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Everything posted by PannySVHS

  1. That's good. Would be dull if there was only one taste. @MrSMW I liked the lush colors while still providing subtle hues and the choice of grading in harsh light to go a bit over board with the highlights. Everything has a plasticity and physicality to it. But that is just what makes it sing to me. I love the look, the color palette and how colors still stay intact within this demanding grade. It reminds me of one of my favorite GH1 videos:
  2. Sorry, dear Don, but it's so expensive, that i must laugh seeing the price point. 😊
  3. The Evf is pretty sweet too. S1H still out of reach for me moneywise. Had almost gotten one with Smallrig cage and handle, three og batteries, Sigma adapter, all for 2200 eur. But then i figured my S1 should be plenty. Still using it without a cage and with one battery only, because i feel too stingy to invest in the camera.
  4. Have been thinking to do the same. But then, battery life, image quality, 10bit, Ibis, full image circle on my beautiful Canon FDs still make me keep it. But boy, I dislike the menues (Gh5 menues were perfect for me) and i dont enjoy the cumbersome swivel screen. What are you getting instead? @Tim Sewell
  5. Could be a fun lens for low profile filming. Manual focussing via cam, interested to see how that feels like. The cinematographer above put that lens to great use.
  6. PannySVHS

    Panasonic GH6

    Wow, sounds like great things to come. Though the lack of all intra or prores for anamorphic modes is a pity. Did they also exclude Prores for UHD 3840x2160? I could'nt find it in the list. Would be akward. Prores LT please. 444 for the HD modes if possible.
  7. PannySVHS

    Panasonic GH6

    Muaha, they look exactly the same! Thanks a lot for you work! @hyalinejim
  8. Heck, great image, this guy got out of his GX85! Great montage and camerawork as well. He shot with the native 25mm 1.7 and the pancake zoom 12-32. I heard good things about both lenses.
  9. Hmm, love the image and the colours coming out of this thing. Good battery life, no overheating, full hdmi and with 15ms or sub 15ms rolling shutter, this could be an appealing camera to me. This footage below is my favorite so far from all the new bunch, including Z9, GH6, XH2s, R5, which I´ve seen on youtube. Looks like a BMMCC or BMPCC on roids. 🙂
  10. PannySVHS

    Panasonic GH6

    Bad battery life! Oh, that defeats the purpose of a DSLM for me. My compact LX15 has bad battery life and I don´t enjoy having it with me based on that. I like to believe @deezids observations reagarding the cinematic quality of the output without artificial sharpness and mushyness at higher iso. Youtube tests show, it holds much better on to colour and resolution than a GH5s in lowlight. CineD compared its latitude with a A7IV. So low light and organic output should be a big plus. If battery life would be the same as from my GX85 I would consider it okay. Lack of cropping modes is a lost opportunity though such as lack of stellar battery life. GH5II looks interesting with its improved processing and the internal 10bit 4K60p, still providing the delicious crop modes and the great battery life. The combination of faster readout and IBIS still works significantly better for me when it comes to moving the camera. So I was putting hopes on the GH6 as it ticks a lot of boxes with its supposely great "organic" image and stellar readout and IBIS. Well, good reason to practice more on my S1.
  11. Pansonic should bring out a GX Ten with 10bit. A true 10bit pocket cam in a GX85 body with decent battery life and IBIS. Please give it an optional 1.4 crop for Super 16 lenses.
  12. PannySVHS

    Panasonic GH6

    Update for Prores RAW and Prores mode for more resolutions is out now. Akward, they don´t seem to support Prores for UHD modes if i got that right. So how do you like your GH6, image in Dual Gain mode, battery life, etc? @hyalinejim
  13. I didnt talk about the bird. I enjoyed seeing it though. 🙂 @kye
  14. Awesome! The screenshots look astonishing. I would love to see the same grading in the video. I remember how DP posted awesome screenshots from a F3 shortfilm but then the director pushed for a different grade, which was fine but not as beautiful as the one coming from the DP. Really looking forward to your video and hopefully I will get into motion myself. I am still stingy on replacing my broke mini SDI cable. 😆
  15. I never got into the intuitive side of grading again as much as I did with the G6. It was a camera which only lacked one thing to me, a 100mbit codec without noise reduction. I have been saying this a dozen times on the forum, I know. 🙂 Still got my G6 laying on my desk, like a good spirit, though it gave up working. The 28 nFD is a gem of a lens, especially in lit scenarios but also outside. The G6 not haveng IBIS made me film very carefully. I might pick up my almost unused G7 and give it some run. Kinda exiting thought!
  16. @kye It´s maybe Neo- Hitchock which evokes the master. I get really sucked into the images, due to use of perspective, focal length, how you chose your camera position and angle. It looks meticulously done. I could tell or imagine a story or scene for each of these shots. F.i. shot number five is graphicaly perfect, how the arc gets pulled down from top to toe by the lens and position. It evokes a sense of being there. The perfect example of physical position and optical distance (focal length) and the right choice of subject and framing. Telling filmic space is an art by itself. I don´t want to sound like I know the biggest deal about but a bit I do and a lot I recognize it, when I see it. The Hitch part would be the loneliness but alos the dreamlike palette, an peaceful setting but also one of the imagination coming true. It looks forecasting and unsettling. No3 f.i. the start of a scene with a downfall of a character to its end, not by its proposal of formal visual parameters but evenmoreso by its suggestive emotional power, which means that formal laws of visuality are applied, just additionally they also connect on a subconcious level. Frame No. 4 just looks out of this world. Love it. Light, time of the day, hues and tones are to the point as well. Never thought about this lens. It´s fixed focus, right? Very liberating to think of.
  17. I posted this before, but here is some Lumix G6 footage I filmed, lit and "directed". Mighty Canon FD 28mm 2.8, nFD flavour, shot wide open. Such a kewl tiny and great looking lens, which you mights still be able to get for 20 to 40 EUR.
  18. Love the compositions of 3 to 5. Placing actors in them would turn these into a frame of a cinema classic. Though not shot with one of Hitchcocks focal lengths, as far as i figure, it has a Hitchcockian feel to it. @kye
  19. That looked really good. Then I see, shot of GF3. Wow! @kye GF3 is still sporting the same 12MP sensor from the GF1 which has underwhelming dynamic range and harsh highlight clipping even in raw photo. Hats off to your video, great colour!
  20. @FHDcrew It´s a pretty big difference. 24mm to 28mm already is, 20mm to 24mm even moreso. 20mm of FF is something really fun and cool to try. You could get a cheap 20mm from Soligor or Vivitar brand. I might try one myself, though I already have and love my Canon nFD 20mm. @Emanuel My friend, I am a sucker for lenses. If you ever get tired of your Russian gems, I would love to borrow them from you some day. 🙂
  21. Totally agree. Fits the sublteness, sujet and thrills of the scene though, but of course much less the atmosphere of a quiet and peaceful campfire of course. Haze should have been coming from somewhere to go well along with the sound by all means. But then sound was very well articulated and can stand well on its own. @kye
  22. @deezidLike kye, I am a great fan of the HD image from the GH5, liking the nice 4K as well. It is a bit too sharp ooc but also high resolving. I must admit, VLog L can produce blotchyness on certain skintones under harsh conditions when graded towards a colorful cinematic look. You have been a fan of the 10bit 150Mbit codec and its image on the S1. So not that much anymore? Neither of the S1H 400mbit prowess? How comes your change of mind? I am pretty impressed by the former. Just having troubles with it in green enviroments with harsh light. But who doesn´t with any camera. 🙂 Looking forward to some GH6 beauty coming from your hands. How does it compare to the other 10bit 422 codecs? How is your general opinion on those? Prores update for many other resolution and modes coming soon! Many questions, I know.:) cheers
  23. I think lighting was fine. It emphazises the subtle facial expressions and emotions of the character actors. Though they should have used a haze machine to illustrate the mood and atmosphere much better of the laid back lads enjoying a perfect laid back lads evening and activity. But the sound was a bit scratchy. I hope I got that right what you meant. 🙂
  24. HD 25p has always been of lesser quality on GH1,2 and G6,7,85, GX85. @webrunner5 Shooting in 4K on the adequate cameras helps, that exludes the GH2 and others of course. Or film in 24p and enjoy the classic GH2 image. Congratulations, btw to your purchase. GAS is an akward thang, BMPCC in the pocket but still you needed that legendary GH2, besides your legendary AF100. 🙂
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