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Davide DB

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About Davide DB

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  • Location
    Rome, Italy
  • My cameras and kit
    GH5M2 + GH5 + G80

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  1. I'm lost. Did BGS1 and BGH1 have dual native ISO or it's a new implementation? is all of this a preview of what we will see on S2H? Dual Native ISO Both models come with Dual Native ISO for high-sensitivity video even in low-light environments, allowing shooting with compact lighting equipment or natural light without significantly compromising video quality. This also reduces the need for extensive post-production work, such as noise reduction. In ISO Auto mode, ISO sensitivity is displayed in real time to visualize noise levels while shooting.
  2. Announcement given half-heartedly. Almost as if they were ashamed. Panasonic's marketing should be fired on the spot.
  3. Yes you are right but it is difficult to get into the heads of managers, especially Japanese.
  4. It all revolves around what Nikon acquisition of Red means. Everything and the opposite of everything has been said but so far no move by the two companies other than a few statements to keep investors and customers quiet. It all depends on whether we will have: A new Nikon iteration with Red technology A new Red iteration with Nikon technology. Then the money always ends up in the same pockets. IMO, the second option is more likely: DPs and directors are the most reactionary groups that exist.
  5. I was watching one of Canon's promotional videos and related BTS, and I was reflecting that Canon has always been very good at choosing its advertising materials. Its promotional videos are never dull. In contrast, the Panasonic/Lumix promotional videos are on average terrible, and in general Lumix's marketing strategy is terrible. I remember a video of the GH7 and I wanted to shoot myself in the balls because of how clichéd it was. Of course I am talking about the artistic and communicative choices that are independent of the quality of the advertised product.
  6. When I feel sad, to cheer myself up I always go and read the comments on Andrea's rumors sites. Some people have been eating peyote. Random comment:
  7. What is exactly this SRAW and is it better than h265?
  8. Could you give us your impression for the new camera coming from the R5?
  9. Is it possible that it lacks a one button MWB?
  10. Do you like it? I see a strong blue cast coming from the bad indoor artificial lights. I can hear the DoP scratching his head...
  11. I've just seen it on theatre and it's simply stunning. Extreme depth of field in all desert shots gives you the impression to be there.
  12. Nope. I'm just copy pasting a FB post of Filippo Chiesa (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeDcSWVeLZnSj6N9JjNexyw) He meant "TV Network," and in the comments he specifies that they have made up 90 percent of his customers for many, many years. He rarely gets asked for a Canon camera, but he specifies that everyone's experience may be different. He has a pragmatic approach: if you film on your own, use the camera you like best. If you work on commission, use the camera the client asks for.
  13. Everything except this: A camera design and production is a lengthy process. You don't redesign and produce a camera in six months and probably not even a year.
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