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Posts posted by Arikhan

  1. 1 hour ago, Andrew Reid said:

    In fact I am overall disappointed with 90% of what is out there at the moment, far too much click bait

    Yep...Every writer/puiblisher begging for attention and more coverage...But - as it seems to be - a majority of audience likes titles like "...the new Sony killer...", "...the real Canon killer...", etc. Will an factual article/review/test get the coverage, or does it need a bouncing title and wording?


    1 hour ago, Andrew Reid said:

    The thing with Cinema5D, it just seems it is a ploy to boost their profile as filmmakers whilst raking in the ad dollars,

    They position themselves as "pros", knowing cameras and the "magic sauce" for professional work. It's some kind of gear and knowledge elitism. And elitism is - from a business point of view - not bad when used as unique selling point. There are many potential customers out there who like this attitude, as they suppose to get the best DP/shooters on the market to work for them...

    In my eyes, Cinema5D runs a business - trying to get very good paid shooting jobs AND trying to position themselves as "market influencers" too...It's a kind of "dual channel" business...They simply don't care about sub 2.000 USD buyers and shooters, as - they want to express - "pro cameras" are much more expensive...

  2. 33 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:

    and choose to give nothing back for free

    Hmm...It's hard to give knowledge "back for free" nowadays. Simply just look at many reputable and very solid reviewers, when sharing their experience and tests for free: they get insulted and very often offended by fanboys of other brands, they get accused of beeing paid by manufacturers, etc....A bunch of dumb and not educated, bored idiots maraude through the web trying to destruct other peoples work and opinion. Just for their destructive "fun"...

    I admire people who still share their knowledge and experiences for free, but I can completely understand the guys who give up teaching / educating others for free (or for a small affiliate amount). For what? For getting offended and insulted by a bunch of frustrated idiots? Just look at many YT or other comments, respect for other peoples work is completely gone, it's wild west now...

    Sharing knowledge for free is crucial for the devlepment of an industry and human beeings. But beeing respectful - even if you don't agree with author's opinion - too...

  3. 52 minutes ago, EthanAlexander said:

    Only 1080. 4K is 8 bit. And not even 4:2:2.

    "EOS C200 can output either 1920x1080 YCC 4:2:2 10-bit over the HD-SDI Terminal, or 3840x2160 4:2:0 8-bit over the HDMI"

    Yep...But for broadcast delivery, there is no 4K...So, the 1080p 422 10 would be very fine....

    @Andrew Reid



    Look at the codec on the GH5.

    It's laughable what Canon is offering for triple the money!


    You compare a non-RAW camera with a RAW camera without ever seen the footage out of the C200? Hmm...

    My personal interest in the C200 is just RAW and the very nice AF, allowing one man bands and small crews to capture the moment...Both not existant in the GH5...So...

  4. I just can not understand the general excitement because of the "inexistent 422 10bit codec", as you can get it any time with an external recorder. OK, it's not internal, but when filming for broadcasting purposes you have to carry a little bit of gear with you - and if you don't want, you CAN even film 4K 420 8bit and transform it to "broadcast specific" 1080p, I've done this a couple of times when delivering 1080p and braodcasters were ALWAYS happy - no complains. So the "no 422 10 bit indignation" seems to be more of a theoretical discussion than from a real, practical point of view...For sure, it would be nice to get it internally, but hey - it's Canon as we know them...

    It would be much more decessive to see the quality and maleablility of the RAW light and then buy a CFast to SSD adapter to get affordable storage media for shootings...

  5. 24 minutes ago, maxotics said:

    Nikon is becoming more of a weather-sealed professional stills-photography eco-system built on Sony sensors.

    Exactly...A DEDICATED PROFESSIONAL PHOTO CAMERA...Rishi Sanyal from DPReview says (saying THIS before publishing the complete review...wow):



    But not if you're looking for a stills camera. In which case, there isn't a camera that could beat the D850.

    Done. Period. Yeah I said it.

    And I don't even shoot Nikon these days...


    For sure a stills camera worse to take a closer look at and consider for buying

    24 minutes ago, maxotics said:

    Nikon is only an emergency feature for photojournalists

    Yep...Probably a little bit more, as great for interviews and predictable scenarios. But without focus peaking (in any shooting mode, not only in Full HD) and lacking in body stabilization too, it's not easy to shoot with Nikons for Run&Gun, especially when you want to shoot moving subjects with wide open, fast lenses - mostly pretty challenging for a one man band. But the colours and general IQ are really amazing...Maleability of D500 flat footage too...

  6. 34 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:

    About the only thing the D850 offers over the D750 is 4K and 1080p 120fps slow-mo

    ...and much larger buffer (D750 about 10 images, D850 51 images 14b)...and focusing in complete darkness like the D5 (D750 focuses quite well in low light, but yet, miles away from D5/D500)...and 45 MP instead of 24 MP....and NO low pass filter --> a bunch more sharpness... and for sure much more weather sealed than the D750.. illuminated buttons (very useful)....and, and, and...

    I own the D750 and I like it - but as it seems at the moment, the D850 is a "one for all" and will beat the honorable D750 in many ways --> sports, HQ commercial photography, landscape, wildlife, AF in the darkness (interesting for journalists) etc.
    The capability of storing different RAW formats (large, medium, small) makes it even more interesting, because more flexible for shooters to store just the amount of data needed...

  7. 13 minutes ago, gethin said:

    But if you had it, and could shoot raw bursts then that would be a great thing to experiment with.

    Nope. If I need RAW for video, I buy a dedicated RAW-Video-Camera. "Experimenting" for backyard video shooting is useless, when you can get immediately what you need (RAW video) for an affordable price. The sub 2.000 USD FF hybrid photo/video camera with 14 stops of DR (video AND photo), 40+ MP, 10+ burst, 50+ buffer, RAW and 422 10bit option, no need for external audio, no noise up to ISO 100.000 - THIS is silly sausage...But endlessly discussing on this and bashing all cameras not corresponding to these requirements is much more comfortable and easier than getting out and shooting...



    Means all future Nikons won't have crop for 4K


  8. 19 minutes ago, gethin said:

    If I can shoot for 10 seconds then I can get 4K 12-bit raw video at 30fps.  This would be interesting. 

    If you need RAW for video, buy a dedicated video/film camera shooting RAW. There are many options out there starting as low as 1.000 USD or even less (used). The D850 is a DEDICATED PHOTO CAMERA with some nice video features. But - at the end of the day - it is and remains a capable photo camera. A Ferrari can hardly cross a river through 1,50 deep water. Therefore you have to buy an Ural...Bashing the Ferrari won't get it into the water and bashing the Ural won't get it to win races....:grin:

  9. The D5 focuses very well even in the dark (photography) and has great high ISO skills in low light and Nikon will implement D5 focus and low light skills in the D850. It will be very interesting to see how the new D850 - because full frame 4K - will perform for video in high ISO and critical low light scenarios. It could be expected to perform (nearly) as well as the A7S m2...

  10. 1 hour ago, Neumann Films said:

    Filmmakers like to give themselves a hand job for making "art" but art doesn't feed people.  It doesn't fucking put a roof over someone's head.

    Full ACK. A very experienced (and successful) producer told me two years ago: "You HAVE to understand, film making is NOT an art. It's a business!". He was right and this will never change, as gear, traveling, etc., all cost money...

    Art does NOT bring food on the table or pays bills. Only customer's money does. And customers don't buy art or colours, they buy your attitude, competence, performance and (hopefully) results they need. And - in 99 percent of cases - this is completely different from expectations/dreams of "artists".


    I like your post...Film makers don't live in a vacuum, they have the right to express their opinion, even in politics. BUT people became intolerant nowadays, many of them probably beeing too intolerant to discuss other people POV. Instead of dialogue, there is only debasing other people POV and hate. And that's the same for your potential customers - some will agree your opinion, but others will hate you...and will not hire you. Probably because their emotional inner life outpasses tolerance and objective decisions...

    @Neumann Films And still...if we can not express our opinions and thoughts, what is then the sense of our democracies? During communism there was a political censorship...Do we get now some kind of economical censorship? Potential employers not hiring you, because of your thoughts and opinions? Miserable attitude, this...

    The such called "Political Correctness" is only for blind followers...I am photographing & filming protests and violence (leftists, conservatives, nazis, "alt-right", etc.) for years now. Everytime I plublish my work, I get bashed by political opponents: If capturing violent leftists, the leftists attack me (verbally) and conservatives and "alt-right" applaude me....If I capture nazi violence and dumbness, I get attacked by nazis and applauded by leftists...But none of them understand, I do NOT sympathize with the one or other side...

  11. @lenny87

    Most "cinematographers" would say: People filming vertical videos are crazy / cluess / ignorant. But breaking the rules can even be an advantage for you - depending on what you want to do or express with the footage. Years ago many old, "experienced" photographers got crazy when other photogs broke the rule of thirds...So what? Nowadays many people break this "rule" because of artistic or individual aspects. There are quite many compositional cases, when it would be better to break rules...Don't necessarly do the same shit like million others, just try something new from time to time....

    What I want to say: If you want to test filming verticals, just do this. It's your (artistic) choice...BTW: There are some filmers doing it (mostly for PR or promotional short films) on Instagram or FB and you know what? It works in many cases...So, it seems not to be a deal breaker for common audience of this films. Like in 99,9% of cases, it's the content, not the format...

    Only self proclaimed "experts" go crazy on this... :grin:

  12. @mercer


    does it have that mojo like the 1DC has?

    In my eyes, definetely YES...As Andrew says, it's superb colour science and very maleable and easy to work with in post. Overall look & image structure (texture) are something special OOC.
    There are still two aspects I don't like when shooting video: 2x crop in 4K, so you have to use VERY wide focal length lenses when shooting wide and the lack of focus peaking. So it's not easy to shoot run & gun and/or moving subjects, when you want to work with fast lenses wide open and get all your footage perfectly in focus.

    And even when making photos, IQ OOC has some specific mojo, some sort of mind blowing characteristics...It reminded me of some pictures seen about one year ago...After thinking about it some days, I got it: It reminded me of some big print photography made with an Nikon F5. So some days ago I bought a Nikon F5 in very good condition and just experimenting with it and the D500. From commercial point of view (probably) useless, but still very interesting and beautiful...:grin:

    The D500 has a very special way of handling noise...For photos and video...It's a unique and seldom combination of a kind of "non disturbing noise", a special image texture and clinical sharpness (no AA filter, so very detailed without looking oversharpened). I would call the D500 imaging "the non-plastic one"...

    Please consider, this is a personal opinon, based on own experience and taste...

  13. 14 hours ago, EthanAlexander said:

    But then again, places like nofilmschool just embed the YT videos and write some paragraphs below for SEO purposes, and steal the traffic AND the chance for viewers to hit the like button!


    41 minutes ago, fuzzynormal said:

    At the end of the day, aggregation is theft and the only way to attempt to curb it is probably to regulate.

    ...ever reflected on the fact that EVERY news media nowadays produces it's news about 90% on releases from news agencies? There are 3-10 news agencies spreading the same news...and hundreds/thousands of "news media" buying this "content" from leading agencies, changing a little bit the text (no duplicate content from Googles POV), doing some internal linking (link juice for news categories and older articles, etc.) and the firing out the articles...

    But in fact, more than 90% of today's news base on news agencies releases spreaded to their clients...Hundreds of media publish the same news, sometimes with different title and a little bit of text differentiation...So news media - even of the most famous/appreciated ones - is nothing but about 90% copy & paste and aggregation. When copying the content of smaller sites, German media mostly DON'T CREDIT the original source...

    The such called "journalists" are more SEO pundits than journalists....The good one is, most media working like this, drives down...Consumers should NOT REWARD copy&paste journalism, content theft, etc...

  14. On 4.8.2017 at 11:51 AM, Mattias Burling said:

    The whole positive video movement is long dead imo.

    Too much fanboyism, envy and hate out there...Too many self proclaimed (but clueless) camera business analysts...And THIS is simply useless for interested people.

    Real interested enthusiasts and working shooters are gone - now replaced by "gear lurkers only". They spend weeks upon reading reviews, then buy, use, read even more reviews, then upgrade, replace, resell gear and finally repeat this process ad infinitum...without even producing only one piece of really useful content. Nothing wrong when doing this - just useless for people mainly interested in shooting and NOT in endless talk...

    In fact, the indecision of gear talkers is the factual bread-and-butter for most review sites. During the old days, I got much inspiration from many sites. Now...I am mainly disgusted by hate, envy, misconception, factual misinformation or even misleading and false statements...Gear talking became more and more boring and useless...

    BUT...Though there still are many useful sites out there with people who really help and inspire one...


    The pros and artists are out shooting and the rest have moved on to other hobbies.

    Yep...My POV: Shoot first and talk then...

  15. 1 hour ago, gt3rs said:

    Probably the best for you is to look for a used S900 ready to fly package including remote, lightbridge, gimbal and visit the guy that is selling in person for a demo so you can get a better idea on the effort involved.

    That would be for sure the best, to get an idea how this solution works during real jobs. As we all know, manufacturers and resellers don't advertize very often the limitations and possible usability issues of such systems...Thank you for advice and practical tips!

  16. @gt3rs


    With 5’000 EUR you don’t even start… the M600Pro is 5’700 + 1’800 the gimbal + 2700 (3 x 900 Battery set for 20-25 min flight) + some accessory you are well above 10’000 Euro…

    Exactly this...About 2x my budget. So, no need to even consider this kind of drone at the moment.

    After taking a look, it seems even the S900 with a X15-A7 gimbal could fit my needs...I just have to talk to experienced people, capable to customize such a package - because it was originally optimized for the A7S and not the A7S ii or A7R ii...


    Why not rent a GH5 with a couple of lens and test the photo quality it will be almost the same as the X5s on the Inspire 2?

    I had it one week in my hands. Nothing to compare in stills photography (and low light filming) with eg a A7R ii.

  17. @salim

    Thanks for advice! I shoot drone footage for more than 2 years now. My first drone was a DJI P2 with a GoPro 3 BE. I am familiar with drone flight and shooting - but only with smaller drones like the DJIs. I ALWAYS shoot drone footage with a second person. 


    The inspire can handle high res aerial still photography. You can almost stitch anything that is not moving and get 50-100 mp images.

    It's NOT all about stiching. A m4/3 camera will NEVER get similar IQ as a A7R ii + an excellent/outstanding wide angle lens. I've done already some test shots with a A7R ii + Nikon 20mm 1.8 from a very high building to simulate a little bit perspectives of aerial photography and the results were amazing. Stiching with a m4/3 is NOT an option...An A7R ii + light weight Nikon F1.8 primes (20mm, 35mm, 50mm, 85mm) give me a lot of options for excellent IQ and different focal lengths, even for my second important requirement - low light....

    My requirements are all about maximum of photographic quality (OK...maximum for this kind of budget)

    Thanks for the tip with the M600 / S1000. As I am NOT a do-it-yourselfer with drone electronics and remote/transmitter systems, I need a reliable, professional solution for cameras up to 1,5kg. I have to buy a ready2fly-drone, capable to fit my requirements.

  18. @OliKMIA

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


    Honestly at this price point I would consider the Inspire 2, it will make your life so much easier. Well, the kit price point is around $6000 with the X5S camera (micro 4/3).

    I know that a Inspire 2 / X5S would be probably the best solution to immediately start with. Though, my requirements make this impossible:

    • I need the drone also for high res aerial stills photography - and therein a A7R ii (42MP, great DR, great IQ) is hard to beat, when considering weight
    • a main requirement is also low light aerial videography - and the Sonys (Full frames A7x ii generation and A6500) are herein hard to beat. A m4/3 can NOT hold up

    So, a m4/3 camera would fail here...

  19. @jonpais

    Very beautiful! I really like this color science OOC: balanced, pleasant colors without any work in post and (in my eyes) a very beautiful skin texture.

    Now I shot a couple of times with a X-T2 (mainly stills photography) and it was a pleasure to work with: very good ergonomics and feeling and it gives the operator - because of phantastic buttons placement - a very familiar feeling. Miles away from the Sony plastic garbage frustration when holding it in your hands and shooting...

    And the SOOC imaging/colors have a kind of unique mojo...

  20. I would like to buy and use a drone for a Sony A6500 / A7R ii / A7S ii. So the drone should have a total payload of about 1,5kg (camera + lens). It should have FPV and - if possible - remote control for the mounted camera. 3-axis gimbal is also required. Budget is max. 5.000 Euro (for ready to fly drone only).

    Are here people experienced with this? Any recommendation for companies / experienced people for such a built?

    Thank you!

  21. 1 hour ago, wolf33d said:

    A shame that no IBIS and especially no PDAF is killing it.

    Guys, now as some of world's most famous and appreciated camera business analysts predict Nikon's death, it's time to sell your Nikon gear and Nikon stock. 

    On 26.7.2017 at 10:17 PM, Django said:

    Poor Nikon.. specs aren't even out & people are already burying them!

    Most absurd kind of "gear talk": Blaming cameras not even announced and lacking any official spec...boredom, personal frustration and hate just kill common sense...

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