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Posts posted by IronFilm

  1. 2 hours ago, cantsin said:

    RAW doesn't have color science.

    Actually yes there is some degree of how it is handled before you get "raw".

    1 hour ago, Orangenz said:

    11 hours into the 8th here in NZ

    It is now the afternoon for goodness sake!

    3 hours ago, ajay said:

    Based on the rumored specs, it appears it could be the Sony Starvis IMX294 sensor. I've been mulling over the specs on this sensor this afternoon and it states that it can do 4k UHD and cinema at 60fps 12 bit and cinema 4k at 120fps 10 bit. I haven't seen any rumored spec that has 4k @ 120fps however.

    The sensor also has HDR modes including cinema 4k @ 60fps and 3704 x 2778 (4:3) @ 60fps, both 10-bit.

    This also could be a great camera for astrophography/videography too.

    IF it is this chip, it will be interesting how Panasonic will use this sensor.


    It isn't unusual for a company not to take full advantage of all of the chip's capabilities.


    As there are other constraints: heat, size, time, money, processor power, write speed, etc

    1 hour ago, mercer said:

    but the RGB filters on the sensor will affect the overall color of a Raw image. Take the same exact image shot with a Pocket cam with the same exact image from an ML Raw camera and with the same exact post workflow, the colors will look different.


  2. 43 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:

    Dan Chung has sold up at newsshooter now as well...and gone to work for Atomos.


    Oh I'm terrible! I hadn't even noticed he hadn't posted anything himself on Newsshooter since early 2017, who did he sell it to? Guess that explains a few of the new authors lately in the past year. 

    45 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:

    Red Shark News http://www.redsharknews.com

    I can recommend it too, I check it out almost every day when I can. 

  3. On 12/1/2017 at 8:04 AM, PannySVHS said:


    Hey guys,

    does anybody recognize this beauty of a camera? It is a single operator shoulder beast for feature film production. The only other second crew member was the sound guy.

    So anybody has produced anything like this auteur epic with a camera like this? Please no mini DV assumptions here. It is a HD camera for sure. I know that Ironfilm has done

    a film with plenty of cinematic energy and ninja like extravaganza with a Sony F3. But anybody with that camera like in this documentation? It´s a camera that shoots a film

    in three days. I would like that and use the saved money on production value for my micro budget shortfilm.


    Hmmm... Popatopolis (2009) has been pulled from YT now! Guess some functioning on the YouTube algorithm is working as it should? :-P 

  4. 1 hour ago, DaveAltizer said:

    Yes I forgot to mention that I received the ProRes recordings from the IMAG cameras that were operated full time during the conference.

    Ah thought a few of those shots had a tad bit more grain to them than I'd expect from you with a GH5, that explains it! Those shots were not from a GH5.

  5. 3 hours ago, Orangenz said:

    Ohh true. The most fun I've had is when you hand it off after shooting. The editing side is where I can get bogged down :p

    Indeed. I came to accept a while ago that quite simply I should stay far away from post production! (although going to try and make an exception with sound post now)
    It is just better for everyone that way. As I can't churn through post work like others can. 


    3 hours ago, mercer said:

    @Neumann Films... what?! You’re probably one or two indie features away from a Hollywood deal. With the publicity you have from the GH5 fans alone you could Kickstart a feature and have a built in audience to watch it.

    Yeah if you feel like doing a $50K or perhaps $100K-ish plus indie feature film (it is a small budget! But doable), then I'd feel quite optimistic about your chances crowdfunding that level of funding. As you've got an extensive track record going back years, and with the GH5/GH5s you've been getting even more attention lately. And it has got you the connections. 

    I know @andy lee did a feature film a year and a half ago with SIX Panasonic G7 bodies!! :-o (I think he might have got a helping hand from Panasonic UK, perhaps being lent a few extra spare bodies? Dunno)


  6. 3 hours ago, mercer said:

    But if it is that much better (which it is) then why isn’t the work floating around Vimeo and YouTube that much better? I think the discussion was formed because there is some truth that creativity can be born from limitations. The GH2 is a legendary camera with limitations, those limitations forced people to be creative.

    I disagree somewhat with your conclusion. 

    The reason is simple: because PEOPLE matter more than the camera. 

    So what are those PEOPLE doing now?

    Many of them have moved on/up to other cameras. (many likely still have a GH5, but it is their B or C Cam, thus when they produce a highly polished piece they're not going to shout at from the roof tops that "THIS WAS SHOT ON A GH5!!!!111")

    Back when the GH2/GH1 came out, the other strong options were very thin on the ground. Such as a Sony F3 / FS100 / FS700, Canon C300, or Panasonic AF100, or RED ONE

    So you have many people choosing the GH2/GH1, but today they have an explosion of other options to consider. With the entire Blackmagic Design range, plus FS5/FS7, C100/C200/C300/C500, Panasonic EVA1, JVC LS300, and Kinefinity, etc etc etc... plus those I mentioned beforehand (F3/FS700/FS100/R1/C300, which have become much more affordable!).

    So the people who choose a GH5 as their #1 A Cam are largely young inexperienced people, or some amateur filmmakers on a very tight budget, which is much smaller pool of talent to pick people from.



    1 hour ago, jonpais said:

    Anyhow, if you’ve got time, take any of the GH2 videos that’ve  been posted here - could you cite a few of the limitations that were imposed on the filmmaker by the camera, how they overcame them, and how their solution resulted in a great video? 

    I did come up with the theory that perhaps the extra time which the GH2 forced them to do with lighting is why on the Zacuto  Shootout many people thought it looked "better", because literally greater care had to be taken care with shooting with it. 

    But I'm skeptical as to what degree this really is a factor in your typical quality vimeo video with a GH2 (or even if it is a factor at all of note). 

  7. 31 minutes ago, Neumann Films said:

    Something about not realizing creative ideas for 3-12 months that doesn't sit well with my ADD. 

    I guess as a director/producer/writer it can be a long hard marathon endurance slog to get your product across the finish line. 

    But as a below the line crew person, it can be quite fast paced, you might only get called up the night before, then you do the shoot and wrap, then onto the next project!

  8. 1 hour ago, jonpais said:

    A very incomplete list of the advantages of the GH5 over the GH2 (and this does not even include dramatically improved color science, higher bit rates and on and on): the GH5 has focus peaking (oh, how I regretted the lack of focus peaking on my GH3!) a tilt-swivel screen, IBIS (impossible to shoot my GH3 handheld without some sort of rig; I can only imagine the same goes for the GH2), 4K, touchscreen (much easier to navigate menus, tap to focus), built-in wifi, better color depth, higher effective ISO, greater dynamic range, build quality, longer battery life, external mic jack, higher res screen, no AA filter, dual SD card slots, full sized HDMI, and on and on. 

    Waveforms is a big one you missed out! Very jealous about that feature that I don't have it. A first in any mirrorless/DSLR camera!

  9. 5 hours ago, dbp said:

    I agree with you. But I feel like people have been saying that for so long. "after the *insert new spec* honeymoon period" 

    But people will always want more.

    And nothing wrong with improving tech, but dimished returns absolutely kicked in around the GH2. The GH2, compared to, say, the DVX100.... is a MUCH bigger improvement than the Alexa is compared to the GH2. Or anything compared to anything from this point going forward. 


    Agreed, the moment we got the ability to have interchangeable lenses easily/cheaply then the whole game changed. 

    And that happened with the Panasonic GH1/GH2 generation. 

  10. 9 hours ago, mercer said:

    Well, I know there have been some theories that there may not be IBIS in the GH5s, so I guess my question is... if the IBIS is replaced with internal NDs (I doubt they could fit both) would that be an acceptable alternative... or is IBIS a must have for the most interested of potential GH5s buyers?

    From my perspective high quality internal NDs instead of IBIS, would be two steps forward for one step back. 

    6 hours ago, Cinegain said:

    Just change your computer time & date!

    Or move to New Zealand! ;-)

    3 hours ago, Neumann Films said:

    I will offer my 100% unbiased opinion because we are moving on from camera stuff after this.  I'm burnt out!  Will do that in the form of a Vlog and also here.

    What are you moving onto?

  11. 5 hours ago, kidzrevil said:

    Im not sold on what I see a lot on youtube produce with the gh5 and the ebay resale listings seem to be in direct correlation with that.

    Quick skim over sold listings on eBay:

    https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_sacat=0&_sop=15&LH_ItemCondition=1500|2000|3000&_nkw=panasonic gh5&LH_PrefLoc=2&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&rt=nc&_trksid=p2045573.m1684

    Seems anything notably under $1.5K is quite rare. 

    Which doesn't seem unreasonable at all for the GH5! Considering it is RRP, and that is has been out for nearly a year. Quite similar to other camera secondhand pricing. 

    NIkon D500 had the same RRP, also announced in 2016 (but at the start of the year), yet is only a bit cheaper than a GH5 (even though DSLRs tend to hold their prices a little better than mirrorless secondhand):

    https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_sacat=0&_sop=15&LH_ItemCondition=1500|2000|3000&_nkw=Nikon D500&LH_PrefLoc=2&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&rt=nc&_trksid=p2045573.m1684

  12. 23 hours ago, fuzzynormal said:

    Fine.  Simple and useful.  Any decent/old 2.8 on an M43 camera are perfectly acceptable as far as I'm concerned.  Really, for less than $200 you're shooing with capabilities that any filmmaker from a generational ago would have killed for.

    Yeah, even with the old ancient Panasonic GH1 sensor and "slow" f2.8 primes, you can easily expose well with that so long as you work with it (not against!). 

    I'd probably throw in just one 35mm f1.7 C mount lens (which are CHEAP! Was one of my first lenses for my GH1) into that lens kit, just to help out in a tricky spot when you really need that extra stop or more of light. 


    12 hours ago, kidzrevil said:

    The hacked gh2 is what made me upgrade from my canon t3i to the panasonic gh3. Years later and I still haven’t seen an image with the color and rendering of the gh2. I think the gh2 won the zacuto shootout at the Skywalker ranch in a blind test as well. It was like its own filmstock. I wouldn’t mind picking one up that’s already hacked and slapping a speedbooster on it if its compatible.

    Important point to remember is the GH2 took a lot more time to light with, than say an Arri Alexa does. 

    Thus the Arri Alexa "saves money"!

    (however I half wonder... if taking that extra time which the GH2 needed, is what helped make the image "better"? Maybe that is what we should all just do instead, take the time to slow down and really think about what we're shooting)


    6 hours ago, dbp said:

    Take a professional hollywood level set, turn on a GH2 and I think people would be utterly shocked with the result. Because ALL OF THAT OTHER STUFF is what actually matters. 


    Yes. Like sound! ;-)
    (ok ok, and lighting! And make up! Oh and I guess the actors and story matter too :-P )

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