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    Adept reacted to Jay60p in Tell us about you, and your camera journey   
    Hello from the USA!
    Current camera Fuji X-T3, with my latest lens
    acquisition AF-n Nikkor 28-85mm f/3.5-4.5,
    And DIY lens support rails built with old chem lab hardware.

    I’m married with two boys in high school, retired.
    Favorite music: classical (Bach & Beethoven),
    and British ’70’s rock (Yes, ELP, Who, Tull, etc)
    Hobbies: playing an old grand piano, Hammond M3, Minimoog, Prophet,
    Rhodes 73, Peavey DPM-C8.
    Recording Multi-track (used to be Tascam 38, now Macintosh).
    Lionel train layout & miniature village,
    Old movie film production equipment & projectors in 16 & 35mm,
    Tinkering with various hardware & old equipment parts to do something new.
    EOSHD coverage: looking forward to new tips & tricks for mirrorless video,
    best vintage lenses, and comparisons of the new cameras.
    I found EOSHD early 2019 after getting the Fuji X-T3.
    My 1st DSLR was Fuji S1 Pro (great color! https://***URL removed***/reviews/fujis1pro,
    pictured with the same Nikon lens I used.) Next was the Canon T2i.
    But I did not use these for video and never looked at photography forums online.
    But Fuji X-T3 is a completely different animal!
  2. Like
    Adept reacted to Oliver Daniel in Tell us about you, and your camera journey   
    1. Show us a picture of your current most used camera and lens
    EVA1 and Sigma 18-35mm. 
    2. Tell us a few facts about yourself!
    As a child, I was haunted by a ghost called Linford Pickle. 😂
    I come from a family of artists and musicians.
    I was forced to go to church then realised it was all bollocks. 
    My first ever video was called "Demon Boy". It was shite. 
    I'm scared of baked beans and peas.
    I've starred in 2 televised music videos, once as the lead. 
    I've got eczema and I hate it. 
    I have 2 daughters. 
    3. What's your favourite music, favourite sport / team, other hobbies
    Manchester United - although I've got very disinterested in sport for the past few years. 
    Music - As a teen was obsessed with Radiohead and Muse. Now I'll listen form anything from jazz to classical to synth-pop. 
    Other hobbies - nothing. Filming and being a Dad takes up EVERYTHING. 
    4. What your hopes are for the future of EOSHD, what would you like me to cover - and the camera you are looking forward to most?
    Do more episodic video stuff. 
    Do less on cameras and more on lighting! More interesting. 
    Cover vintage lenses and weird shit that they do. Modified lenses. 
    RED Komodo looks neat. Canon R5 and 6 I hope will live up to hype. 
    5. Tell me what you miss about your country and home town when you are not there
    Seeing people. Working with artists. My family. Having a pint and a laugh. Making shit. 
    6. The year you first started reading EOSHD
    I knew barely anything. Got a Canon 60d DSLR and started reading all this "complex" stuff people said like "10 bit 422". Read it over and over until I understood. Liked the way EOSHD focused on experimental stuff, cheap cameras and weird as fuck lenses. Think it was GH2 time. 
  3. Like
    Adept reacted to heart0less in Tell us about you, and your camera journey   
    1. It's not my most used combo, but the one I like best. X-T3 + Zhongyi Lens Turbo II (which is basically glued to my camera, rarely do I take it off) + Pentax M 50/1.8 (love this little fella, it's the best fifty I've ever had).
    During the past few years I've had the chance to jump between many systems (Canon DSLRs, Sony E, Panasonic M4/3, Samsung NX, you name it..), every one of them had some quirks. Then I got into Fuji (by chance) and something clicked. Maybe it's the camera, but maybe it's my attitude that changed. I no longer feel the urge to have the latest features, the best gear possible. Having said that, I still like to indulge myself sometimes. ( :

    2. Well, I guess you could learn something about me reading between the lines.
    I'm a medical student, hopefully to be a doctor in 1.5 years time.
    I'm also more of a research-everything-extensively-before-you-do-anything kind of guy. Making a plan and then sticking to it. Everything should be in its place.
    To be honest, I think I have some mild case of Asperger's, lol.
    3. Favorite music - you name it. I listen to classical music, movie soundtracks, rock, electronica, chiptune. Almost everything, apart from rap, jazz and blues.
    I don't support any team, don't follow any sport, though I really like backpacking and cycling.
    Besides that, I also cut stencils and spray paint them. Street-art was one of the things that got me into all the camera-related stuff, actually.
    4. Some more challenges! Anything to make us creative.
    Sharing our thoughts about the craft / process would be great, too. BTS stuff, etc.
    Cameras are great, but they don't have the power to change anything you're trying to capture, the things you have in front of you.
    Maybe some DIY talks?
    5. It's a difficult question for me, since I'm not really outside of Poland that often, maybe twice a year. And when I am, I rather try get to know and enjoy different cultures as much as I can.
    About my home town: all the people I used to hang out with and my family.
    6. I guess it was 2018.
  4. Like
    Adept reacted to tomsemiterrific in Tell us about you, and your camera journey   
    1. Show us a picture of your current most used camera and lens
    At the bottom is a rather unglamorous photo in my work shop of my Nikon Z6 with a Vizelex ND throttle adapter, and Zacuto viewfinder, and one of the set of Canon FD lenses I love to shoot the out and about hand held videos I often shoot and edit. In studio I use mostly Canon cameras. I've owned a BUNCH of them: C100, C100Mk ii, C300 Mk ii, C200, EOS R...right now most of my videos in-studio are made on the XC-15, mainly because of the good audio of that camera. Shooting handheld video with fast primes, especially  on the long end---like the 2.8 200 mill on the Nikon in my photo, is difficult and a challenge. But what I lose in some shots I gain in others...and I love the freedom and spontaneity of hand held shooting.
    2. Tell us a few facts about yourself! 
    Began as a professional clarinetist. After years of university teaching I got involved in manufacturing and designed an entire line of professional clarinets for one of the three great French clarinet makers: G.Leblanc Corp. Began my own clarinet company in 2005 and we now produce clarinets of my design and send them to both professionals and advanced players all over the world--everywhere except Antarctica.
    In 2000 I wrote the first complete pedagogy in the history of the clarinet---my interest in education has never flagged.  That combined with owning a business to promote lead to me producing now over 200 educational videos on every aspect of the clarinet. Learning video over the years got me hooked on it as a "Ding an sich." Since then I've done a lot of videos---working to wed music and images---with varying and marginal degrees of success. Quixotic as it may be I persist---I just love making stuff.  Here's one I last fall with the Pani S1. 
    3. What's your favourite music, favourite sport / team, other hobbies
    Brahms, Beethoven,Schubert, Mozart---especially German Lieder. Hate the mostly trash I hear blasted at people everywhere.
    4. What your hopes are for the future of EOSHD, what would you like me to cover - and the camera you are looking forward to most?
    You do a fantastic job, and you reviews have few peers. I just hope to continue to benefit, with my obvious limitations of time, from all you and the "video wokafile" pros share here. The whole video community owes you a continuing debt of thanks.
    5. Tell me what you miss about your country and home town when you are not there
    My family, hands down. I'm glad most of my traveling days are over--for several reasons, not the least of which is it is getting to be an increasingly dangerous world. Though I do hope to visit my daughter and her family if we can get past this scourge. They live in....Barcelona, of all places.
    6. The year you first started reading EOSHD
    Probably about 2013. Not sure when I actually gave myself an identity.

  5. Like
    Adept reacted to Mako Sports in Tell us about you, and your camera journey   
    1. FS5 w/100 - 400 G master. Sometimes I'll run a 70 210 f4 FD or a 70-300 FD.
    2. I eat, sleep, and breath, the sport of lacrosse. I hate video but I love color grading. College Sophomore. 
    3. I like rap/hip hop mostly but I listen to some 80s style synth occasionally. The breakfast Club and Top Gun are my favorite movies. 
    4. Please cover more lenses both vintage and modern, id like to see some stuff about the SLR magic primes and Zeiss CP.3s. Since ima Sony Fan boy A7siii or FX6.
    5. Sweet Tea (if your from the South East US, you know what I'm talking about.)
    6. I believe 2018. 

  6. Like
    Adept reacted to PannySVHS in Tell us about you, and your camera journey   
    Hey Andrew, what a great idea!
    1. my most used camera is the GX85 with either Fujinon Cmount 12.5mm 1.4 or boosted Canon FD 28mm F2.8. Most current camera is the Lumix S1 with different flavors of FD mount lenses like Vivitar 90mm Macro or Canon FD 20mm. Super fun focal lengths and lenses on the larger sensor. So here is a pic of my most recent camera which puts out an incredible image even in its 8bit 709 profiles, coupled with the Vivitar 90mm.
    2. I´m a filming addict who needs his daily camera exercises. To this day I admire old school Eoshd articles and the film making essays of Tony Zhou, which are magnificiant for everyone who wants to learn film. Film making to me is a rather personal than industrial affair. I enjoy to be on creatively challenging sets with limited resources. Have been a gaffer for quiete a few gigs now and hope these guys don´t forget pay me back on my sets some day:)
    3. favorite hobby is getting lazy and growing a belly.:) I love stills photography and used to love any kinds of sports. Favorite athletes are Katharina Witt, Mike Tyson and Zidane.
    4. I am looking forward for EOSHD to stay  welcoming towards different people, flavors and opinions other than mine.:) I wish for some friends to come back like @kidzrevil, @maxotics and others. I would love more articles of overseen gems and nerd machines like LX100, modded Sony A6000 or the Pentax lens which is a Zeiss. And most of all more film vignettes by Andrew Reid, the man himself!  I would have loved a follow up blog post on the EOSHD 200EUR camera challenge. Would love more official and moderated challenges like that.
    5. I miss certain things in culture, arts, solidarity, intellect, kindness and sensuality the most, since commercial culture and dull salesman blahblah and mentality have been pushing anything else aside.
    6. First time reading Eoshd could have been around 2012 when reading about the GH2 on dpreview. Beautiful times!
    Now, interested in your posts, dear friends!
  7. Like
    Adept reacted to mojo43 in Stuck at home and created this piece to hopefully inspire the best for the world   
    Stuck at home like many, so I made my daughter the actor and my wife the grip and script supervisor  What have you all been up to during these strange times?
  8. Like
    Adept reacted to Andrew Reid in EOSHD in lockdown in Barcelona - photos from Coronavirus ghost town   
    I don't know how much longer I can survive here...
    All the camera stores are closed.
    Only the night before I saw some rare Canon FD lenses behind a shutter, and this was the tipping point.
    Got a Ryanair back last night.
    Barcelona is a truly wonderful place.
    In Barcelona people were acting sensibly, responsibly, in an adult manner.
    I am now in the UK. The place has gone completely to shit!
    So now my escape from doom to hell is complete, at least I'll have plenty of time to write that F1 / GFX 100 blog post, S1H review, @BTM_Pix secret projects and panic shopping.

    Thankfully the plane even had a pilot.
    At one point I thought I might have to fly it myself.
    At least I had plenty of leg room on board.

  9. Like
    Adept reacted to Andrew Reid in EOSHD in lockdown in Barcelona - photos from Coronavirus ghost town   
    Last month I made a trip to Barcelona to film the Formula One circus in town for the pre-season test. This, it turned out would be the last time the 2020 F1 cars would run. When a McLaren team member tested positive for the virus at the first race in Australia, the race was called off. In a twist of fate I met McLaren CEO and team boss Zak Brown in track grandstand and watched the new car in action before crisis hit - now we might never know how fast the car was versus the likes of dominant Mercedes and Ferrari.
    Read the full article
  10. Thanks
    Adept reacted to PannySVHS in Shane Hurlbut Academy, Free Give Away, 8 hours of lighting workshop!   
    Hey Cats, Shane Hurlbut, the DOP and lecturer, is giving away a free 8 hour lighting course. Source, the beautiful German site slashcam.de, friends of Andrew and Eoshd.
  11. Haha
    Adept reacted to Cinegain in Screw buying new cameras, after salivating over cine lens tests I'm spending real money on lenses   
    Damn. I know they say 'if you have it, flaunt it'. But do they really got to flex on us like that. Geez.
    I would love to own a set like that someday. I know it's a lot of money, they're really sought-after, but you know they say it's a solid investment... can't see that going down the drain anytime soon... or wait...
  12. Haha
    Adept reacted to heart0less in Screw buying new cameras, after salivating over cine lens tests I'm spending real money on lenses   
    Sorry, couldn't help myself and had to share it.

  13. Like
    Adept reacted to BTM_Pix in Lenses   
    A very low budget one made by interns though !
    They are stills but its not exactly full moot but certainly moot-ish when it comes to this camera because not only are the CinemaDNG files very much in the same ballpark quality wise but its 440Mbps ALL-I mov mode is pretty malleable as well.
    This is not exactly a great content example at all and is far from being a deliberate A/B test (it happened because I accidentally had it in Movie mode when I was meant to to take a still  ) and it has different framing and in motion etc but hopefully offers some sort of illustration.
    The top frame is a DNG still and the bottom one is sourced from a screenshot JPEG of the UHD mov file in VLC and then they're coloured to sort of match.

    I'm taking my time with it before I come to any sort of conclusion and will likely do a review thread when I have.
    My time with it has been complicated/compromised by the circumstances in Japan as the whole permanent facemask thing is, whilst absolutely necessary, a real pain in the arse when it comes to operating a camera. Particularly one with no EVF as I'm having to hold it at arms length which means I have to put my glasses on which means they are prone to steaming up in the damp weather we had with the breath from the mask etc etc.
    So now I'm back home I'll be able to look at it in more depth.
    The initial impression is that the quality is certainly there and that my original view of it when it was first announced as it being the spiritual full frame successor to the original BMPCC has been borne out.
    But of course, that succession also comes with the same sort of quirks and caveats so its not all golden !
  14. Like
    Adept reacted to BTM_Pix in Lenses   
    A couple from the 7Artisans 35mm f2 M mount on its new friend the Sigma FP.
    This is a pretty good value for money lens and its diminutive size makes it a good combination with the FP.

  15. Like
    Adept reacted to Geoff CB in Lenses   
    Nikon 16-35 F4 G


  16. Like
    Adept reacted to mojo43 in Wintery Canada shot with Panasonic S1   
    We shot this over a few days in Canada on the Panasonic S1 and Mavic pro 2. Honestly I can't be happier with the S1. Having shot on the A7iii and the A7sii for the past years the S1 is quite an advance in image quality. There is so much latitude in post and the dynamic range is really great in comparison.
  17. Like
    Adept reacted to Celli in Camera owning plans 2020   
    I have a look if I can find some dngs as i mostly shot prores. I am rocking the mini 4K since 3 years now, also got it because the 4.6 was way out of my reach. I was skeptical at first as well mainly about DR and the never ending rumors about the necessity to rig it up.Well, slap a small v-mount battery on it put in a cfast card and you are good to go; no cables no flimsy stuff. About DR, yes...there isn't much headroom in the highlights in prores (even in 444). You just wont be able to hold the sun if it's in your background and you try to expose for the skin even a little bit; small sony or canon apsc cameras do have more highlight retention and more DR on first sight for sure. What i fell in love with is the color information in the given DR. There is just so much more color information and fine gradation in the mids and shadows. Also the global shutter is just magic for everything that moves...no matter if the subject moves or the camera. If you shoot fashion shows with lots of flash light..you just cant beat the look of global shutter here. It's bad in lowlight, as are my eyes. So i never cared about it.
    thats my very first test shot with the ursa, shot in prores 422 hq in hd only, its a noobish clip for sure but I got quite a bit better with handling that camera since then. As you can see if you are not careful the highlights clip away easily in a sunny day. 
  18. Thanks
    Adept reacted to BTM_Pix in Triggering recording on Ninja via Ronin SC   
    The Ninja V will start recording when it gets the control code from the GH5s through the HDMI port so you should be able to put the GH5s into record using your Ronin and the Ninja V will follow suit as soon as it picks up the code.
    According to the GH5s manual, this will happen regardless of whether you have a card in the camera.
    I have the Ninja V but not a GH5s so you should double check this with someone who has the combo or at least confirm it with Panasonic and/or Atomos.

  19. Haha
    Adept reacted to FranciscoB in Triggering recording on Ninja via Ronin SC   
    I have no idea. Better contact atomos. Via instagram or facebook they're usually fast to respond. By email not so much.
  20. Haha
    Adept reacted to BTM_Pix in Fuji GFX 100 - an F1 first shot for ya!   
    I'm guessing this must be the size of the cup of tea @Andrew Reid must be finishing off before he give us some more images from the GFX100.

  21. Like
    Adept reacted to Andrew Reid in Fuji GFX 100 - an F1 first shot for ya!   
    Here's some 100% crops of the 100 megapixel.... JPEGs.
    A nice glimpse of the future. When these camera specs gets cheaper, this I think will be what replaces full frame... By which time, we'll all be dead from stupidity or coronavirus, whichever gets us first, so it won't even matter. Content is king!
    Ferrari car (100MP original JPEG)
    Red Bull car (100MP original JPEG)


    100MP original Ferrari

    Same level of 100% crop but for the Red Bull shot...
    100MP original Red Bull

  22. Like
    Adept reacted to Andrew Reid in Fuji GFX 100 - an F1 first shot for ya!   
    A peek for you of the first shot from the GFX 100 shoot with @BTM_Pix
    Edit is ongoing!
    This isn't "perfectly" in focus but it'll give you an idea of the kind of creamy 10bit tones from this "medium format Alexa".
    The dynamic range is extreme.
    This was shot in classic chrome. I shot a lot of F-LOG and the files are deeper than Oscar Wilde.

  23. Like
    Adept reacted to heart0less in Screw buying new cameras, after salivating over cine lens tests I'm spending real money on lenses   
    Well, there is no shortage of them, that I can tell.
    There is Tiffen Black Diffusion/FX and Schneider Radiant Frost, which (according to David Mullen) soften the image with minimal halation added.

    Not to mention a whole lot of Satins (Black Satin!), etc.
    Some good read here: https://www.thebroadcastbridge.com/content/entry/4071/its-time-sharpen-your-diffusion
    And last, but not least, a handy diagram from Tiffen:

    Someone already named it "Triangle of CONFUSION" and I think this term is extremely on point.
    ( :

  24. Like
    Adept reacted to rdouthit in Poor Olympus E M1 Mark III video specs   
    Just arrived... Mk III. 

  25. Haha
    Adept reacted to kye in Fave EOSHD forum threads   
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