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Posts posted by leslie

  1. your bloods worth bottling kye, i was going to google it a little closer to the event or xmas which ever happens first. Still waiting on a couple of items and corona has item delivery all over the place. better not disrupt the topic much more, i'll make a new thread about it shortly.

  2. On 9/28/2020 at 12:03 PM, kye said:

    The more I pull colour science apart, the more I realise that companies like BM and Nikon have colour science either just as good as Canon or within a tiny fraction, and also that ARRI colour science isn't perfect and there are things about it I don't care for.

    I know that this will get me ejected from the 'colour science bro club' but I don't care about being popular and fitting in, I care about colour science and good images.

    There's a club ?   well thats embarrassing, i didn't get the memo 🤔

    Use what you got is my mantra, apart from that, I like the images i get from my canon and there's nothing wrong with my p4k either. ( in my own personal opinion ) With my newbish appreciation of colour science and or colour grading, i doubt i would mix and match the two however lol.  I do have drone i intend to throw into the mix shortly. No doubt thats going to be an interesting exercise, not the flying so much as the matching the drone footage to the p4k. seen some stuff online that i would like to emulate. Besides that, i would like to thank you guys for... humoring me and the advice given over the course of time. cheers 😀

  3. i think if you buy a pentax,  your assured of getting a camera that can do everything previous cameras could do and should be able to do and maybe some new tricks.

    buy a canon, and you know it can do more. its  just a case of which of its features are going to get kneecapped because of some bizarre policy instigated by hal 9000, the Artificial Intelligence  from 2001 a space Odyssey.  You know the line.

    I'm sorry dave, but i can't do that !!    Thats pretty much how i see canon at the moment, but maybe thats just me 🙂

    Speculating wildly now, but maybe Olympus had already seen the writing on the wall and figured they'd save some money, rather throw it at a new mount. Anyway there's nothing wrong with m43, i see no need to keep up with the joneses, besides who of us can say that L mount would have brought more to the olympus table than what they would have given away ?

  4. i like it, well done mr reid.  easier on my eyes i think, but then i am on a laptop

    the brown and yellow kinda reminds me of the broncos fotball team colours who Ahem happen to be wooden spooners this year ( but lets not go there 🙄 ) however i dont think thats a reflection on eoshd

  5. i.m generalizing a bit but you can image, anything you like with an assortment of lenses, cameras, adapter rings and tape. What you find good enough, will differ from other peoples perspectives.   I have at least one enlarger lens here that if you measure the lens itself would fit your criteria but is probably a little bigger and longer certainly other enlarger lenses would technically fit your criteria. whether you want to work within their capabilities is another issue. Maybe some old 8mm or 16mm film cameras would fit your requirements. i think their called c mount or d mount. Some pancakes lenses might also fit. Some people find high resolution lenses and 4k a bit too clinical and look for lenses that have "character "  or add some of their own via promist or similar. its all rather subjective really.

    depending on whether you are on full frame or something with a crop factor and if your shooting bees in macro or supermodels your lens choice may differ, with a bit more background info, others can give a more informed choice im sure. 

    welcome to the forums by the way

  6. the thing about the previous gopro's is their small size. I also think they have missed the boat on several occasions. Either my 4 or 6 will soon find service on my 75mm drone i have bought, i might even move to the seven or eight yet. The nine is a little larger and bigger battery. That may not endear it to drone users,  I guess maybe the old size might have become something of a constraint maybe either heat wise or some other aspect. Personally i would have liked to seen an option to swap lenses to something less fisheye if you wanted to. If you weren't a fan of the onboard mics then decent sound always seemed like an optional extra and extra price point. once they dropped support for their own gopro studio and quick app well its rather apparent that gopro were happy to just surf off the back of gopro's


    On 9/10/2020 at 2:59 PM, kye said:

    It's a good thing that GoPros have smaller sensors and can implement the higher resolutions/framerates before the cameras with the larger sensors can.

    Oh, hang on...

    i have been considering getting an 8 for for a 75mm cinewoop perhaps i'll wait and see what the 9 is like. I think the two last frame rates hold a certain fascination for me

    4K2K@120fps 10bit

    1080p@300fps 10bit"

    If it has some type of cinema / log file rather than the standard .264 .265 then it would be a done deal for me at least.

  8. i have a gopro four silver and a 6 black , just bought a 75mm cinewoop or 3" for those not metric 🙄.  As their small but large enough to mount a go pro. there's a chance i might get an 8 black, still undecided about that. The seven has good image stabilization, the 8 is better i understand. The 7 can be buggy or glitchy, again thats what i have read. no personal experience. My brother has had no issues with his 5.  The 6,7,8 are popular for taking the casings off and running naked on cinewoops to get them at light as possible, however you want to keep the cover on it if your venturing underwater lol.

    Unless you shoot with a narrow or linear field of view you get the distinct look or the gopro its hard to hide the fisheye look, you can defish to an extent but if you know what your looking for its still hard to hide.

    I like the gopros for their size they do a pretty good job, and their robust, well its been my experience others may differentiate, I have done some stuff that i would never contemplate with my p4k 😊.

    Their not cinema cameras but you can turn alot of stuff off and shoot flat or close enough and do the rest in resolve.

  9. I hope you people can make this camera work for you otherwise thats alot of money to be throwing around. Personally i feel, Since the 60d and later cameras, ML have proved beyond reasonable doubt that canon could do better but refuse to. This r5 debacle is more proof canon does not deserve my money, not that i had that kinda money anyway  I can't help but think anyone buying a r5 is rather naive, hoping that canon will come good, or ML can fix it, is living on a prayer. Its 2020, i can understand a person being born with a disability but surely no camera should be made with one. 

  10. i like the concept and if your out and about "documenting" everything, family included, then your mind is at least kept active and your video skills as well i guess. 

    i had a mate pass away nearly a year ago. he was into photos and video as well. Last time i was around at his place i helped the youngest daughter with his old video gear, got it sorted and running, now the family has memories and treasures and in some ways (he will live on)  at least for his family and thats the important thing i think. there may be no financial benefit but there's more to life than money.

  11. i should add i'm a bit old school and tend to lean towards mf , its just what i'm used too. I guess auto focus would be nice but then since i dont have it , i dont miss it either. Plus for the price of a new voigtlander i bought 3 or 4 very nice pentax m42 lenses. I count that as a win, some might see different, One day i'd like one of those 17.5mm 0.95  voigts......

  12. i bought the viltrox  nikon plain adapter (no glass )to m4/3 to adapt the almost cult like tokina 28-70mm atx pro, a promist 1/8 lives on the front of it most of the time and i use the tokina pretty much half the time. it seems to work alright. The rest of the time it has some kind of  m42 ish to ef lens mounted up to the p4k.

    I have an irrational fear of the crop factor, Its mostly in my mind....i think.  I tend to try to claw back every mm that i can. To that extent i bought the vitrox  speedbooster ef to m4/3 it works ok as well. Although there is abit more play around the locking pin than i would like. So far everything seems to mount up and work ok except 2 russian lenses that i bought.

    I'd like to get the 0.64 metabones at some point. but other stuff keeps getting in the way and i haven't found one at a price point i'd pony up for yet 🙄

    Theres also a cheap fd adapter i have thrown into the mix so that i can use some of my fd lenses from the film era.

    I dont really think you can go wrong with any of the current speedboosters.  Mattias burling did a review on the popular speed boosters 12 months or more ago, so did tom antos although he only compared the 3 meatabones on the p4k


  13. dont believe all the hype you see on youtube. Plus i have heard it can take quite a few purchases before you get a good one.

    If your new to it all a wiser path may be to acquire a few known lenses or even a modern lens or two. After you nail those lenses down move wider a field. I think lens reviews get a lot of interest, personally i think most lenses are done and dusted, but people keep doing them and some people get abit creative or wax lyrical perhaps on esoteric lenses or aspects of their particular lens. After buying three different russian lenses i'm a bit more cynical now. and my enthusiasm has been curbed for lenses, well russian lenses at least 😉 

    it does require a small adjustment to your wallet.


  14. good detective work from all those that were involved. People, corporations, even nations need a slap in the face occasionally otherwise they will continue to steamroll right over the top of everyone with their we will give you what we think you need, not what you need bs. It seems rather stupid in this day and age that they thought they could get away with it with all the tech tools and know how available today. Name and shame them lest other corporations get the idea, if canon can do it we can too.

    It might be a good idea to hold off buying a new camera for a period. Depending on how much fallout is involved, it may make other manufactures sit up and take note. We may get a slew of new models with increased functionality in less than 12 months. One can only hope.

  15. there's probably a million of them out there.  My other two russian lenses are modded i think, to get infinity. One the helicoid is worn out and there's a real loose spot in the middle the other dosn't quite reach infinity.  i have 3 different brands i think, been trying them out but i think i'm done with russians, not real interested int the helioses , not a fan of the swirly bokeh thing. Might just save up for a modern next like a voightlander 17.5 mm or a proper tripod. Yesterday on sunset i noticed the moon is back but 60km an hour winds straight of bass straight aren't really exciting me to go outside.

  16. you should shoot more mono no0ne. Thats rather good 🙂

    I'm on my third russian lens. This one is interesting in the fact, there's no play anywhere, its quite smooth to turn and it came with an ef adapter that has the tiniest amount of play i have experienced in any adapter so far. putting on the 60d it seems to focus on infinity going to try it on the p4k tomorrow. The orchard near me is out in flowers so i want to capture it with the p4k.

    Downside is the last few days have been 60 km an hour winds. Which isn't really conducive to me videoing anything outside.


  17. 4 hours ago, BTM_Pix said:

    I am absolutely not saying that someone who had an R5 could use a good old fashioned CR2032 battery eliminator in the camera then bring it out through the camera enabling them to provide a switchable power source to it to effectively remove/re-insert it without taking the camera apart each time they want to reset the recovery time.

    I'm absolutely not saying that.

    Someone else might say that.

    But, just to be clear, I'm not saying that at all, OK?


     i was thinking it or something similar. Still how long would it take  to input the settings after rebooting ? because that could get tedious. 

    is this the camera equivalent of takata airbags incident or blatant cripple hammer blow, forcing people to by the pricey cine camera ?

    Rather glad it was someone else and not me buying a


     even in the interests of science or being a watchdog for the followers on eoshd and further abroad. thats alot of money to potentially  throw away if no fix comes along. Your a braver man than me, mr reid

    Canon lost a lot of my interest after i learned of putting magic lantern on the 60d i had and that was years and years ago. To have features and then lock them away from users is naughty at best, or criminal in the worst case. Canon wont be getting anymore of my money not sure what my next still camera will be except it wont be a canon.

  18. On 8/12/2020 at 3:05 AM, DFason said:

    I am also wanting to use a couple Minolta lens on this. Does anyone have experience with the following speed booster? 


    I can use a standard adapter but would like the extra stop and view. 


    weren't  the original metabones sb for the bmcc a 0.58.  Where as the others where a 0.64 or the 0.71. the 0.58 where cheaper for awhile but i cant find one on ebay at the moment.

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