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  1. It's a joke...the topic seems a little funny to me. " tripod improves image quality much more than 10 years development " "Warm water is less hot than boiling water " 😄 The AF, the IBIS are remarkable advances when we do reporting... When we do cinema, a tripod, a crane, manual focus are widely used
  2. I have a scoop: manual focus is more effective than autofocus when I can use it.
  3. 92F

    24p is outdated

    Let's be reasonable! 4K/8K is quite far from cinema...a good FHD is softer and creamier with an FF sensor and an old lens...etc. It's not a few extra images that change much: real cinema isn't silent cinema in black and white with a real piano in the room? Lol Tell me, have you tested when you lose the cinematic sensation: at 25p, 26p, 27p, 28p ...29.5p ..more?! Please, it's not a bit ridiculous...who decides, is it you? Is slow motion filmed in 60p 120p no longer cinema? : no, stop, we have to wait for the film to return to the original 24p !? Amusing . Cinematic rendering is a personal matter. Sometimes old high-budget films on silver film then remastered have a very clean rendering, but not sharp...very beautiful, very cinematic visual experiences Cinema is just an illusion that arouses passions and 24p is a matter of broadcasting habits and laziness... and for TV broadcasting everything has to be readjusted, so 24p disappears. For video games it's only cartoons so the cinema experience here, I don't understand, it's irrational !? Now if you are a purist, only go to cinemas and choose those where you are sure of the broadcast quality... but don't force anyone to only see 24p which jerks at the slightest important panning. To say that 24p will disappear one day is not important, just a provocation... perhaps it will happen, I am neither for nor against it?
  4. 92F

    24p is outdated

    I always like your reasonable comments so continue to post things that I don't like..this allows dialogue. thank you On the other hand, the title is indeed 24 p... it's so stupid to believe that this is what makes the magic of cinema that it's something to laugh about... it's so much more complicated. There are even some who believe that in 25p it's still a camcorder and in 24p one image less and watch.... I make cinema (lived experience)... A lot of crazy in the field of creation and audiovisual is no exception: light / lens / ... play a much more important role. I understood that you are following another idea from the discussion Have a nice day and continue to share your wise thoughts 👍
  5. 92F

    24p is outdated

    Personally I find it quite shitty... Wanting to make films is a bit pitiful, but is it possible to film cleanly? Ok a lot of self-sacrifice but if it's making cinema (speech/story lousy, image deliberately degraded to make... "eh I'm making cinema well yes it's 24 p" Not held for more than 5 minutes, mental age 12 years max This doesn't make me dream at all... a lot of empty talk to say I'm doing cinematics. Sorry ..
  6. Yes, probably APSC is better for you but a little less easy or friendly
  7. Honestly, why complicate your life... for family video take a Panasonic G9 MKII or a Sony 6700 for example... the AF will be almost perfect for you... that's the target: lighter, more stable, less expensive... Just a thought and have a nice day
  8. 92F

    Panasonic G9 mk2

    Yes strongly that CineD publishes its report on the dynamics and its crash test... "The GH6's special Dynamic Range Boost function is now even permanently activated and turns off automatically from 60 fps. So the G9II and GH6 should currently be able to offer the best dynamic range of any MFT camera on the market. "Slashcam
  9. 92F

    Panasonic G9 mk2

    If you focus on stability and autofocus and wide angle, cheaper and lighter lenses...the G9 II surely ? Otherwise if the sensitivity and creative capabilities of the FF interest you the S5 II , but overall it will be more expensive and bulky... And wait for in-depth tests on the sensitivity of the G9II ?
  10. 92F

    Panasonic G9 mk2

    I don't really understand your intervention here...it should be in a topic dedicated to desires, dreams...I'm absolutely not asking all of that from a G9...you have to change the range of device. Good day
  11. Do you think that everyone who uses 32bit Float works under the same conditions as you? You just gave the answer..it's no..they would be unemployed. Besides, would they come here to ask for advice on the use of 32 Bit float ? No also So all the others can use the 32 bist float ... the microphone is no more a brake in 24 bits than in 32 bits Float you explained it very well. But in 24 bits you can use a limit which is another more classic way to secure your sound ... and there is no need for 32 bit float but everyone chooses their method. For me it is now very clear .... a big thank you for your help
  12. This is for me the definition of a good sound engineer. Here is a discussion on the same subject (32 bits Float) in French with some old and good sound engineer...: "Not revolutionary but makes good service " I like this conclusion... https://www.repaire.net/forums/discussions/le-32-bits-a-virgule-flottante-en-question.292069/#post-1970448138 After each one chooses the right tool for him according to the moment and there are many tools which use the 32 bits floating point comme le Zoom F2, Zoom F3.... or SoundDevice MixPre 10 II (not really amateur) , MixPre 3 II , MixPre 6 II ou encore Tentacle Track E - Timecode Audio Recorder... Tascam is the least to day ? it is not a gadget and it is limited only by the one who places his microphone, not by the microphone itself (or we do not know how to choose it and place it... SPL 120 dB is already good for many situation ). .. If we take that into account, there is no reason not to use 32 bits float... Thanks for your kind reply and good day...👍
  13. Ok i am agree whith you, of course it's better to use a sound engineer who monitors perfectly So I'm going back to my idea,: with the same usual microphone in solo and well placed, the 32 bits will avoid a backup sound recording under modulated for example. (in report)... But I understand that for you it's more a problem than a help.. Thanks for your kind reply
  14. I don't understand ?! If you use a classic recorder, it will be the same because the modulation is done at the preamp level of the recorder... right? The 32-bit float records automatically by sub-modulating and is recovered afterwards in post production ... like a log with limits, the limits of the sensor. Thanks
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