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Posts posted by leslie

  1. my canon 60 d has an articulating screen, that thing has to be nearly ten years old, surely a flippy screen has to be mandatory in 2020 ?  apparently not !!

    maybe youtubing isn't considered a legitimate use of a cinema camera over at bmd or sigma 🙄

    although i'd have to venture that a flippy screen, has more uses, than just youtube. Rant over, i'll go back to playing with my fvd16a now 

  2. not really a fan of aftertastes. but hey if it works for you....😉

    I have however made a (lowish) bid on a pentax m42 35mm with haze and fungus issues, if i win, i'll buy some cerium oxide and give one or more of the lens elements a polish  Since i already have a nice pentax m42 35mm i should be able to compare them quite easily.

  3. cats and brick walls seem immune to the bpm or its very subtle if it is happening. With the  lambs i think there could be a lightening or slight haziness in the shadows at the back. I guess i need to throw some indoor lighting into the mix or point it at the sun perhaps. that could be something to try tomorrow. So far i'm liking the black promist 1/8 i think it will stay on the front of the tokina for the moment. I can fit it to the fvd16 as well but haven't had a chance to do much with it today. about the only thing i did with it was to give the focus ring a twist, the three set screws seem to be doing their job, but i may give each a slight turn with a screwdriver however i'm a bit hesitant to mark the elmoscope.




  4. 6 hours ago, fuzzynormal said:

    I guess that's a big reason why I enjoy vintage lenses.  They certainly offer a more filmic look, and I've never really ever cared about autofocus or EXIF.  1970's FD's are pretty good to take the edge of the "video" aesthetic. Plus, they're radioactive.  Fun with decaying isotopes.

    please dont tell me you use it as a pillow 🤕

    Maybe buy an old standard lens with fungus or something and have at it, with the same stuff they use to polish telescope mirrors. if you wanted to be technical about it you should probably make a lap so that you dont change the lens shape. do one lens element at a time, record and report findings.

  5.  i have no experience going that wide, i kinda stick to 2.39- 2.40ish. Hopefully some of the other dudes with such knowledge can help you out. To be honest i haven't done a lot of anamorphic shooting lately. I found dual focusing and issues with headaches have constrained my enthusiasm for the last couple of months However the headaches seem much improved and a fvd arrived today so i am looking forward to have a another go at it.  I think i may have gone past 2.40 by accident one time. In my limited understanding going wider makes the black bars wider at the top and bottom. Maybe im wrong but i didnt find it appealing going too wide and having thick black bars, but that could be just me.

  6. its monday night and its christmas in july,  Just  had ebay messages say that my tiffen black promist 1/8 had been delivered, which is odd as the postman didn't stop today. So  i had had a look at the tracking and surprisingly there was a message saying it had been left in a safe place on the 16th which makes it a thursday delivery. which is bloody odd for the postman, normally he honks when there is registered mail. Well i gave the carport the once over, no joy there, surely its not out by the front door i thought.😨 yep sure enough, there was two boxes and a new telephone book. First package was the tiffen, the next box has usa postage, and theres only one thing, thats coming from america at the moment and yes the fvd-16a has arrived, its only been sitting out by the front door for 5 days🙄 Thats $850 aus just sitting at the front door, minding its own business. 

    i have had a quick once over with it and took a few pics for posterity. firstly the fvd-16a is solidly constructed and it weighs a good handful, not saying its heavy,  just substantial. You could bolt this onto a tank and it wouldn't look at of place, neither do i think there's must chance of it falling apart either.  I think there's about 1/4 of a millimeter between the fvd16a and the front of the elmoscope with a single layer of masking tape on the front of the elmoscope the fvd slides on and the three set screws hold both together nicely. one small issue on rotating the focus there is a small grease spot, i hope it doesn't get any worse.

    lastly i put the tiffen on the tokina atx pro 2.8 and took two shots one with the bpm 1/8 and one without. The first is no promist, the second has the promist, its subtle but its there, i'll have to test a lot more before i decide but at least you guys can have a look as well.







  7. to help get my head around dof and different lenses that i own, i have made dof scale, basically two rulers screwed to an alloy frame. its kinda like one of them  front / back focus test charts, just a fair bit bigger range. there's a three millimeter green perspex sheet sandwiched between the two rulers. i have some leds and a battery pack  ordered to help illuminate the "zero point" some positional testing maybe needed so that the leds don't overpower things too much.  I thought having some leds might help with using it indoors. May even drill out some holes for out of focus bokeh. it will be one blinged out ruler 🙂

    seems to work ok, but i need to buy a notepad as i dont write anything down and i have no idea if this is the pentax m42 50mm f1.4or the 85mm f1.9 🙄 and with the 35 mm f3.5 nearly everything is in focus. More testing to come also need to mount it to something as well.



  8. ok so i know with a fish eye lens, tilting backwards or forwards gives an interesting visual effect. what i'm wondering is how a fish eye performs on a crane when it its raised or lowered. Is it the same effect or less obvious ?

  9. after noones show and tell, i feel slightly inadequate 🙄 my last acquisition for the takumar collection for quite awhile i hope is a pentax smc 17mm f4 m42.

    This should round out the collection nicely and cover all my bases. After this a better tripod and head is on the agenda.



  10. 9 hours ago, SteveV4D said:

    I wonder if this is Blackmagics attempts to be taken more seriously in the Video Professional World.  Perhaps they want their products to be used to the same extent as Arri Alexa, Red and even Canon for high end Professional work.  They've gone all out to impress and the specs are powerful.  

    Yet, documentary filmmakers probably go with the C300 for its great AF, and feature film and TV Productions Alexa for its reliability.  2 things I have not always associated with Blackmagic.  12K will be a specialist resolution for many, and even 8K isn't on the list of requirements for most TV Companies.  

    It's another case of a Camera maker pushing what is possible for a future we shall all one day enjoy.  I'd be interested in seeing some footage when this is camera is realised, though not in 12K....  Alas I'm stuck in the dark ages with just a pitiable 4K TV.  How sad is that.  😪

    this will be like taking a rottweiler for a stroll down to the local dogpark and everyone else has a shih tzu or poodle 😎

    sadly $10000 and 12k is waaaay above my paygrade, guess i'll have to struggle on with 4k 😉

  11. not a bad price i would think. i paid $50 more for an elmoscope. Anamorphic lenses / projector lenses just seem to go up and up. Now that  sirui are producing a few maybe prices will level out. Still i think a vintage 2x projector lens and fvd as pricey as they are, might just edge out against a sirui. Perhaps i'm biased because thats the path i have decided to tread. I can definitely see the attraction of the sirui, compared to buying a projector lens, clamps, rigging it, adding a fvd, you know the drill 🙄

  12. hard to judge, I think you might be ok, pretty sure i can get down to 40mm with my elmoscope type 1 with the p4k. which is m4/3. I know 35mm vignettes. however not sure how that would apply to your gh5 and ultra star. Maybe another forum member will chime in with some knowledge.

    whether it looks good is rather subjective but if you like the look, who cares what anyone else thinks. Thats the interesting thing with mixing and matching. From what i hear the ultra stars are pretty clean and neutral. 

    if you cant find a review on youtube with your particular combination, then your plowing new ground. With the amount of lenses and anamorphics available its a sure bet not everything is know yet.

    you could beg for or borrow a 40mm lens to try and see if it will vignette or maybe buy a nice cheap 40mm lens  even if it vignettes at 40mm with a cheap lens at least you've learnt something and you can either sell the lens or keep it for times when you don't use an anamorphic lens.

  13. full frame would be awesome, even better give it a flippy screen then it would be full awesomeness . It is 2020 after all, post corona dictates smaller groups or even single entity productions. give the masses what they want and we will buy it like candy. Heck i'll even do a redraw on the mortgage😎  If they could throw in a bigger battery that would be helpful too.  Since bmd are wise enough to use fpga's they can throw what ever they like in as a bonus (like ibus or autofocus ).  Fpga's give them the option of finetuning via updates  as they desire. They can build it like a  cube, camcorder or whatever,  just so long as it doesn't over heat as that would be embarrassing.

    edit : additional hardware may need to be builtin first for ibis or auto focus  but if they can put the basics in and dial the rest in through software i think their on a winner. Personally i'd be happy with a full frame, flippy screen and bigger battery.

  14. 2 hours ago, kye said:

    Maybe the overheating is the in-camera implementation of the 'boring detector' feature in Resolve that tells you when shots are too long?

    nah, canon is just helping those that live in a cold winter environment. It doubles as a heater you see...

    btw when is kick off time for the next challenge  ? i need to acquire some props first, i need one dead or bricked camera for scientific purposes 😷

  15. 2 hours ago, Snowfun said:

    Produce a YT channel style short independent film which presents an honest and transparent and totally unpaid factual piece featuring your favourite camera... 

    Extra points for each flaw not mentioned. 

    double points !! if you can sell a flaw as a feature

  16. On 7/13/2020 at 7:22 PM, BTM_Pix said:

    I think YouTube camera review videos shot on unusual cameras would be good.

    Like an R5 review shot on a thermal imaging camera for example.


    your naughty...   Btm_pix, but i do like it 😃 perhaps its time for a remake of the apollo moon walk. conceptual picture for illustrative purposes only. btw i have nothing to use i'll need another prime lens  cough, cough,😉

    edit : if i come last ( again )  you'll have to pry the p4k out of my cold dead hands 😝



  17. i was in a camera store today. They had Olympus E-M10 III listed at $799 aus the m1 At $2000 i was thinking good luck getting those prices with olympus about to sell their camera business.  I kinda like the chrome e-m10 111 been looking for something smaller with a photographic side to things (more so than the P4k anyway ) the bonus would be the 4k video. The fact that olympus may or may not be jumpng from a sinking ship doesn't really bother me most electronic things seems to work for years and years. Not quite sure how it would match up with the p4k.  Just wondering what the bit depth is on the video is it 8. 10, .or 12 bit ?  I forgot to ask at the shop. if i did buy i'd get it online as i have seen them new for $575 australian which isn't too far from mr reids $500 unicorn

  18. 13 minutes ago, PannySVHS said:

    Haha, yes, these FD adapters are quirky. Even the awesome one I got for my S1 from Cieco from Ebay, who uses another aproach without turning a ring on the adapter. Instead you align your lens to one of two dots and turn it to the other one and then the ring of the FD lenses needs to be turned. Funky, still much more solid and a bit less confusing. These FD beauties are worth the trick though. 28mm 2.8 one of the best lenses for indoor filming. Outdoors I have not been so lucky, maybe because of the reflecting surfaces of the adapter I used back then of mft.

    Back to bmp4k, you need to film some faces with your set up. Slowmo, bro, hair in the wind:) Cam tests are the realf films for camlovers! 🙂 cheers

    tasty. watching forward to seeing that cat in action!

    you should have said something earlier, its been three degrees Celsius and a howling wind today. i also now have a laser pointer which drives the cat bonkers. I have no idea how many g's that cat is pulling trying to catch that red dot but if it were me i'd probably pass out. videoing the cat chasing the red dot is on the agenda 😀

  19. well them silly victorians are stuffing it up again 😉. With a second wave of corona. not sure how bad things will go this time around, but i figured i should get something to keep myself amused, if we do go back into lockdown. So with a four hour round trip to the big smoke and a visit to the only camera shop in town, without further ado may i present.



    yes it is diverging slightly from videography  but i plan on sticking the  p4k  on it and seeing if i can catch the moon next time it pokes its head up.

    Of course the day i pick it up, snow is forecast, i'm expecting late winter rain and a wet spring with torrential rain now that i have a reason to go out at night 🙄 Hopefully i can try my hand at an unboxing video tomorrow, that should be epic,  no doubt

  20. 1 hour ago, Video Hummus said:

    He did a composite image at around 0:53 where he had the guy in focus but also the tent in the background.

    Wonderful piece of work and a reminder that its not about the f*cking gear!

    could he have used a split diopter to get both in focus ?  Someone else has already mentioned the creative use of broken glass, seems like not much of a stretch to throw a split diopter in there. But perhaps i am wrong and if i am wrong (again) how you you tell the difference ?

  21. well the fvd-16a has shipped apparently, but i did get another bill for the shipping, as that cost an extra $25. Have to email rapido to figure out the best way to send the money. I have also bought a 120cm camera slider rig. I sure do hope you guys aren't over slider shots yet, as there's alot more coming 😉   Also lashed out on a 77mm Tiffen Black Pro Mist 1/8. I would have liked a 58mm but couldn't find one at a reasonable price. So i have grabbed the last 77mm listed at what i think was reasonable. Maybe i have to look at getting a bunch of step up rings at least it will fit the  tokina atx-pro 28-70 and another lens i have here.

  22. 48 minutes ago, IronFilm said:

    Olympus isn't dead to me yet! I just purchased an Olympus lens yesterday:
    Is my first ever Olympus lens too. (if you don't count my Olympus bodycap lens)

    good luck with the new lens, i have one on the way as well but not olympus. Like fuzzynormal i also like the older mf lenses

    bodycap lenses count, i know this because i have the 15mm :) besides its not really dead until its no longer breathing (exempli gratia, humans) or is broken and can no longer function as intended (exempli gratia, machines). I think its sad that people have already written olympus off, however the cameras and lenses will work for years to come. If you have olympus and like it, i wouldn't suggest getting skittish just yet and jumping ships.

  23. 9 hours ago, Robert Collins said:

    My webcam is rubbish. Well, actually its the webcam video that looks rubbish. My webcam is the popular Logitech C920 - which as webcams go - is a mid/high end webcam. But the image out of it really is bad (especially in low light.)

    And, in case you are wondering - no, I dont have anything better to do than wonder why the video out of my webcam is so bad. Watching the news when everyone is being interviewed by webcam, you realize that virtually everyones webcam is crap.

    And it isnt just my lighting. Admittedly my lighting was bad but I bought myself one of those Elgato key lights - better but still really rubbish if you ask me. Now, I know, of course, that I could set up my Sony as a webcam but it seems a hell of hassle - dummy battery, capture card, a stand etc... Surely there is something plug and play. But apparently not - there doesnt seem to be say - a 1inch sensor webcam.

    Which brings me to my question. Why has there been so little innovation in the webcams? My Logitech C920 was introduced in January 2012 and apparently is still considered by some as the best webcam on the market in 2020  - https://www.tomsguide.com/best-picks/best-webcams#:~:text=There's a reason you've,calls and large meeting rooms. 8 years is an eternity in the camera world (it isnt as though camera companies have been particularly busy) and, I assume, equivalent to several lifetimes in the streaming business.

    And, secondly, what sort of setups do people on this forum use?

    i have the c920 as well,  pc gamer had this too say,  The Logitech C920 has reached a legendary status in the webcam arena. Six years after its release, it’s still cemented as one of the best webcams you can buy.

    pc world had this to say, One of the C920’s neatest tricks is its ability to record 1080p video clips using H.264 compression technology built right into the camera. By having the camera do the heavy lifting rather than your CPU, it guarantees sharp, smooth video—even on older computers.

    Honestly i have to say its never performed up too expectations for me. While its ok, its never lived up to the hype for me. Maybe i got sucked in by the marketing hype. I kinda think it comes back to the reviewers again like in other threads at the moment. Most seem happy to sell their soul so long as the free products keep coming or cash perhaps.

    Maybe cinematographers and wannabe cinematographers (me) are too picky ? but i doubt that we are both wrong.

  24. 37 minutes ago, Super8 said:

    That's not how it works.  The reseller, whole sale world is much different than you seem to realize.  Everyone needs to make a profit and it's not selling directly to the local guy. 

    Case in point let's use a camera company. Let's use RED.  RED set the market based on the cost of traditional camera model and has stuck with it. They decided to charge a certain price and let the market adjust around their price.  They didn't panic and start slashing prices. 

    Black Magic on the other hand has a different business model.  Sell for less but sell more product. 

    Does it cost 300x more to make a RED camera?  No it doesn't.   RED can sell one camera package to Black Magic having to sell 6 to 9 to make the same profit. 

    Camera companies that produce lenses also have a different model than the ones that only sell camera bodies.  The smarter companies will offer 3 cameras at different price points with a wide range of lens selections.  They will offer a echo system that people can invest in. 

    I would be worried if I was Black Magic.  To survive the has to move a lot of product.  They can't all of a sudden come out with a $15,000 camera.  The lower priced cine cameras are taking profit away from Black Magic so much that they lowered the price of the BMP6K to $1,995. 

    Companies have to live or die by the price model from the past.   Canon or any other company cannot raise prices because parts cost more or tariffs are higher.  The Sony PS5 might be great and could cost $950 US but no one would buy it. 

    If Fuji goes under and also Panasonic that doesn't mean Canon or Sony's prices will go up.  We have to many camera makers as it is.





    seems either greedy or selfish to sell one item for a large profit. Good for you if you can get away with it i guess. Seems kinda like extortion to me, i prefer bm's business model better :) If bm cameras get much better, easy to  see red going the same way as olympus and the dinosaurs. 

    I had a look at lemac the place i got my p4k from yesterday. they have the p4k, p6k and even the blackmagic Micro Cinema Camera is all listed as out of stock. Either their really popular or covid 19 has stuck again, perhaps it a combination of both. Not sure what stock levels are like in other places.

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