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Posts posted by IronFilm

  1. More info here about the SMWB (uses a single AA battery, a very small transmitter!):


    And the info for the dual battery version:


    Wish I could get one of each and a SRc!

    Ah well, maybe next year....

    However, it is very weird that it has a max of 44.1KHz?? What on earth are they smoking....

    Also is a damn pity there is no TC :-( Guess they're still keeping a reason for you to buy their PDR instead. 

    But having a split gain recording option is nice.

  2. 6 hours ago, gt3rs said:

    Can an MFT mount accommodate a Super35 (~APS-C) sensor/lens?  I don't think is possible without a speed booster but then is not a Super35 sensor. From the leaked (assuming real) spec it is a Super35 mm sensor. Tomorrow we will know

    Of course it can! For instance the JVC LS300 camera.

    6 hours ago, Herbert Massey said:

    I read somewhere that the Osmo with the RAW recorder was loud. Hopefully they sort that out. Looks like it could be a winner.

    Loudness doesn't really matter when mounted on a drone!

    6 hours ago, gt3rs said:

    AF is a big question mark and I expect the price to be quite high. I doubt that they can fit it on P4 class size although I agree with you it would be super cool.

    No chance in hell this fits with a Phantom sized drone.

    5 hours ago, EthanAlexander said:

    If they don't take advantage of E mount lens sales then they have no business being in business ;)

    ...Just like whoever decided on EF for the EVA lol

    EF vs MFT is a choice they make.


    E vs MFT is *not* a choice they make. As they have no choice at all in using E mount. It isn't an option at all.

  3. 4 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    Focus peaking is overrated :) you don't need it if you have a very high res screen, which thankfully the D850 has. So although it only works in 1080p, which is strange, I am not missing it.

    You don't always have the luxury of a high resolution screen. And focus peaking can help give you a bit more information than what a high res screwn would give you.


    I was yesterday 1st AC on a short film with the GH5 and the DoP only had one monitor for his camera (& no HDMI pass through! So wouldn't even have mattered if we had a second). So I had to use the GH5 screen itself for pulling focus when it was on his shoulder.


    Having focus peaking really helped save my butt when pulling focus on the Nikon 50mm f1.2! :-o

  4. 20 hours ago, Trek of Joy said:

    Exactly, its barely a year and a half old, it'l be at least two more years before its successor is even announced. The big sports bodies are on a 4-year cycle. The d750 and 610 replacements will likely be next in 2018 - along with the FF mirrorless cam.

    Being the cheap bastard that I am, the camera next year from Nikon which interests me the most is the D5600 replacement! 


    4K with focus peaking please

  5. Just because the Arri Alexa has been ruling the roost for the last few years, does not mean it will be the smart choice for the years and years to come! (rest of your life!)

    The past is not the future. 

  6. Quote

    DaVinci Resolve 14.0.1 Update

    Today we released DaVinci Resolve 14.0.1. This software update adds support for software based HEVC decoding and hardware accelerated HEVC decoding on the latest Mac OS. In addition, DaVinci Resolve 14.0.1 now displays RGB color picker values when setting the black and white point, supports RGB picker for OpenFX and ResolveFX plugins and also adds embedded matte indicators on Media Pool thumbnails.

    We’ve also continued to add and refine Fairlight audio features in this update. DaVinci Resolve 14.0.1 now supports 7.1 audio track types, improved loudness meters, dynamics processing on audio buses in the Fairlight mixer, selection of one or more tracks using command/ctrl clicking, single and multi frame nudging on the Fairlight page, better audio keyframe navigation, and much more.

    DaVinci Resolve 14.0.1 also includes dozens of general performance and stability enhancements. This update is recommended for all DaVinci Resolve 14 and DaVinci Resolve 14 Studio users.

    DaVinci Resolve 14.0.1 is available now as a free download from www.blackmagicdesign.com/support


    Samsung NX1 owners will be stoked! :P

  7. 15 hours ago, BasiliskFilm said:

    Sounds like the AF/EVF/OIS make the Sony cameras much more flexible for video, and if the A7III gets the full frame 4K image right as well, at a reasonable price, then it will be hard to justify getting the 850 unless you need the top class stills performance.

    Don't see the point in the a7 series when if you just wait a few months more you can get the video focused a7S update instead!

    7 hours ago, salim said:

    There is a comparison near the end of this video: 


    Aaaaaaarrrrrggggghhhhhh..... that audio is awful! Noise floor is way too high.

  8. 16 hours ago, CineAlta said:

    I disagree.  4k capability of the fs700 is great and all that.  But I'd take the image processing and infrastructure of the f3 over the increased resolution of the fs700.


    It is also the high speed capabilities of the FS700, useful for music videos and lots of other kinds of shoots. 

    Suppose it is a trade off, going with image vs features. Depends on a person's needs/wishes. 

  9. It is stupidly bulky though, and operates in a frequency that can get to be extremely congested. 

    Just due to the sheer bulkiness I do NOT recommend it for filmmakers to use on talent!

    It is only a camera hop for me. 


    18 hours ago, pablogrollan said:

    and that range is free I believe, which is one of the reasons the kit is so cheap-.

    That has nothing to do with it. 


    11 hours ago, Dogtown said:

    It cost a lot more than what you think to get a camera package together that will cover all your shooting needs, start of with something manageable that will make you happy, but don't over do it on the spending.


    By the time you have purchased lenses, batteries, media, cables, shoulder mount, quick release plate, slider, tripod, rails, mattebox, 4x4 filters, follow focus, and much much more.... you'll look back and laugh at how little your camera body cost in comparison to your total budget you have now spent!

    And we haven't even started discussing audio or lighting gear yet. Except to potentially spend on each a comparable amount as on the camera!


    11 hours ago, Dogtown said:

    Here in the US (west coast) you can find young owner operators practically giving away fully loaded camera packages with full support and themselves for very cheap rates, I see these ads all the time on Craigslist, they range from URSA PRO's to RED DRAGONS even ALEXA's, sometimes you're better off renting only what you need for the project.

    The  items that will deprecate the quickest are todays digital cameras, be aware you may never make your money back on these very costly tools. 

    Just log onto any Craigslist site in the US and go to Photo and Video for sale, you will see the nutty prices for owners with their cameras for rent.


    And this is exactly why you should not be expecting any rental income from a camera you purchase. 

    Because too many people have thought the exact same thing! Only to discover the market is flooded, and they have to drop their rates very low to get anything at all back to service their expensive loans. 

  11. 15 hours ago, fuzzynormal said:

    ebay?  Or elsewhere?

    Yup! Mostly eBay is where I go for my deals. But occasionally elsewhere too.


    9 hours ago, scotchtape said:

    Lots on eBay but frequency range varies so you have to be patient.

    Indeed, I highly recommend doing a LOT of research first as to what is the right frequency range for where you live and work in. 

  12. 15 hours ago, redimp said:

    Absolute stretch of the budget and probably a stupid purchase – UMP or Scarlet X. Any of these two would set me back 7 grand for a ready to shoot package, but good news is that I might be able to rent them out and make some money back.

    Good news? No, don't count on it at all.

    Do dry hire hire gear has a lot of overhead/expenses, such that you hardly will be profiting from it if it is not on the regular. 

    And if you're not already established in the film industry, then you won't be getting regular rentals. 

    15 hours ago, redimp said:

    A very sober decision would be to get an F3, which I estimate would set me back 3 grand for a ready to shoot package with a Convergent recorder (probably the 7Q is a more viable option, as it can record 4k and is future proof, while Gemini can only do HD). I would not get a video assist, as I would want that 4:4:4.

    I'd go with Video Assist instead (or even an Atomos Samurai, which is what I use), as one of the big benefits of the F3 is its low cost in today's market, while the 7Q torpedoes that.... don't think the extra high cost of a 444 is worth it. 

    If I was buying a 7Q, then it would be a no brainer for me to instead buy the FS700 over the F3. As now in 2017 (vs two years ago when I made my F3 purchase) the price difference between an F3 and a FS700 is only a few hundreds or so more. 

    15 hours ago, redimp said:

    And a middle ground option, a C500, that with an Odyssey 7Q would set me back around 5 grand if I manage to find a decent deal on it (and that's possible, judging by ebay history of sales).

    I wouldn't regard this as your "middle" ground option, but rather your highest end option. Would help provide better context for your other choices to compare with. 

    12 hours ago, CineAlta said:

    I think you're vastly over thinking things.  the 10bit 4:2:2 into a 300eur video assist is more than adequate and will write to cheap SD cards.  By the time you upgrade to another camera and need the convergent 7q will no longer be future proof and the devaluation will have set in.  


    x10,00 this.

    Although with a username like "CineAlta" you are probably biased! ;-) hehe


    15 hours ago, redimp said:

    Real question here is – would the image get that much better as the price grows. I mean C500+odyssey should be twice as good as the F3, and Ursa or Scarlet – three times as good. It's stupid to measure things like this, I know.

    Is it twice as "good"? (however on earth "good" is measured!! So many meanings of that word...) Or three times as good???

    No. NOPE! No. 

    Look instead at where the low hang fruit is (rather than spending even more on diminishing returns). 

    Better lighting/sound/acting/set-design/pre-production/grading/etc etc.... will have a greater overall impact on the quality of the final product than tripling the amount you spend on a camera.

  13. 11 hours ago, Kisaha said:

    My opinion is that new A7siii camera MUST have 10bit and HDR (and H265 in some form). These are the new video standards, GH5 has them, everyone should follow.


    GH4 had for many years 10bit external, but Sony never followed suit. 

    What I think we might maybe see from evil Sony is keeping 8bit 420 internal in their a7S mk3, but giving some kind of extra bonus option while recording externally. (probably just 10bit 422, but if we're super dooper good and lucky then maaaaaaybe FS raw??)

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