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Davide DB

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About Davide DB

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Rome, Italy
  • Interests
    All Things Video
  • My cameras and kit
    GH5M2 + GH5

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  1. Sorry guys, I had to do it. I really don't get this guy anymore. This video would be perfect for the "Rise of the salesmen, Death of the artist" thread. @Andrew Reid feel free to delete this post
  2. Whan you can, would you mind to share a couple of raw clips shot by you so I can see how they its on my workflow?
  3. I'm becoming crazy to understand these settings. If i understand it correctly, I have 4:2:2 only in C4K or 4K otherwise I have always 4:2:0. Basically it's like my GH5MII. Am I missing something?
  4. At this point, in an uncertain future video-centric model, I don't see how they can put in other video features while leaving the camera body unchanged since this one even though it has the fan seems to be capped. Maybe they really need to scale up to a box type camera
  5. From the reviews seen so far there is everything and nothing. GU tested it in "lab mode" and slaughtered it. He was smart to report the bugs to Pana who fixed them for him via fw updates. Other youtubers reported problems found by GU but they didn't get the updates and didn't even know they existed. So people who look at their reviews think it all sucks. For example, some say AF is not up to par. If you look at Richard Wong's review the AF is perfect and aligned with Sony. He has fw 1.0. he is the only one who tested extensively on animals and cars and there are some smart features. Other youtubers have tried it on real projects or real use cases and there is very little criticism and they speak very highly of it. Moving the camera left and right like crazy and screaming that the RS is terrible or claiming on paper that having only 12 stops without DR is like swearing in church, seems like bullshit to me. The beloved 5DMKII ML had 9 stops of DR and yet everyone was wetting their pants. In short, lab is one thing and reality is another. BTW the same youtubers who now blast the S1RII are the ones who would hate an S1R that we like a lot.
  6. The review I linked above has a lot of comparisons with S5II, A7CR and for IBIS even Z6III
  7. IMHO Best overall review so far, very long but you can jump the desired chapter:
  8. Some comments reported that on the line skipped 4K@120p AF is DFD only
  9. It was a typo: 1h 18' sorry Anyway this is the first time I hear something like that from a Lumix camera. How it will perform in the Mediterranean area in summer? This guy got overheating under the sun without even recording (26:55)
  10. @ 21°C 6,4K Open Gate 18 minutes and it shut off
  11. I don't like Gerald Undone but ATM his review is the most spot-on. Camera is packed with a lot of features but a lot of caveat and asterisks. IMHO is a camera for photographers who shot some video. If you shoot mostly video is not a camera for you. GU got a lot of overheating. Just check his review
  12. Sorry, I was quoting Undone and I saw another two videos with the camera locked for overheating. Moreover battery runtime are ridiculous
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