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Posts posted by Shell64

  1. 12 hours ago, Phil A said:

    Did I miss something? How does 24p cost extra money for the manufacturer of a camera that will anyway have a video function? Wasn't the whole argument around video always that it's easy to do with minimal effort based on the live view function, while the photography purists were yelling that video functions have to be removed because they make cameras "way too expensive"?

    Should we remove raw pictures because the soccer moms shoot JPEG?

    PNG would appeal more to the soccer mom crowd. JPEG will be a premium feature, only found in Canon’s R line. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Andrew Reid said:

    @Emanuel says it in the right way - editorial, not censorship!

    Got to keep the forum readable.

    Ok I get it. I should’ve added more to the post than just blindly posting a rumor on sonyalpharumors. Sorry everyone and sorry to personally call you out Andrew. 

  3. On 8/26/2019 at 4:18 PM, Mokara said:

    As I have said before, this is a cost saving compromise based on the expected user profile for the camera. Canon's sales woes no doubt have played a strong role in that decision.

    How is removing 24p going to help their sales?  Just like how is no Prores in the c500 II by at $16k going to help?!

  4. According to SonyAlphaRumors:

    Sony will be releasing a successor to the FS7 camera with a 6k full frame sensor and dual-base ISO this December, the current prototype’s name is the FX9. Announcement is coming in mid September.

    Finally something new from this company!

  5. On 8/24/2019 at 11:32 AM, PannySVHS said:

    Hallo friends,

    now here are the photos of my camera. I already revealed my choice in this awesome thread: the semilegendary Lumix G6 and the Fujinon 12.5mm 14. C-mount lens. Beautiful lens and awesome to hold with the G6. It does not quiet cover the whole sensor in 16 to 9, of course. I also used the 2x digizoom to really feel free from worries and creative limits. I think this setup is perfect for cinema verité pieces. Also, it was so enjoyable to realize camera movements without in body or lens stabilization, such a gratifying feeling. I think shooting 8bit 420 and with a rather slim codec was giving me some special kind of concentration during filming. A camera like the G6 or others put the focus on filming rather than to have to worry about battery life or 14 stops of DR. Handling is great and image feels very dear and unique to me.

    In 2x digizoom it felt like the readout was much faster. I was able to pull off some very steady camera movements. A bit of stabilization in post and sastisfied. Camera movement felt much more immediate than doing it with IBIS or in lens stabilization. Filming was done alot with 7000K in Vivid picture profile with contrast with everyting to -2. Grading and edit in Davinici.

    Like all of us I enjoyed filming and the results a very big deal and the write ups and crazy camera setups as well. Such a fun challenge and awesome two days of filming and editing! Let´s do it again, guys! Next challenge ahead with great anticipation and exitement!

    Lumix G6 and beautiful Fujinon 12.5mm 1.4 C-Mount lens.JPG


    The good old G6!  You did a great job dude. I don’t have the g6 but I do have the g7 which is actually pretty similar. Both are awesome cameras for money!  Also you really made a beautiful video there. 

  6. I have two options for Mac users. I will try to find good options for windows as well. 

    Colorcast: Free color grading and post processing software for Mac. Includes various scopes (waveform, parade) and three way color corrector and sliders similar to davinci resolve raw color settings. It did stop development in 2018, and I have had glitches with it, but it might be decent. 

    Final Cut Pro X trial: Download the free 30 day trial from apples website. Add /thankyou to the end of the url if you don’t want to enter any details to download. Use this to view scopes on your footage. If you need it longer, set your date and time back after the trial ends. 

  7. On 8/21/2019 at 7:06 PM, Dunjoye said:

    Is there still an appeal for ML hacking? I just feel like alot of cameras  have caught up. Although no dslr is shooting raw at the moment but the margin in trade off is getting shorter.

    Not sure what people are really looking for in canon cameras these days. There message as been clear from day. You either shoot on the C line for video or DSLR for pics 

    Yes. Every dslr/dslm can shoot 10, 12, or 14 bit RAW video. Most companies simply disable it. I could be shooting 1080 or even 4K RAW on my Panasonic g7 if the would just enable it. 

  8. It looks fake, like when you fake dof with masks in after effects. Or when you film in a green screen and replace the background with a blurred one. It looks awful, by I hope apple or Samsung or someone can get this looking nice. If a feature like this gets integrated into the iPhone, and is available to filmic pro, and if it looks good and there isn’t aggressive sharpening and processing, I will literally switch to an iPhone. The dynamic range is already at 12 stops on the XS with filmic pro log v2. 

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