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Posts posted by gt3rs

  1. 1 hour ago, padam said:

    Funny that an older press release started with: Canon reveals further EOS R5 details – shutting down speculation that some specs are ‘impossible’

    Non-cropped, internal recording 8K video capture – up to 29.97fps in 4:2:2 10-bit in Canon Log (H.265) or 4:2:2 10-bit HDR PQ (H.265)

    Non-cropped internal recording 4K video capture – up to 119.88fps in 4:2:2 10-bit in Canon Log (H.265) or 4:2:2 10-bit HDR PQ (H.265)

    I expect the image to soften at every higher frame rate (does not matter since it leaves rival behind by far) and maybe some crop will be available as well.
    But I don't expect great rolling shutter, when it reads the whole sensor. Maybe the IBIS will help to combat some of that, we'll see.

    Mmmh could not find any official press release that mention 4k 60 or 120 is FF....


    Here they just mention it has 8k and 4k DCI FF but not at which frame rate

  2. 5 hours ago, padam said:

    According to this test the 1DX III rolling shutter is 32ms in full sensor mode up to 30p (according to a different measurement, it is 28ms and the EOS R measured on that is also 28ms, so it is exactly same as the R)

    Interestingly, it does improve to 16ms when switched to full sensor 60p and the AF gets disabled (so twice as good as the EOS R).

    Not sure how it affects things, but the R5 will have the AF enabled, so if it runs is a similar mode as the 1DX III, the rolling shutter could be very severe in 8K and even worse than the 1DX III, unless it is something very special compared to the 1DX III.
    If not, they may not use the full sensor in either of the 4K recording modes to make the rolling shutter much better.

    Can't be much worst than this as it will not make it in time for 30fps..... as we know that 4k 60 and 120 also have DPAF either are cropped or pixel binned or it is a big improvement over 1Dx III..... hope is the last one but in fact I could not find that 60 or 120fps are not cropped or pixel binned or both

    If it is a more dense 1Dx III sensor then we will may have:
    8k 30fps FF same rolling as 1Dx III
    4k 30fps FF super sampled same rolling as 1Dx III
    4k 60fps crop 16ms rolling
    4k 120fps FF or crop pixel binned 7ms rolling

    Again if it would do 4k 120fps FF super sampled they would have done a huge advancement in sensor/cpu but we can always hope and dream. I doubt that they have the tech to do 4k FF 120fps with DPAF super sampled and did not put it in the C500 II or 1Dx III.... but still possible.

    How many FF sensors can do 4k 120fps uncropped?  On top of my head I don't recall any .......

    Honestly even if it has these limitations and if it priced around  the 5d IV release price it will still be an amazing camera just not the monster that all people are dreaming of...


  3. 12 minutes ago, zerocool22 said:

    How are you liking the dynamic range? Do you have other camera's to shoot a comparison with?

    Can't really help as I come from 1Dx II but I sold it 2 days before receiving the III, I also sold a week before my old 1Dx as the idea is to have the 1Dx III and a R5 or R6 (I need two body as I do a lot with remote cameras especially netcam in icehockey) also comparing RAW vs 8bit is not that fair.
    As I shot all sports in RAW for me it is very good to have RAW video as I can processes it quite similar. 
    In photo the 1Dx III has better in DR (around 1/2 stop or so) up to iso 400 and base 1/2 or 2/3 stop better noise at high iso. I normally shoot icehockey in pro venue at iso 4000 as iso 8000 on the 1Dx II was really the limit but on the 1Dx III iso 8000 was still usable.

    The test above is for doing things like this (this is a photo is with a strobe so it would need a powerful battery led with fresnel plan to rent 300d to see if it can make it.....)



  4. 4 hours ago, toxotis70 said:

    i think it will have line skipping or binning.....and massive RS.

    RS will be max 30ms 8k 30 (so not great  at all but similar to 6k SH1),  around 15ms at 4k 60 (so quite good )and around 8ms at 4k 120fps.
    The question is what about 4k 24fps will it be around 25-30ms or 15ms? The 1Dx III seems to be around 25-30 at 24,25,30 and around 15ms at 50 60 in FF. One could shoot 50 fps at 360° and drop every second frame to get 15ms RS but in the 1Dx III you loose DPAF 😞 but on the R5 it should be still available but the next question then is it super sampled at 4k at 60fps (at 30fps I'm ready to bet yes as the data is similar to 5.5k 60fps of the 1Dx)?

  5. 48 minutes ago, jgharding said:

    I think this is what makes me very suspicious! Either they have genuinely turned a corner cos the financials are getting very bad, or there will be some nasty surprises real-world VS this spec sheet...

    You could do also another list for Canon DSLR regarding video:

    - First having FullHD DSLR

    - First having 4k DSLR

    - First having a usable video AF

    - First having 4k 60p DSLR

    - First having ND filter adapter 

    - First having FF RAW DSLR

    - First having 8K DSLR

    - First having FF 4k 120 DSLR

    But I agree they never really went all in for video features until the 1Dx III.... and pricing was always all over the place.

    I think this year is a big turnaround with C500 II, C300 III, 1Dx III that they really did not cripple or try to protect things so I have less of a problem guessing that R5 will not be intentionally crippled. It will have limitation but mostly due to HW than intentional.


  6. 23 minutes ago, KnightsFan said:

    Image quality, I bet it will be good enough for Netflix, but I suspect that approval will not happen. If there is ae recording time limit that would hurt its chances. Also it might not write all the metadata that Netflix requires--I haven't heard anything about timecode support for example. That might be something Canon wants to reserve for the C line.

    One of the key requirement for Netflix that no canon dslr will fulfill is time code input..... C200 does not have it and so is not on the list.

  7. 34 minutes ago, Cliff Totten said:

    Canon is pushing "full sensor with" and "no cropping" but they are being very careful to not say "HOW" they are doing this. I'm expecting gobbs of line skipping and pixel binning in 4k. The fact that this camera has no cooling fan is also HIGHLY suspicious. It wouldn't surprise me if the 8k limit was no more than 30 seconds long per clip. Even line skipped 4k will not be longer 30 min. Many people expect this to be the 8k version of the S1H. But, the S1H is fan cooled, has 6k-4k-1080 full pixel readout, no recording limits and no overheating problems and is designed to be as 100% reliable and is built like a true camcorder. The R5 will be nothing like this because its not designed to be and it can't be in this form factor.

    1DX iii can subsample 5.5k 60 fps to 4k 60fps for 30 min, so it looks plausible to do 8k 30fps to 4k 30fps that is around the same data..... now higher than 30fps not so sure...

    Seeing the c500 ii doing 5.9k RAW 60fps with a fan I was doubtful that the 1Dx in a fully weather sealed body could do the same at 5.5k and here I’m using it daily with no issue....

    Bottomline up to 30fps absolutely doable, rolling shutter will be an issue but so is on the SH1

  8. I think Canon has finally realized that who is buying a DSLR for Video either don't want a dedicated cinema cameras (like me as I do a lot of photos too my 1Dx II and 1Dx that I just sold had both more than 200k clicks each on it ) or they have a limited budget < 4k usd..... thus a dedicated optimized for video DSLR does not make too much sense as it covers only the second group and the margins are too low.

    So they go all in with the video features in they photo DSLR and with a single SKUs, body etc try to cover all the above markets with their photo models.

    Then they have finally a good structure on their C line:

    Cinema FF 6k RAW C500 II < 16K USD

    Documentary, Action, etc S35 4K RAW 120 fps, top DR C300 II <11K USD

    Entry level S35 4K RAW 60 fps C200 < 5.5k USD (here they should add the middle 10 bit codec)

    Below 4.5k USD is DSLR territory


  9. For photography is almost a perfect camera on paper 12 fps mechanical 20 fps electronic at 45 Mpix,  if it has the DPAF of the 1Dx III it will be also very good for action and sports something that the 5d IV was never too good at. Buffer should be also very good as they can write 30 fps at 8K RAW probably at 20 fps 3:2 14 bit should be almost infinite at least in CRaw.... will probably not be blackout free, will have rolling shutter issue with the ES but for 95% of action would be good enough.

    For video we need to see the recording limit (I'm betting 30min) and if and up to which fps 4k is super sampled (if it can do FF 4k 120fps super sampled it has a monster sensor and cpu) and DR. I tend to think that up to 4k 30fps is super sampled and then pixel binned but I hope to be wrong.

    Not sure the R6 will be that good on video because at the Cinema event they only talked about the R5 but let see, hope to be wrong.


  10. 14 minutes ago, Trankilstef said:

    I honestly don't have a lot of faith in Canon for having a great dynamic range. They were always behind in sensor tech in their stills camera, even though their Cinema EOS line are quite good at it. 

    The sensor is basically on par with the A7R4: https://www.photonstophotos.net/Charts/PDR.htm#Canon EOS 1D X Mark III,Sony ILCE-7RM4
    This does not mean that in RAW video it will have the same DR.... but for photo the sensor definitely has a really good DR

  11. 8 minutes ago, Patrick B. said:

    yeah, I’ve only seen one quick and dirty test on YouTube for recovering highlights so it would be great to see some deeper dives.  I hate to believe the IDX is that much lower.

    Also would be good that is done with RAW at iso 100, RAW with D+ at iso 200 and RAW with DLog at iso 400 to see witch settings is giving better result and then compare to 10big Log too

  12. 47 minutes ago, zerocool22 said:

    Yeah I have some worries though. As the dynamic range of the 1DX III doesnt seem to be that great. (and when I compare to Zcam, their 6K has more Dynamic range then their 8K cameras). But fingers crossed. 

    Where did you see a real dr test of 1dx iii ? 

    As the sensor dr is quite good: https://www.canonnews.com/1dx-mark-iii-dynamic-range-tested-class-leading and so should be the 12 bit raw video.

    Random youtube tests are worthless imo.

  13. 52 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:

    What prompted Canon to do a completely revelatory camera, in terms of the technology and completely u-turn on their previous strategy of holding back on DSLR video.

    Was it seeing so many sales go to Sony?

    Was it the need to ensure a new mirrorless lens mount succeeds on the market vs Nikon, Fuji, Panasonic & Sony?

    Were they waiting for new manufacturing capabilities to be ready, new factories, to be able to produce such fast sensors and processors?

    Did they realise cropped 4K on the EOS R was a bad business strategy?

    I'd love to be a fly on the wall at Canon.

    Probably a combination of all the above.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Trankilstef said:

    Where did people see the IBIS thing is real internal sensor based stabilization? Because to me it seems it is more of an electronic satbilization + lens stabilization than real ibis.
    Look this frame from the vide834055100_2020-04-2115_13_31-CanonR5-RAWPowerRevealed-YouTubeBrave.thumb.png.32ae0b99edfa63f6adc1094a27306101.pngo posted above, doesn't seem to be real sensor shift IBIS, but lens based + ES...

    The "IS mode" menu I think is the IBIS as on canon you cannot control lens IS from the menu or at least not on EF lenses....

  15. 51 minutes ago, heart0less said:

    Yeah, something is definitely going on. I've seen some new lights that boast about 90W output from 384 LED beads.
    Right now I get 40W of power from 660 LEDs, which is still plenty.


    That's right, no magic inside.
    Though I have to admit that those LEDs that Lupo used seem to be pretty efficient and bright, nonetheless.

    Manfrotto used fresnels in their small LED lights back in the day and they could only achieve 550 Lx @ 1m
    (Manfrotto Spectra 500F)


    Yep on the newsshooter review is stated that the Lupo uses fresnel nothing wrong with this approach but is not due to led evolution.

  16. 5 minutes ago, Avenger 2.0 said:

    Certainly these: No dual card recording for video and recording time limit.

    I'm not so sure as it could be RAW on CFexpress and 4k proxy on SD..... but we will see. What I'm sure  is that the 1Dx III even with two CFexpress you cannot record on both at the same time, only exception is 5.5 RAW + 4K "proxy". Recording limit will probably by 30 min for all fps and 7 min for 120 fps like the 1Dx III. 

  17. 1 hour ago, sanveer said:

    The Lupo, is, surprisingly brighter. It also has higher CRI, arguably lasts longer (the Godox has 3 times the power draw, the Lupo uses NP-F-series batteries meaning that there are mmultiple capacity battery options (meaning you could go for hours on large capacity batteries), and is cheaper too $159 vs $349 (for the battery version of the Godox, the SLB60W). If the Godox is used with its fresnel attachment, it would be brighter.

    The Lupo is much smaller and lighter. 



    Lupo does not include battery, chargers or power adapter so it will be more than 159 but for sure less than 349. I find panel less flexible than COB lights but especially if you are doing interviews, corporates etc.. the new Lupo panel seems a better fit than the SL or SLB from godox.

    Just that there is no magic in output, the lupo use fresnel lens inside this is why the beam is narrow you do the same with the godox and the power will be much more. 

  18. 11 minutes ago, zerocool22 said:

    There is a press conference of Canon on 20 april, and one of Sony on the 30th(they were scheduled at the same time, but sony postponed theirs when they found out Canon was at the same time). I wonder why sony does that, is it because they will include extra features to compete with canon if the canon news is better? 

    They will put a lot of *..  *coming in future firmware updates ...😂 On a serious note I doubt is for watching Canon, it is way too late to change things other than price....probably the idea is to be later so the press blogs etc will talk only about Sony announcement and not both at the same time...

    Rumor strongly suggests is the C300 iii and Sony has already the FX9 in that price segment so I doubt that there is any overlapping. 

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