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Everything posted by mkabi

  1. Out of curiosity, why do you like that? I feel like its over-exposed, but then again... may be thats the look the DP and director was going for...
  2. Not as sharp. But I strongly suggest you judge for yourself, because its still good. Google: "Canon 1DC slow mo"
  3. Question: To those that have worked with most of these cameras, Alexa is killing it... but comparatively... lets look at the next tier. Do you think that Canon has a better image coming out its Cinema cameras as opposed to Red???
  4. I'm not trying to defend red or the reduser forum, especially the forum, because they're definitely a bunch to talk about... But, I guess... they are just like-minded people that are defending their purchase decisions... Just go say something bad about Canon at canonrumors and see what happens. In any case, I don't know what producers you are talking about, but who ever they are should've advised the producers of all these guys: http://www.red.com/shot-on-red/cinema http://www.red.com/shot-on-red/television As for the OP, in my opinion, if you are going to match shots with the 1DC then go with the C300II or C500/Odyssey. If not and you still want to get a RED, then you might not like the results of the red, especially the Raven. You need to be on point with exposure and focus... yes... with RAW you get more room to play when you are editing, but don't be fooled by that 16.5 stops of DR BS that is spouted by them or DXO. I think this guy learned his lesson: http://www.reduser.net/forum/showthread.php?147787-Help-With-Raven-Noise-Requested If you are able to expose properly and nail focus, I think these are the best videos that have come out of the Raven (so far): And obviously:
  5. Doesn't seem like a Canon thing to do? What 2 different sensors do you see there? I see one new sensor, and another reused sensor, same old 18MP FF from the 1DX/1DC (mark 1). Did you forget that Canon is the King of the three Rs? Recycle, reuse and reduce (except the price and different types of models)? Remember the old 18MP APS-C sensors? How many different kinds of cameras had that sensor? If Canon goes down that path to have 3 to 4 different models of the 5D body (I still count the 5DS/5DSR as being part of this equation), like what Sony did with the Alpha bodies, why not have the same old 18MP to develop a 5DC?
  6. DBounce, I think you're kind of over-protective of your purchase decisions. Nonetheless, enjoy. BUT.... What are you going to think and/or say when the GH5 shows up with 6K @ 60p?
  7. You know what... just in case.... C-log never comes to the 1DXII. Just because there is no "C" symbol on the 1DXII And, they discontinue the whole DSLR Cinema EOS line. This may be your last chance to get a FF EOS with C-log. And, it is mighty tempting to get a 1DC + Used C500 (for slow-mo) combo. Then again... what is Canon going to drop for photokina & IBC???
  8. I suspect that the the 5DC will be a repackaged 1DC and thats why they are trying to empty the inventory of the 1DC. And a price drop makes just as much sense. Then they can also add C-log to the 1DXII and the Canon world will make sense again.
  9. You mean that guy who was dancing around and dropped the cam is a dick? Then he got what was coming to him. Yeah... You see it in Kaylee version.
  10. Bwahahaha..... I wonder what the insurance company thinks after watching that video.
  11. Since we are in fantasy land, I would scrap the 5DC idea altogether and create something totally new.... We want small, DSLR-esque cameras... not too big, not too small. In my opinion, they had a good idea with the XC10 - only down side (for me at least) - small sensor & fixed lens. If I were to design a camera it would be a prograde version of the XC10 (minus the red button) super 35mm - ILC - 18-20MP 5K at 60fps (no crop) 4K at 120fps (slight crop) 3K at 240fps (more crop) 2K @ 300fps (most cropped) All of them relatively sharp, C-Log, better and usuable codec. All for $6K to $7.5K (USD)
  12. Bet that the collaboration was to really dethrone Arri. This is definitely the GoT of the camera world.
  13. You should look into rack systems... And suitcases that will hold rack systems. Here is an example of rack systems: https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/smartview You might want to check out some rack systems at sweetwater.com
  14. Speaking of AE, does Resolve do any VFX? And/or can anyone recommend any other VFX editors? Just as good, better and anything that will take Trapcode and the other red giant plug ins?
  15. Speaking of hacks and go-pros... I'm sure that most, if not everyone has seen and/or heard about back-bone, but I didn't know it was available at bhphotovideo.com http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/search?N=11155134&InitialSearch=yes&sts=pi If you can pair it with one of these.... now you are talking: http://lilliputweb.net/mopro.html You might need to do some hacking of your own, i.e. burn out and file away to cut-out the back-bone add-on into the liliput monitor.
  16. I can't say that I'm an expert, but I do have a slight background in it... The simple answer is there is no loss in quality... From what I've learned, XLRs give you more options in terms of mics (and their pick-up patterns). BUT, understand that just cause you have more mics to choose from with XLRs, does not mean you should be... some need phantom power, and I do not think the DSLR outputs that through their jacks, in fact... does any of the zoom line recorders have phantom power? Because, you need power or extra juice to power condenser mics and that might drain the battery. Otherwise, 3.5mm or XLR, both have the same sound feed.
  17. *Whistles* Check this out: https://***URL not allowed***/full-frame-and-beyond-large-sensor-digital-cinema/
  18. I think it's special order... Really really special... Like its custom... I think they have 70mm too, but again it's custom... Remember they have 8K weapons... But you don't see it on sale at Red.com Editted to add: https://***URL not allowed***/full-frame-and-beyond-large-sensor-digital-cinema/ See the 617 Sensor - I've seen that concept since 2013. Never saw it in the wild though.
  19. Yeah... Super 35 is like APS-C, only wider. Thus, not full frame. I think crop is 1.5 (bah, Google crop factor). But I can understand how it be easily misunderstood for normal 35mm (full frame). Global shutter removes jello effect when panning. I'm sure it has other disadvantages that I'm unaware of... Possibly has something to do with reduced light transmission or reduced sharpness (I'm only guessing here) BTW, I don't mind rolling shutter (in fact, I prefer it) because I don't pan as fast, and I cannot figure out those angles.
  20. To be fair, all Red cams are soft (even the 8K weapons). But they are purposefully done that way? There is no incamera sharpening and no incamera noise reduction. Redcode is RAW. At which point everything is done in post. I think what people get really excited about when dealing with RAW is the white balance sliders and ISO adjustment... Etc.
  21. Hmmmm... Yeah, the portability factor is in question especially if you have to plug it in the wall. Don't worry about enclosure-less SSDs... see here: https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/blackmagicmultidock Scroll down, you will see that they have SSD cases, like olden day Mini-DV cases (I guess they revamped the Mini-DV cases).
  22. Since I was looking into a similar setup, meaning on-the-go workflow and backing up (as most of us should)... I came a across this docking station: https://eshop.macsales.com/item/OWC/TB2U3DKR2/ It has Thunderbolt. I think that that's as portable as you can get in terms of dual docking systems with Thunderbolt, I can't find singular docks with Thunderbolt, but there are many single or more slot docking systems with USB 3.0. Mind that I was looking at the portability factor here. In my opinion, get that and for home use get the blackmagic rack system.
  23. Look into SSD docking stations instead of enclosures, I'm not saying that that is the solution to your problem... But it's a possibility.
  24. This^^^^^ BTW, if you look at the comment section on youtube, I'm iFM... (On Red) Benefits of blackshading (scroll down to see before and after pictures of blackshading): http://www.reduser.net/forum/showthread.php?111628-BLACK-SHADING-For-Dummies-amp-Experts/page14
  25. Not true. Thats like saying that if someone lent you a 10 year old Arri, you won't try it out cause you have a Gh4. If you can afford it, buy it... Some people can afford a Mercedes, so go for a Mercedes... don't be discouraged cause your friend who can only afford a Toyota is telling you to buy a Toyota. Yes. both cars get you from point A to point B. Also, most people are bogged down because they are unhappy with the current gear that they are shooting with... get top of the line, shoot everything that you want to shoot.... make it meaningful... instead of wasting time looking at gear and comparing gear... its a waste of money if you are going to buy it and put it in your closet to collect dust. Time waste & money waste.
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