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Posts posted by Amazeballs

  1. 2 minutes ago, ade towell said:

    If Sony finally does release a full frame camera with 4k60p and 10 bit internal it is going to have to be a much bigger camera than the A7. Their track record for dealing with the heat these specs would bring is abysmal. People have grumbled about the size of the S1 but I don't think a smaller body would work.

    Panasonic are the masters of dealing with heat - their cameras haven't suffered with that issue like all it's competitors have. I'm pretty sure that's a big reason we've not seen a Sony a7s3 - there's no way they can squeeze 4k60p in those bodies without it exploding, and now Panasonic have pushed the specs even higher with 6k, Sony will have to bring out a much bigger body to compete

    So let them bring it. I dont mind Sony's bigger body at all. I would prefet bigger body with working 4k90p and build in-ND and better IBIS over current A7 cameras any day.

  2. If I let myself dream for a second.. of beeing a Panasonic exec, I would do the following with L-mount:

    • Add PDAF, just pay for it, I dont care how you do it, there is no exquse right now not to have it (litterally all other players have it)
    • Sell S1 for 1999, include all promiced updates at start for free
    • Add S1H for 2999 instead of S1R (which no one needs), add build-in electronic ND, add BRAW support, add 4k 90\96 even 8 bit is fine + sell detouchable tiltable EVF fopr 500$ separatly
    • Ask Tamron to make their 28-75 and upcoming 17-28 for L-mount or ask Sigma to create similar lenses
    • Make a good 1.8 nifty-fifty fo 500$ \ ask Sigma

    That would be a system a lot of ppl would be very intrested in including me. What Panasonic dont undestand is that they need to provide better specs for less money in the beginning of the system to compete with Sony and Canon. They could do it at their own expense. Pana is a big company they have lots of money so they can afford to loose it or work with zero profit for a year ot two just to gather a user base. Then you can start making profit and sell expensive glass.

  3. 7 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    And good luck with an EOS R... You might need to buy new lenses to get any sort of wide end, if all you have is designed for full frame... And the rolling shutter is shit. No IBIS. No 10bit. No 4K/60p. No built in ND, the adapter is needed and it's not a pro piece of kit, sucks in dirt, not easy to go instantly to clear filter, and to top it all off, there's no kind of 120fps at all... Unless you count the 720p line skipped shite. I don't.

    I am defently not going to invest in Canon. This is the most user unfriendly company who's only purpose is to milk the existing user base and brand wankers. So fuck Canon. 


    7 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    I do think the S1 + Filmmaker Update is a good deal

    If you don't need afc and ready to shell out for expensive lenses I guess so. You will be banking on L-mount survival though. It might just fail with current tempo. So it's a risky investment imo. I don't argue that S1 has some cool features and panasonic ergonomics is one of the best. I am very sceptical in L-mount as a system and its future. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    What part of $2500 for a full frame 10bit V-LOG shooting camera isn't a bargain? The $2000 or the $500? Oh and it is also a kick ass stills camera with best EVF on the market and Super 35mm 4K 60p like an X-T3, but still isn't a bargain?

    The overpriced infinitesimal lens selection part + no reliable AFC part

    2 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    An Alexa or RED doesn't have PDAF either! Manual focus for cinema is fine by me... My best lenses are MF. And when you need video AF, keep a cheap second body like an A6400 handy.

    Fine for you is not a criteria of a sucsesfull camera on an already crowded FF market. Drawing an example of RED or Arri is inadequate as they are specific cinema cameras that imply a CREW and a budget, I could have extra 5 ppl helping me to pull focus, comb my hear, blow my dick and read me news simualtenesly, if I am shooting with a 50k camera as well. A single cinema lens might cost around 20k alone, so thats a production level at which one can afford a dedicated focus-puller-boy (or girl for that matter, I prefer girls)

    Suggestion about having an extra 6400 in your pocket is quite funny. So I have to buy all the extra lenses for it right? And my focus-pull girl will carry it and shoot with it herself I guess. Need to remember about her salary as well. I dont want to invest in 2 completly different systems just cos Pana doesnt want to implement PDAF ignoring their users asking it for years. 

    2 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    It is only the first year. Will get better in terms of native lenses. Until then, you can adapt only... everything.

    Will it? And only 1 year, why are you so sure about that? You think cheap Sigma lenses will solve everything? Not for me - they are a) huge old sigma lenses with build-in adapter, b) they have no CAF! Noup thanks. So it might be 3-5 years all we know or might be never. And I dont want to make such an expensive guess. I want to invest in system and start shooting day one. You can wait ofcourse but dont try to sel it as a feature. Its a huge drawback of an L-mount in general. 

    2 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    Well, you will have to criticise everyone in that case because nobody is doing a $2500 full frame camera with global shutter, 4K 120p raw and built in ND... And if they did, it would be by RED and cost $50,000.

    We are talking about how to sell a 4000$k DLSM with an unpopular new mount, where both other of its relatives have failed in sales. Yes, you need to give customers MORE than just beeing equal or slightly better. Why is it hard to make build in-ND for fuck sake? Who needs shutter in a cinema-oriented camera for 4$k? And yes I would critisize everyone for not having a built-in ND in a video-oriented DSLM. But Pany is not in a position where they can make a slighly better camera with a miserable autofoucs, absent lens lineup and charge whatever they want. And the market shows that. 

    2 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    WTF? Cinema people shoot selfies now?

    I think its been answered many times before. Flip out screen is good not only for selfies. Its a generally more comfortable screen for video shooting. I would go further and make screens like Sharp did on their 8k MFT camera - now thats how you make it, if you want attract customers. Not an expensive or very innovative thing to do, but surely an attractive for buyers. You just want to ignore sales and marketing demand concetrating on few ppl who dont need aoutofocus or have external monitors. 

    We are not talking about how good Pany cameras are stand-alone vs competition spec to spec. We are talking about L-mount system cost\features in general vs other systems. And right now they dont look very good. 


    For myself I have decided that I am not moving to a system with a shitty unreliable autofocus. Whats good having all those 4k60p 10 bit 422 raw bla bla if its out of focus? And dont start that old song about "pros doing manual focus for years". They've been doing many thing for years - with a crew and a budget. I need camera to work for 1 man crew. I need it to work on a gimbal or flycam. And I need it to be fast and efficient. Autofocus solves that for me. I love Pany cameras, I own one, but I guess Pany doesnt need my money anymore. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, andjo said:

    I can't help but feeling slighty disappointed. I really want to like their l-mount line but man it's difficult ?

    It looks all right but that's about it.

    Feels like panasonic is doing everything wrong with the l-mount, I mean they have the right ideas but seems like they fail to execute in the correct way. It's weird because with the GH line they have been doing everything right. But it might just be me being negative, looking forward to read those that feeling positive about it! 

    I actually have very similar feelings to yours. IMO their mistakes are:

    - pricing 

    - religious denial of PDAF 

    - lenses size, pricing and general closness of L-mount standart (why the hack didn't they open it like MFT?) 

    - no real breakthrough tech - built-ND, global shutter, 4k 120p, raw, etc

    - no flip out screen on specific cine model?? 

  6. 5 minutes ago, newfoundmass said:

    If you think the A7Siii will be that much cheaper, and come even close to the capability of the S1H without the risk of exploding you will probably be really disappointed. 

    Oh I am sure A7S3 will be cheaper, they have A9 as the expensive one, but the main reason is not the body, it's lenses. Look at Tamron and Samyang lenses, then compare that to Panasonic and Leica. And ofc Sony will have some kick ass sensor. Need internal NDs really bad, crossed fingers for that. 

  7. ABout FV5 - for me it is still a pita in terms of time and effort waisted on doing manual stiching. Not an out of the box solution. I think I might found a solution though - an app called intervalometr. It acts as a companion app that lets you shoot timelapses with other apps acting as sort of a bridge. Will do some testing later. 

    For iOS you may try Skyflow. 

  8. I am going to get a new phone with the idea to shoot HDR timelapses and hyperlapses behind it. Gimbal will be Moza mini mi. What I want to know is which app is the best to do it?

    I need:

    - ability to shoot less then 1 sec intervals (better up to 0.1 sec)

    - ability to shoot in full manual mode controlling my shutter and aperture

    - ability to shoot in HDR mode via blending exposures

    -  shooting at full mpx resolution insted of merging it into video, I just want original jpegs


    Does this app exists?

  9. First video I am not ashamed to show I guess. I started to appreciate hand held shooting more and more while I was doing it. Mostly shoot evrything in 4k60 fps which is again another surprise - I dont need 120p for everything. I think it is overrated and with GH5 awesome IBIS you dont really need that much of a slow motion to hide shaking. Orbit shoots are done with a gimbal though I've already ordered a flycam cos I wanna try to produce more organic looking shoots and have better control with my motion blur transitions. Yea transitions, I am just learning how to remember to apply them here and there in camera, still a long way to go though. 

    Appreciate your feedback guys!


  10. I agree with ppl in the comments - it depends on what type of scene you shoot. If it is something with a lot of motion and shallow dof, then not that much. But if you shoot with more dof and less blur, you will clearly see it. Depends on lighting as well. I can see it very well in those scenes. 

    Plus, there is always a post factor - do you want to be able to crop/zoom your video, push your grade more or less. 

    Ofc there is a downside to 4k, a tax in disk space and computer power required to process and edit it smoothly. 

  11. That lens alone is the reason I am frequently thinking of switching from GH5 to Sony A7 ecosystem. I am waiting A7S3 and GH6 news cos that will matter a lot. but lens wise Sony wins very heavily. Panasonic S1 lenses are abusrdly expensive and in a shallow number, upcoming M43 10-25 1.7 is rummored to be 2500$ which is fucking insane. But Sony Has Tamron 17-28 and 28-75 plus lots of other budget and unique lenses like Samyang 85 1.4 or Sony GM 24 1.4. MFT ot L-mount have nothing even close to that. Sony is just crushing everyone in this department. Yes I love Panasonic ergonomics, IBIS and some other stuff. but also I hate to swtich lenses ? 

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