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  1. Like
    Cinegain reacted to Zach Goodwin2 in Lenses   
    Edmika is not the most practical solution there is to getting an FD to eos conversion. Honestly the most practical solution to video is with a specialized video camera and lenses with autofocus and image stabilzation kind of like b4 lenses. Heck, not even using a canon dslr is even practical. Edmika is a solution, which can lead to some interesting results. Do research on the lens mount adapters by Edmika, and make sure there is a good amount of instruction on the lens and also that you know a lot about the lens distance from the camera, but I can assure you the product is real.

  2. Like
    Cinegain got a reaction from Geoff CB in Lenses   
    You just have to look through the topic's history. Start by page 1 if you will, lots of wisdom being exchanged (mostly due to Andy Lee). More discussion, actual in-depth lens tests, comparisons, recommendations, news... not just unsolicited dumps of random pics and framegrabs. If it comes up in discussion, sure, show and tell. But this topic is slowly turning into Flickr. I like Zach just fine, but maybe if you feel like sharing some of your work in the form of stills and grabs, we should have a topic just for that?
  3. Thanks
    Cinegain reacted to mercer in Lenses   
    @Cinegain you make some valid points, but with all due respect, it seems like you’re still dictating what is, or isn’t, acceptable in an open lens thread.
    Don’t get me wrong, I’m interested in almost anything lens related. For instance, Kye’s video link is sending me down a spiral of Canon FD lenses. Speaking of FD lenses, Zach’s contributions with his Canon FD 35-105mm f/3.5 lens, on a t2i, is actually very interesting since we already know that FD lenses don’t easily adapt to EF, so he must have had the mount modified. Your normal lens search would yield little results if searching for images or reviews of that lens on an older model Canon camera. And as a former t2i owner, I can easily ascertain how that lens would translate to other cameras.
    With my lens tests, I purposefully use the same actor, in similar locations so I can weed out which lenses I want to keep or sell. I post a couple images from those tests hoping to get some insight from other members or perhaps supply some info to other people that may be wondering how that lens renders with ML Raw. I’m sorry if it isn’t your cup of tea, but it doesn’t mean it’s invaluable to someone else. Hell, without samples, I think a lot of us might not know about the Nikon Bourne Identity lens and how it looked on a G7 or how the Tokina Angenieux Zoom renders on the P4K.
    But again, I look forward to your posts regarding topics you find interesting, even if I don’t find them as telling or useful to my work.
    But I agree with the sentiment of your comment. It’s given me some food for thought on other ways to tackle my personal lens tests and if I do share any of them, I will try to include a little more pertinent information in future posts.
  4. Like
    Cinegain got a reaction from mercer in Lenses   
    Apology accepted. lol, nah of course non is needed and you well know it, c'mon now. ? And emphasis on 'jm2c' once more. The openingspost states 'discussion thread for all things lens related'. You can interpret that like me: that it's mainly about discussion or you can interpret it that you can post anything lens related... such as images shot with one.
    Tbh, imho for one single individual shot you can make just about any lens look cool and interesting given the right circumstances... which doesn't necessarily tell me a whole lot about the lens itself and more about the shooter. Where I can draw conclusions from is when a direct comparison is being made in the exact same spot, same conditions, really getting a feel for how different lenses handle the exact same scenario. Which is why I liked Kye's most recent post! That really gives me something to go on!
    Or atleast with some context to go with it. Like Zach's... so.... what am I looking at? So... this is a lens test? With a 'FD 35-105 F/3.5'. Mmmkai... do we have to guess the focal length and f-stop? Is it a riddle? Do I need to download the image and see if it's got some EXIF details? Maybe a hidden easter egg message? Just what are we looking for in this image? Sharpness? Bokeh character? Flare handling? Contrast? Chromatic aberration? What conclusion or further investigation do we want to follow from it? Or... is it just a cute cat pic you wanted to share? Like... with Andy Lee for example, we'd have discussions about micro contrast and low contrast looks and so on. And he gave me/us examples of that Tokina RMC which actually led me to buy one for myself. Now, cool shots are cool shots, no doubt, don't get me wrong, nice going, sick, dope! I would give 'em a hardy like on Flickr/IG. But without any real context, I'm not sure what I'm looking at/what to look for/do with/take away from it myself?
    Anyways. This is allayalls place, I'm just passing through, so feel free to do as you please, I was just noticing a trend and thought that if there's an apparant urge to share, which is really cool that there is, because seeing one another's work is inspiring and really gives you an appreciation for the work they put in, maybe it can thrive as its own thing.
  5. Haha
    Cinegain reacted to kye in The SINGLE SOVIET PRIME LENS challenge   
    Absolutely not!  Bonus points for interesting and strange choices!!
    If you're super-keen, there are medium-format lenses available (and even large format lenses too!!) so you could get a medium-format to FF speed-booster or even a medium-format camera  
    Oh, I don't know...  put 135mm on a FF and make it part of a 2X anamorphic setup (I have no idea if this can happen, but I'm telling this story so whatever...) and you'll have a widescreen 67.5mm horizontal FOV.  Sounds pretty good to me!
    @leslie might do it!!
  6. Like
    Cinegain got a reaction from kye in The SINGLE SOVIET PRIME LENS challenge   
    @kye did an amazing job on the openingspost. It's got all the info!
  7. Haha
    Cinegain got a reaction from leslie in The SINGLE SOVIET PRIME LENS challenge   
    Then it went to bride.ru and now it's no longer single anymore.
    Sorry, I'll show myself out. ?
    But yeah, awesome challenge. Been a huge proponent of vintage Zenits! Especially the elusive 'Red 'P'' ones with focal length in 'cm' and special coatings.

    There's a good joke that 'when you see Red P, please go to the doctor!'. xD
    But indeed. The Jupiter-9 is dope!

    That's a wicked aperture. So is that of the TAIR-11A. Blades for days! But 135mm on a crop... good luck with that here. ?
    You know, both that TAIR-11 and MIR-1 won Grand Prix awards back in the day.

    Nice starry aperture formation on the Industar-61 L/Z 50mm f/2.8 Macro.

    If you really want something hilarious, get the tiny Industar 50-2. A 50mm f/3.5, it's sooo cute and inexpensive.
    Really always wanted the Helios 40-2... and they started making new batches again. But... 85mm (f/1.5).
    Used to shop a lot at my go-to Zenit dealership if you will, a well-kept secret for many years: https://www.ebay.com/usr/artemstore , but sharing is caring, no? Always superb condition, great details and info with the listings. Like... who knew about the 16-bladed Helios 44-3? I love browsing that place and learning a thing or two every now and again. You'll also still find a bunch of NOS (New Old Stock) lenses around on eBay. If you need adapters, I'd suggest Kent&Faith:
  8. Like
    Cinegain got a reaction from kye in The SINGLE SOVIET PRIME LENS challenge   
    Then it went to bride.ru and now it's no longer single anymore.
    Sorry, I'll show myself out. ?
    But yeah, awesome challenge. Been a huge proponent of vintage Zenits! Especially the elusive 'Red 'P'' ones with focal length in 'cm' and special coatings.

    There's a good joke that 'when you see Red P, please go to the doctor!'. xD
    But indeed. The Jupiter-9 is dope!

    That's a wicked aperture. So is that of the TAIR-11A. Blades for days! But 135mm on a crop... good luck with that here. ?
    You know, both that TAIR-11 and MIR-1 won Grand Prix awards back in the day.

    Nice starry aperture formation on the Industar-61 L/Z 50mm f/2.8 Macro.

    If you really want something hilarious, get the tiny Industar 50-2. A 50mm f/3.5, it's sooo cute and inexpensive.
    Really always wanted the Helios 40-2... and they started making new batches again. But... 85mm (f/1.5).
    Used to shop a lot at my go-to Zenit dealership if you will, a well-kept secret for many years: https://www.ebay.com/usr/artemstore , but sharing is caring, no? Always superb condition, great details and info with the listings. Like... who knew about the 16-bladed Helios 44-3? I love browsing that place and learning a thing or two every now and again. You'll also still find a bunch of NOS (New Old Stock) lenses around on eBay. If you need adapters, I'd suggest Kent&Faith:
  9. Like
    Cinegain reacted to kye in The SINGLE SOVIET PRIME LENS challenge   
    It's challenge time again.  Behold....   
    The SINGLE SOVIET PRIME LENS challenge!!

    Based on your replies on my poll, here is the next challenge.
    The entire film must be shot with a single Soviet fully-manual prime lens (they're cheap and there are heaps to choose from - more detail below) You must include at least one person in your film.  It can be yourself, a friend/relative, a model, or a complete stranger, but there has to be someone in it. You must include the following shots: A wide, showing a landscape of some kind (it's advisable to have at leas one of these as an establishing shot).  If there are people in it, they must fit completely within the frame, head-to-toe.  ie, go really wide A medium shot (showing the persons chest, shoulders and head) A close-up shot (the persons face must be more than half the height of the frame) Bonus points for low-angles, high angles, extreme wides, or other types of shots Timing: Films are to be posted in this thread by 1st November (this allows time for equipment, shipping, shooting, editing, grading, etc) Judging will occur from 1st November to 8th November (see below about judging) No talking about any equipment until after judging.  ie, until after 8th November This timing won't change, so plan accordingly.  Remember, you can enter as soon as you like. The prize is eternal fame and glory Everyone is a judge, and can present any award they think is well deserved.  To present an award you must say what the award is ("best cinematography", "best sound", "best Dalek cameo", etc) who the winner of the award is, and what the winner did to deserve the prize (why they are the winner). What lenses am I allowed to use?
    Any lens from Helios, Mir, Tair, Industar, or Jupiter, or any other lens you can prove was made in USSR / Russia (eg, Dog Schitd lenses are fine).  They are common, easily available, cheap, and adapt to almost any camera, so no excuses. Each of these brands made a full set of FF lenses in the soviet era, so you can choose any brand or any focal length you like. This thread here has more information than you could possibly want about Russian lenses: http://www.reduser.net/forum/showthread.php?152436-Russian-Soviet-USSR-Lens-Survival-Guide Remember that you need to get wide, medium, and close-up shots, so try not to choose a lens with too long a focal length, but remember that you have to get a close-up, so unless you know someone who will get quite close to the camera, you should also avoid a lens that is too wide.   Remember to take into account your sensor size, a 58mm Helios on MFT is the equivalent of a 116mm lens on a FF camera!  (note: speed-boosters are also allowed) I'd suggest something in the range of 28-60mm FF equivalent, and if you're not sure then go with something around 30-40mm equivalent. The most common mount is m42 (which I'd recommend if you're new to adapting) but they also come in other mounts, so be sure to check before ordering. If you're not familiar with Russian lenses, they have a vintage look with heaps of character, but can be super-sharp stopped down a bit, so I'd encourage you to think about the lens as a lens you might use in the future, not just for this competition. You can use a Soviet lens you already own, however I'd encourage you to buy a new one for this challenge in a focal length you don't already have, this way you will still learn something from the challenge.
    Why only one lens?
    Many famous directors made entire films with only a single prime lens.  Noam Kroll wrote an excellent article about why this is a good idea - check it out: https://noamkroll.com/many-iconic-directors-have-shot-their-feature-films-with-just-a-single-prime-lens-heres-why/.
      Why do I have to get specific shots?
    To understand that even without a zoom or a kit of lenses, you can still get a variety of shots.  ...and even moreso than that, a film with a variety of shots is far more interesting than one where all the shots are POV mid shots (like many lazy YT film-makers do).  The article above lists lots of benefits to this approach.
      Where do I find more info about different types of shots?
    This might be useful: https://www.careersinfilm.com/types-of-shots-in-film/
      Why does it have to be a fully-manual lens?
    The first reason is to experience using manual focus and the aesthetic that comes with it.  Many people are frustrated with AF (as I was) but are afraid to tackle manually focusing a lens, however the learning curve isn't that big and the aesthetic of pulling focus manually is better than any AF.  This is because when you pull focus you get the speed and transition that feels right just by doing it, whereas no camera can read your mind about how fast to transition etc.  The second is to get exposure to using older prime lenses.  These lenses (assuming you don't get a lens that has been heavily abused) will feel great to use in the same ways that only modern lenses costing many thousands of dollars do.  There is a reason that people on reduser.com who own high-end 4K/6K/8K RAW shooting cinema cameras have multiple threads talking about cheap vintage lenses, and why the USSR lens thread has over 90K views, the Contax Zeiss thread has 1.4M views, and the Minolta thread has 131K views.
      What camera can I use?
    Anything, as long as it's not a potato.  (oh, ok, those are allowed too).
      Can I.... use Speed-boosters?  use wide-angle adapters?  use creative filters (Black Pro Mist, etc)?
      Can I....  shoot 6K 60fps RAW?  shoot 8K RAW?  shoot 120fps?  deliver in 2.35:1?  deliver B&W?  use my Soviet lens in an anamorphic rig?  Stand on one leg?  Use The Force?
    I don't know if you can do those things, but if you can then you're welcome to do so.  Like they say - "if you've got it, flaunt it!".
      What other equipment can I use?
    Whatever you like.
      What if I'm no good at film-making?  Just beginning?  Don't know anyone?  Live in a cave?
    Just get a Russian lens, an adapter and any camera.  Go to a city or where people are and shoot people.  Shoot people in the distance, shoot people walking past the camera, put the camera on a ledge and shoot yourself walking past to get the close-up.  If you live in a cave then just take shots of yourself - I'm sure that living so far from the rest of us probably means you have beautiful scenery so be sure to include that.  Look at all your footage and choose the best shots, making sure to include the required shots.  Put music over the top and post it.  There is beauty in simplicity, and beginners luck really exists.  Just give it a try, if you do something you've never done you will learn something new - I guarantee it. [Edit: you can also enter as many times as you like.  You can buy as many lenses as you like too, but the limit is that each entry can only be shot with one lens.  If you wanted permission to buy a whole set of vintage soviet lenses, this is your excuse!!]
    If you have questions then fire away, but otherwise, gentlemen (and Kaylee!) start your engines!!
  10. Like
    Cinegain reacted to drm in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    So, this is a much harder to answer question than you might think. The files straight out of camera are great on the GH5/GH5s. So, if you have a project that requires a quick turn around and doesn't have a budget for much post processing, I think that the GH5/GH5s is a better option than the P4K/P6K. In my opinion, the GH5/GH5s is also better for run/gun situations (better battery life, better ergonomics, better AF, etc.).
    The BRAW files on the P4K & P6K are excellent, but they require post processing. I don't care for the files if you just use them straight out of camera, like by baking in a LUT. I have tried the Blackmagic LUT, the Leeming LUT,  the Buttery Films LUT, and others, but I don't like the way the files look unless I pull them into Davinci and process them. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem, but I broadcast events live several times per week. I need to be able to apply a LUT to the live feed and have a great look to broadcast. So far, I haven't perfected that process. I am still not happy with the image straight from the camera. I am working on LUTs for this on a regular basis. We just finished a commercial shot entirely on the P4Ks and it turned out great, but we had time to process the footage.
    So for fast turnaround projects, pick the GH5/GH5s. If you have time to work with the footage, pick the P4K/P6K. If I can get a nice display LUT, then I will use the P4K/P6K much more often and could probably replace the Panasonic cameras all together. For me and the work that I do, the S1H is darn near the perfect camera (although the AF still bothers me...)
  11. Like
    Cinegain reacted to kye in Lenses   
    I don't think I saw this posted here yet...  Lens test from Reduser.com
    Here's the thread on reduser.net with all the details: http://www.reduser.net/forum/showthread.php?177346-The-Agony-Of-Choice-Vintage-Modern-Lens-Shootout
  12. Like
    Cinegain got a reaction from Geoff CB in Lenses   
    When did this topic become a 'let's post a bunch of stills' one?
    Like... elaborate lens tests and comparisons, awesome. Someone curious about a lens, sure support your argument for the lens by illustrating it with examples. But, maybe open an own topic for framedumps (which sounds like it would be a cool one) so we can keep somewhat of an overview here? jm2c
  13. Like
    Cinegain reacted to fuzzynormal in Olympus E-M5 MK III - coming in October   
    I just like Oly cams. 
    Even though they don't get you excited on the spec sheet, when you use one it just makes a difference (for me).  It's not easily explainable.  I just always chalk it up to this:  it's why someone likes a certain car over another similar model in class.  There's always some collection of intangibles that add up to a sum greater than the parts.  Some machines just harmonize with ones tastes and desires.
  14. Haha
    Cinegain reacted to Zach Goodwin2 in Lenses   
    I am kind of surprised this time that I haven't gotten any likes on my stills. ?
  15. Like
    Cinegain got a reaction from kye in Lenses   
    You just have to look through the topic's history. Start by page 1 if you will, lots of wisdom being exchanged (mostly due to Andy Lee). More discussion, actual in-depth lens tests, comparisons, recommendations, news... not just unsolicited dumps of random pics and framegrabs. If it comes up in discussion, sure, show and tell. But this topic is slowly turning into Flickr. I like Zach just fine, but maybe if you feel like sharing some of your work in the form of stills and grabs, we should have a topic just for that?
  16. Like
    Cinegain got a reaction from Jonny in Fuji reveal X-Pro 3   
    It's the most pretentious gimmick (wouldn't go as far as calling it a 'feature') I've seen in a while. Only the Leica M10-D which shares a similar mindset but hardly similar pricing trumps it. 
    I'd rather have a digital camera be ahead of its time rather than stripped back as some kind of 'ode' to the good ol' days. If essence is what you're after... go shoot actual film, already? Really limit yourself to shooting without a screen, max. 36 consecutive shots, etc.
    This?! I think it's bollocks, but hey, if people were waiting for this, good on them.
  17. Haha
    Cinegain got a reaction from DVP in Black bars makes everything more "cinematic"   
    Whatabout the 007 aspect ratio? Cinematic no matter what you're shooting:

  18. Like
    Cinegain got a reaction from Kisaha in 7" or bigger monitor with SDI? Under 250€$£.   
    Size/price are quite alright. Don't really care much for the feel or menus (they're all crap if you compare it to say the BMD Video Assists or imho way overpriced SmallHD ones) as long as the image is nice.
    Yeah, in the early days I had (very obvious) stuff fly under the radar. Not so much these last 2 years or so, they seem a little more vigilant. But... after 11 years having lived in Austria, I'm back in The Netherlands once again, received a couple of orders from abroad already and so far so good (got lucky with a Sony mic imported from Japan, which from JP usually gets shipped by EMS with true values on 'em which in my experience always pop up on customs' radar). There's also some stores with EU Priority Direct mail or something along those lines where it's guaranteed you don't pay any import fees however or they have something set-up with Express shipping where it's first send to some EU warehouse and from there gets forwarded within the EU borders.
  19. Thanks
    Cinegain got a reaction from Kisaha in 7" or bigger monitor with SDI? Under 250€$£.   
    Yeah, bought my Q5 there way back when. Believe at launch it had 30 EUR off. Everything went fine. Had a 663/O/P2 before that (actually still do somewhere). Sold my Video Assist 5" as well. So, presently just have the Feelworld F570.
    True, can spot the 5" version, just not the 7" A70TLS thru Geizhals.eu it seems. Fotga themselves seem to have UK and DE Amazon stores, but not carry it (you could try and ask I suppose?). But as with all things China... AliExpress is always a way to go... https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000173376386.html ... also seems to be one you'd be able to find on eBay I guess.
  20. Haha
    Cinegain got a reaction from Video Hummus in What's the opposite of "produce"?   
    Don't let amaducers and unproduckies get to ya! ?
    Amaduce ~ when professional settings turns into amature hour ?; the inability to produce results
    Unproduck ~ someone unprofessional and unproductive; one who quacks like a duck, walks like a duck and probably doesn't do a single fuck ?
  21. Haha
    Cinegain got a reaction from kaylee in What's the opposite of "produce"?   
    Don't let amaducers and unproduckies get to ya! ?
    Amaduce ~ when professional settings turns into amature hour ?; the inability to produce results
    Unproduck ~ someone unprofessional and unproductive; one who quacks like a duck, walks like a duck and probably doesn't do a single fuck ?
  22. Haha
    Cinegain reacted to Video Hummus in What's the opposite of "produce"?   
    Obstructionist asshole. Obstructing asshole. An Osshole.
    You're welcome.
  23. Like
    Cinegain reacted to Video Hummus in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    Just arrived.
    Going to test it out this evening after work and when I get some free time.
    First thing I noticed after snapping it on to my GH5S...its so wide that my 82mm Nd filter (with a 77mm to 82mm step-up ring) heavily vignettes at anything below 12mm. Bummer.
    Also, the 50-200 has better build quality. They really tried to control the weight of this lens. Which, btw, is nicely balanced on my GH5S with cage.

  24. Haha
    Cinegain got a reaction from heart0less in Black bars makes everything more "cinematic"   
    Whatabout the 007 aspect ratio? Cinematic no matter what you're shooting:

  25. Haha
    Cinegain reacted to MrSMW in Black bars makes everything more "cinematic"   
    The name's Winky. Tinky Winky.
    I think Tinky Winky would naturally gravitate towards using the glory hole.
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