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D Verco

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  1. Was going to say this. The bezels on these camera displays are huge. They could go up to 4" just by reducing those.
  2. And yet the z6iii and z8 are better than any L mount options
  3. Wow. The price of these is going to plummet on the grey market
  4. Probably in a technical sense, but you will never be able to see it.
  5. How does evf fix this? Do you have examples of video explaining?
  6. Well now I have the z8 for stills I just need them to put the z8 in a cine body (fx3 or komodox) with internal NDs, open gate, and a better log curve.
  7. D Verco

    Fuji X-H2S

    Looks like it's only a problem with the nisi vnd
  8. D Verco

    Nikon buys Red?

    Probably. But does anyone have a comparison between R3D and N-raw? the fact that N-raw files aren't split up and is 10-15 years newer is already an advantage
  9. D Verco

    Nikon buys Red?

    The red guy already said in a YouTube video that they've licensed raw to all the major brands. We just haven't seen the releases yet.
  10. D Verco

    Nikon buys Red?

    why do you think sony owns autofocus, or that nikon licences it from them?
  11. D Verco

    Nikon buys Red?

    Lol what. Only some of Nikon's sensors are Sony designed. Others like the z9 are designed by Nikon and then manufactured by Sony.
  12. I agree. we all know new cameras updates come on a regular-ish cycle, just be more upfront about it. I'm going to buy stuff from your company, just make it easy for me to plan.
  13. They're taking their sweet ass time releasing new cameras. 5 years since the z6. I'm shooting a wedding in a couple weeks and need another 2 cameras with log. I'd get a z8, but there's still no confirmation it's getting open gate or a new nlog with more dynamic range. Guess I'll have to waste time and money renting a couple more Fujis
  14. I'd prefer more MP, and the tilt screen from the Z8 instead of the flip from the ZF. But I'm probably going to get this anyway. Hopefully they bring open gate and a new log profile too.
  15. the z6/z6ii are pretty out of date tbh
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