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Everything posted by PannySVHS

  1. Perfect cinema verité piece, exellent form! Love the colour palette, magical! Did you try the exploit for the GX85 giving it Cine D and also higher bitrates to the GX9? It was created by @BTM_Pix Unfortunately GX9 seems the only camera producing up to 200mbit for HD with this hack.
  2. Of course they are, meaty, juicy DNGs. @webrunner5 If only there was an elegant EVF solution for the BMMCC. I find everything looking cumbersome. For stuff with crew and studiowork one can rig this camera up beautifully but I have only used mine once in a setting like that. So the tiniest portkeys out there seems to have a powering issues by reading reviews on the web. So I am very bad at buying the few couple necessary assesoiries such as an EVF with rigging stuff and so on. BMVA 5 inch still feels big for an unobstrusive handheld camera and pretty unbalanced for handheld action. FS700 looks more natural and okay with the ugly viewfinder loupe. What´s up with your Ikan. Looked great on your rig. I read it is 480p only though. How did you power it? Is exteral powering possible? @mercer
  3. Professor Marty abides to your comment. I enjoy a good sense of humour. ONCE IN A WHILE!!!! 🙂
  4. What is your post and pdf about? Kinda so so to click a link out of the blue into the black.:)
  5. KFC Kentucky schreit ficken as we say in Germany. That rhymes.:) A good reason among others to consider a more vegeatarian diat. Cabbage instead of chicken would be good. We must half the exploitation of planet earth and stop exploitation of people. Half the phones, TVs and other stuff, double the lifespan of resourcemongers like electronics before they get thrown away and polute soil and water. Then Z9 will be fine. Kentucky fickt Nikon, Kentucky fucks Nikon. More Z9s for a better world and world of cameras would be a silly slogan though.
  6. Love the part about the cognitive effects and potential, parallel balancing and counterbalancing of actions and dimensions of tactility. Great stuff! @kye
  7. Great write up. Us camera folk need to keep filming and only editing our very own projects. Other than that it is not good to worry about the films which at not at our hands, once filming is done. I had a talented director almost mess up a whole film with an editor from one of the most acclaimed and famous filmschools in Germany. My Co DP and I rescued the film. A talented director can still screw up good editors, if they think they are the better editors themselves. So don´t worry about these things. Instead look forward to new projects. Happy filming. Your stills look splendid. Of the "lesser ones" you posted I only find the wide shot not as good as the rest.
  8. Your B4 Fujinon lens? @webrunner5 You used a doubler, right, as Super 16 would still be too large for it? Looking great.
  9. A good guess. @webrunner5 It's a FS700 with a speedy booster, 8bit internal 420. SLog2 in sufficient light is working great for video. Mercer already revealed it. 😊 Darn, the 10bit powerhouse is a S1. So you both were right in mentioning it. @Ricardo Constantino @MrSMW After our friend Mercer solved 75% of the riddle, you two did the rest. Anyone else giving great hints. Thanks for the fun to all of you! The takeaway for me is, FS700 was doing really good. And ultra wide angle in FF is a great tool to have. Both cameras match well. Props to the FS700. Gradingwise, colour bleeding and artefacts are a non issues with the S1, whereas with the FS700 issues would appear at some point. The 8bit contender can still provide a tasteful colorful look under harsh sunlight and is doing well enough in Grading to achieve the desired look. HD delivery shows both cams perfectly in harmony. cheers
  10. What is a S1/S5? I don´t know that camera!!!!! So you are wrong!!!! 🙂
  11. Peepz, I wanna enjoy your footage! @bjohn I just reread this thread a little bit and found your post about the 35mm Zeiss. Gee, you gotta treat us with some tasty BMMCC Zeiss footage. I promise I will post a bit of my little shortfilm as well. Also, I gotta see your 2MP portraits!!! @webrunner5 Don, I know you are a tripod lover and that for great benefit to lovely footage. So that should please us with some footage from you combo b4 vintage Fujinon and your BMPCC. Good thing you would only have to lugg it around once for putting it on the tripod and a second time putting it back into the bag.:) @kye we need some BMMCC goodness from you. Beachlife cinema verité! That would be awesome.
  12. @bjohn Just reread the awesome BMMCC thread a little bit and recognized you have been using the Contax Zeiss 35mm 1.4 with your BMMCC(s, you got two of them?:). Would love to see some of that magic! The 5D footage you posted looks exellent! Thanks for pointing out. I am not into the emperors couple in Africa setting. But let´s assume it´s Meryl Streep in it. Anyway, fantastic lush colours, beautiful light and exellent lensing. High end stuff.
  13. Lookin great. What lenses did you use? @Matthias Scheja
  14. Thanks for posting. Would love this CCD magic combined with a 100mbit HD codec. Here is one from @QuickHitRecord . I love how motion looks like. Maybe it is due to that footage was rendered and upscaled with Topaz, as written in the description. Like the colours as well.
  15. Looking great! Let us know, when your shortfilm is available. I like the framing, lensing and colours, also what´s in the frame. Great job! Did you shoot F2.8 on the Meikes? Did you compare them to the normal Walimexes / Samyangs, which are plasticy and the very entry into video lenses? How does the built from the Meikes feel? cheers
  16. 8bit mystery solved. A beast with a speedbooster on its snout. A hungry image taker for 10 years now. Still loose and hungry to explore tasty treats of images. So Sony APSC from @MrSMW was perfectly ture. A7S guess @FHDcrew was not shabby neither, though colour from the FS700 is much more versatile. No contest in my experience. On the speedbooster it was the 24- 105 Canon L zoom, turning the APSC FS700 practically into a FF cam. Not my lens unfortunately. Gh5 it is not but could perfectly have been. But then you have to figure. What are the widest shots and how have they been achieved? Hint:)
  17. Hyperbolin poop until it looks all the same, like poop.:) Anyway, I would love us to post more lil vignettes instead of searching significance in youtubepoop. @SRV1981 I find CLog3 very easy to grade and Canon 10bit cameras are capable of great images. I find some A7S I and II very challenging to grade under unlit circumstances. Regardless their high light sensitivity they don´t provide nice colours easily, especially not in the LOG formats, coming from my experience. I once had a gig they gave me an A7SII for. I recorded Rec709, 400 ISO and codec still didnt hold up grading very well. I imagine Canon R6 being a pretty cool camera. Cannot go wrong with a FX3 neither. Or with Lumix S5, if you want a "full frame" camera. So with your Canon R6 you are settled perfectly for some great colours. The little differences only matter when you are used to one of the profiles and plan on shooting with the other. When I rent a C300 II, I always film in CLOG3 and always do a black balance before shooting. Clog 3 is better in lowlight than 2 and easier to grade for me. Slog from the A7 III on is pretty good. Tiny difference only matter when doing high end commercials or films. Other than that all 10bit cameras put out a neat image. What´s more important under that buch of rather higher priced cameras is usuablitity, battery life and sturdiness. SLOG flavours on FS700, PMW F3,5,55,65:), FX6,9, FS5,7 is very different from the early photocams and a good format to record in, even in its 8bit alterations in the FS700 and F3. But with your R6 you have a great camera to enjoy, when it comes down to a nice image. cheers
  18. true, pure soul. no ads music. no elevator buy stuff melodies. true grit from within. Lee Moses is an enigma. He just vanished after this record. This song is one of the most powerful recordings I had listened to a few years ago when I discovered it through the film "House of tolerance", which I had a very hard time trying to watch it, because it is a very saddening and deep film. Anyway, this song elevated the quality of this film even moreso. "I´m sad about it" by Lee Moses is another breathtaking song.
  19. Yeah, loved the G6. Had the perfect colour science for grading it. Ungraded without some secret sauce it was not the hottest colours. But once you got a hang of it, beautiful. Most organic HD I had. Liked it more than the pixel perfect GH5 HD image. Now, you are far away but pretty close at the same time. Next hint, the 420 is older than the G6. How about figuring out the 10bit beast? Shots are about half and half between the two cameras, maybe a tiny bit more of the 10bit image.
  20. Not bad as a guess. Is it too early for hints?:) The 8bit machine is a classic 1080p machine with tasty surprises. It is not a A7S. Otherwise you would have taken have the crown already for the guess the camera game. The other camera has not been tried to indentify. So still plenty room for guesses and hints. 🙂
  21. Won´t give it away yet. I like your strategy of reasoning though. 🙂 It´s two cameras, so twice the challenge. Or if you have to pick, which is which, four times the challenge.:) By the way, how do you like the piece and edit?:)
  22. Kewl, everyone. Thanks for sharing insights. I would love to see some Z9 experimental film fromus forum lovers or one with a Red is fine too. 🙂 There were some awesome posts in the Sony Cinealta F3 thread. Short glimpses into the image quality of the camera, fun to watch, often quick little sketches, crafted with passion and the illusion of effortlessness.
  23. I remember when Luk posted his GH5s infos and people were exited. Now he gives away his stuff for free and there is not much appreciation or exitement I can recognize in the thread. I find that unfortunate, as he was a pioneer and innovator of the DSLR/M revolution. It´s all right, as U2 would sing in one their hits. Don´t think twice, as Elston Gunn would sing and hide behind his Bob persona. @Emanuel Once in a while it takes me a lil bit to dechiffre your words. I would guess, you appreciate Luks old school DSLR contribtutions, though your true love is the one for the classic cinematic image.:)
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