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Everything posted by IronFilm

  1. And also, darn! Is 3:30am here in NZ But with all this new info leaking out I might never be able to go to sleep!
  2. Wonder who is supplying it, if it is not a high quality one (such as from Ambient) then it might be a bit pointless.
  3. I've seen similar videos before, which are fakes. I don't know about that particular video however. But it would not at all surprise me if one or two of those Top Ten are faked.
  4. A tip to "break out" of whatever tunnel vision you might be in: use the search bar! Do a few searches and you'll not only find other content directly, but it will start to be suggested to you too. I watch a very diverse range of content on YouTube, and is fun seeing how the recommendations change all over the place week by week, due to whatever had been taking my recent fancy lately.
  5. Yes, I guess it will be like the GH2 was.
  6. Apparently the distributors (who are likely getting stock as we speak, so they can sell it immediately) got briefed about this a couple of days ago. Consumer department.
  7. Although one rumor said it had TC, I doubt it. Won't have built in NDs either. But the Panasonic DMW-XLR1 is a nifty addition, which I hope they improve upon.
  8. Unless the screws for the replacement mount plate are shallow enough, you couldn't swap out for MFT. So I doubt it. Plus you wouldn't have electronic controls, which rules out 95% of MFT lenses.
  9. Ah the classic "smoke blowing through the woods" music video! Worked on one music video like that a few months ago in the lighting department. We have the fire trucks show up! :-o Errr... oops
  10. It is sunset even. Maybe by announcing this during our night of the 8th they are telling us the camera will have AMAZING LOWLIGHT? Better lowlight even helps "big" budget productions. They can shoot faster with less. I've seen this first hand with a Varicam LT shoot. Here, watch William Wages ASC talk about how it is a game changer with lighting for him:
  11. Damn, imagine a Samsung NX3 being released at the same time this year as the Panasonic GH5S, but the Samsung NX3 has 4K 120fps 10bit HEVC!!!! WTF
  12. One of those chances is if they release a "Nikon N300", their 4K cinema camera. Ah, if only! In a way, the entire company of Blackmagic Design is a "pet project" of their CEO/owner! But it shows that approach of throwing the kitchen sink it while cutting prices low, can make the business rich and successful. Maybe more should try it.
  13. I went ahead and signed it (why hadn't I earlier??? ) Maybe that was when signed it... and forgot?! :-P I wouldn't mind if they didn't release any more lenses (just bring out a new camera ASAP!!), especially if the NX2 has IBIS. As I could just use the few NX system lenses I have now already, plus Nikon adapted lenses. The innovation and experience from making an NX2/NX3 would have also had positive flow on effects for their Smartphone camera development as well.
  14. Again, this is a non-argument which gets repeated over and over again. You can just scale the sensor to match the lens on it, you don't have to shoot full sensor 100% of the time! (but it is about having that choice and flexibility to choose otherwise for some shoots) With electronic lenses you could even automatically detect when a native MFT lens is mounted and scale to match! (with a manual override option of course) Easy. Simple. Done.
  15. I have a DoP friend who is also becoming an expert at color grading (even has gone out and purchased a DaVinc Resolve Grading Panel!), seems like a smart combination to have. To help see your vision through to the end. "The uploader has not made this video available in your country." Nooooo!
  16. On the upside, at least the NX1 is meant to have really really good rolling shutter in 1080
  17. Actually no, there are not plenty of other cameras to choose from! :-/ If a person wants a compact cinema camera with compact lenses, then they're sh*t out of luck! As what options are there? There is the famous BMPCC/BMMCC, but they're awkward/inappropriate if you want XLR inputs or any of a bunch of other common standards such as TC or built in NDs. There is the Digital Bolex, which is absolutely perfect for some people. But for others the base ISO of 200 due to the CCD sensor makes it impossible to use for their purposes (not to mention the lack of many other features such as TC or NDs). There is the Panasonic AF100, which is the EVA1 should have been the update for! But the AF100 is now woefully out of date, so that rules it out. Then you have a few more oddball choices (such as Sony F23, but too outdated for some, and it is a really really big camera! Just to use small lenses on it. Defeats the purpose), but none are appropriate. Imagine how good an EVA1 with the small Panasonic Leica 12-60mm would be, that is beautifully lightweight! And you could pop a 20mm f1.7 pancake in your pocket to pull out when the sun sets. One can hope, perhaps Panasonic will bring out a camera bigger than the GH5 (in price and size) but smaller than the EVA1 (in price and size) but with a MFT cut of its 5.7K sensor.
  18. Interesting set up here that Kai is being filmed with. Is a GH5 with a GoPro mounted on top, with then the latest Rode VideoMic on top of that!! But weirdest of all, the microphone is pointed AWAY from Kai!! :-o Wonder why? Very curious. Is it to capture interactions with his crew (the cameraman)? As sometimes there is a bit of both of them talking in the video. I doubt it, as why not just clip a lav on him instead? Only twenty quid or less for that! And a much better result. Maybe they're doing some audio magic by subtracting the surrounding street noise? No, I highly doubt that.
  19. From the thumbnail you can easily tell a C300 or similar was used. Who knows about the B cam which that thumbnail was shot with however. But how much of the "look" is down to the camera, and how much the lighting? As clearly care was taken with doing decent lighting. And that is what I feel really makes the difference.
  20. I'd go for Panasonic, or even better Blackmagic Design. Nikon might maybe even get a longshot chance at a look in. But I'd highly recommend you also get yourself well versed with color grading, especially when such amazing tools as DaVinci Resolve are FREE!
  21. Radical thought: shoot without it! :-o Often have shot without focus peaking or zebras. Although once you have experienced luxuries like focus peaking or waveforms it is quite hard to go back :-/
  22. At the start of the HDSLR Revolution you had people at all levels giving DSLRs (and mirrorless) a go, from newbies, to hardcore amateurs, to long time experienced professional veterans, and everything in between! Because it was this exciting new thing, and there were not many other options which had these kinds of capabilities for that price bracket. But I'd say today that same pool of people are spread out over a much wider range cameras. Exactly ;-) INFLATION! If you think of it in terms of bitcoin, then the price has gone down! ;-)
  23. Yet strangely Philip Bloom can't see the obvious solution staring at him: locking MFT mount! Even though he goes on and on in his review about how good a submount / E mount would be! Sigh. But don't you wish you could use a focal reducer? Plus everyone is different, there are others who want to use small compact lenses and might have a large inventory of it. Am very surprised that more camera's don't do that. Is such a small thing! Only 128 pixels...
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