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    Kisaha got a reaction from SMGJohn in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    In my opinion, NX1 is a much better experience. Best ergonomics, best battery, heat management, 120fps, no 4K crop (all the rest have some kind of crop, even X1.1), best menu system, Operating System, and all these best in class. If you can find for really cheap (less than 899euros, or less than 1399 including any of the S lenses) and you have some NX lenses already, then it is worth it. I don't see any competitive camera for less than double that price soon. Probably the next Sonies will be better (I am talking about overall quality, not a thing or two per camera), but they will be expensive, and they are not going to be here any time soon (the APS-Cs, I expect the next full frame models to be awesome, if based on the new A99 hardware).
  2. Like
    Kisaha reacted to DPStewart in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    Wow. Canon EF lenses working WITH IS on an NX1.... THAT would be some large jar of awesome sauce.

    As for the hack - It's fine if it doesn't go any further because it already has added so much. I say "let it be finished". One less thing to always be updating, right?
    As for it only adding "ten-percent better image quality", well that's HUGE. That's a lot. Especially if it's doing it right where it's needed.
    For critical images it has been worth the effort. I can get footage to work when cut in with higher-grade cameras now that that grunge in the shadows has been cleaned up. That was enough. Heck, it's everything really. If not for that one factor, I probably would have had to let my NX1 go in exchange for something a lot more expensive. 
  3. Like
    Kisaha got a reaction from Marco Tecno in Sony a6500 limited record time   
    You bought a 6300 (and whatever crop Sony you had before) without IBIS and no decent APS-C lens selection anyways, and no DIS for whenever reason, except no moding/hacking scene at all, that we enjoy amazing evolution to an already very good system; One of the most important aspects (even the Sony representatives make this a huge deal) is the touch screen, that you had to buy 3 cameras (6000-6300-6500) to make it happen (a business partner here bought the a6000 with full price, the a6300 for 1500euros a month ago, and now he has to find a way to buy the a6500, on the same time, I have the same camera, that is a huge financial advancement), while it was always there on the NX1, so yes, we did enjoy our cameras more, for more continuous time and no overheating, ever, just saying (-a logic statement here)..
    It is also irrelevant and somehow futile to try to impose views on other people (another general statement, doesn't go to anyone specific). Everyone just has to enjoy whatever equipment has, and 25 years after my first (film) cameras, I have to say that we are living in exciting times and we are becoming a bit spoiled and soft!
  4. Like
    Kisaha got a reaction from Beritar in Sony a6500 limited record time   
    You bought a 6300 (and whatever crop Sony you had before) without IBIS and no decent APS-C lens selection anyways, and no DIS for whenever reason, except no moding/hacking scene at all, that we enjoy amazing evolution to an already very good system; One of the most important aspects (even the Sony representatives make this a huge deal) is the touch screen, that you had to buy 3 cameras (6000-6300-6500) to make it happen (a business partner here bought the a6000 with full price, the a6300 for 1500euros a month ago, and now he has to find a way to buy the a6500, on the same time, I have the same camera, that is a huge financial advancement), while it was always there on the NX1, so yes, we did enjoy our cameras more, for more continuous time and no overheating, ever, just saying (-a logic statement here)..
    It is also irrelevant and somehow futile to try to impose views on other people (another general statement, doesn't go to anyone specific). Everyone just has to enjoy whatever equipment has, and 25 years after my first (film) cameras, I have to say that we are living in exciting times and we are becoming a bit spoiled and soft!
  5. Like
    Kisaha reacted to Chris Oh in cheap rig   
    13:20 he uses a $20 shoulder mount that works.
  6. Like
    Kisaha reacted to ttbek in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    Luca: Don't tease us man, are you declaring victory, progress, or extremely early prototyping code that's been tested with only a handful of lenses?  In my own case I managed to get electronic control of the aperture on a Canon lens today, the 40mm.  IS.... seems to want to run all the time the camera is receiving commands on my lenses (e.g. 28-135) that have it, even when the switch is off on the lens.  Probably the lens passes the switch state to the camera but the camera makes the ultimate decision, is my guess so far.  Progress has been slower than I hoped in part because i was too cheap to buy the logic analyzer.. hard to debug early stages here.  My colleague is working on getting the nano to act as a logic analyzer, probably going to be faster than waiting for one to ship from China.  Anyway, give us the gritty details!  On a side note, this video is super cool:
  7. Like
    Kisaha got a reaction from nffclml2ppl in DJI just slaughtered GoPro with Mavic   
    +1 Emanuel!
    Plus, just to conclude my thinking, when I started working, late 90's, everyone was concentraded on his trade, be it sound, be it camera, whatever, and we were investing accordingly. Today, things are getting cheaper, but the market requires, for even a very low budget production, a 800$ wedding let's say, or a 700$ small shop FB video, an interchangable lens camera, couple of lens, few OK led lights, whatever can do for sound, an action cam, a drone, a slider, a few more things (tripod/monopod/bags/batteries/cables/hard drives/computational power/editing amd pp software/memory cards/monitor/etch) and the budget is not adequate for another person to come help. Sorry for ranting, just some thoughts while preparing my bags for such a project!
  8. Like
    Kisaha reacted to Cinegain in Intel targets commercial market with company-branded Falcon 8+ drone   
    Atleast the camera will be air cooled.
  9. Like
    Kisaha reacted to Mattias Burling in The very underestimated problem of RADIOACTIVE lenses   
    Im not a radiologist like Saadawi but I did some tests a while back.
  10. Like
    Kisaha reacted to timmyturntable in Your ideal NX1 Settings   
    Finalized my latest video...went with the SEDONA LUT on most of them...
  11. Like
    Kisaha reacted to SMGJohn in Is there any point for an external recorder? If not, then what monitor?   
    Definitely go for a cheap monitor if you do not plan on ext-recording and you can use the rest of the money for the NXL speed booster adapter and adapt any lens to it and make it future proof, he works on an electronic one and posted some results which are looking really good. 
  12. Like
    Kisaha reacted to omar in $5700 what canon camera do I buy?   
    I actually ended up buying a c100 mk II for $3599 brand new on this site: http://m.fumfie.com/product/ID515C6/view/
    it has since went up in price so I got it just in time. Thanks for all of your advice guys! Much appreciated!
    And as far as the FS5 goes I think it's a great camera. Sony has all of the features a video guy wants but there's something that keeps bringing me back to canon. I think it's the look and the colors and canons menu system. 
    ive personally owned many cameras. I've owned, the original c100, BMCC, BMPCC, canon 5D II&III, Sony A7s, Sony F35, ursa mini 4K, and they are all great cameras but with all of my experience with these cameras I choose canon becasue of the colors and ease of use(you can't beat the F35's look though. I just wish it was smaller). 
    I rented an FS7 once and, while it had a great image, the menu system was horrible. I didn't even know how to change the ISO with some picture profiles that I used. While some might enjoy the complicate Sony menu, I don't. I don't have time for that. I need to be able pick up my camera and shoot. Canon wins for me on that end, but Sony might win for someone else. 
    I do definitely think Sonys winning on the innovative side of things. 
  13. Like
    Kisaha got a reaction from omar in $5700 what canon camera do I buy?   
    Definitely C100mkII, and spend wisely the rest of the money for sound, and you are good to go out there and make some money!
    60D and SL1 are just way inferior, you will be excited using the mkII, you can get a cheap 18-135 STM that is my run and gun choice, and having already the Tokina, the 50mm and the 24-70 you can have better quality from quite wide to tele-ish range, if the 18-135 doesn't cut it, but for corporate, or live, it does the job most of the time.
    Probably you have some money left to get the new M after a couple of jobs (and when the price comes down a bit) to have it as a second camera, or backup, and/or photographic one.
  14. Like
    Kisaha reacted to TheRenaissanceMan in Sony a6500 limited record time   
    You know, this might actually be an advantage for me. Shooting in 0° Wisconsin weather? No more overheating, plus a free hand warmer!
  15. Like
    Kisaha reacted to Davey in Sony a6500 limited record time   
    To be expected, really. It's just an a6300 with extra heat inducing features. 
  16. Like
    Kisaha got a reaction from iamoui in Sony Will Announce the A6500   
    NX cameras have the only 28mgpxls BSI APS-C sensor, two years ago; plus DIS (Canon makes it really a big deal on the latest M, just saying), the right form factor for serious use, amazing battery life for a mirrorless, the best UI and OS (of course this is subjective), a right collection of lenses for some of us, the right codec(H265) for some of us (and for all, pretty soon), no heat problems, a breath of new life fror the second best mod/hack scene in the industry, 15fps, some cool AF tricks, best connectivity options in industry (used too, I do not know if there is anything better now), best touch screens (others catching up here too), and a few other things.
    What's not to like? Oh, yes, they have exited the market for good..and no RAW video.
  17. Like
    Kisaha reacted to lucabutera in Samsung NX Speed Booster   
    Thank you Carlic, what you see is only a perception caused by an increase in brightness, picture 1 (without NXL) and picture 2 (with NXL) have the same purple fringing, no sane photographer would shoot to 1.8 (1.4 with NXL) in the midday sun!
    Remember that I am using a Canon 50mm 1.8 cheap lens, it created the purple fringing.
    I today took a picture at 10:30 morning, when the sun is back my shoulders , always f1.8, no purplue fringing and excellent sharpness.

    Raw file : SAM_0616.dng
  18. Like
    Kisaha reacted to Geoff CB in Sony Will Announce the A6500   
    RS is on of the most defining differences between high end cameras and consumer ones. If I cannot use pans in a shot that takes away a storytelling tool. And the A6300 isn't simply bad, it's horrendous, it's easily the worst performing RS of any consumer camera. It makes it unusable in any professional filmmaking setting, relocating it to use in interviews and event work.
  19. Like
    Kisaha reacted to Nikkor in Sony Will Announce the A6500   
    Oh comon emanuel, thats slomo footage. The 6300 does have the worst RS around, and RS is a problem.
  20. Like
    Kisaha got a reaction from SR in Sony Will Announce the A6500   
    NX cameras have the only 28mgpxls BSI APS-C sensor, two years ago; plus DIS (Canon makes it really a big deal on the latest M, just saying), the right form factor for serious use, amazing battery life for a mirrorless, the best UI and OS (of course this is subjective), a right collection of lenses for some of us, the right codec(H265) for some of us (and for all, pretty soon), no heat problems, a breath of new life fror the second best mod/hack scene in the industry, 15fps, some cool AF tricks, best connectivity options in industry (used too, I do not know if there is anything better now), best touch screens (others catching up here too), and a few other things.
    What's not to like? Oh, yes, they have exited the market for good..and no RAW video.
  21. Like
    Kisaha got a reaction from Marco Tecno in Sony Will Announce the A6500   
    NX cameras have the only 28mgpxls BSI APS-C sensor, two years ago; plus DIS (Canon makes it really a big deal on the latest M, just saying), the right form factor for serious use, amazing battery life for a mirrorless, the best UI and OS (of course this is subjective), a right collection of lenses for some of us, the right codec(H265) for some of us (and for all, pretty soon), no heat problems, a breath of new life fror the second best mod/hack scene in the industry, 15fps, some cool AF tricks, best connectivity options in industry (used too, I do not know if there is anything better now), best touch screens (others catching up here too), and a few other things.
    What's not to like? Oh, yes, they have exited the market for good..and no RAW video.
  22. Like
    Kisaha reacted to tomekk in Sony Will Announce the A6500   
    There is also a third model which I think Sony has taken (it's also quite a new approach). Don't you think Sony delivers features but a lot of the time they're not 100% reliable like on Canikons? They're unreliable to the point that some people after initial OHs and WOWs switch back. The third model is based around Lean startup method in which you intentionally release lower quality products in order to improve them later on.(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lean_startup). The idea is to get a "good enough" product on the market ASAP and improve it over time (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lean_startup#Minimum_viable_product). This way you can release cutting edge technologies earlier and more often, cut the costs (less testing time etc) and get feedback from customers earlier. The downsides we all know, don't we ;)? We're all unpaid beta testers all the time in a way. There is also something called split testing in which "different versions of a product are offered to customers at the same time" - sounds familiar, doesn't it? 
    It'll be interesting to see which model will come out first in the end, though!
  23. Like
    Kisaha reacted to ttbek in Samsung NX Speed Booster   
    Not good news :P  First I tried with Canon 40mm pancake, the lens wasn't responding at all, I suspect that the protocol has expanded a bit.  Spent that weekend trying to get any kind of response to no avail.  Good-ish news, during the week I tried the 28-135 and there is definitely movement in the lens, but I've had no time to explore further.  It seems like I might need to get a logic analyzer to have a shot at it working with newer Canon lenses.  If anyone wants to leapfrog me, there is someone that claims to have made such a working adapter for basic manual control using buttons on the adapter for focus and aperture, and was actually using it on NX. 
    Scroll way down to the post by a Peter S on January 2, 2012 at 14:15
    Need to adapt that code to Arduino Nano when I get a chance, very similar microcontroller used in his project. 
    It's too bad he didn't post that code, the answer to his unresolved precise aperture setting is in Peter's post. 
    Is an informative post, he also has code available, but it is a bit different, being driven from a connected computer rather than a microcontroller, etc.. but still possibly useful. 
    In my searching about, it seems that almost everything the public knows about the EF protocol originates from this German thread:
    Which is unfortunately a jumbled mess and all the useful compilations of the info some members made seem to be defunct.  Still, it's worth combing through. 
    The next step for me I think is to re-verify the physical integrity of my connections, then start working with the 28-135 instead of that obnoxious 40mm.  Not sure 100% about the logic analyzer yet... but since I'm thinking it will be needed eventually I'm starting to feel like I should order one soon.
    The NX side is easier and harder.  I think I have quite a bit more concrete information on the protocol, thanks in part to rockymountain's blueringlab site, but this side likely involves fooling the camera about certain aspects of the lens and spoofing lens responses. 
    Luca: If I want more than one focal reducer should I donate that number of times?  <- in bold because the site is merging my posts and I thought this should be separate. 
  24. Like
    Kisaha reacted to Axel in Never Satisfied   
    Film is also a language.
    Static tripod shots are a way of saying (because they are understood subconsciously in that way by the audience): "Look here, I wanna to show you something I have selected for your consideration".
    The fast zoom of the late seventies and early eighties says: "And it's THIS !!!"
    Until Godards À bout de souffle (Breathless) of 1950, hand-held camera meant either POV or amateur. Suddenly people realized that a doc-style hand camera did NOT say: "this is something witnessed by a camera operator, there is no structured narration", but that it added emotion to the scene. It said, "what happens here is (or WAS) not fully controlled or understood". Godard, also a film-philosopher, explained that cinema showed "death at work". The viewer of a traditional movie was like someone who sits in a train, in driving direction. He could anticipate everything because it slowly moved into his field of vision. Cuts with perfect continuity or with a too obvious narrative function, motifs carefully framed and presented in cold blood. A deterministic world view, down-to-earth (or down-to-your-knees!) morals, Pleasantville. Every 'film of life' has the same curve bending from the cradle to the grave.
    Revolting for the existentialistic Godard. He wanted audiences breathless. I think that a gimbal or IBIS stabilized shot that is deliberately made shaky in post does NOT transport this. People who want "total stabilization" often also demand HFR, 48, 50, 60 fps. This smoothes motion, true, but it effectively makes motion blur (or lack of motion blur!) almost invisible. They smoothed motion, but they also stopped (e-)motion. Film is a language, and it needs as much differentiation as possible. Sharp - unsharp, stable - shaky, smooth - choppy, contrasty - misty, giant - tiny, what have you. Film is not about technical perfection. If a gimbal shot looks as if made by the Terminator (I own the Ronin M, so I'm not a hater), you don't need servo sounds for the audience to sense this, imo.

    RS already has it's place in the vocabulary of contemporary cinema. If there is an explosion or sth. like that filmed in the aforementioned Nouvelle Vague fashion, RS will add emotion AND authenticity. Of course not in the long tripod shot in which Daniel Craig escapes with the explosion on the horizon. Let me add another semiotic polarity: UGLYYYYY - nice ...
    EDIT: I can't remember which film it was, but only recently I saw RS flashes (images torn in their middle) in an, er, blockbuster. Viewing habits have already adopted that look.
  25. Like
    Kisaha reacted to Cinegain in Sony Will Announce the A6500   
    Yeah, that says a lot, doesn't it. Honestly, Albert Fast has been doing great stuff with the G7! And it's an cheap as fuck camera that doesn't overheat! He uploaded this a few days ago:
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