us over the head every day since the pandemic began. Selfishness has been deemed "freedom" and any attempt to reel in such selfishness has been labeled "tyranny." It's to the point where people compare, without even the smallest bit of irony, that it's equal to slavery. 
    Mind you they make these statements on their phones and computers, with minimal restrictions on what they can say (depending on the platform), while living in their nice homes, driving their nice cars, eating in restaurants, and enjoying most of the other wonderful perks that comes with modern technology and society. 
    You know who don't have any of that? Actual slaves. And they exist today, not as these privileged people complaining, but as human beings forced to live in squalor, void of any rights, and forced to work for nothing. The minor inconveniences you've had to live with this last year is still better than anything those people have ever experienced. So yeah, people's insistence on comparing the efforts to combat COVID-19 to slavery is not only dumb but insulting to those that have experienced genuine slavery or whose ancestors were slaves. All of that should go without saying and yet here we are. Embarrassing. 
  25. Downvote
    newfoundmass reacted to Eric Calabros in Coronavirus survey part 2 - how are work & incomes going?   
    Every policy has its limits. Restriction for two months is very different with same restriction for two years. People calling it slavery or any other names, is completely natural reaction at this point. I live in a country that people simply gave up! Its not that only you understand the common sense. Humans are more complicated than that.. they're not coded with C++.
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