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IronFilm got a reaction from jonpais in An adventure into the Panasonic GX85/80 begins - and a look at the Leica Nocticron for Micro Four Thirds
Oh. That is awful when people assume that
People don't assume just because you're a plumber that when you pop over for a BBQ that you'll also fix their toilet!
IronFilm got a reaction from JazzBox in Canon 6D vs 5D MkIII vs 7D MkII for filming with EOSHD C-Log
It shocks me a person would sell a GH4 and BMMCC to raise money for a Canon DSLR. As a GH4 together with a BMMCC already covers so much, is a great versatile pairing.
IronFilm got a reaction from Richard Bugg in That hollywood voice
Oh, forgot to include in my list of "things I want to get" the new Saramonic plug in XLR recorder (hopefully like the Tascam DR10 but cheaper?!). If the reviews are good! No real concrete info is out about it yet.
Not sure exactly where I'd place it in terms of priorities, depends on price too, perhaps in the first half of the list.
IronFilm got a reaction from Richard Bugg in That hollywood voice
Yup, of course the Oktava MK-012 is for indoors. When I first used it... WOW! But of course I'd only had experience with low grade equipment, and/or shotguns.
Yes you do need to be careful with handling noise, but using the Rycote Lyre Shockmount in the new Rode Blimp helps heaps.
Currently the Oktava MK-012 (and the Sennheiser G3 units, but they're only extras for when I need a *LOT* of wireless) is the only item in that gear list which I don't own myself. But it is from a very good mate who lives just around the corner, isn't a specialist soundie himself (so it probably would be available at short notice), and has been happy to lend it to me for a free/low rate Thus I included it in my own gear list!
My short term gear upgrades are (in roughly this order):
Saramonic UwMic10 (I'll start with one, test it out in use thoroughly, then likely order more if it passes with flying colors)
Saramonic UwMic9 + TX-XLR9
Oscar SoundTech lavs (heaps! Want more than one per wireless unit) + lav accessories
Aputure D3
Extra boom pole (my current pole is a carbon fibre one that is "only" 3m long, I want a 5m one for when I need the extra reach, plus as a backup pole)
Audix SCX1-HC or Audio-Technica AT4053b as the upgrade from the Oktava (need to do more research on this to decide which one of the two, ideally get my hands on them personally to try out first)
Zoom F4 or F8 (although the F4 is "underneath" the F8, it is also in some ways a subtle improvement upon the F8, plus it is cheaper! So tricky to say which of the F4 or F8 I'll pick)
Sanken CS-3e or I dunno.. some similar-ish high end one to replace/supplement my NTG2/D3/ME66 (but I've been suitably impressed by what I've heard with tests done with the Sanken CS-3e).
Rycote Cyclone Windshield.
Am not counting the various little minor accessories (such as hush heels, or top stick), the many many batteries, and various assortment of extra cables, that I'll also be always picking up along the way and buying!
By this point in time it will be late 2017 or even 2018 (or later! Depends on how my fledging sound career goes), and I'll be looking into getting a smart slate, Tentacle Sync, Lectrosonics (and then my Sony UWD-P etc will be downgraded to IFBs), sound cart, Sound Devices 633, etc etc
IronFilm got a reaction from webrunner5 in GH5 Prototype
If it is only 2.2x vs 2x crop, I don't see much point in being able to switch between the two. But if it has a 20MP sensor, then a pixel-to-pixel 4K crop would be a significantly higher than 2.2x final crop? Which could be worthwhile, as if it then makes your lenses a wider range of focal lengths.
Handy for events for instance! If I want do shoot 4K from the back of the room and need a little bit of extra reach.
100% agree! Ideally it would have full size HDMI + full size SDI
But even mini HDMI + mini SDI together would be nice.
Doubt any sort of SDI would happen... but even so, double outputs would be very nice! Maybe full size HDMI + mini SDI? You could have full size HDMI going out to your external recorder, plus your EVF hooked up to the mini SDI with a LUT applied (ha, if the GH5 can have LUT support! :-D ).
In such cases a GH4/G7 with a fast lens will still be sufficient.
We're not talking about a national level brand here! But a garage band doing a live performance, a GH4/G7 is totally fine for that. If you can't do that then: 1) you're having unrealistic expectations for a zero budget (or a few hundred bucks, same same thing) production which doesn't have to be perfectly 100% clean 2) you're not using an appropriately fast lens / focal reducer 3) you're not picking the right shots / angles for the edit
Yes I would like the GH4 a stop or two faster in lowlight, but would I trade that for the higher price and limitations of a Sony? Nope, but at least that option does exist if you want to go Sony instead!
Should Panasonic focus on this aspect first next above everything else? Nope, small things like crop aspect ratio markers or 4K 10bit 422 @ 60fps, or 4K DCI 24fps raw onto CFast / XQD cards, or full size HDMI, or movable EVF, keeping a low price, built in ND filters, multi aspect ratio sensor, etc etc etc.... all matter more than pushing the lowlight performance even further.
IronFilm got a reaction from webrunner5 in GH5 Prototype
Wow. Now I guess that explains why his posts have now been deleted....
IronFilm got a reaction from zetty in GH5 Prototype
I completely fail to see this. A GH4 is vastly preferable to use than a Canon DSLR.
Strongly suspect that the massive majority of preferences for Canon's so called "ergonomics" is just to the *huge* number of ex (or current) Canon shooters, thus saying "ergonomics" is just a code word for "familiar". There is nothing truly great about Canon's DSLR ergonomics for filming with, it is just "what we are used to" (personally I'd rather take a Nikon for stills!).
IronFilm got a reaction from Eno in GH5 Prototype
Wow. Now I guess that explains why his posts have now been deleted....
IronFilm got a reaction from Richard Bugg in That hollywood voice
Step 1: Buy this book: https://www.amazon.com/Location-Sound-Bible-Record-Professional/dp/1615931201/
Step 2: Read that book.
Step 3: Practice what you learned, over and over again, at any chance you can.
Step 4: Go back to Step 2.
(somewhere early on this process you'll also get sucked into a nasty GAS cycle as well... just like with cameras! As you can see with my own personal sound gear list: http://ironfilm.co.nz/sound/ )
IronFilm got a reaction from Eno in GH5 Prototype
I completely fail to see this. A GH4 is vastly preferable to use than a Canon DSLR.
Strongly suspect that the massive majority of preferences for Canon's so called "ergonomics" is just to the *huge* number of ex (or current) Canon shooters, thus saying "ergonomics" is just a code word for "familiar". There is nothing truly great about Canon's DSLR ergonomics for filming with, it is just "what we are used to" (personally I'd rather take a Nikon for stills!).
IronFilm got a reaction from Ivanhurba in That hollywood voice
Step 1: Buy this book: https://www.amazon.com/Location-Sound-Bible-Record-Professional/dp/1615931201/
Step 2: Read that book.
Step 3: Practice what you learned, over and over again, at any chance you can.
Step 4: Go back to Step 2.
(somewhere early on this process you'll also get sucked into a nasty GAS cycle as well... just like with cameras! As you can see with my own personal sound gear list: http://ironfilm.co.nz/sound/ )
IronFilm reacted to sudopera in GH5 Prototype
For now they can't talk pretty much about anything at all, so I'm guessing they are not that close to final product. It seems to me that the announcement was made too early just to have a flagship model presented at Photokina and to send a message to potential customers to be patient and not run to Olympus, Sony or Fuji.
IronFilm reacted to sanveer in GH5 Prototype
I am guessing if the Olympus EM 1 ii can have 121 cross-point on-chip PDAF, then obviously there seems no reason why the Panasonic GH5 should have far better focus for Photo, and a much higher burst rate.
I am guessing the PDAF is a fabrication process, on existing sensors, and is not very difficult. Though for mirrorless cameras, since everything is electronic, it may be an issue of processing power. And that is why Panasonic may also need a pair of quad core processors, one solely for focus. This may be a blessing for both photo and video. If Canon and Sony can do it, I see no reason why Panasonic cannot do it too.
Also, there is some kind of Focus Improvement in the FZ2000 which is noticeable from its fake dolly zoom feature. It doesn't lose focus while zooming in. I am guessing Panasonic is Already working on PDAF in a huge way.
I read in some Fuji interview that faster focussing needs much lighter moving parts within the lens. And that is why their new lenses are being planned accordingly.
We basically just got a Hint of the GH5's features. It is going to be a real powerhouse.
IronFilm got a reaction from johnnymossville in GH5 Prototype
I completely fail to see this. A GH4 is vastly preferable to use than a Canon DSLR.
Strongly suspect that the massive majority of preferences for Canon's so called "ergonomics" is just to the *huge* number of ex (or current) Canon shooters, thus saying "ergonomics" is just a code word for "familiar". There is nothing truly great about Canon's DSLR ergonomics for filming with, it is just "what we are used to" (personally I'd rather take a Nikon for stills!).
IronFilm reacted to karoliina in Canon 6D vs 5D MkIII vs 7D MkII for filming with EOSHD C-Log
Sorry to disappoint you, but none of the Canons are good replacement for Micro Cinema Camera. All Canons in HD mode are disappointing crap vs your mentioned GH4 or Micro Cinema Camera. C-log does not fix the muddy pixels. Only 5DmarkIV and 1DX mark II and 1DC produce video quality which can replace the Micro Cinema Camera. If you want Canon HD-video, you can as well buy used 5DmarkII and you lose about nothing vs your list (except for more moire than 5DmarkIII), Canon HD video has not improved at all since 5D mark II came. Even 1DX mark II produces crappy HD-video and is only usable in 4K mode.
In fact you can buy used 5D2 for less than new Rebel and it is a good camera in still mode, much superior to Rebel in image quality. I had my 5D2 until 1DX2 came despite also owning BMCC and GH4. GH4 loses badly in still mode to the old 5D.I had Magic Lantern installed and the MLraw out of it was reasonable quality despite of the moire.
IronFilm reacted to JurijTurnsek in Are bridge cameras the perfect solution for run & gun ?
RX10III is not a direct successor, but rather an alternative with the longer reach. What Sony should do is make a 12mpx 1" 24-200m f2.8 RX10IV and focus on the fiddly controls etc.
IronFilm got a reaction from andy lee in GH5 Prototype
x100000 agreed! Absolutely want crop marks, in a variety of options.
It is such a simple thing, even the GH1 could've had it? Or the GH2.... or the GH3.... or GH4.... why on earth is it still missing??
IronFilm got a reaction from benymypony in Canon 6D vs 5D MkIII vs 7D MkII for filming with EOSHD C-Log
If you're going to buy a Canon DSLR and **not** use Magic Lantern then you're really throwing your money away.
One of the few rare good reasons to consider a Canon DSLR for filmmaking is because of Magic Lantern.
IronFilm got a reaction from Jimbo in GH5 Prototype
I completely fail to see this. A GH4 is vastly preferable to use than a Canon DSLR.
Strongly suspect that the massive majority of preferences for Canon's so called "ergonomics" is just to the *huge* number of ex (or current) Canon shooters, thus saying "ergonomics" is just a code word for "familiar". There is nothing truly great about Canon's DSLR ergonomics for filming with, it is just "what we are used to" (personally I'd rather take a Nikon for stills!).
IronFilm got a reaction from Cinegain in GH5 Prototype
I completely fail to see this. A GH4 is vastly preferable to use than a Canon DSLR.
Strongly suspect that the massive majority of preferences for Canon's so called "ergonomics" is just to the *huge* number of ex (or current) Canon shooters, thus saying "ergonomics" is just a code word for "familiar". There is nothing truly great about Canon's DSLR ergonomics for filming with, it is just "what we are used to" (personally I'd rather take a Nikon for stills!).
IronFilm reacted to TheRenaissanceMan in GH5 Prototype
Both are relatively niche needs. Besides, I just recorded a wedding at ISO 3200 and fast lenses on a speedbooster in similar conditions. No problems at all.
Do you not own any lights? Besides, f/2 and ISO 3200 is enough for HFR in most reasonably lit areas, not just bright sunlight.
I don't shoot primarily documentary, but outside some fringe cases, it just doesn't seem necessary for 95% of users. That 5% might need a camera that shoots a clean 12,800, and they can buy A7S', but the rest of us really have no excuse beyond measurebating.
IronFilm reacted to TheRenaissanceMan in GH5 Prototype
THANK YOU, IronFilm. If I need more than ISO 3200 and a fast lens, I'm doing something wrong.
Not exactly a headline spec, but I'm really hoping this guy has a full sensor width 4K mode and a pixel-to-pixel cropped 4K mode, so we can get multiple focal lengths/more reach out of a single lens.
Love the new audio interface. Looks more practical than the Sony, and more portable than the YAGH.
Can anyone tell what kind of HDMI it has? Even mini would be a step up from the GH4's micro, AKA the worst video connection in history.
EDIT: That interview above states explicitly that the G80 has 8-bit 4:2:2 internal. He could've been wrong, but it's worth noting.
IronFilm reacted to mos in GH5 Prototype
Please, whoever is at Photokina talking to panasonic reps: we desperately need (usable) cropmarks on the GH5. Camera has been out for 2.5 Years now and I'm still duct taping my display. Cropmarks for 2.35, 2.66 (with black/dark borders, not just lines), preferrably ability to upload custom cropmark images, Anamorphic desqueeze for 1.33, 1.5 and 2x, focus assist zoom during recording. Unfortunately Panasonic reps didn't pay any attention to a very detailed and easy update-list from the GH4 groups.
IronFilm reacted to MountneerMan in 1 TERABYTE SD Card!!
Said in 2004.
Said in 2016
Said in 2025.
Good job SanDisk keep up the good work.
IronFilm reacted to kaylee in Black magic unveils new camera
You can buy one from me right now – Blackmagic has made me a beta tester due to my honor points on this forum. I have shot some excellent pyramid footage near my home that i cannot upload at this time. Please PM me for western union details