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    gethin got a reaction from hyalinejim in Fuji X-H2S   
    Photons to photos just released its stills dynamic range results and it's really confusing. I like P to P because at least you can compare one cam to another.  Xh2s has worse dr than my z6.  How that translates to 14 stops of video dynamic range I dunno. 
  2. Sad
    gethin got a reaction from IronFilm in Fuji X-H2S   
    I just saw the pricing in Australia 
    I was expecting 3-3.5k AUD, but $4200 is kinda nuts. Sigh  

  3. Sad
    gethin got a reaction from webrunner5 in Fuji X-H2S   
    I just saw the pricing in Australia 
    I was expecting 3-3.5k AUD, but $4200 is kinda nuts. Sigh  

  4. Like
    gethin reacted to MrSMW in nikon z6ii: should I move to BMPCC 6k?   
    I really liked my XT3's except for the lack of IBIS.
    Was going to go XT4 in 2020 due to IBIS (plus bigger battery bonus), but when it all went tits up due to Covid, went S5 at the end of the year.
    The S5 is definitely a step above the XT3/4 IMO.
    You can adapt Nikon glass to L Mount so potential option to consider.
    'Better' video capability than your Nik's, but probably a bit less capable on the AF front...but if you were considering BM, AF is not part of the equation anyway.
    And they are now stupidly cheap.
  5. Like
    gethin reacted to Amazeballs in Fuji XH-2/S   
    Our insider sensor guru has arrived 😁
    Well at least its some newest sensor tech. A1 is pretty dope. 
  6. Like
    gethin reacted to androidlad in Fuji XH-2/S   
    The two new X-H cameras both use Sony Semicon sensors, they incoporate some of the latest technology from IMX610 (A1) including DBI and Sigma-Delta ADC.
  7. Like
    gethin reacted to webrunner5 in nikon z6ii: should I move to BMPCC 6k?   
    Yeah, using a Blackmagic product, which I am a huge fan of, is like going back 10 years ago. Hardly Run N Gun, output wise darn good, ergonomics wise not so hot.
  8. Like
    gethin reacted to Django in nikon z6ii: should I move to BMPCC 6k?   
    ..If you don't like noisy footage, 6K Pro will be a step backwards in that regard for anything above base iso. You'll not only be losing AF but also IBIS. Also keep in mind EF mount means very little lens adapting choice. Finally be prepared for massive file storage requirements. Now don't get me wrong I love BMD IQ and the 6K Pro is great value but switching to it from a hybrid mirrorless system is a much bigger transition than just losing AF imho.
  9. Like
    gethin reacted to Martin Kuipers in nikon z6ii: should I move to BMPCC 6k?   
    I would base my choice on the type of video’s you make. If its fast output and events that are run and gun, I’ll opt for the convenience of the z6ii. Battery live, autofocus and a color profile to get it right in camera (so forget 10 bit). Either flat or portrait with some adjustments will do. The hassle of external recording and diminishing results is what’s frustrating to you, so use the z6 to its strengths. If you have a bit more control and pre production of the shooting day, the bmpcc would be my choice.
  10. Like
    gethin reacted to webrunner5 in nikon z6ii: should I move to BMPCC 6k?   
    I would think the Nikon Z9 is future proof for a long time. Can't imagine needing much more for years to come.
  11. Like
    gethin got a reaction from webrunner5 in Nikon Z9 / Firmware 2.0 Official Topic   
    just checked out this 8k raw footage: around 0:46 there is some false colour/moire on the balconies, centre of shot.  
    I dunno.  so much to love about this cam but eek If i'd paid $11K for a camera to find that I'd be grimacing
  12. Sad
    gethin reacted to Robert Collins in Best drone buy 2022   
    I have a mate who has been doubly unlucky with drones. 
    1. First he had a Phantom which true to their name occasionally had batteries whose capacity would suddenly go from 40% to 10% in a few seconds. Tried to get it back over water but it sunk 20m from dry land.
    2. The second time is immortalized in this video, The chances of 2 drones colliding in 3D space seem pretty slim to me but it happened in Myanmar. What happened next can only be described as 'lucky'.
  13. Like
    gethin reacted to Andrew Reid in Nikon Z9 / Firmware 2.0 Official Topic   
    Looks like they are using the same raw codec for both stills and video mode then?
    6:1 and 12:1 compression modes
    500Mbit in 1 bit per pixel 12:1 compression for DCI 4K 60p. Which could mean 4K/24p cinema at under 250Mbit!!
    1000Mbit in the 6:1 mode (4K/60)
    8K is up to 4000Mbit in the highest quality mode.
    Not sure which of these Intopix configs they have actually implemented on camera so if anyone finds some more info from Nikon or a good source do let me know
  14. Like
    gethin reacted to Video Hummus in nikon shooter fantasy $15K shopping should I stay or should I go...   
    I agree with shooting for the Sony Alpha A1 and adapting F mount lenses until you grow native E mount. Alpha A1 seems to do pretty good at everything and has 8K video and improved DR over what you have.
    Canon just doesn't have enough native RF lenses yet and since you don't have any EF lenses, it really doesn't make much sense to buy anything from Canon.
  15. Like
    gethin reacted to Andrew Reid in nikon shooter fantasy $15K shopping should I stay or should I go...   
    It's not the camera I'd be concerned about, it's the lenses and I think it may be time to dump F mount.
    I'd be tempted to get a Sony A1 which seems a good fit for your high-resolution needs plus cutting edge video specs.
    Then I'd be tempted to put all the Nikon lenses on eBay 🙂
    Start investing in the native E-mount Sigma range.
  16. Like
    gethin reacted to BTM_Pix in nikon shooter fantasy $15K shopping should I stay or should I go...   
    There are a number of F mount to E mount adapters with full autofocus available that would give you a path to Sony without sacrificing the lens collection.
    Similarly, there are also E to Z mount adapters so that you could then share E mount lenses with your Z6.
    That way you could use the budget to really push the boat out and get a Sony A1 to give you a bump that you are after in video (8K I'm guessing would be a client pleaser from a marketing perspective) and it also does ProResRAW but also you'd get a big bump in stills with its 50mp sensor.
    You could then also get that Sigma 105mm in E mount and be able to use it natively on the A1 but also with the adapter on the Z6.
    I think if you went this route then you'd get the immediate bump that you are looking for but also be able to hedge against the release of the Z9 as I'm guessing Nikon is really where your heart is and you're not yet ready to fully abandon ship just yet.
    Far cheaper too as it would be half your budget.
  17. Like
    gethin reacted to MrSMW in nikon shooter fantasy $15K shopping should I stay or should I go...   
    OK, I’ll play…
    Nikon Z7ii for stills and a Z6ii for video with Atomos recorder.
    Or sell the lot and go for a Panasonic S1H based system 😍
  18. Like
    gethin got a reaction from Trek of Joy in A7rii in 2021   
    Yep I thought about that but used z7s are still about $3k in Aus, I saw a used a7rii yesterday for $1000!  
    I figure I can get an autofocus lens adaptor. And still be ahead. But yes matching the colours might be interesting.  I probably should find some RAWS and footage to play with before I jump in.   
  19. Like
    gethin reacted to IronFilm in A7rii in 2021   
    Primarily for stills? Why not a Z7? Keeps you in the same ecosystem! That's the smart practical choice.
    Oh! That's crazy cheap. 
    But then you'll have the problems of the a7 mk2 series: overheating, short battery life, etc
  20. Like
    gethin reacted to Mr. Freeze in A7rii in 2021   
    Just as a comparison:
    I regularly do Portrait-Photography with my 5D Classic from 2005 and make videos with the BMCC 2.5k from 2012. Both cameras are able to deliver stunning images/videos.
    I own both a Pocket 4K and a 5D mkIII, but I don´t feel I can´t get good footage, when using the older devices. Sure, the new ones offer some nice things, but they aren´t nessesary all the time.
    So I think a a7rii  form 2015 is a great camera. If you can buy one for a great price and you like the image you get, go for it.
  21. Like
    gethin reacted to Trek of Joy in A7rii in 2021   
    I've easily shot 50k images with the a7r2 and its still my favorite of all the Sony sensors, eventually I'll probably own another as a landscape/backup camera. I'd love it if they did a faster version of the 42mp sensor for the next a7IV. Even at about $900 or so used, the a7r2 is a bargain for the IQ. But if I were in your shoes, I'd probably stretch that for a used Z7 just for the easy compatibility with lenses/batteries and same colors if the budget allows.
  22. Like
    gethin reacted to ntblowz in Freefly WAVE 4K 1000fps high speed cam   
    Saw it from FB post, really curious about the price of it.
    possible up to 1000fps in 30 or 90s 

  23. Like
    gethin got a reaction from Zeng in Z6 II and Z7 II mirrorless cameras   
    Agree! I don't really fancy much of what's on offer.
    I'd think about getting a video only cam, but the blackmagic is M/3 or bloody eos mount.  The z-cam has similar caveats.  AN d besides I dont mind being pampered now and then with an auto mode that actually works. Or Ibis. Or autofocus. Oy vey! I think I better think it out again
  24. Like
    gethin got a reaction from Geoff CB in Z6 II and Z7 II mirrorless cameras   
    yep i was saying this was nikon's last attempt to keep me. HAving said that I'm editing some footage at the mo, and it's lovely, and very easy to work with, but there is too much that is amateurish with these cameras.  If they'd given me full frame 60p I might even have hung around in 8bit. But no 10 bit internal? get futtocky fucked. 
    And "planned for february": weasels. THe promised external raw was a mess. Nope, bugger 'em
  25. Like
    gethin reacted to MrSMW in Z6 II and Z7 II mirrorless cameras   
    I don't know what's going on here but it's not like they have a cinema line to protect...
    Panasonic could have that excuse, but don't use it and just have the somewhat iffy AF issue.
    Canon are full of controversy.
    Sony have been criticised by only having 12mp for the A7S3 but it looks like when the A74 arrives, now that Sony have improved ergos, menus and colour, they are just going to walk over the whole lot.
    And I am no Sony fan but the electronics giant is stomping on the more established camera companies.
    It's like they all want to commit financial suicide and close their doors.
    Or are we some tiny minority that sees this, but 99% of the rest of the world don't give a shit and just hand over cash to any brand they recognise the name of or the fella in the shop sells them?
    I think if the answer to my question above is "no, the 4k 60p when it comes is 8 bit", then I'm on a course to see if the S5 will perform in ALL the roles I'd need it to.
    More than a bit pissed off with all the camera companies right now. Every single one cripples in some degree or another everything they are putting out for no apparent reason other than they can. It's just fucking weird! 🙄
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