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Posts posted by newfoundmass

  1. It's fine to have a preference but Sennheiser G3/G4s are the most popular wireless systems I've seen here in the US and it's not even close.The only thing rental houses care about is having what people want, and what most people want are Sennheiser kits. I don't think they particularly care about the brand, their only concern is meeting the demand of their customers. 

    @AquilasfxI don't think you'll have any problems going the Sennheiser route if that's what you choose. They're popular for a reason. They're extremely common in the industry, last for a long, long time (I know people who've had their G3s for 10 years) and are easy to get serviced. Once you're in a position to do so I recommend upgrading the mic to a Sanken or Countryman, which I'd also recommend you do with the Sony. The mics they come with, while decent, are kinda big and could be better. 

    I'd steer clear of the Deity Wireless Connect as I've heard a lot of people who've had problems with them, particularly when it comes to drop outs. I'm not sure why they were suggested, given that's a pretty well known and widely reported issue.



  2. "Revolutionary" is a real loaded term. It gets thrown around a lot by camera companies. When thinking of what would legitimately be revolutionary I come up blank. Maybe an ENG style parfocal zoom? A telephoto partner for the 10-25mm, which I don't think would be revolutionary? I don't know. It's a very strange time for Panasonic. 

    I do expect a GH6 and always have, I just don't know what form it'll take. Will it be a technological leap like previous iterations or will it be a minor (underwhelming) upgrade like most of their cameras have been for the last couple of years? I hope for the best, as I really would like to stay with M43 and Panasonic. 

  3. 8 hours ago, Tim Sewell said:

    Medically justified, temporary, standard public health measures aimed at containing a deadly pandemic are not slavery - the view of the world betrayed by such a characterisation is either simplistic or solipsistic.

    This 100%! And the thing about those measures is they work! That's why I'm so exhausted by these debates. 

    Even when you adjust the numbers to account for its small population, Vermont has the second lowest rates in the country. Why? It's not because it's rural since that didn't spare the Dakotas from having the highest numbers in the country. It's not because it was remote, given it bordered New York and Massachusetts, two states that were ravaged by COVID-19 at one point. It's not because they aren't testing; they're 7th in testing per million. 

    It's because they require masks, put limits on how many people can be in stores and restaurants at once, restricted gatherings, etc. Common sense stuff that even after 500,000 have died people still argue against or call "slavery." 

  4. "Things have been normal in Florida since May" says the guy that doesn't understand why the rest of the country is embarrassed by the state that just last month was averaging almost 20,000 new cases a day and has ignored the experts advice since the pandemic began, resulting in some of the worst statistics in the country. 

    He then compares lock downs to SLAVERY and wonders why people think he's a fucking idiot.

  5. 2 hours ago, TheDudeAbides said:

    I'm in Florida.

    We've been back to normal since May.

    I know lot's who have been diagnosed with covid, but I know no one who's died. 

    My dad fell from a high latter in July (in California) and suffered SEVERE brain damage. Also PTSD from staying in a hospital for 2 months with next to no visitors. He is still not even close to recovered.

    Florida is a national embarrassment. 

  6. It's been really bad, but fortunately I own my house and all my equipment, so I've been able to get by on remote editing jobs and other side hustles since I have no mortgage or anything to pay.

    Events and sports have been dead for me, and have been since the second week of March 2020. I didn't accept any weddings for this year because I have a poor autoimmune system and just won't risk it. Very few people have been calling anyway so it's not like I had to turn a bunch of offers down either. I don't really expect this year to be much better than last year unless things get more under control by the end of the year and events can resume. Maybe I'll be surprised, but the way the US has handled this doesn't give me much hope. 

    Still I am in a much better position than a lot of people I know who have had to sell equipment, close their offices/studios, etc. The things they've worked so hard to build are gone and it's truly heartbreaking. 

  7. I mean it's clearly lazy but it makes sense for them to target those that just refuse to use traditional hybrid cameras. As dumb as it sounds there will be more people willing to use this over the A7siii as their b-cam even if they're essentially the same thing. 

    It's just very disappointing that they didn't bother to beef it up more. It's something I'd expect out of Canon. 

  8. 6 hours ago, chadandreo said:

    what applies to one person doesn’t apply to everyone. 
    for interviews in which the subjects move around, good AF is invaluable, especially if the production decides to shoot with a more shallow aperture than f8. 

    the way people have responded to cinema cameras adding AF, reminds me of when people thought seatbelts and abs weren’t important. 

    That's a really foolish comparison. I am fine with AF, it's great. What I don't like is how people act as though it's a must have, especially in a cine camera. People discredit cameras because of it. It's silly. 

    As far as your scenario, I've shot close to 100 interviews and have always used manual focus. Most productions I've worked on manually focused, too. Everyone is different, but I wouldn't depend on it. 

  9. AF isn't really important, it's just people now write off anything that doesn't have good AF because of YouTube and YouTubers thinking everything, including cine cameras, should be marketed and catered to them. So it's become "important" in a marketing sense, but a cine camera really doesn't need AF and most people probably shouldn't rely on it when using a cine camera. 

  10. 24 minutes ago, crevice said:

    It lacks a ton of cine features? It lacks BRAW. There is 1 feature. What else does it lack? It has dual xlr with phantom power, 10 stop ND, better internal battery, dual SD card recording, 4:2:2 10 bit, 4k 120, tracking auto focus, and dual gain 16 stop sensor.

    It lacks the resolution and frame rate options, anamorphic modes, RAW, and codecs that the Pocket 6K Pro has. And it costs more than twice as much. These are major features that productions want in a camera. 

    If you don't see why this is a far more superior value than the C70 I don't know what to say. 


  11. 11 minutes ago, crevice said:

    Do we not care anymore about the actual inside of cameras anymore? Last I checked the C70 has a 16 stop DGO sensor found in a $10k cinema camera. It also has 10 stop of ND vs 6 stop. 3 hour battery life with no need for a battery grip. Far superior mount in the RF. It also has a button for every single thing you could want. I would pay more just for the DGO sensor alone. Pocket 6k pro is an amazing deal. But, minus BRAW, C70 is better in almost every single way.

    It costs over 2x as much and lacks tons of cine features that the Pocket 6K Pro has. Writing off one of the biggest ones, and one that is most beneficial to actual productions (RAW) really doesn't help your case. But if the sensor is what's most important to you then by all means go that route. 

  12. 45 minutes ago, Origami101 said:

    Worse, since L mount is now their halo product, they’ll be loathe to undercut it by offering better features on m4/3, even if they’re technically feasible. So a GH6 that substantially outperforms the S1 or S1H? Probably not going to happen, even if S series sales continually underperform. But I would love to be proved wrong.

    The thing is, I don't think a GH6 that substantially outperforms those cameras would even hurt their full frame sales because those are the people that won't consider anything smaller than full frame anyway. 

    Sensor size is not a major selling point for me. If I end up going full frame it's because I was forced to or the value was just too hard to beat, not because I NEED full frame. As it stands, as I look at other options, I'm looking at APS-C more than full frame. If Panasonic abandons M43 and I go with Sony, I see myself getting a couple A6600 bodies and MAYBE splurge for full frame lenses so I'm "future proof." Yes the A7siii intrigues me but not because of the full frame sensor. I'd be as equally compelled by it if it were APS-C, maybe even more so if given a lower price tag. 

    I don't know, part of me feels like I'm being overly negative but at the same time, I'm really disappointed with how things have played out. I've never been a fan boy, I've just stuck with Panasonic because they gave me tremendous value and were leaders in innovation. But if they leave M43 users hanging I just can't justify supporting them even if I wanted to go the S1H or S5 route, because I'd have no reason to believe they wouldn't do the same in the future. 

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