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    kaylee got a reaction from kye in So What Will You Do ?   
    is this including the ufo topic or no
    seriously tho: this time is a gift to artists who have a project that they wanna work on, but just cant seem to find the time for~! if ppl weren't dying itd be a miracle smh
    *IM* writing the spec script + story bible I've been meaning to get to..... for how long now??
    these things don't write themselves 😂 great time to hunker down and be creative 😎 no reason for any of us to be bored...! let's do it guys!!! 
  2. Like
    kaylee reacted to Robert Collins in So What Will You Do ?   
    Well on a more positive note. We can see from China and S.Korea that when you tackle the problem head on with tests and restrictions you do seem to get it under control within a month to 6 weeks - hopefully numbers in Italy will start to come down.
    Also a major panic in the asset markets, should mean we get some great investment opportunities for those that have some cash....
  3. Like
    kaylee reacted to Video Hummus in Canon EOS R5 8K monster official topic   
    I’m going to say it will be closer to a $5K launch price and slowly work down to $4K and stay there for awhile.
    As with everything Canon, it’s a wait and see after all the gotchas are found out. Like no 24p in 1080p or massive rolling shutter, or record limits in 4k24p but not 30p. Head scratcher shit like that.
     But so far it’s looking pretty nice except for the wallet bashing it will take to buy into RF.
  4. Sad
    kaylee reacted to Mako Sports in So What Will You Do ?   
    Yeah I do sports videography, shit has me fucked up RN. 
  5. Haha
    kaylee reacted to BTM_Pix in So What Will You Do ?   
    I've bought so much of it that when the lockdown is lifted I'll be having to do some urban combat tactics for laxative purchasing to make sure I get the stockpile down !
  6. Like
    kaylee reacted to odie in So What Will You Do ?   
    The only thing open 

  7. Like
    kaylee reacted to BTM_Pix in So What Will You Do ?   
    My municipality is now in lockdown with travel restricted in and out and all bars, cafes, restaurants and leisure facilities closed.
    I'm pretty sure that it will last much longer than the 14 days currently decreed by the regional President and that we won't be fully back to normal for many months.
    Being confined to the house isn't too much of an issue for us work wise as we both work from here anyway (though boy did I get out of being a professional sports photographer at the right time as I would be fucked) but it does mean needing something else to fill up the non-working hours to stop us getting cabin fever.
    I'm guessing that a lot of people on here might well be about to experience similar confinement if they aren't already, so, trying to make lemonade out of lemons, what long put off projects will you be doing ?
    For me, aside from finishing a couple of the latter Final Fantasy games to get me sharp for the release of the VII remake next month  , I think I might look at :
    Making a start on learning some Unreal Engine stuff Re-wiring/configuring my music studio Having a couple of lens world cup shootouts to try and thin the collection Developing a wireless interface for BM ATEM switchers Advanced urban combat tactics for hand sanitiser purchasing Be interesting to see what people are planning and seeing how those plans progress here to keep our spirits up ?
    Might even be a good time to have a "One Single Room In Your House Film Challenge"  
  8. Haha
    kaylee reacted to Avenger 2.0 in Canon EOS R5 8K monster official topic   
    8k will only be in b&w.
  9. Haha
    kaylee reacted to rainbowmerlin in Canon EOS R5 8K monster official topic   
    Canon marketing people clearly hoping for an early  Philip Bloom review.
  10. Haha
    kaylee reacted to MeanRevert in Canon EOS R5 8K monster official topic   
    Buying this would greatly ease my Corona anxiety
  11. Haha
    kaylee reacted to BTM_Pix in Canon EOS R5 8K monster official topic   
    Depending on what happens in the next month, the price point in the UK will either be around £3.5K or two tins of soup, 20 sheets of toilet paper and two squirts of hand sanitiser.
    Plus VAT in both cases obviously.
  12. Haha
    kaylee reacted to BTM_Pix in COVID19 Kibosh   
    Unfortunately, one of the reported cases is two streets away !
    I might drive up to Vera as it looks like that isn't in lockdown and if there is anything that will scare this virus away its the sight of me and a bunch of other fat Brits playing beach volleyball in the nude.
  13. Like
    kaylee reacted to KnightsFan in COVID19 Kibosh   
    Its the perfect time to make a zombie movie! Empty streets, ransacked grocery stores, scared civilians hiding in their bomb shelters...
  14. Haha
    kaylee reacted to BTM_Pix in COVID19 Kibosh   
    The last time I flew mine, I got so close to a power line that I very nearly ended up with a literal drone sizzle.
  15. Like
    kaylee reacted to Geoff CB in COVID19 Kibosh   
    On the plus side, some short films I'm involved in are getting moved up to shoot in the next couple weeks because shooting locations are now easy to get.
    Gonna spend most of the "break" finishing some editing projects and probably making a reel for myself.  
  16. Like
    kaylee reacted to kye in Tips for working with amateur crowd-sourced video?   
    oh, and to clean their lens before recording.
  17. Like
    kaylee reacted to kye in Tips for working with amateur crowd-sourced video?   
    Another tip is to tell people to hold the camera really still for 10s.  
    I once gave a camera to some friends during an event to film and when I looked at the footage afterwards I realised that everyone waved it around like they were watering the lawn - I ended up pulling stills from it as the camera only settled onto anything for 3-4 frames.  I was mad until I remembered that I did that the first few times I filmed anything.  It seems to be a common thing when people hold a camera for the first time.
    If you do get vertical video then you can use several shots side-by-side in a Sliding Doors kind of way, and I've deliberately shot vertically on my phone on a travel day for the express purpose of using this layout.  I used it to show the same location over time so showed the shots simultaneously instead of via jump-cuts, and I also did a bunch of shots out of the window of the moving train to show the diversity of the landscape.  This works for fancy b-roll, but if you get a speaking part then maybe put that one centre and use the audio from that one and have the ones on the sides as b-roll.
    Definitely get people good mics.  I've used the Rode ones that plug into the microphone port on a smartphone and they're pretty good, but IIRC the cheap knock-offs are almost as good and much cheaper.
    You can use the opportunity to get creative shots too..
    The trick to take-away from this video (which is a bit of a one-trick video) is that the camera was mounted to something stable and had the subject in a consistent location in the frame without much movement.
    I think you're in danger of each person taking footage that is all the same - one person might only take landscape shots from far away or another might only take close-ups.  Some advice about trying to get lots of different shots (far away, close up, from above, from down low, etc) and to make them interesting.  
    I suspect that people will want to shoot good footage but won't know how.  Think of how many beginners say things like "I would never have thought of doing that".  It's also dangerous to give people too many instructions, so I'd suggest only giving them the top ones.  Maybe something like: hold your phone horizontally / point the microphone at the person talking / hold it steady and count to 5 before hitting stop / get lots of different shots / make them interesting.
    Good luck!
    If you're given enough footage you can make something useful, shooting ratios are a thing and b-roll doesn't have to be super related.
  18. Like
    kaylee got a reaction from sgreszcz in Tips for working with amateur crowd-sourced video?   
    yes exactly 😂😂😂 i couldnt have said it better 😂
  19. Like
    kaylee got a reaction from sgreszcz in Tips for working with amateur crowd-sourced video?   
    id just put out a call to SHOOT HORIZONTAL with a lil diagram, assuming that asking ppl to do one single thing isnt one too many 😂
  20. Like
    kaylee reacted to MeanRevert in COVID19 Kibosh   
  21. Haha
    kaylee got a reaction from Emanuel in COVID19 Kibosh   
    i kno rite...
    i heard that and i was like..... W U T
    why 😂
  22. Haha
    kaylee reacted to IronFilm in Tips for working with amateur crowd-sourced video?   
    I'd send EVERYONE this!

    But even so, I'd be fully ready to accept that we're probably going to get back some videos in VERTICAL! Arrrgghhh

    Keep your expectations low, very low. 
  23. Haha
    kaylee reacted to BTM_Pix in COVID19 Kibosh   
    Anything else thats an anagram of ban?
    Speaking of bans, the travel one that Trump has just imposed from Europe that for some reason doesn't include the UK is utterly mind boggling even by his standards.
  24. Haha
    kaylee reacted to BTM_Pix in Scanning film   
    Whoah there, I thought it was only me that was assisting with this project.
    Who the hell is this other character who was helping you ?
  25. Like
    kaylee reacted to Grimor in Scanning film   
    Recently, I modified an old projector to scan super 8 frame by frame. I had the support of one of the most charismatic members of this community. It was a fun project!
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