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    hansel reacted to Orangenz in Machine for Resolve 14/15 - Win 10   
    I don't have a DeckLink card for the Grading Monitor yet, but will certainly get one soon. Screenshot attached of 4k + 1080 monitors for User Interface. All UI screens should run off the one graphics card. 
    For GPU I meant memory as big as possible on it, not the card. Although having said that the 1070Ti and 1080 seem to only be $80 difference here in NZ atm so 1080 I guess. Bound to be new cards just about to come out. 

  2. Like
    hansel reacted to kye in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    Yes, this again.
  3. Like
    hansel reacted to BTM_Pix in Nikon FF Mirrorless   
    I've found in France that if you buy a local sim like Orange then its ok but if you are roaming from another country they connect you to this special version of their network....

  4. Like
    hansel reacted to MurtlandPhoto in Nikon FF Mirrorless   
    All aboard the hype train!! ?
  5. Like
    hansel reacted to Orangenz in Machine for Resolve 14/15 - Win 10   
    I have Intel i7-8700K (6/12 core), 32GB, 64bit Win 10 Pro, 6GB 780GTX and it is fantastic. So fast it is ridiculous. Acceleration is in the paid version. 
    Currently I run a 4k 27" as main monitor off that video card and I have a 1080 screen running off the onboard video. Spyder5 colour dongle thing. 
    I have the waveforms up on the 1080 screen. It does not span screens like Premiere, there is a little extra video card one can get from BlackMagic to enable an extra monitor screen for monitoring the programme full screen. 
    Resolve is super stable, unlike Premiere. It includes default functions that seem identical to expensive plugins: Neat Video noise reduction, Mercalli stabilisation, Flicker Free. My recent try at running Premiere on brand new machines resulted in them crashing every 5 minutes or less. It is horrible. 
    edit: go single gpu and as high memory as you can go on it. 8 or 11 seems the thing now. There is a small gain if doing 8k footage on dual GPU otherwise it actually slows things down just a little from single. 
  6. Like
    hansel reacted to Django in Sony Dominates FF Sales in USA   
    Re: Canon vs Nikon AF: I guess this must be subjective as I feel the Canon AF system is superior to Nikons. I find it far from complicated and embrace the options. Especially AF-C which you can engage at the punch of a button. And i suspect I'm not alone and this is part of the answer on why Canon dominates sports shooting. And let's not even talk about Dual Pixel AF for live view / video. Other things like the big thumbwheel is pretty genius for quickly scanning through hundreds of photos etc. It's simple ergonomic things that makes world difference to me on a shoot, and that companies like Canon/Fuji get and what i think trigger that emotional connection vs tool feeling with an electronic device.
  7. Like
    hansel got a reaction from Ricardo Constantino in Sony a7 III discussion   
  8. Like
    hansel reacted to webrunner5 in Nikon FF Mirrorless   
    Found it when looking for lens resolution. Makes total sense. So FF is not really any better than m4/3 for diffraction.
    Written by Paul De Bra on DPR.
    "As the sensor gets smaller the same DoF you need requires only a larger f-stop (smaller number) and diffraction also sets in at a larger f-stop. So it doesn't really matter what system you use: you will need a different f-stop and diffraction will be just as bad at the f-stop you need.
    When you use m43 say 60mm f/8 your DoF will be the same as a full (35mm) 120mm lens used at f/16. And diffraction will be the same as well. So it doesn't matter whether you use m43 or full frame. To get the same image you will use an f-stop that results in the same level of diffraction.
    It is because of this dilemma of getting more DoF versus keeping diffraction under control that techniques like focus stacking have been invented. To get more in focus without diffraction you need focus stacking. Whether you use a smaller or larger sensor has essentially no influence".
  9. Like
    hansel reacted to webrunner5 in Nikon FF Mirrorless   
    Well I guess I had a Senior Moment as they say.  ?  8mp Is basically 4K LoL. So yeah even 8K is 33.2 so I would say a hell of a lot of Nikon, Canon lenses should do that also. My bad. ☹️
  10. Like
    hansel reacted to IronFilm in Nikon FF Mirrorless   
    Errr... still missing the point I think? As what I'm saying has nothing to do with how fast the flashes cycle (heck, they could take 10 minutes to recharge for the next flash for all I care, it doesn't impact my point. )

    But in your case, you want opposite and them to fire potentially dozens of times a second, and perfectly (so a timecode box with genlock attached to the flashes?? :-o ) in sync with the camera shutter??

    Yeah, nah. We know how bad it is for the subject being blinded by flashes a few times in a row, could you imagine doing that many times a second for minutes at a time? Quick path to becoming the most hated photographer in town!
    It means something IF someone pays that much for it. 

    As then the market is created with a seller and a buyer. 
    Exactly. I find it hilarious when people say still lenses are not good enough to resolve 4K detail. 

    Yeah, someone lower level like him won't be touching a super early release model but something very similar to the actual production model itself. So the official launch can not be too many weeks away. 

    Well well well, from NR:


    NR busy busy busy busy!!! Breaking records for sure. 
  11. Like
    hansel reacted to IronFilm in Google data shows HUGE decline of interest in Canon 5D series   
    That is why now I spend the least possible on my phones! My  "fancy" phone now is a secondhand Samsung S7 Active 
  12. Like
    hansel reacted to Mark Romero 2 in Sony a7 III discussion   
    But why???
    Not trolling, just STILL trying to decide between them (and yes, I know that by the time I make a decision on whether to buy the GH5 or a7 III, the GH6 and a7 IV will probably be out...)
    If only we can get @mercer and his cat overlord to switch from Canon to Sony then balance in the universe will have been restored / utterly destroyed...
  13. Like
    hansel reacted to Andrew Reid in Sony a7 III discussion   
    to be honest I have the GH5 and A7 III and guess which gets more use... the Sony ?
  14. Like
    hansel got a reaction from Simon Young in Sony a7 III discussion   
    Sorry, was trolling. I will stay out of this thread. These Sony colour discussion and writing home about how incredible the a7III is have melted my brain.
    6 month ago @jonpais gh5 was the ducks nuts before it got completely trashed by gh5s and now with  a7III it has become a drag to use.
    Sorry to everone.
  15. Like
    hansel reacted to fuzzynormal in BlackMagic eGPU - Yes, I Know It's Mentioned In Other Threads... BUT!   
    I made an initial effort to edit 4K source footage with Resolve using their proxy workflow and it was a crash-and-burn for me.  Wanted it to work and it just didn't inspire confidence out of the gate so I bailed on Resolve.
    This was 2 years ago.  Can anyone vouch for Resolve in fixing this aspect of their software?  If yes, any explanation on how/why it's robust would be appreciated.
    I'd like to get off of Premiere moving forward, but would like some assuring testimonials before doing so.
  16. Like
    hansel reacted to Eric Calabros in Nikon FF Mirrorless   
    I'm pretty sure %99 of Nikon lenses out there outresolve 8 megapixel ?
  17. Like
    hansel reacted to Robert Collins in Nikon FF Mirrorless   
    ...plus 4k 60p, HD 240p,  internal 12 bit prores raw and a global shutter....
  18. Like
    hansel reacted to Andrew Reid in Nikon FF Mirrorless   
    To be fair there were NO specs in the press release not even megapixel count.
    It was just Nikon saying "we're making a full frame mirrorless camera".
    So that's no-way an indication of lack of 4K, which is in all the leaked specs present and correct. Video has not been an afterthought at Nikon since the D750. They woke up. Sony see the demand for 4K enough to do a separate model for us - A7S - which has sold well - and Nikon see the same market demand and same data as Sony do - so they will provide the video specs we need... Maybe not to the extent of a dedicated model, but certainly building on the D850 spec.
    There's a lot of speculation that it will be a damp squib vs the mighty Sony benchmark.
    Well actually the benchmark for a full frame mirrorless camera is the Leica SL in some respects - best EVF on the market, best ergonomics, largest grip, highest build quality.
    Some of that photographic heritage is there at Nikon as well.
    And they will bring it to an A7R III-like body, what's not to like about that?
    I say give it a chance, because I know a lot of people are deeply indebted to Sony and invested balls deep in Sony gear, so it's hard to get your head around the fact there may be a second choice that wasn't there previously.
    If the Nikon ends up outperforming the A7R III, I am sure Jon will switch like he did from GHx to A7x and change his mind entirely about his previous kit.
    Just imagine IF... The IBIS is as good as Olympus/Panasonic... The EVF is as big as the Leica SL... The 4K is as good as the D850 but with extra options like HLG and Nikon LOG... And the AF is Dual Pixel... That would mean the Sony A7R III would be beaten and it would leave the A7 III to win on price but not much else.
    They already are though! Sigma for one.
    Given the Sigma lenses for Sony FE-mount are as large as the DSLR mount versions, you may as well use the Nikon F mount adapter and the existing versions on the new camera.
    Given the way the autofocus on the latest Sony cameras, it bodes well for the Nikon in video mode.
  19. Like
    hansel reacted to webrunner5 in Nikon FF Mirrorless   
    Oh no doubt Nikon fans are going to be happy as hell to use just about any lens you can think of. But how many Nikon fans are there left that are willing to basically start all over?
    Surely most people realize by now that any real gains in Video, and hell None in Photography, are going to be by leaps and bounds that you Really need with this new camera now, and down the road. It is more skill now than camera. Hell the original BMPCC is still a killer camera. I see Nikon bringing nothing new to the game. Why shell out the cash for a dead end system, at least on the video side? There is No upward mobility. Just a little dribble here, a little 2 years from now, not worth it for me.
  20. Like
    hansel reacted to IronFilm in Nikon FF Mirrorless   
    Yes, I doubt Nikon will work closely with third party lens makers. 

    As Nikon would rather grab most of the pie for themselves!

    However working with others I feel would be the less risky strategy, as it would make the entire Nikon mirrorless ecosystem much stronger and more likely to win out as #1 in the long run. 

    Just like why Micro Four Thirds is so strong, because they have so many manufacturers backing it, this is arguably it strongest point in its favor. 

    And sometimes rarely Nikon has worked closely with others, like at the dawn of digital when they worked with Kodak to make DSLRs. 

    But yeah, don't think this will happen now. But I can hope they make it an open mount! Or at least widely share it with approved partners. 
     That happened in a different era. When a new mirrorless could take baby steps. 

    The competition is hot now, Nikon must hit the ground running. 

    I predict this as well to happen within the first year. 

    A general mass market affordable adapter which can do 90% of what people want, then a high end adapter which has compatibility with all the many many many weird and wonder variants of lenses that Nikon has made over the decades. 

    There might even be a third adapter, which is the cheapest and lightest of them all, which only works with their modern E series lenses. 
  21. Like
    hansel reacted to Nikkor in Nikon FF Mirrorless   
    A mockup with the 44x33sensor.

    Eventually it's going to happen, but I don't think the first version will get it.

    No posts about this at SAR, lololol
  22. Like
    hansel reacted to Nikkor in Nikon FF Mirrorless   
    That's not what a large mount is about.You don't need a big mount to make f0.95 lenses, that's only true for long register distances.
    A big mount gives you stable support for larger lens weight, and you can make large optics close to the sensor that fix the problems digital sensors have with very low angle rays.
    Time will tell.
  23. Like
    hansel reacted to IronFilm in Liliput A5, or any other cheap 5" or smaller competitors?   
    Welcome to the club! Going to be using it this weekend for a feature film I'm DoP for. 
  24. Like
    hansel reacted to KnightsFan in Liliput A5, or any other cheap 5" or smaller competitors?   
    I got the A5 in a rush (after finding last minute that the Ninja 2 does not work with the NX1), and have been shooting with it every day for the past two weeks. I'm pretty happy with it. Regarding the discussion of the brightness, it's adequate. I've had the brightness at 50% and it's viewable outside for framing and peaking, though it's no match for an EVF. All in all I would totally recommend it to anyone on a budget who doesn't want a massive 7" monitor. But make sure your batteries work before using! Here are my pros and cons, loosely in comparison with the Feelworld FW760 that I used to use.
    + Smaller but still 1080p. 5" vs 7" is a huge difference - and also it has thinner bezels and is thinner so it's actually much much smaller.
    + MUCH lighter. Makes my setup more balanced
    + HDMI out
    + Mounting points on three sides
    + Screen is fantastic. Focus peaking works very well.
    + It remembers settings through power on/off cycles. The FW760 would reset everything if it powered down.
    - The battery plate is finicky. It's not a problem for me since I power everything from a power bank (I didn't even own any batteries for my FW760). It will not work with a Wasabi LPE6, but it will work with an Ipax LP-E6, even though BOTH of those batteries power a 5D3 perfectly.
    - Plasticky. I think the FW760 felt a little sturdier, but not by much. However, the mounting points seem secure and it's not going to fall apart in your hands. Sort of the build you expect from a screen this price.
    - Only one customizable button.
    - False color does not have a color scale on the side, so you have to guess what IRE each color corresponds to
    - The 1/4-20 threads are too shallow. I had to put a few washers on my friction arm's thread.
    - The hot shoe mount that comes with it is junk.
    - It would have been really nice to put one of these on the back: https://www.amazon.com/SmallRig-Camera-Threaded-Monitor-Accessories/dp/B01NCK79G2 . I had one on my FW760 and then used a lock washer on the friction arm to keep it from accidentally rotating.
  25. Like
    hansel got a reaction from IronFilm in Nikon FF Mirrorless   
    all i  hoping for is that the f to z adapter, if there will be one, is going to af my old screw lenses. That would be mental, even if it is just for photo af.
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