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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/2024 in Posts

  1. PannySVHS

    Nikon buys Red?

    I think I know the reason, why Nikon bought Red. I'm very sure they did it just to piss this guy off. He sounds like someone just cut his mullet off. 😊 I like Mike. But seeing and especially hearing him was hillarious. "I am pissed."πŸ˜‚ He just bought an Epic btw.
    5 points
  2. EspenB

    Nikon buys Red?

    Patents expire after 20 years. The basic "internal compressed RAW" patent expires in april 2028. Or the end of the same year, I'm not sure. In any case "the patent" only has four years to go. https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?msg=RED.com RAW patents expire&p0=840&ud=2&year=2028&month=4&day=11&hour=0&min=0&sec=0&fromtheme=party
    3 points
  3. John Matthews

    Nikon buys Red?

    Redcode RAW was initially implemented in the early 2010s, but the filing was December 28th 2007. I imagine the patent will only last a few more years. This must have also played a role in the acquisition. Nikon will have a very short window to leverage it.
    2 points
  4. The S1R and the SL2 are the more stills focused units and perhaps the SL3 and any S2R will also be leaving the option for lower res more video focused versions? Full frame 6k 50/60p over 8k 25/30p internal all day for me.
    2 points
  5. Well I hope these are not the features of the future Lumix FF flagship. The specifications for the video look very basic. 8K@30p 10 bit but only 4:2:0 internally.
    2 points
  6. mercer

    Nikon buys Red?

    Well, I don't need any because I'm not a customer at any point in the near future, but if I was considering buying into the Red ecosystem, I'd like a bit more information from Nikon or "Red" before I made such a big purchase... another press release... a new Red camera with a Nikon badge on it... something to let me know that they're not just going to ingest the IP and scale back their new cinema division.
    2 points
  7. kye

    Nikon buys Red?

    It's definitely cute, but I think it's probably not good. I couldn't find any reviews or sample images, so I suspect it might even be a low-res sensor that just upscales to 44M in software. It's probably the same sensor and firmware as those first generation 40+MP smartphones. If retro is in, then a bit of blur is part of the style, not a failure of lens design or MTF curves!
    2 points
  8. EspenB

    Nikon buys Red?

    Countdown has been running since November 2019.
    1 point
  9. Nath

    Nikon buys Red?

    This or Jannard had really a short window to cash out his market advantage now .
    1 point
  10. sanveer

    Nikon buys Red?

    I also read that Sony was fabbing their new sensors at TSMC, so its most likely a matter of patents, and not so much anything else. These kind of monopolies, in general are bad. I suspect that they are among the reasons for the downfall of many companies that rely on such sensor makers, who restrict patent use (remember the debate, for the longest, that suspected that Panasonic was restricted in its access to PDAF, since it made video powehouses, and that's why we had the terrible Depth-from-Defocus (DFD), for the longest).
    1 point
  11. John Matthews

    Nikon buys Red?

    This is actually a great point. Maybe Nikon hopes to have more leverage in sensor negotiations with Sony or anyone else.
    1 point
  12. Davide DB

    Nikon buys Red?

    It is economy of scale, baby! I see nothing mysterious in this. Nikon just before the move to mirroless was almost given up for dead (it had just lost a very important piece of its business in lithography of electronic components). Now it's out of the picture, but I don't think its Z line has changed things all that much. So in a very high-tech market with a very small (declining) number of units sold, it is increasingly difficult to find the funds for the necessary technological investments. Sony has a diversified business and can rely on revenues and technologies from so many other markets. Red in my opinion did not fare any better. It remained a mystery to me how such a small company could make a living in this industry. Where was it getting the money for technology investments. By the way, in Europe Red was getting progressively gnawed off the market by Arri. So big fish eat little fish. It's a win-win deal for both of them even while keeping their respective brands separate. The exchange of technologies will be there. Even without fantasy Red by Nikon stickers or the like. Nikon acquires several patents and technology (raw and global shutter) and enters the cinema market. Red accesses Nikon's technology and more of its production capacity. If in a few years we essentially have a Nikon camera inside a Red cube marked Red no one will ever know. Then of course there are a whole series of probable ripple effects in the patent war and on trade agreements with other brands.
    1 point
  13. I'm guessing the new processing is less, well, processor-intensive. Cruder algorithms, easier to compress... something, that reduces processing overhead and makes room for the additional AF processing (without paying for a much faster chip). Or maybe image processing is in a separate chip but they switched to a cheaper off-the-shelf part that was designed for cellphones. Whatever it is, they can call it a new "Leica look engine" or whatever they want, but that's just the specific shade of marketing lipstick they're putting on this pig. Somehow I doubt Leica would want to move towards an oversharpened cellphone look, if anything I would think they would want the opposite.
    1 point
  14. I like the formfactor of the Canon XC10/X15. Give it 10bit and a good codec, 4K60, zoom with F2 at the wide and F2.8 at the long end. Voila! I think their launch video really shown off the mojo that camera had. I like really the motion cadence and the rendering of textures. Mojo. 😊 @hyalinejimhad posted a video of his with beautiful colors achieved in Rec709. Anyway, great launch video and a great concept for a S16 cinema camera.
    1 point
  15. IronFilm

    Nikon buys Red?

    Over on Nikon Rumors, a commentator posted this summary: http://disq.us/p/2y0773n Doubt it, that would be a big waste of the $$$$ they spent to buy RED.
    1 point
  16. mercer

    Nikon buys Red?

    Here's an interesting video regarding the purchase... For those that don't have the time, or inclination, to watch, he basically says that this purchase was so Nikon could get into the high end cinema market. He also claims it has nothing to do with the patent, but then kinda contradicts himself. Either way, it's a breakdown of what probably occurred over the past 2 years between Red and Nikon... Trigger Warning: if you despise Red and believe their patent is complete BS, then you may want to skip this video.
    1 point
  17. IronFilm

    Nikon buys Red?

    Gee, I hope you never discover what the sports bureaucracy in other sports get up to.... Name a Top 10 finisher (not just in the TdF but any Grand Tour, or heck, even any of the Classics) from that era who you're certain wasn't ever taking drugs? I feel as a fan to be stressing and worrying over who was or wasn't is a futile exercise. Just enjoy the racing for what it is. (and got to admit, the racing during that era was a lot better!) I never said that. Oh sure, and Γ“scar Pereiro has never had any doping allegation scandals around him! /s πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ If you fully believe he's totally clean then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell πŸ˜‰ This proves the point about how totally different Lance Armstrong has been treated, as a scapegoat and a punching bag for the entire world's media (not just cycling media) to beat up upon. (just to be clear btw, I'm no great fan of Lance Armstrong specifically! In fact his existence kinda annoyed me back then, as Armstrong prevented my favorite rider from winning any more TdF titles!! If not for Lance, then I think he'd have gone on to win even more titles than Lance did. Oh well) (also just to be clear: yes, what he did is wrong. It's wrong to dope. But when you consider the broader context, I find it impossible to get as super hyped up furiously mad about it as so many others seem to be. It's merely disappointing, not some kind of greatest scandal since Watergate)
    1 point
  18. Tim Sewell

    A couple of firsts

    The biggest thing for me, using it, is the realisation that a huge proportion of the features we pay extra for in hybrid cameras are really just workarounds for the problems caused by using a completely inappropriate form factor for shooting video.
    1 point
  19. Clark Nikolai

    Nikon buys Red?

    It looks cute. I think it might be mostly a fashion accessory (but it also takes pictures). I like how it's small. It's kind of wild that a camera "for kids" is 44 Megapixel. Odd that there's no bluetooth to transfer to your smart phone or tablet. I'm an adult and I would consider this for some situations like travelling and my photos aren't so important.
    1 point
  20. MrSMW

    Nikon buys Red?

    It's some dark web youth shit and you my friend are not allowed to that party. Nor am I πŸ€”πŸ€ͺ
    1 point
  21. D Verco

    Nikon buys Red?

    Lol what. Only some of Nikon's sensors are Sony designed. Others like the z9 are designed by Nikon and then manufactured by Sony.
    1 point
  22. Oh, I've imagined all kinds of things for it, but in the spirit of this type of camera itself (i.e. practicality), I don't expect to ever see them realized. I don't think they sell enough units to have multiple models in this space, so I doubt the XF400/XF405 will ever get direct similar-size replacement; the XF605 seems to be the replacement for both the XF405 and the bigger XF705. Raw and global shutter would probably land flat on their face in terms of attracting the buyers of these types of cameras, who probably would be more interested in better battery life, better stabe, a longer and wider focal range, streaming and broadcast hookups, etc.
    1 point
  23. I added a "zoomy camera" to my quiver in 2019- the Canon XF405. Basically a bit chubbier version of the soccer-mom sized palmcorders being discussed here, with a top handle/XLR box (which comes off). 1" sensor, 25-380mm lens, C-Log3 was added via firmware about a year after which I was happy about. The XF fills a specific role in my kit and does it well- a small-enough-to-always-bring-it cam for three-point-handheld-with-the-EVF shots that need AF and smooth zooming during the shot, in good light, without a need for massive DR or super shallow DOF, in 4K60 to twin SD cards. Resolution is decent in good light, obviously doesn't match say my S5iiX's 6K-to-4K downscale FF mode, but it does look good cut with the 4K60 from APS-C mode on that camera (which is barely oversampled). Of course I would love for it to be 10-bit and intraframe, have more external controls, be better in low-light, EVF could definitely be better, etc etc; but I'm happy with it for the $1800 I paid for it used. The XF605 checks some of those boxes for an upgrade but it's bigger than I want and still too expensive. Maybe in a few years when used prices drop. The HVX/HPX/etc are still so popular with skaters/action-sport folks because they render motion so well (CCD=global shutter), there are workable fisheye adapter options for them, and they're pretty cheap nowadays which is important when your cam is often in physical danger (dropped when filmer falls while follow-filming, or cam gets kicked/hit, etc).
    1 point
  24. Wow thanks@PannySVHS! Never thought my stuff would be brought up here. The S5IIX, to be honest I haven't been shooting much this year so not a ton of time with it yet, but a bit of a mixed bag so far. Love the new AF, the intraframe codecs are nice to have as my stuff has so much motion in it. Other than that it's mostly the same as my S1, which was/is great (other than the AF). On the negative side, my X has had a problem with looseness and glitching in the mic jack since I got it. Wasn't bad at first as I customized my cage to put a little bit of pressure on the plug, which worked for a while, but now it's gotten worse and I have it boxed up to go to Panasonic for repair. I'm not a fan of the new processing for the linear profiles, I shoot entirely in V-Log so it actually doesn't affect me, but... gross, looks like cellphone footage. I'm eagerly awaiting the S1Hii or S1X or whatever comes next, but they'd better fix that processing. The piece you posted was almost entirely Cine-D, a couple of V-Log L shots from when there was that "hack" to install it on the GH4 for free- and I'm glad I didn't just pony up for the official upgrade, because I couldn't get around banding in the sky (you can really see this in the shot at 0:17, and it's not just YouTube's compression), would have been a waste of money. For post I just used the Leeming Cine-D LUT, and then his "Rich Velvet" Quickie (look) LUT, pulled back a bit. I liked the density and saturation this gave me, reminded me of some HVX200/HPX170 stuff that I'd seen years ago. Past that just some selective Neat-ing and a bit of unsharp mask. I appreciate you noting the detailed/not oversharp look, that's what I've always gone for. Lenses, for fisheyes the GH4 had a cheap "manybrand" (Samyang/Bower/Rokinon etc) 8mm f3.5, on a 0.64x Metabones BMCC booster that the shutter would crash into if triggered so I had to remember to WB with a different lens. Then on the G85 I had the native-mount manybrand 7.5mm f3.5, much easier to work with, smaller/lighter/cheaper/sharper, but not as wide of a FOV. The booster/8mm shots are the ones with the slight vignetting in the corners. For regular lenses it was about half adapted Minolta MD/MC stuff, no booster as I couldn't find an affordable one that didn't flare/blue dot like crazy, and half Nikkors on a Metabones 0.71x booster. No Panasonic lenses as I couldn't get good results with manual focus or AF. Thanks @kye, the truth is that I really struggle with editing and rely heavily on beat/music/rhythm for structure and flow. So that means a lot. The B-roll shots are actually a bit sparser in this piece than usual, this is a reaction on my part to so many other video profiles of female rollerbladers often being padded out with too much slo-mo, B-roll, and second/third angles of tricks, usually to cover for a lack of clips of actual tricks. Chynna is arguably the best in the world at this style of skating so I wanted this to be a bit more "all killer no filler"- 35 tricks in 4 minutes- typically the better men in the sport will have about 25-35 tricks in this length, while the aforementioned female pieces have 15-20, plus plenty of slomo of them tying their hair up and putting their skates/helmets on πŸ˜„
    1 point
  25. Theoretically I agree, but in practice no box cameras have built the required ecosystem of accessories to create compact camcorder ergonomics. The two missing pieces are are the side handle, and the monitor. There are plenty of "dumb" side handles, but to match camcorder ergonomics it needs lots of buttons. The FS7 handle with its multiple function buttons, joystick, etc. is a starting point. There are very few good monitor options under 5", and you need bulky batteries or lots of cables. By that time you've got a cinema rig. We could really do with some more open standards for camera controls, video, and audio. Lots of vendor lock these days in terms of accessories.
    1 point
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