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    User reacted to Ty Harper in One Camera - For Life?   
    That is literally what corporations want you to think and believe. Because it keeps them in business. That's not to dismiss the long history of evolution that brought us to this moment when the OP's question becomes completely valid. But it is to say that we could've gotten here much faster if camera corporations hadn't been intentionally crippling their tech. There will always be new scenarios, needs, etc, that require us to revisit the OP's question, but if people can't even see the OP's question as a valid one, then they're likely smoking from an addict's pipe, owned by a pusher named Canon, Sony, or something like that.
  2. Like
    User reacted to jcs in Gear is for art. Art are politics   
    Thanks User. That's why we are best training and thinking like samurai. Joining together with like-minded people to not only protect ourselves but also those who are not able to protect themselves. If the hordes come, we do our best to help them, at the same time being smart and not putting ourselves at risk. If we must fight, we do so with compassion and honor. That's a big reason to make friends and work as a team vs. going solo in times of crisis. I finally started watching Game of Thrones and I see one reason why it's so popular right now: lots of metaphors for what's happening in the real world.
  3. Like
    User reacted to jcs in Gear is for art. Art are politics   
    This forum is a microcosm of the world, a fractal. Andrew is the mayor, Jon is the sheriff, regulars are the villagers, and others are tourists/travelers just passing through. Is it possible for us to discuss these issues, about the world and each other's behavior, without divisive dialog? If we focus on discussing actions vs. people, especially if we ask questions as to why are people acting a certain way, we can get a better understanding of their motivations, and perhaps help each other to realize there might be better ways to achieve our goals. If we can do it on this forum, it will be a useful pattern for the world, right? (a fractal thing)
    Does disparaging each other work? Think about it- if someone puts you down, are you likely to listen to anything more about what they have to say, even if they are 100% correct?
    I have compassion for everyone working in the media industry, as well as everyone on this forum. We are constantly bombarded with negative energy designed to divide and conquer the US and the World. Folks in the media who don't follow the divisive guidelines face extreme personal and financial pressure to conform. It's truly a bummer.
    I spent my free time this summer doing research into what is really going on in the world today. The realization is so terrible that I didn't want to believe it, people who know the truth don't want to talk about it, and people who don't already know the truth don't want to believe it or even hear about it.
    All I can say with any certainty, is listen to those who push for kindness, understanding, and unity. Have empathy for all to those who output hate, intolerance, and division. More than anything they need understanding and love: that's how you heal them. Giving them more hate only makes their condition worse, right? This is for the general case and works for almost every person. The exceptions for violent people are noted, and even they are best given love and understanding when they must be countered with force and/or constrained freedom for the protection of others. Think of a powerful samurai warrior who must fight with honor and compassion and without hate. The reason we do this is it's good for all of our biology: kind actions and thoughts improve our mind, body, and spirit health. Kindness is not weakness. A soldier in battle can fight with compassion and without hate: fighting with honor.
    What are the advantages of making enemies? Now more than ever in modern history is a good time to practice making friends. We need to work together to get through the possible upcoming crisis. Ideally it will be avoided, but if not we must work together to reduce suffering and possibly even to survive.
  4. Like
    User reacted to Tim Sewell in Gear is for art. Art are politics   
    Should that occur I will have no need of your tears. But thank you for posting without unpleasantness.
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    User reacted to silvertonesx24 in Gear is for art. Art are politics   
    Nothing at all. Just stirring the pot by tossing around some vague platitudes. Political art should inspire healthy debate. Debating with people like him is like reasoning with a black hole.
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    User reacted to Ehetyz in Gear is for art. Art are politics   
    Check your bitrate privilege.
  7. Like
    User reacted to jcs in Gear is for art. Art are politics   
    Lol where's the irony? We're all in the same boat, brother  
  8. Like
    User reacted to Andrew Reid in Gear is for art. Art are politics   
    In the UK the other day there was a news piece on this guy... Karl Popper
    It's interesting because it shows the paradox of today's liberal society...
    The US society is tolerant enough to allow the display of nazi flags outside houses under free speech laws and right wing protests in the streets under expensive police escorts, and it's tolerant enough to allow these people to arm themselves with several automatic weapons at once.
    The more tolerant we become, the more the door opens to the intolerant ones, the more freedom they have to wreak havoc and destroy tolerance. So Karl Popper argued (in 1945 no less) that for a society to be truly tolerant it has to be "intolerant of intolerance".
    I suppose in the case Ed raised of alleged discrimination by a photo company, we shouldn't tolerate it, he's right on that. But I am also against building a wall between us and every single person in the company because of the wrongdoings of a few of their management, and I still really don't know if Ed is talking about a shop or a manufacturer.
    I suppose the point of Ed's post was to get us all talking and I'm fine with a bit of politics every now and again.
    I just don't agree that race has much to do with talking about cameras. It's a privilege but not just a white one.
  9. Like
    User reacted to kaylee in Gear is for art. Art are politics   
    ed, heres a protip: acting like a 5 year old online, under your real name, is a very bad idea. people who might want to hire you based on your good work will start to vet you, and within seconds theylll discover that youre a huge pain in the ass online, and they will wonder: How much worse is he in person?
    i thought that maybe youd turned over a new leaf. time to grow up dude
  10. Like
    User reacted to jcs in Gear is for art. Art are politics   
    Ignore all sides who preach hate and division, brothers and sisters. They are all coming from the same source, the same people pulling the strings, a layer above and invisible to most. Their goal is to create division and civil war, WW3, to consolidate their global power. DC is locked in self-destructive corruption, so we need to manifest miracles to bring about peaceful change. Perhaps best case scenario is to pardon them all if they'll all leave peacefully. They have most people looking down at minutiae, when we really need to be looking up at our rulers and working together in unity to create real change, at the root source of all the world's manufactured problems.
    Spread the message of love and unity. Think in terms of what you want, as opposed to what you don't want.
    What we think becomes reality.
  11. Like
    User reacted to sondreg in Premiere Pro 2014.2 (8.2.0) - File Indexing?   
    Different codecs will have a lot of impact yes, so if you're going big it's best to transcode everything into the same format, the newer version of Premiere allows you to automatically transcode all footage as ur ingesting and still being able to edit. You can also use Adobe Encore for the transcoding upon ingestion.
    Also the way you import footage can have a lot of impact on performance, even though the files aren't actually added (such as XMLs that aren't accepted or text files from importing folders). So when you import files in a bigger project, make sure to only import files supported by Premiere.
    It may benefit you to transcode every video file over night(s) and relink the media to the transcoded version.
    Not so sure of how the 2 different versions compare to indexing though, but maybe increasing cache size or something to store the index data is possible?
  12. Like
    User reacted to mercer in 1080 vs. 4K: What is REALLY necessary?   
    Yeah, I get the mentality behind why Panasonic wouldn't release such a camera, however I doubt hardware/software limitations are that reason. So that leaves that Panasonic believes they would lose GH5 sales... but would they really?
    Most people, even most of the high end enthusiasts and low level pros, on this site, will spend the extra cash for the 10bit 4K, but I would assume there is enough of the market that will not. I'd happily spend +/- $1200 for quality 1080p, up to 60p, in 10bit, but I won't spend the extra $800 for the GH5. At that point I may as well save up a little more cash and get a 1DC or wait to see what Sony does with full frame.
    Panasonic disrupted the entire market by offering 10bit 4K, with all of these features, at a 2000 dollar price point. Now obviously they didn't do that out of the kindness of their hearts, they did it to have a competing, in camera, Log profile that didn't suffer from horrific artifacts. It was either no Log, really bad Log, or a 10bit codec... they chose the latter.
    Since Panasonic decided to offer so much for so little with the GH5, I don't think it is that unreasonable to WISH they offered higher quality 1080p at a cheaper price point.
    Obviously Panasonic went all in with 4K to help sell their 4K TVs, especially since they don't sell one interchangeable camera that doesn't have 4K. But they have 3-4 cameras in their line up between $500 and $1000 with questionable 1080p and okay 4K. After $1000, there is a huge market gap before the GH5. How should they fill that gap? Since it's unlikely they'll ever offer a 1080p only camera at this point, the next logical step would be to combine the 100mbps 8bit 4K from the G85 with the 10bit all-i 200mbps 1080p from the GH5.
    As far as beating a dead horse... every other thread in this forum beats a dead horse, so I don't believe discussing a hypothetical 1080p camera in a 4K vs 1080p discussion is all that ridiculous. 
  13. Like
    User reacted to IronFilm in Which Sound Recorder to buy? A guide to various indie priced sound recorders in 2017   
    Wrote up a little guide for people new to this and looking to buy their first recorder. And is the way I see the world of low budget recorders is they're ranked like this (starting from worst/cheapest to best/expensive):
    Tascam DR22WL / Zoom H1 (I'd suggest skipping right over this tier of recorders! But hey, my first ever short film I did years ago was with a chinese shotgun running straight into a Zoom H1!! :-o Shocking but true... everyone starts somewhere!)
    Tascam DR60D mk2 (the DR60D mk1, before the mk2 came out, is what I myself started out using for no budget shorts as a budding location sound recordist)
    Tascam DR70D (the *minimum* I'd recommend for a location sound recordist, even if you're just a student / no budget guy. Although in desperate cases, you could scrape by with getting the DR60Dmk2, but doing the opposite and stretching for an F4 is very worthwhile. Certainly, I could travel back in time I'd just have gone straight for the Zoom F4 from the starts! *Except* the F4 didn't come out until a few years later...  you live in a very lucky time with so many wonderful options to choose from!) or Tascam DR680 (these can be found at bargain prices secondhand, which is what I did before I then later on purchased a Zoom F4 once that came out & I spotted an F4 at a good price)
    Zoom F4 / Zoom F8  / Sound Devices MixPre6 (I skip right over the MixPre3, as the MixPre6 is very similar yet does so so much more at only a relatively small extra cost. Also I regard the three of F4/F8/MixPre6 as all on broadly the same level to each other, just varying slightly from each other in one area or another that ones might have a small lead over the other one. This is the tier where I'd see you're now reaching the semi-pro level)
    Sound Devices 633 / Zaxcom Maxx / Sanosax SX-R4+ (finally you have now got up to the "industry standard" when it comes to recorders people use for small shoots, especially when mixing from the bag. If you're doing this full time as your job or hiring someone who is, then likely this is what is being used. Either that or similar gear, or even something better above this)
    And if you considering ones priced above those last three....  you're surely doing this full time as a sound recordist and getting a healthy income from that, so why are you asking us here on Frugal Filmmaker? ha! :-P But yes, tonnes and tonnes more options exist at the higher end as well!
    Finally, if you're considering something in the budget range within what I just covered, but isn't one of those that I mentioned, then it probably is *not* a good idea to buy if you're intending to be a location sound recordist. 
    Something else only might *maybe* make sense if you've got in mind some other purpose for it, such as perhaps you want to record a band in a studio (which has very different needs / constraints), or you're the rare exception which proves the rule, or you are getting lucky finding some amazingly priced deal which can make an otherwise bad purchase decision then make sense if "the price is right".
    For instance I didn't include the Roland R88, as I feel it is extremely poor value for money in 2017! However.... there was a time at the end of 2016 when the Roland R88 got a huge price drop because it was being discontinued. Even with that massive price drop, the Roland R88 probably still wasn't a smart purchase vs the Zoom F8, but the big drop in price at least made the R88 a somewhat competitive option worth mentioning in a round up of all the various choices. However, that sale is now long since ended, and the prices I see on eBay for a Roland R88 is even higher than what you used to be able to buy it new from B&H Photo! Clearly those eBay sellers are dreaming. 
    Anyway, that was just one example which might have been applicable but isn't now, so I don't rule out the possibilities of something like that perhaps popping up again in the future especially if you very keenly look around for secondhand deals. But for over 95% of people reading this, that won't be applicable, and just stick to going with one of the main ones I mentioned earlier.
  14. Like
    User reacted to Trek of Joy in 1080 vs. 4K: What is REALLY necessary?   
    What "it" are you referring to? I couldn't access a lot of "it" when I was in India for the entire month of March. All of the Netflix shows I watch were "not available in your region." Same goes for Amazon Prime Video, despite being a paying customer from the U.S. And still none of it is available in China which is a far bigger deal.
    Population has nothing to do with individual's purchasing power. China has a much, much larger middle class than India - therefore its a much, much more important market. For example, last year almost 29 million vehicles were sold in China. By comparison India was just over 3.6 million, which is a slight increase over 2012 numbers - sales of cars have been flat in India for years because there is little expansion of the middle class. Meanwhile China has gone from 9 million vehicles sold in 2008 to well over 28 million last year. More of everything will be sold in China, regardless of how many people there are in India - especially since the Chinese middle class continues to expand at a breakneck pace. China has more than 700 million mobile phones in use, India around 300 million. I could go on...
  15. Like
    User reacted to jcs in Canon C300 mk ii "other settings"   
    Ah, the noise you are hearing is the internal mic. If you are only plugging in one XLR mic, when you import your footage, you'll need to either reinterpret as mono (1 channel), or mute the other 3 tracks. In Premiere CC, I created a preset to reinterpret the audio channels as stereo (use only channels 1 and 2) since I use both XLR inputs in the studio. After I import the clips, I select all of them then apply the reinterpret preset. In FCPX I disable channels on the audio board (haven't researched how to reinterpret imported clips as a group).
    I used to have the fan turn off when filming, however now I leave it on since the mics are on booms in the studio, and when shooting handheld, the shotgun mic (Schoeps CMIT5U) does a really good job masking not just the fan noise but also the AF noise (really impressive- all that gets through is low frequency AF vibration from the factory mic mount (can remove in post with a low cut filter; should try the mic low cut filter). If using a better suspension mount should be silent. Haven't tested, but something like this might work: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/861386-REG/Rycote_037324_SOFTIE_LYRE_MOUNT_with.html). Electronics last longer when cool, so I'd leave the fan on unless you can truly hear it in the recording and/or you're trying to save battery for a specific location shoot.
  16. Like
    User reacted to Arikhan in German/ European Warranty Duration? - Canon C100 MkII   
    If you kept the receipt of the shop where you've buyed it, the seller gives you 2 years warranty (that's German law).
    If you registered the camera with CPS, just call Canon Germany and discuss with them a solution (if you don't live in Germany). Canon has a quite good service...
    Click here to go with CPS. Good luck.
  17. Like
    User reacted to Phil A in German/ European Warranty Duration? - Canon C100 MkII   
    Also keep in mind that there's two different warranties in Germany. I'm not lawyer so that's my basic knowledge and might be a bit off:
    The first is the voluntary one (Garantie) that is usually given by the manufacturer, e.g. all that register your camera and get extra guarantee mambo jambo.
    The second is the legally given warranty (Gewährleistung) that is between you and the vendor and for 2 years. For the first 6 months the vendor has to prove that the problem (or its cause) didn't exist when he sold you the equipment, after that you have to prove that it already existed when you received the goods, which is borderline impossible.
  18. Like
    User reacted to omega1978 in German/ European Warranty Duration? - Canon C100 MkII   
    hi,normal in Europe is 2 year manufactory warranty for end costumers.
  19. Like
    User reacted to Dave Maze in Battle of the Canons! 1dc vs. C100 vs. C300mkii   
    Ya it was out of focus.  Due to time I just left it. I didn't have time to go back and reshoot 
  20. Like
    User reacted to Shield3 in The c100 is just a wonderful camera...   
    I thought both shot in C-log looked very similar after grading and the 1dc downscaled.  I think the c100 has more detail than the 1dc even in 4k though; they are different animals.  They both have that MOJO for sure though.
  21. Like
    User reacted to Cary Knoop in Vimeo Export   
    It really depends on a lot of things what would be the best setting, but if you want to be very conservative use a few frames. 
    All intra (1 frame) would require a significantly higher bitrate.
  22. Like
    User reacted to Tim Sewell in Spot Exposure Tracking?   
  23. Like
    User reacted to AaronChicago in c100 II/80D Combo Lens choices   
    Attaching a SmallHD 501 on top would be ideal. Swivel plus peaking and scopes.
  24. Like
    User reacted to AaronChicago in c100 II/80D Combo Lens choices   
    I saw this for sale this morning: 1DC $2999
    So tempting!
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    User reacted to Lintelfilm in Film Convert Is Dead!   
    Oh the usual internet stuff: I'm right, you're wrong. I need to make sure you and all the other users here know that. I will not give up responding to your responses until it is clear to everyone here that you are an awful human being and my powers of intellect are superior to yours. This conversation is so important it'll occupy a good portion of my day. There are children getting bombed in Syria right now but someone with a random name on a very specialist hobbyist forum about something completely meaningless has a different opinion to me about it and he dared to answer back when I pointed out he was WRONG. Oh so wrong. Everyone is wrong. Listen to me I'm the best. My camera is best. No wait actually let's make this personal - your films are rubbish mine are great. Your existence is less valid than mine. Give up filmmaking! You know nothing! Hang your head in shame, fiend! Be gone! Actually no please stay I regret my outburst you are lovely. I love you. I love everyone here. I love everything. I love pretend film grain. I even love video without grain!
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