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Everything posted by PannySVHS

  1. I zapped through the footage. Looks very nice. Looking forward to watch the whole thing with some snacks and some Radler. Thanks for posting. Presentation sounds also likeable, just like the presenter. Btw, the camping site video with the kids on the playground was nicely and engaging filmed. Like kye has responded to my criticism, footage looks like it can take some grading pretty well. I wished Panny would give us a compact cam with a dual gain one inch sensor and a manual focus clutch for 800 to 900 Euro/Usd. I will try the M10 or LG V60 route some time soon though. cheers
  2. Now, keep that beautiful F3 videos coming.:) I am eager to shoot something meaningful with mine but I have a hard time to find time to do so. Congrats! @davidbazesz
  3. Well, I meant your last post above mine, not posts! Stephen and Emanuel responded to me already in a respectful manner showing me a meaningful perspective to reevaluate mine and to appreciate theirs. There was no need for your last post and individual attack. I cannot pamper my opinion about this youtube hysteria. But I can appreciate the fact that you enjoy something and I can respond, awesome that you do, I can see why and might still respond that it would have looked just as good with an Android plus Mcpro App and 10bit Log. And maybe I am wrong. We all should feel comfortable to say so to one another. I will try to support that better.
  4. Who feels superiour? I hink we have billions of hysteric consumers ruining our planet, who are pressing their taste upon others. You lost sight or never had it to write such nonsense as above. Emanuel and I have been forum friends for a long time. You aint gonna write that away. If you come out like that, let me assure you that my aproach is rather active aggressive. And it is the first time so, putting up with subpar nonsense as above. It's at ease that anything might seem superiour compared to underwhelming posts like yours above. I am tempted to really lose my temper. But then I just did. I will calm down. U dont need to apologize. I won't as I mean every word of it. We will forgive eachother in a second. I already did. All good.
  5. That is a comprehensive and engaging writeup. Thank you. @stephen I wish for the same when it comes to observing and evaluating gear. I would be interested in the camera only, so a Xiaomi Mi10 or LG V60 begin to be compelling regarding 10bit Log and Raw video, the former sporting a 1/1.33" sensor vs IPros 1/1.25" imager, pretty much the same sensor size and a 1/5th of the price but with flagship model qualities. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  6. Is there a S35 mode for 12 CNDG Raw. @OleB One day I might like to try this beauty with a Pentax 28mm F2 in S35 cinema glory. Thanks for your and I think Liams findings and observational journey! ๐Ÿ™‚
  7. Awesome! Thanks, Andrew. It is not far off from the size of the main Iphone 15 sensor, which is around 1/ 1.25", and 3.5 times the surface of a 1/2.5". That's almost like S35 compared to S16 or S16 to S8. Are there main differences between the M10 vs Mi10 Pro and what would they be, regarding video, sensors and cameras? cheers and thanks ๐Ÿ™‚
  8. Emanuel, I don't agree at all. People keep flooding us with mediocore videos, like a mine digging machina keeps flooding us with the wealth of our earth, so we can film rich folks' camping sites with the newest and latest. Hey, even travel super close to snow covered mountain top! Cannot be the 5x times zoom can it? This phone has fucked up processing again, fucking up Prores again with noise reduction mushing textures. The second time that Big ole Apple is fucking up their own supposely benefits of prores. Shows again that processing before encoding is a butcher. Still, people flooding the apple temples like maniacs. A relativism of morality in general might suggest a relativism of preference of gear and taste and curatism as well. One liners and random videos don't cut it when it comes to evaluating strenghts and weaknesses of cameras and they don't cut it for me personally regarding reading pleasure and interest.
  9. Cranky cameraman was filming a cranky dude talking about 150 nations entering his land. What a statement hard to believe at around 0.38sec. Made me stop watching the video. Should have guessed by the thumbnail of the guy without the beird. With a Sony Cinealta PMW F3, especially external recording, this would have not been recorded indeed. In the name of your beird and wisdom, how could you allow a facehairless propaganda X man slip into this thread. Now I know. You watched "the creator", then remembered "monsters" and the camera and the scenario. Voila three texas rangers on the loose getting airtime here. I suggest this stays a thread for the beautiful F3 and the other vintage Sony imagers get their own. It is okay if they stop by in this thread once in a while to hail the queen.:) 150 nations my axx- EX3 witness of many alternative universes. F3, upholder of alternative cinema. ๐Ÿ™‚
  10. It can break something and shift the viewers attention on someones sharply rendered mustache hairs instead of staying on their eyes. A medicore production can fail even more. GX85 with its additional slight crop in 4k was a blessing for som C mount lenses. Rendering of some of these gems are just a sight to behold. S16, mft and S35 are my favorite formats for the choice and kind of lenses I am using. FF will be interesting too. Keep em all coming!:)
  11. Wonky skintones. Shot on an Iphone 1500 USD. Camera movement and anything about this video is so bad that i think rich vacationers should not buy this device but save the planet from spoiling resources and buy a Used LG V60 instead. I mean their vacation spot looks nice. Would be nice if the rest of the world doesn't have to look like a factory to satisfy their consumerism so they can film themselves grilling and eating sausages on snowy Mount Rushmore on Abraham Licolns nose. Seriously I am getting sick by the ads and consumerism this forum has been flooded lately. This phone has a good camera. But then it deserves a good observation instead of one liners hyping it up. The video pages before with the kids camping and jumping was well shot with some good indicators of the potential of the imager, lens and potential video quality. This video was a waste of time for me. Reflecting on that was an ok compensation for that. Iphone 16 is already in the planning. More hype, more waste, more 8k videos for a better (filmed) world. I know the iphone 1500 USD does 4K only, so I wait til Iphone 1600 USD and will wonder if it is better than my any invention in this world.
  12. S1H is offering me the slightly larger S35 sensor gate besides the APSC. S1 only offers the latter. Tasty!:)
  13. I will checkout the LG V60 for raw video some time soon, with the motioncam app for raw video and for 10bit LOG video with the Mcpro24fps app. You can buy them used in good condition for 200 - 250 Euro. The Mcpro24 app is even giving me 10 bit log an a 100euro LG V40. The LG V40 was also one of the first phones running motioncam app for raw video! Xiaomi Mi A3 sounds interesting too. What are your findings on the Oneplus 8 Pro? @Andrew Reid
  14. Skintones look wonky to me in this video. I will get a lg v60 and use the mcpro25fps app for 10bit Log video and the beautiful unsharpened look or motioncam app for ultimate raw video quality. The phone costs 200 - 250 euro online.
  15. PannySVHS

    2024 Plans

    Finding good directors, directing myself small etudes, maybe going pro for colorgrading or not. Giving my F3 and my Bmmcc good runs, S1H S35 HD All Intra galore. Trying out my Pentax 28mm F2 wide open in S35, my Vivitar 90mm Macro...
  16. That would be the least exiting takeaway from a conversation about a thick S35 HD image from the S1H.๐Ÿ˜‚ @kye
  17. I also liked the HD mode of the GH5 very much like you have been a supporter of. @kye Would love to see some HD glory from you with your color grading approach and passion for the thick image. I have used it in its 200mbit All Intra mode and it looked thick. Grading was a pure joy. Textures, colour transitions, motion just felt right. Just, people I did the cinematography for never wanted HD, when filming with the GH5, but always 4K, so I will give my newly acquired S1H a good run in the supposely perfect S35 HD mode.
  18. Hot thread. Let's keep em coming! ๐Ÿ™‚
  19. A polish test site found the HD coming from the S1H to be pixel perfect in S35 mode. I imagine @kye would love the thick 200mbit HD coming from this camera.๐Ÿ˜Š
  20. This looks partially like Grading 1.0, some of the shots look like videos of the first magic bullet grading craze gone wrong. Now i begin to understand the screw up was so much less due to the slim 8bit 420 codec of the GH1 back then, but much more because of the decisions gone wrong by some overly "creative" color grading. This is the case with the video above. A few seconds look great though. Not the best example to demonstrate a cameras image quality all in all. Footage itself is shot pretty well. Stabilsation looks great and lenses seem well resolving and in some recognisable regards with good rendering. But colors, shadows, which are even partially inverted, and highlights look pretty awful. One wish, i have for posted videos, is to let the reader know the findings of the one posting a video in this forum, please. Otherwise to me it just feels a bit unmotivated and for me personally also a bit less joyful to participate in an evaluation or discussion. Thank you, cheers and best ๐Ÿ˜Š
  21. ๐Ÿ™‚ @Emanuel My personal gamechanger would still be as stated a GH5II-ish LX15 with a clutch mechanism for manual focus and full HDMI. 10bit S16 pocket cinecam heaven. The comment section under Gerald Undones test gives away quiet a few details about not so pleasant processing even in log, such as noise reduction and color clipping in the highlights. Apple fans will buy it anyway. Action mode, overall impressive image quality in log and tele lens are pretty cool, of course. I donยดt dig the videos of people sneaking into awesome locations and filming girls for lookin pretty and doing endless and brainless gimble like pushins- and outs, selling luts and pushing their affiliate links as well. Commenting youtube fan herds scream their amazement. I donยดt like that noise and buzz and hysteria. A GH4 with its 9 year old sensor would look just as good if it had internal 10bit or via mini hdmi out. That phone is an achievement of technological developement. The fancrowd seems to develop back into infantile states of hysteric consumerism. Slashcam results and test is looking very good. One of the coolest test sites. They are the only site which hinted me to the creamy high resolving image of the GH5II and its cinematic textures without oversharpening. Thanks for posting their findings and test of the iphone 15! @kye
  22. I can relate to that. @MrSMW After I purchased, drooled over, set up and used my newly acquired S1H I felt connected and have been enjoying this camera so much. My S1 will have to go. I never liked to used it. The gnarly swivel screen felt so uncomfortable to use with its sharp edges and unpleasant tactility. The S1H was love at first touch and the process of purchasin felt like love and exitement at first sight. Somehow the S1 felt hollow, though a heavy beast and rock solid. It is not hollow at all but that was just the feel I associated with it despite the reality of rough and heavy bulit. The hollowness could be described as lack of soul. My plastic fantastic G6 had soul injected and so does my S1H. Feels, like the menues are much more straigth forward that the ones from the S1. I donยดt even want to bother to compare. Handling is awesome. It is a joy to look at and it was so much fun to use it with a Canon 24-104 L zoom, which I choose for a little paid gig leaving the native 24-105 at home. Soul, silly thing with cameras and tools. ๐Ÿ™‚
  23. A 10bit Lx100 or Lx15 with Pdaf and clutch mechanism for manual focus with hard stops and focus magnification during recording, full hdmi and a 10bit GH5 II image and video modes. All for a price tag between 699 / 799 Usd/EUR or even 801:). That would be a game changer for me. I would be happy with Pannyboys exellent Long GOP codecs. But that camera is not around the corner, it seems.
  24. Looks like a S16 GH5 II to me. That is a compliment. Skintones gave away that it is not a highend camera but the current flagship iphone. Seems like that nasty sharpening is absent.
  25. PannySVHS

    Panasonic G9 mk2

    Richard Wong tested better lowlight capabilities than R7 and XH2. No big treat? Like anything else on this camera? I think it is, just like the ne Ibis, AF, Dual Gain and heck what not, possibly even a creamier image for video. Richard Wong did a 2hour+ review! I like the body of the G9II. The S5, S5II bodies are the best looking FF cameras to my eye. Now, you have been, are and will keep being entitled to your opinions and underlining them from different angles. I understand what you mean but I prefer Richard Wongs input compared to the repeated statements regarding body too big, etc. I think it's perfect size. I see it as a cinema and cinema veritรฉ camera par exellence. Whereas the Sony A6xxx series is not a pretty sight to look at and the A7C has just the same kinda body. Scandalous, isn't it! I am astonished about the G9 II, this new video beast. The unconvinced ones among us, they can repeat their complaints again just like been done before. It will leave me shaking my head due to that lack of appreciation. This thread surely needs some more overheated love for Sony brick cams. Some fresh Sahara winds from freshly fried brick cam sensors. Some ever searching future Sony camera buyers with the same psalms and unwillingnes of purchase need to chim in more! Big time! Feels good to adapt to the overly cheek in tongue tone of this thread. We all sound like the mighty 30 to 60 year old dudes ruling this world, universe, cultures and greatest of manners, with an appetite and naughtiest of greatest plaisir of judgement. Seen that, done that, been there and all that tasty confidence. Gee, I need a break from some of the lesser intriguing "insights". I'll give you a longer one. I read the word wankers in one thread. Gimme a break. Missing @mercer and many more of the friends of the past. I am sure you do too. The tone in this forum has been lacking for quiete a while now. I'll give myself a break in the sight of overconfidential antics of the latest weeks on Eoshd. I think it's a great last word of this post. I appreciate this new camera and our lovely and dear Eoshd.
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