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  1. Like
    wolf33d reacted to webrunner5 in Nikon Z7 is at EOSHD HQ - better video than Sony?   
    I didn't realize you were blind. Sorry for your loss. But boy at your age, hmm, sad.  Just kidding. I find it hard to believe you can't tell the difference. Even an old turd like me can see the difference between 2K and 4K. You Need a better monitor.
  2. Like
    wolf33d got a reaction from webrunner5 in Nikon Z7 is at EOSHD HQ - better video than Sony?   
    In blue: valid argument even though with SD and storage price today, well.....
    In red: sorry but this is simply not true at all... like this is the most untrue thing I have read this week online. 
  3. Confused
    wolf33d got a reaction from Mattias Burling in Nikon Z7 is at EOSHD HQ - better video than Sony?   
    In blue: valid argument even though with SD and storage price today, well.....
    In red: sorry but this is simply not true at all... like this is the most untrue thing I have read this week online. 
  4. Like
    wolf33d reacted to webrunner5 in Canon EOS R first impressions - INSANE split personality camera   
    Heck the 1080p on the M50 is using DPAF and is as sharp as a Canon C100. And has a Flippy screen. I don't see why a person would pay the money for a EOS-R to be honest.
    Sure 4K is not so hot unless it is locked off, or has a Speedbooster on it. But for 1080p this thing is a poor mans C100 output wise. And for 500 bucks at times.
  5. Haha
    wolf33d got a reaction from ntblowz in There will be a Sony A7S II successor. The bad news is - "it will take time"   
    Lol. We can clearly see this is  @jonpais 
  6. Haha
    wolf33d got a reaction from hansel in There will be a Sony A7S II successor. The bad news is - "it will take time"   
    By the way he says the camera will be better than customer expectations. Then he says customer want 4K60p 10 bit 4:2:2 with better AF. So this means the camera will be better than that. 
    Looking forward to getting my 4K120p 12bit A7S III with Canon-like DPAF !! ?
  7. Haha
    wolf33d got a reaction from Stanly in There will be a Sony A7S II successor. The bad news is - "it will take time"   
    By the way he says the camera will be better than customer expectations. Then he says customer want 4K60p 10 bit 4:2:2 with better AF. So this means the camera will be better than that. 
    Looking forward to getting my 4K120p 12bit A7S III with Canon-like DPAF !! ?
  8. Haha
    wolf33d got a reaction from IronFilm in There will be a Sony A7S II successor. The bad news is - "it will take time"   
    By the way he says the camera will be better than customer expectations. Then he says customer want 4K60p 10 bit 4:2:2 with better AF. So this means the camera will be better than that. 
    Looking forward to getting my 4K120p 12bit A7S III with Canon-like DPAF !! ?
  9. Like
    wolf33d reacted to Yurolov in Fuji X-T3 and X-T4 discussion   
    I used to use a6500 on the first version crane. Footage was smooth as anything and it was because of the ibis. I put other cameras on there and it just wasn't near the same. Ibis is a necessity. 
  10. Haha
    wolf33d got a reaction from leeys in First test of Magic Lantern on the Canon EOS R by EOSHD and A1ex   
    “I am not worried about bricking my camera, because it’s already a brick with a 1.8x crop and rolling shutter to make the leaning tower of Pisa look straight.”
    that moment when I laugh hard in the plane and everyone looks at me... 
  11. Haha
    wolf33d got a reaction from newfoundmass in First test of Magic Lantern on the Canon EOS R by EOSHD and A1ex   
    “I am not worried about bricking my camera, because it’s already a brick with a 1.8x crop and rolling shutter to make the leaning tower of Pisa look straight.”
    that moment when I laugh hard in the plane and everyone looks at me... 
  12. Haha
    wolf33d got a reaction from Drew Allegre in First test of Magic Lantern on the Canon EOS R by EOSHD and A1ex   
    “I am not worried about bricking my camera, because it’s already a brick with a 1.8x crop and rolling shutter to make the leaning tower of Pisa look straight.”
    that moment when I laugh hard in the plane and everyone looks at me... 
  13. Like
    wolf33d got a reaction from Nikkor in First test of Magic Lantern on the Canon EOS R by EOSHD and A1ex   
    “I am not worried about bricking my camera, because it’s already a brick with a 1.8x crop and rolling shutter to make the leaning tower of Pisa look straight.”
    that moment when I laugh hard in the plane and everyone looks at me... 
  14. Like
    wolf33d got a reaction from kye in First test of Magic Lantern on the Canon EOS R by EOSHD and A1ex   
    “I am not worried about bricking my camera, because it’s already a brick with a 1.8x crop and rolling shutter to make the leaning tower of Pisa look straight.”
    that moment when I laugh hard in the plane and everyone looks at me... 
  15. Like
    wolf33d got a reaction from eyesuncloudedphoto in Top 6 videos on EOS R with combined 2 million views and not a single mention of the rolling shutter in 4K   
    When you watch the FHD footage of this camera you start see this option should not even exist considering the awful output. 
    to to come back on topic, I think the eoshd community and similar video minded people are aware of what RS is, and we don’t buy a camera because of Peter M review. The thing is we might represent 10% of people who buy those cameras, even for video use. 90% of buyers are not educated. You might think at 2-3K price point only pros and passionate educated photographer and videographers buy but no, most of them are the Average Joe with more money than other Joe and he wants good camera. 
    You would be very surprised how many 5D canon sold to people who shoot JPG full auto only.
    My whole point is Andrew is right, and I think those influencers have a big influence on a lot of people buying those cameras. So it’s a shame when their reviews are far from reality whether it’s because they are paid or because they are poorly educated themselves. Sometimes I watch absurdities on video technical aspects on YouTube with people having millions of followers. 
  16. Sad
    wolf33d got a reaction from Mattias Burling in Top 6 videos on EOS R with combined 2 million views and not a single mention of the rolling shutter in 4K   
    When you watch the FHD footage of this camera you start see this option should not even exist considering the awful output. 
    to to come back on topic, I think the eoshd community and similar video minded people are aware of what RS is, and we don’t buy a camera because of Peter M review. The thing is we might represent 10% of people who buy those cameras, even for video use. 90% of buyers are not educated. You might think at 2-3K price point only pros and passionate educated photographer and videographers buy but no, most of them are the Average Joe with more money than other Joe and he wants good camera. 
    You would be very surprised how many 5D canon sold to people who shoot JPG full auto only.
    My whole point is Andrew is right, and I think those influencers have a big influence on a lot of people buying those cameras. So it’s a shame when their reviews are far from reality whether it’s because they are paid or because they are poorly educated themselves. Sometimes I watch absurdities on video technical aspects on YouTube with people having millions of followers. 
  17. Like
    wolf33d reacted to Andrew Reid in Top 6 videos on EOS R with combined 2 million views and not a single mention of the rolling shutter in 4K   
    Wow there is a lot of misunderstandings around this issue I see.
    Rolling shutter is not driven by shutter speed.
    It is 100% how fast the sensor can read out the image line by line, top to bottom of the frame.
    The shutter speed can be 1/100 or 1/1000 and the rolling shutter speed will be identical as will amount of distortion as the subject moves or the camera moves. The only difference is you will have less motion blur on the slower shutter speed shot.
  18. Like
    wolf33d reacted to frontfocus in Top 6 videos on EOS R with combined 2 million views and not a single mention of the rolling shutter in 4K   
    I thought it was a 1.8x crop? That's not full frame, that's closer to micro four thirds. 
  19. Like
    wolf33d reacted to OliKMIA in Canon EOS R first impressions - INSANE split personality camera   
    Very good and balanced article.

    Personally I would throw it in a Volcano. I'm waiting for the details on the S1 & S1R, meanwhile I'm happily shooting with the GH5 for video and 6D for stills.
  20. Haha
    wolf33d got a reaction from hansel in Nikon Z7 is at EOSHD HQ - better video than Sony?   
    Do people shoot JPG? Lol
  21. Like
    wolf33d got a reaction from hansel in Nikon Z7 is at EOSHD HQ - better video than Sony?   
    MMhhhh no. Never had a contrasty hard look in RAW in my Nikon stills, don't know what you are talking about. Nothing to love or hate just a flat RAW image with lots of DR and flexibility. Not much difference with the Canon FF and Sony FF I have had. 
    In video, I can't say but the Flat profile does not look to hard contrasty from what I have seen. 

    What you refer to looks a lot more like user gradings and shooting than the camera. 
  22. Like
    wolf33d got a reaction from jonpais in Nikon Z7 is at EOSHD HQ - better video than Sony?   
    MMhhhh no. Never had a contrasty hard look in RAW in my Nikon stills, don't know what you are talking about. Nothing to love or hate just a flat RAW image with lots of DR and flexibility. Not much difference with the Canon FF and Sony FF I have had. 
    In video, I can't say but the Flat profile does not look to hard contrasty from what I have seen. 

    What you refer to looks a lot more like user gradings and shooting than the camera. 
  23. Like
    wolf33d got a reaction from Mark Romero 2 in X-T3 or Pocket 4K?   
    You said it.
    Well, I said as you quoted "who buys GH5 vs XT3" which means now. I also said that the GH5 was a good option before so you were not included in the comment. 
    The fact that the GH5 was good when you bought it does not make it any less good today even if there is a 8K240p 10 bit camera released. 
    It's just that today, there are much much better options. 

    I personally owned the GH5 a couple weeks and sent it back. Did not like it at all. The slow mo is not so good, the AF was a joke, overall I got better results before with an RX100 for slow mo which says a lot. Flip screen is nice but I don't vlog so far from an absolute must for me. As for the 4K image I actually preferred the A7III outcome. 

    With Sonny not releasing the A7S III and the Pana S1 not coming before march, I might get an XT3 for a few months. Last Fuji I had was an XE1 years ago. Let's see
    But I don't see a better option on the market today.
  24. Like
    wolf33d got a reaction from gethin in Nikon Z6 features 4K N-LOG, 10bit HDMI output and 120fps 1080p   
    I wished. But getting tired of changing system and this mk2 will come in 2-4y. Wish I could stay with one brand and be done with it a few years. Latest rumors say no IBIS on A7SIII. It is starting to become a joke. We will have S1 with no video AF, A7S with no IBIS and rest of the world with no 4K60p. A joke that nobody wants to combine 4K60p FF with ibis with good AF...
  25. Like
    wolf33d got a reaction from Mark Romero 2 in X-T3 or Pocket 4K?   
    For me and my use the XT3 blows the Pocket: 
    - Great 10 bit codec yet not too heavy. RAW is a PITA. 
    - APSC sensor 
    - video AF: this alone would make me choose the XT3 vs the Pocket even if the pocket was $200
    - lighter and smaller 

    Back in the days the GH5 was an option as it was the only decently hybrid specced camera for video. Today's we have good FF and APSC specs equivalent or better than GH5. So WHY on earth would I ever buy a M43 tiny sensor again? 0 reason. APSC is the new M43, FF is the real deal and a few years from now MF will probably be. 

    As for portability arguments, the only thing standing for M43, well it does not work with the pocket considering its size. And with the GH5 neither cause the XT3 is better and as portable so this argument is dead. In fact I believe M43 is absolutely dead. People still believing in M43 are the same people who believed in Sony A-Mount being not dead the last 5 years, with Sony keep repeating they are fully committed to it (LOL). 
    0 reason to use a tiny sensor if it is not more portable. RX100 with 1" sensor is so portable it actually is great and make sense. 
    GH5, Pocket 4K, all M43 cameras bigger than XT3 are dead. 
    When the XH2 is here with IBIS and even better spec and ergonomic, I know of no camera in the world below $6K and below FF that will touch it. Then A7S III and Pana S1 as well as future FF will blow anything in the FF territory. 

    Anyone buying a GH5 vs a XT3 is out of his mind. The pocket has RAW so that's one thing but if you need real RAW stuff for business and work with big equipment just get a proper camera and if it's too expensive change your job.
    Seriously, who is gonna spend $2000 in a GH5 now? 
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