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    fuzzynormal got a reaction from andy lee in Too Many Lenses?   
    ​I've shot a short film with the 110 25mm on a GM1.  Even though I don't use that camera except for only certain tasks, I do love it.  Great documentary stealth cam.  Such an awesome set up with the a110 lenses, As you can tell from my avatar.
    I like the character of the glass and the f2.8 is, I think, ideal for cinema.  Matched with the Panasonic IQ?  It's pretty nice.
    It's truly amazing what you can/could make with that set-up --and you can acquire it via used gear for around $350.
  2. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from Jimbo in Too Many Lenses?   
    I have this same problem and have been trying to remedy it by walking out the door for shoots with only two primes.  Maybe one prime, depending on the level of the job.
    After doing this for awhile and reviewing the results I'm realizing that I like the images I'm shooting on my 45mm M43 the best.
    All this came about when I decided not too long ago to shoot a documentary with a FF cam and a 50mm.  The aesthetic had a cohesion that my typical undisciplined shooting did not.
    More visual creativity seems to come about when I'm forced into thinking about the self-imposed limitations of a shot and finding ways to compensate.  Ironically, I'm getting more innovative by restricting my focal length freedom.
    Since I have a broadcasting background I've spent most of my career with variable zooms.  Busting my old visual habits has been very rewarding.
    But, right now, I've kind of sworn off zoom lenses for motion picture shooting.
  3. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from Liam in Too Many Lenses?   
    ​I have a wide 10-20 zoom, but I've stopped using it.  I also have a 12mm.  As you say, there's always something that gets in the frame and it's very easy to quickly use a zoom lens to punch it a little to avoid putting something unwanted in the image.
    However, that's exactly why I'm trying to get away from zooms.  Because it's easy to "fix" your framing by adjusting the focal length.  It's more of a challenge to work to find the shot by positioning yourself around to the proper spot.  And you never really get where you want to be, so you have to consider different visual options.  It forces you to think of a new solution you wouldn't have otherwise.
    For instance, instead of a single shot that shows a building exterior, all of a sudden I'm finding that I need to shoot a sequence of medium shots and close ups to show the setting.  That's different than what I'd do in the past and creates something new for me.
    BTW, most of this is for MY personal shooting.  I will do this for clients if the job is right for it, but I do have clients where I just bang out coverage as fast as possible...
    Basically I'm saying I don't want a zoom to give myself quick solutions to framing.  I want less solutions in order to force my creativity.
  4. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from Cinegain in Too Many Lenses?   
    I have this same problem and have been trying to remedy it by walking out the door for shoots with only two primes.  Maybe one prime, depending on the level of the job.
    After doing this for awhile and reviewing the results I'm realizing that I like the images I'm shooting on my 45mm M43 the best.
    All this came about when I decided not too long ago to shoot a documentary with a FF cam and a 50mm.  The aesthetic had a cohesion that my typical undisciplined shooting did not.
    More visual creativity seems to come about when I'm forced into thinking about the self-imposed limitations of a shot and finding ways to compensate.  Ironically, I'm getting more innovative by restricting my focal length freedom.
    Since I have a broadcasting background I've spent most of my career with variable zooms.  Busting my old visual habits has been very rewarding.
    But, right now, I've kind of sworn off zoom lenses for motion picture shooting.
  5. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from TheRenaissanceMan in Werner Herzog Reviews the Sony F35, Red One MX, and Digital Bolex 16!   
    How can I be amused when the cold blue deepness projects into the void of the horizon and reflects back nothingness? 
    Here on the edge of this urban wilderness, we ask ourselves, are we more or less than this visible spectrum?
    Spinning like a dancer.  Like photons; never existing but always existing  
    Yet, the dog continues running alongside his master. Day after day for hundreds of miles.  
  6. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from Liam in Werner Herzog Reviews the Sony F35, Red One MX, and Digital Bolex 16!   
    How can I be amused when the cold blue deepness projects into the void of the horizon and reflects back nothingness? 
    Here on the edge of this urban wilderness, we ask ourselves, are we more or less than this visible spectrum?
    Spinning like a dancer.  Like photons; never existing but always existing  
    Yet, the dog continues running alongside his master. Day after day for hundreds of miles.  
  7. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from Wulf in Werner Herzog Reviews the Sony F35, Red One MX, and Digital Bolex 16!   
    Because I find it funny.
    And you'd have to know me to appreciate the context of why I find it funny. 
    If you don't, then you won't. 
  8. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from Wulf in Werner Herzog Reviews the Sony F35, Red One MX, and Digital Bolex 16!   
    How can I be amused when the cold blue deepness projects into the void of the horizon and reflects back nothingness? 
    Here on the edge of this urban wilderness, we ask ourselves, are we more or less than this visible spectrum?
    Spinning like a dancer.  Like photons; never existing but always existing  
    Yet, the dog continues running alongside his master. Day after day for hundreds of miles.  
  9. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from Ed_David in Werner Herzog Reviews the Sony F35, Red One MX, and Digital Bolex 16!   
    How can I be amused when the cold blue deepness projects into the void of the horizon and reflects back nothingness? 
    Here on the edge of this urban wilderness, we ask ourselves, are we more or less than this visible spectrum?
    Spinning like a dancer.  Like photons; never existing but always existing  
    Yet, the dog continues running alongside his master. Day after day for hundreds of miles.  
  10. Like
  11. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from Jimbo in Werner Herzog Reviews the Sony F35, Red One MX, and Digital Bolex 16!   
    Kind of a amusing response that, be it serious or facetious.
    Anyway, I found it cute and funny because there's so many beginners and earnest enthusiasts accessing this newly affordable gear --and they seem so damn serious about their cameras.  
    How do the British explain it?  "Taking the piss out of..." or something like that?
    You (should) know as well as I do that we deserve to be mocked.  If you don't get the silliness, you might want to consider why.  The more this Ed guy riles things up the better, as far as I'm concerned.  If any court needed a bit of jesting, it's us.
  12. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from ntblowz in Why APSC is dead   
    ​I can speak for myself.  The answer is procrastination.
  13. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from leeys in Why APSC is dead   
    ​I can speak for myself.  The answer is procrastination.
  14. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from Liam in Why APSC is dead   
    ​I can speak for myself.  The answer is procrastination.
  15. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from nahua in The Story of Luggage... or... how NOT to make a movie!   
    Put yourself out there.  You could easily get noticed for this and people will come to you for the next movie.  Congratulations in advance!
  16. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from Jonesy Jones in The Story of Luggage... or... how NOT to make a movie!   
    Put yourself out there.  You could easily get noticed for this and people will come to you for the next movie.  Congratulations in advance!
  17. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from Axel in You Don't Need A New Camera   
    ​Everybody is right on the internet. :-)  Some even more so because they know how to caps lock.
    Anyway, regardless of what this forum is or isn't I think it should be applauded for existing.  Personally, I like the chippy-ness and passion around here.  Freedom is usually a bit messy and I like it.  I'd rather be offended than bored.
  18. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from IronFilm in Why APSC is dead   
    FWIW, I'm on M43 because it's compact.  Photos and Videos for me work great.  So this consumer in particular isn't caught up in the sensor size angst. 
    And, if you really want mega DOF you can kinda get there with certain lenses.  But, yeah, the small size of body and lenses is really a killer feature.  The National Geographic mantra "f8 and be there" really resonates with me therefore I'm less about FF and more about just being in the right spot at the right time.
    All that said, you can't beat an interview shot done on FF with a fast prime 50 or 85.
  19. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from Ed_David in You Don't Need A New Camera   
    ​Everybody is right on the internet. :-)  Some even more so because they know how to caps lock.
    Anyway, regardless of what this forum is or isn't I think it should be applauded for existing.  Personally, I like the chippy-ness and passion around here.  Freedom is usually a bit messy and I like it.  I'd rather be offended than bored.
  20. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from mtheory in You Don't Need A New Camera   
    ​To be fair, all I was saying is that you don't really need a new camera to do any of that stuff.  Not that you're wrong in the way you interpreted my ambiguous writing.  But craft and engineering are not the same thing, (tool use vs. tool ownership) which is kinda the thing I was getting at.
    I sort of thought my question and call to action would be at the heart of the potential thread  --to list videos y'all have seen that were impressive but didn't rely on a great camera to accomplish.  I always love that sort of stuff and am attracted to it.  That didn't happen, which is okay.  But it's been fascinating to see what (and why) people got from my assertions.
    I'm encouraged that folks here engaged about something a little broader regarding film making than the typical gear-centric talk.  I do think that's nice.  Y'all are a pretty enthusiastic bunch.
  21. Like
    fuzzynormal reacted to Nick Hughes in You Don't Need A New Camera   
    ​While I can appreciate both sides of this discussion, this is a false analogy. It'd be much more like fuzzy saying you don't need a new typewriter, or new pens, or a new computer to write a good script. Which I would agree with, but I would also say that a new piece of writing software could potentially make scriptwriting a faster process, allowing for more creative time. Or that a new typewriter might inspire you to write. 
  22. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from agolex in You Don't Need A New Camera   
    ​Good time to ask then.  If it is, how so?  
    Because most stuff here is gear talk.  I always thought EOSHD was mostly (not all) for people that were trying to do low-budget cinema with this new era of consumer cameras; so very tech-centric.  I mean, I don't mind that, but threads about the artistic side of things don't seem to generate much discussion.
    Seems more about the technical craft.  After all, talk about dynamic range and skin tones on some upcoming new camera and a 10 page thread is likely.
    Hey, if I'm wrong, no problem.  Just curious to hear from the head honcho.
  23. Like
    fuzzynormal reacted to homestar_kevin in You Don't Need A New Camera   
    I think this is the perfect place to say that I just bought a samsung nx1 and I'm pumped for it!
  24. Like
    fuzzynormal reacted to Inazuma in You Don't Need A New Camera   
    This is all well and good but making films actually requires me to exert effort when I could just be sitting here window shopping for gear
  25. Like
    fuzzynormal got a reaction from Axel in You Don't Need A New Camera   
    ​Yeah.  Seems like I'm always willingly getting into the tech talk.  I wonder if it's procrastination, fear of artistic failure, or just a general place where I feel comfortable?  Probably all of the above.
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