From the reviews seen so far there is everything and nothing.
GU tested it in "lab mode" and slaughtered it. He was smart to report the bugs to Pana who fixed them for him via fw updates.
Other youtubers reported problems found by GU but they didn't get the updates and didn't even know they existed. So people who look at their reviews think it all sucks. For example, some say AF is not up to par. If you look at Richard Wong's review the AF is perfect and aligned with Sony. He has fw 1.0. he is the only one who tested extensively on animals and cars and there are some smart features.
Other youtubers have tried it on real projects or real use cases and there is very little criticism and they speak very highly of it.
Moving the camera left and right like crazy and screaming that the RS is terrible or claiming on paper that having only 12 stops without DR is like swearing in church, seems like bullshit to me. The beloved 5DMKII ML had 9 stops of DR and yet everyone was wetting their pants.
In short, lab is one thing and reality is another.
BTW the same youtubers who now blast the S1RII are the ones who would hate an S1R that we like a lot.