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Everything posted by PannySVHS

  1. Now, that! Totally agree. Until my Lumix G6 gave up on me I enjoyed it a big deal to practice eloquent handheld shooting. No Ibis and vintage lenses. What opened my eyes was the 2x digizoom. Lineskipping gave me a very fast readout and I felt like a smooth operator. Of course it was an aliasing party:) Maybe a 8ms readout would be perfect for smooth handheld action up to 50mm on s35 format.
  2. Awesome. Dear Seb, you rock! Love your videos. Now, that Baby Hypergonar on a LX100 was really something, besides all your other beautiful and insightful videos. Thank you very much!
  3. No, put a 20mm Canon FD lens on the S1 and stop dreaming of the S1H:) Would be awesome if you would do a thread about audio devices, a collection of knowledge you shared with us in several posts. Maybe a short write up, so it would not be a monster task to do so of course!:)
  4. PannySVHS


    @Zach Goodwin2 Hallo Zach, you might like the Tokina 25-50mm F4 zoom. One of the fun finds by Andy Lee, who started this thread long time ago. You could get it in Pentax or Nikon mount and adapt it to your EF mount camera. You can get them for less than 15 dollars or even less than ten! Great 2x range and quality. Nice haptic quality and great size. Got mine for less than 15 bucks with shipping included!
  5. Hey Andrew, what a great idea! 1. my most used camera is the GX85 with either Fujinon Cmount 12.5mm 1.4 or boosted Canon FD 28mm F2.8. Most current camera is the Lumix S1 with different flavors of FD mount lenses like Vivitar 90mm Macro or Canon FD 20mm. Super fun focal lengths and lenses on the larger sensor. So here is a pic of my most recent camera which puts out an incredible image even in its 8bit 709 profiles, coupled with the Vivitar 90mm. 2. I´m a filming addict who needs his daily camera exercises. To this day I admire old school Eoshd articles and the film making essays of Tony Zhou, which are magnificiant for everyone who wants to learn film. Film making to me is a rather personal than industrial affair. I enjoy to be on creatively challenging sets with limited resources. Have been a gaffer for quiete a few gigs now and hope these guys don´t forget pay me back on my sets some day:) 3. favorite hobby is getting lazy and growing a belly.:) I love stills photography and used to love any kinds of sports. Favorite athletes are Katharina Witt, Mike Tyson and Zidane. 4. I am looking forward for EOSHD to stay welcoming towards different people, flavors and opinions other than mine.:) I wish for some friends to come back like @kidzrevil, @maxotics and others. I would love more articles of overseen gems and nerd machines like LX100, modded Sony A6000 or the Pentax lens which is a Zeiss. And most of all more film vignettes by Andrew Reid, the man himself! I would have loved a follow up blog post on the EOSHD 200EUR camera challenge. Would love more official and moderated challenges like that. 5. I miss certain things in culture, arts, solidarity, intellect, kindness and sensuality the most, since commercial culture and dull salesman blahblah and mentality have been pushing anything else aside. 6. First time reading Eoshd could have been around 2012 when reading about the GH2 on dpreview. Beautiful times! Now, interested in your posts, dear friends!
  6. Hallo Glenn, beautiful creamy tones. Nikon lens shooting a beautiful Canon FD camera! That is what I call camera love.:)
  7. Hmm, I cover myself in silence:)
  8. Hey friend, still thinking about getting my hands on a F3. I own a FS700 and used it only once on a paid gig. Likeable camera, great battery life without need for Vmount batteries. Image of internal SLOG is pretty good too, only in fast movement there is rather large blocks, artefacts. So was thinking of using the FS700 in internal as C100 made by Sony.:) So how is the lowlight and image of F3 compared to the FS700, internal and external HD vs. downscaled 4k to 2K? Does it have cinema 2k? cheers and thanks
  9. Andy Lee left us when we all were regaining our confindence in 8bit MFT cameras due to his G7 tests. Bought mine because of his posts, then he left the forum. I barely used it because GAS made me buy the GX85 right after it. And I was still enjoying my mighty old G6. @kidzrevil was one of my favorite camera fans, just like @maxotics was one of my fav tech professors. One should never get into lengthy posts with cynincal and hostile touches. By the way, no country is greater than others. Great is not a measurable quality, just a measure to get disgusted by if meant in superiour self assurance. I miss a few posters but I have been away for a while too. I hope Kidz will come back posting.
  10. Shame on me. I got a few Tevidons and gave up on them already (no quiet, of course::), when the C-mount version didnt have the right flange via C-mount adapter. So, hopefully, I will get to test, if the 35mm and the 70mm really fit the S35 image circle. Love my 20mm FD on the 135 ("full frame")sensor size. Puts out a beautiful image. Some lens lovers regard it a good lens for its time I regard it as a winner for moving images. Sharp enough for me. Intersting side note, I never seen my images on a screen or projection screen larger than 12 feet wide. Lens owning plan would be that dream duo of 21mm and 40mm Voigtlaender M mount, one for mft and both of them for the "large" sensor.
  11. I always appreciated an honest point of view. Because it was just that: a personal opinion, which was not worse than mine just because of being different from mine. It becomes of course very unpleasant with obvious misantrophic and cyninc opinions. Some people and friends on this forum happened to have voted for the current president. They are awesome contributors and human beings, kind, helpful, gentle. I am sure that Andrew will not ban them! For the hateful commenters I would wish to give them another chance at showing their humane side. A very few self proclaimed liberal contributors have not been too well mannered neither, with a few stronger lacks of reason and logic in their argumentation, lack of the least amount of manners as well. Like I stated before a few months ago, I find that technology race for 8K kinda obscene, all the natural resources, all that power hungry streaming, all that for some lowest common denominatr of media content, subpar entertainment. We are all involved in that kind of 1st world obscenity and hypocracy. Let´s not get sucked into mob mentality. I would have loved a Blackmagic Cinema Camera 2.5K with 60p mode and a 15ms readout and decent battery life. Enough camera for fantastic cinematic image quality and engough space for nerdom, lens freakery, diy stuff, behind the scenes footage... Andrew should repost some of his awesome blog posts of the past. They hold so much more inspiration for the future filmmaker than some dull tech reviews of current hyper, 8k, 2000fps camras on some gadget websites. I mean ladys stockings for lens filter, hallo, now we are talking and testing!:)
  12. I only graded HLG once on the GH5 with a rather dedicated approach. Working in ACE made a huge difference. I think I choose generic 2020 as starting profile, then of course 709 as target profile.
  13. Andrew, are flights to Berlin possible? Renting a car and driving to Berlin would be very exhausting, but maybe an option, if available. Are you staying with friends in Barcelona? Stay safe! It is very true, this competitive rat race is not healthy, now this Virus on top of it. I hope everyone enjoys this community very much just like I do. I read here often, when I´m happy or sad, to share cheerfulness and the beautiful lens and tech nerdom and peacefulness of nerdom. We owe one another in this world respect and appreciation and support, so do we towards one another in this forum and to you, dear Andrew. Thank you very much. And let us know, how we can help.
  14. Hey Cats, Shane Hurlbut, the DOP and lecturer, is giving away a free 8 hour lighting course. Source, the beautiful German site slashcam.de, friends of Andrew and Eoshd. https://www.hurlbutacademy.com/illumination-experience-workshop/
  15. You rascalas, don´t underestimate the power of 3ccd raw magic, with stabilized leica lens. Well I allow the universe to accept the HPX250 as almost equal. I missed out on one couple months ago on ebay, which went for less than 500EU. Seems like I won´t bump this again. Anyhow, I downloaded the software from this thread. So I got a Andromeda on the software side, only one missing part is that bit of hardware.:)
  16. See, I live in this shithole. And others vote for one of the two shitty candidates. But any president of a most powerful nation will have a lot of shittyness going on. Believe it. Nobody supports this kind of action you describe. No testimonies needed. I wouldnt testify the obvious, espially not under the wrong assumptions which have been made in this mob mentality. The story about Mauerpark, Andrew, you should hear it some day. Let´s stay groovy. Some old school Berlin groovyness for Iggy Pops sake! The soul groovin vibe, when not everything was supermarket techno in Berlin.
  17. Not that much really. Just keeping this thread to bump up as top news. This camera deserves it. I mean I do. Bump, the heck, bump!
  18. No, Glenn, did not do that, neither did you nor me. Sleep tight, Andrew. Berlin is crazy. Supermarkets and peoples behaviour are even nastier than they were in pre Covid times. Don´t jump on my friend. You know, we still want to meet up some day in Berlin, remember. Would be cool. I got a cool story to tell you about Mauerpark some time, very cool one, when everything has calmed down hopefully. You all stay safe and stay out of rigid discussions and demanding your friends to testify. I wouldnt, because I don´t like to be pressured. Don´t pressure one another. You are good people. Act accordingly. Best, Marty
  19. I am finished with this blog post. Please stay informed about the state of the pandemie of the Covid 19 virus. I will do so too. Many people don´t have access to the information and infrastructure we have. and what do some of us get sucked into- into treating our friends with cuss words and with untrue statements, adventerous conclusions plus demanding to testify. this is not a court. This is hard times, also for us rather lucky people. Some of us behave like what they point out about Trumps behaviour. See you around in more friendly posts. Good night.
  20. what technologies and high tech companies do you prefer to support with your purchases? Not funny that- your assumptions and rather rigid conclusions. how some readers here draw conclusions reminds me of rumors sites when people get very exited about glimpses of supposed to be data of the next big camera thing. About Trumps various untrue statements and disrespect for facts- it is not anybodys taski to exuse themselves for actions of Donald Trump nor to blanter about their point of views which might differ strongly from your assumptions about them. To jump on Trump is easy. Why not try another sport, my dear athletic friends.
  21. People who have voted for Trump have just done that. Not having voted for Hillary Clinton. Maybe, if the Democratic Party would have put up Bernie Sanders, people would have voted differently. The President of the U.S. has never been the nice person from around the corner, maybe Abraham Lincoln was and burdened by the cause of Civil War. Actually he was a great philosopher burdened with the decision to go to war against slavery. People have opinions. Just because some camerafans don´t support Trumps bending of truth, it does not mean they are holy spirits of endless virtue. My friend Glenn @mercer stands up for his decision during election. He does not promote Trump or defend him. He just stands up for his election choice. Leave it at that people or throw your disgusting 8k future video device and your other products of Chinese factory nightmare work in the ponds. Throw your stones against your garden fences and not at people. I don´t care for Trump but that does not make me a better person. We know the facts about him. No need to discuss it here over and over again. You are Spanish, shame on your Spanish empire, you are French, shame on your colonial empire, you are from Germany, shame on you for WWII. There is good and there is bad in people. Let´s not show our worst behaviour towards our dear friends here. And, let´s not act all that knowledgeable here about politics. Even some posts from knowledgeable people like Emanuel are so so in their rhetoric and contradictory approach.
  22. bump, this' not for the dump. @tktagmedia bought the last Andromeda and has been filming with it ever since, no time for showing up here again. One new EOSHD user contacted me with PM, wanting to sell me his camera. I asked him to put it on ebay, for a safe transaction. He did not come around to send me an answer. Nobody will sell theirs, I am sure now. 3CCD RAW glory with a stabilized Pana Leica lens, all in a legendary body. Anway, did I say bump? Bump!
  23. Hey Glenn, I will just do that now!
  24. Thanks for sharing. Looks like a perfect match. Now, maybe at the end of your pipeline, could you put another curve and check if alterations look the same on both cameras? cheers
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