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Everything posted by PannySVHS

  1. Producing art of our penises or with our penises? It's been not too long, when I peed a Smiley into the snow. I didn't even take a Selfie of me and my happy snowface though. At the moment I disguise working in a crew, maybe never really will again. @PPNS I created my own recreational filming challenge which I have been doing for six days in a row until last week. @eatstoomuchjam has asked me what kinda "challenge" we could do when I was suggesting to do one. As being too picky about thinking of something exiting for everyone and myself I just created one for myself: unrigged og Bmpcc, with four internal batteries, 25mm Tevidon or boosted 28mm Pentax F2 non Hollywood. Tell you what, art happened infront and with my camera whenever the battery quit working.๐Ÿ˜Š
  2. PannySVHS

    Lumix S9

    How does it handle MF for video work? This thing is tiny and they make you pay more for less.๐Ÿ˜Š
  3. I have some Dvds which look fantastic on my HD TV, not too far off from Bluray, even though Blurays offer 5 times as many pixels as Dvds. 8K TVs offer the same pixel number in height / y-axis as the Gh7 in 5.7K open gate mode btw.:) Width is 1.32 of the GH7 pixel count.
  4. PannySVHS

    Lumix S9

    Afaik adapting a SLR pancake makes it still stick out more than the native 14mm pancake on MFT fi. @bjohn So I would love some native pancakes. Options of lenses with unmotorized MF and AF would greatly add to the pocket fun on the S9. Leica M39 and M-mount is another interesting route for adapting some small lenses, of course, as shown before by @BTM_Pix on various occasions of our search for small lenses.:)
  5. Puny Alexa:) I sense a puny tendency to impress wholeheartedly with inviting manners. Let's make that tendency impressively overwhelming just like the og Alexa still is. Why not, we all deserve to. I find calling names to be unnecessarily unpleasant. "Nonsense" as a statement did not seed any more sense into a friendly exchange. It made it nonsensically difficult to feel at ease and welcome. When Laxton talked about the Alexa LF he did not talk about S35 eq of 35mm to 50mm on the LF. He talked about liking his 50 and having THAT 50 show him more of the image than it does on S35, larger fov, if one wants to put it less poetically. Anyways, Laxton and Yedlin would get along fine, I imagine.
  6. PannySVHS

    Lumix S9

    The Tokina 25-50 F4 zoom and the Canon FD 35-70 F4 are tiny and optically nice zoom lenses for video. I own both. The former was a recommendation by our friend Andy Lee btw. The latter has the typical problem of ageing Fd lenses with dissolving rubber ball bearings, unfortunately. Both are nice and fun for video. Without mount adapters they would look tiny and tidy on the S9 or on any S camera.
  7. Should equal or better the GH5S all in all but especially how it holds onto resolution and colour in lowlight. There is a comparison between GH6 and GH5s demonstrating an advantage for the GH6, though possibly demonstrating more luma noise but less mush and preserving more visual information. @Aaron Smith
  8. Moving the camera towards a tasty cocktail would merely give us the viewpoint of a drunk fly drooling over alcohol soaked cherries and mango.๐Ÿ˜Š
  9. After Moonlight James Laxton was again Dop for Barry Jenkins. He photographed "Beale Street", which was filmed with an Alexa 65. He must love the look of a 50mm lens on a larger format.:) There are some desired qualities of larger formats for the look beyond the logic of focal length and f-stop equivalence.
  10. Looking forward to seeing both, Gh6 and Bmmcc put to action by you. @TomTheDP I've been using my og Bmpcc for six days in a row last week just for relaxation and fun. So much fun, had it coupled with a 25mm Tevidon and some other times with a 0.7 speedboosted Pentax M 28mm F2 non Hollywood version. Colours are magical. During daytime beyond diffraction limit.:)
  11. PannySVHS

    Lumix S9

    If Panasonic or anyone from the L-mount would put out any F2.8 pancakes, then we would be talking! 28, 50, 80mm! The true Pocket FF.๐Ÿ˜Š @Emanuel
  12. I love a 0.71 speedboosted Canon FD 28mm F2.8 lens on a full mft sensor. Maybe I should sell all my stuff and keep the 28, the 50mm F1.4 and the 100mm F2.8. Maybe the Vivitar 90 F2.5 as well.:) It really is about lens and sensor combinations. In theory equivalence is helpful and by that simple translation it yields same results. It yedlins same results, so to say.:) In practice the specific combinations still paint light differently. I remember listening to the DP of "Moonlight" at a beautiful festival in Poland when he expressed his exitement of using the then new Alexa LF with a 50mm instead of using a 35mm on the S35 sensor with an equivalent, larger Fstop. Both perspectives combined allow an understanding of my lens choices. And restrictions by money.๐Ÿ˜Š
  13. Aja Cion reference was a compliment to its thick raw colour in parts:) @kyeHopefully we get to see thick footage without screwed up highlights. I don't mind partially blown out highlights if that is within convincing artistic choices and due to the necessities of the recorded moment. Bmpcc is not a dynamic range beast but it handles overexposed areas pretty gracefully. @Simon YoungThe video is private now.:)
  14. Panasonic S line has the option of a crop for pixel to pixel HD. It provides a width between 16mm format and S16, of about 11.4mm. Height is smaller than both, ca 6.4mm vs 7.46mm / 7.5mm. I would love more cropping options on cameras, like S16, 2/3", 16mm, S16 width with 4 to 3 ratio and so on.
  15. Highlights look awful in this video imho @kye I really like some very subtle hues in the footage and the rendering of textures. Some shots look 100% like Aja Cion, in a good way and in a bad one as well, some look akwardly and unpurposefully dark, some look promising. Mixed bag with interesting things to come hopefully.
  16. Dynamic range and colours seem to have been messed up due to choices of the artist in post pro and lighting. This is the worst launching video I can remember, even moreso from a filmmaking perspective. What a dull affair! This is a great launching video. It's for the GH6!
  17. C400 is full frame 6k, so S16 should be a bit more than 2K. @IronFilm I'm interested to see the footage people will produce with the GH7. I liked Gh6 colours but wasn't so keen on the textures.
  18. Oh boy, these Gerald studio colors, please make them undone! A pink ode to the purpleblind gear geeks. What was all that fuzz about! He holds a GH7 in his hands for complaining about missing out on dining with the gear gang in Osaka. I'm so grateful to myself I did not bother to watch his lamento. GH7 with Arri Log C, looking forward to its implementation. Would love Panasonic to send Andrew a camera to test, so I don't have to watch videos shot in a pink lit studio of a purple nightmare.
  19. @EspenB They pleasured us by accompanying the S9 with 25mm F8 pancake glory. So I hope, they give us a Mft equivalence. A 12mm F8 lens would perfectly compliment the cutting edge GH7. It would satisfy our aching lust for M43 AF, for all eternity.๐Ÿ˜Š
  20. If I could have only one camera... After going out filming with the Bmpcc 6 days in a row I must say, Wow factor and big-to-small Fail factor have been provided generously by this little camera. I had mentioned the S1H as my cam of choice but here we go, Bmpcc won me over, S1H has not even been looked at for my week of golden hour roaming and filming. Still, "that one camera" has not been made for me yet. Bmpcc with reliable power monitoring, 1h recording time and focus zoom assist would make it such a much better camera. 2.5K 60p and full Hdmi, now that's "that one camera" category for me. A 4K M43 fairchild sensor with additional S16 mode and various aspect ratios would make it my "perfect camera". I'd sing that silly song like the camera conspiracies guy with all of the verses, but only once.:) I don't need super low light, nor Ibis nor what not. It's amazing how close manufacturers get but yet how long they keep resisting to deliver the essential pocketable camera. The og pocket and the bmmcc have the best image quality for the painterly look and for small pockets and for small pockets worth of money. All these cameras, so close yet so far.
  21. Yes you can. @eatstoomuchjam I have the Shogun Flame which would allow for 4k60 raw cinema dng or prores. 4k 120 on the FS700 would be bursts only but would not be possible with the Shogun. I have only used it once for prores 2k which had a good share of aliasing. Internal has less of that but nasty aliasing in the highlights. 4K prores is about 3 times more in size than HD irrc. Video assist does hd 8bit 422 only with the FS700 afaik. The setup with an external recorder is totally cumbersome for me to do cinema veritรฉ with it. Time to sell the Shogun... for peanuts now:(
  22. Insta drain, that's a good word!:) Thanks for the cool suggestions. @BTM_Pix The charging station looks really cool. NPF route looks spiffy and avoiding the insta drain is a great thing! Still got some NPF batteries laying around. FS700 is collecting dust. Hmm, maybe it is time for some 8bit 420 glory as well.:)
  23. I will watch it later on the weekend. Thanks for sharing! @bjohn Have you also been using the 18-35 on the pocket for handheld work once in a while? I imagine it to help due to its weight. A smooth, damped focus ring does also wonders with a light camera, avoiding all these small shakes and jerks from operating and focusing. Did you use lens support for the Sigma with your Bmmcc when on a tripod?
  24. And pros do it too. Ever listened to two sound guys talking about mics and rigging and tricks and magic until seconds before the take, then during lunch or coffee breaks, then only them two at the side of anyone else, in front of a beautiful sunset after wrapping? Ask David๐Ÿ˜Š @IronFilm Sound people are the heart not only of the film but also of the crew. So is nerd talk, full of joy and stories and life. What I find dull is the kind of bloated tech talk, specs race, tech ads marketing blah. Talking about shoes can be either, the later or he former. I imagine a shoe nerd can be fun to talk to. On the other hand, a shoe social media personality can leave me alone though, please.
  25. Gimbal worldchampions. Do they also engage in cinematography?:) I liked Brandons og A7S pieces and his A7SIII launch video, the former for artistic and visual appeal, the latter for showing off the camera, setting and his trademark shooting style. But his gimbal prowess in this video only fits one purpose, to showcase the cosmetic features of his video model and to emphasize the parallax of fore- middle- and background. My two cents.
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