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Everything posted by Liam

  1. I can never really get anything from test videos like these.. in this case they may say more about the camera than others, since fuji picture profiles were used sometimes and will be used by people who get it for video, and most other cameras need a lot of adjusting first.. but it's all so cheesy I have no idea if it looks good. Anyone know yet if the d500 has the d750's secret formula but in 4k? That would give me some more hope here, since I was also unimpressed by those tests
  2. So I've heard, but just can't really pull the trigger.. I'll probably cave
  3. I love netflix as a happy medium. Everyone has netflix, it's not illegal, money is exchanged, comes with tons of films. I used to torrent, but since netflix, I don't think I have at all (though I also have hulu, amazon prime, directv, and hbogo /: ). Netflix's recent price increases have me nervous if they ended up being the only one in the game.. also netflix has also made me less eager to go to theatres and made me never want to try louis ck's new show.. so mybe the same torrent-minded entitlement. Not sure what I'd prefer as the filmmaker... I guess just for money to fall out of the sky
  4. Imdb says arri alexa, but Knock Knock looks great. Eli Roth is a sick bastard
  5. Thanks for the encouragement! That's a great idea. There's not much of like a public interest theme.. it's just a really stupid conversation between two friends haha. but there's a filmmaker I love who's active on twitter, and this is slightly along his advice for noobs. Tweeting him might get a return
  6. Yeah we've got kind of an indie theatre here which occasionally does stuff like that. That's been something I'd been thinking would be cool. I'd probably want some sort of achievement already by then to help make the deal Good call, yeah probably gonna post it here first. Not sure of people I know personally who could critique..
  7. Thanks, Sanveer, that makes a lot of sense. Would you change your suggestions if I was less worried about making money from it? Is there a trick to catch on earlier if it's just not "good enough" for the bigger festivals or just not what they'd show, so I don't waste hundreds of dollars there? Like if I get rejected by three of the big dogs.. is that a bad sign necessarily? I assume it varies.
  8. I too have a friend who may be interested. I'll check and PM you with his contact and some work if he is
  9. Ran across this beaut shot on the gh2 just a few months ago. I was reeally surprised to hear it was after I watched it
  10. It's a script i actually believe in, AND i had the resources. it's turning out better than i expected. My restrictions led to some creativity in the look. Anyway, I'm taking it really seriously and wondered what to do with it. Been doing my own research, of course, and had some thoughts, but thought I'd look for advice here too A lot of festivals now let you enter while your film is also released online, which is very cool. I figured i may put it on vimeo, send it to some groups on there, "shout" it to some channels like "short of the week", just hope to get some views. Maybe enter it in a couple of the big festivals just in case (not risking too much) and some just close to me that are somewhat cool. I wouldn't be looking for like a film deal. The best thing i think would be connections with people near me on the same wavelength who i could maybe team up with. Should i not risk it being online because of the fine print of the little film festivals nearer to me? Is vimeo even a great place for it? I've been doing a lot of browsing.. the staff picks are all the same, bigger and more symmetrical than my film will be, with less of a story Any other filmmaker communities online to look at? Any hidden groups in vimeo to find cool stuff and might be a good place to share a film as well? Should i release it on vimeo on demand with a good thumbnail and promote the crap out of it, making up for the lack of connections with a couple of bucks? I figure even without connections, trying to cast anyone near me with a decent film on vimeo under my belt would be a good start I don't know, i can only assume there's a lot i haven't considered. This is also very chickens before they hatch.. but if i ever finish anything, I'll want to have thought of this
  11. This is the most discussion there's been here on the topic if it helps you make sense of it
  12. There are plugins for rolling shutter and adding motion blur, yeah. But they aren't the best, and may not be exact where that special quality lies, and can't really be fine tuned in the right way for that anyway. I don't know of a plugin to take away motion blur, though that's kind of part if what goes on for faking high frame rates in newer tvs, so should be possible. Those effects also aren't great.. maybe a combination of those in perfected forms wayyy down the road could attempt to address the subtleties that might lead to this magic. but yeah, a camera with actual good cadence can still have rolling shutter and will still have something nice at any shutter speed. Could be the transition between frames or the like spacing, making sure each frame lasts the same amount of time to fit perfectly in the frame rate. Some people shoot slightly lower shutter speeds in a compressed comera to maybe hide the poor frame transitions. I've only felt like I noticed it a couple times, and it may have just been shot wrong, so I'm no pro. Would be nice to somehow see proof of this phenomenon I've also heard some people preferring "motion" from a global shutter over a mechancical shutter or at least saying in theory it's better.. I kind of feel like this would be a case where film can be the benchmark, so that sounds wrong to me.. maybe it's all just a myth. Can probably only look up all the footage you can and see. I'd say it's not worth worrying too much over
  13. "even better". impossible when you're at the top.
  14. Gh4 g7 T3i Ten glasses of wine would literally kill anyone. Don't be a hero The guy, me apparently, could easily classify each of these as the best image ever. Which means a better camera used properly would NOT be better.
  15. http://nofilmschool.com/2016/06/sd-standard-definition-cameras-super-8-film-look Weird coincidence I stumbled on this apparently immediately after it was posted haha. Congrats, Ed
  16. I liked your grain from your nx1 short. Was that gorilla grain? I figure that would have some good ones. Only grain I've used is vision color's free one. I like it for my stuff, but not very grungy. Maybe adding some softness after the grain would help it blend better. Anything you like about the camera other than for this style? I used to be pretty into the idea of someday getting like an f900r.. I figure that price jump might be for a reason though
  17. Yeah, I shoot properly in camera and don't need my photos to look crazy, so raw isn't an advantage. Still "better" I guess, if I could ever figure it out, but overkill? Hell yeah. If this discussion has some people raving about raw and great work to show as proof, and some people showing off their stunning gh4/nx1 videos, and Kendy Ty just killin it, as usual, I guess we all win. Cuz we better be talking about the end product. Otherwise this is all silly. In fact, if you can get a great image out of a compressed 4k camera, that probably would have a slight edge over a 1080p raw camera for the final image. Sometimes 5diii raw doesn't look insanely detailed, and that's not something you can skill out of the camera
  18. One kind of dorky trick.. for like a whip pan on a tripod, probably doesn't work for general use, shoot the scene in portrait instead of landscape, and then rotate and crop later. If it's like an a7s, that has almost as bad of an effect, where the vertical line all get really close together in the movement, but if the rs isn't too bad, you just avoid slanties and might get away with it. Lose resolution and sensor size and confidence in your frame though. And a lot of tripods don't work that way
  19. I... realize people have shot good photos in raw. Still had that experience. People have shot pretty jpegs too
  20. I just tinkered with raw (photography) for the first time on my dslr (before I had just been using jpegs). I much prefer jpegs.. didn't have the best program to edit the raws, but still, even after getting through the obstacle course to make the picture decent, barely a difference. As well as fpn in the raws, and not the jpegs.. and the tonality! Raw like deleted some shadows or something? Looked weird. anyway, just took a lot of the magic out of raw. I feel like everyone's camera is overkill. I've never felt cheated that I can't put every drop of 13 stops of dynamic range into a final image. I keep getting sucked into the fantasy of what camera I should get next and then.. not. And not caring. Aside from not having shot anything yet that would "earn" me an upgrade (one project in the works), I could still be learning from my rebel for years, I'm positive.
  21. Can you borrow a friend's camera or get something super cheap just to buy you time?
  22. Yeah, that 16-50s is pretty hot.. I don't wanna pretend to be an expert on whether you can still sell it later at a reasonable price etc, but I'd have thought samsung gear would have dropped in value a lot quicker. That does seem like a good deal to me, and the stabilization and sharpness make it really appealing. xc10? Gh4 with recorder and speedbooster? If you haven't considered those. Personally, the um4k is intimidating to use properly, and the a7sii doesn't sound like an amazing leap for the price. Though the low light is crazy.
  23. Well you have slow mo covered pretty well with the nx1 if you'll always be using both your cameras and aren't just looking to move on. The nx1 being dead just means when it craps out you move on.. like any other camera.. and you'd still have the option to buy another nx1. You aren't even using native glass, right? Maybe if your workflow is crazy specific to it, but you're planning on keeping it around, so idk, I don't see that discontinuation as a real problem. Sounds like there might be some secret requirements or you're just a little stubborn which is fine, I am too. C100 could still help you get work, maybe more so than the um4k, and has awesome low light, but sounds like you want 4k. Ls300 sounds a lot like an nx1 with better lowlight and better lens mount and log and no crazy sharpening problem, but maybe that camera still has a bit of a bad reputation. It's a real pity the a6300 overheats.. maybe get an lx100 to tie you over for a while - pretty fantastic 4k b camera for the price. Maybe an nx500, so when it dies it stings less.
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