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  1. Like
    iamoui reacted to IronFilm in Turns out people hate being filmed   
    It is fascinating. I remember his earlier stuff from years ago.
    I don't see what is the big deal.
    Just walking down the length of my local main street will get myself filmed by HUNDREDS of cameras! Permanent installed cameras.
    Who ever complains about them? Nobody. Ever.
  2. Like
    iamoui reacted to Inazuma in anti aliasing alternatives for Canon 7D   
    @Zach Goodwin If I'm not mistaken, Dan was just asking if there was an alternative filter to the VAF, not if he should get a camera to replace it :p
  3. Like
    iamoui reacted to Axel in Turns out people hate being filmed   
    Do you like to be filmed?
    I accept that people feel uneasy when someone holds a camera (or smartphone) to their faces, because I know how impertinent and ignorant that can be.
    I feign respect for their privacy and kindly ask for permission. I smile and reassure them nonverbally that they can feel safe. Works in 90% of all cases. The remaining 10%? Well, it's their right to forbid it. Simple as that.
    People like to be respected, but they also, in my experience, like to be asked and then directed. It's more about psychology than about personal rights. You've got to have (and show) empathy and then exploit that. Polite words aren't enough, it's your body language and your whole manner. 
    That's why I still shoot weddings. The lens is their 'magic mirror'.
  4. Like
    iamoui reacted to DPC in Ruslan Pelykh / LX100   
    This is a bit old now but I thought it might be of interest. 
  5. Like
    iamoui reacted to Hans Punk in Canon 5D Mark IV spotted on Red Bull sponsored surf shoot   
    Is this not the norm these days?
    The 5D3 was spotted in a similar way, maybe more noticeable now since the craze of instagramming the sh*t out of everything without thinking.
    I suspect the attitude that Canon or others have when letting a new model out of the lab door is that it will be seen and spotted soon enough and it is no longer at risk of being harmed by competitor scrutiny and risk from them trying to file a blocking patent on something innovative and new. Unless it's revealed front and center in detail, or an NDA period is clearly breached by speech or writing about specifications - I can't see them giving a damn, or having much legal power to do anything about it. If they were really concerned, they would disguise the body, like they do with pre-production cars when they go out on real-world road tests.
    Luckily for Canon, all their cameras look the same...no cutting edge stealth technology to be stolen from image reconnaissance there. 
  6. Like
    iamoui reacted to Caleb Genheimer in 4K RAW 120fps for £3k?! Say hello to the second-hand Canon C500   
    Meanwhile I've been shooting corporate stuff all day long with my Sammy NX1/Ronin M combo. No slow-mo, but the colors and resolution are gorgeous.
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    iamoui reacted to Parker in 4K RAW 120fps for £3k?! Say hello to the second-hand Canon C500   
    Great write-up Andrew! That was a lot of fun to read, I look forward to seeing what you get out of that monster. 
  8. Like
    iamoui reacted to Marco Tecno in 120 FPS - Sony a7s II vs others   
    You need to test the high bitrate hack! Fabulous!
  9. Like
    iamoui reacted to Andrew Reid in 120 FPS - Sony a7s II vs others   
    I didn't ignore it at all. Monitoring the hack process, opened a dedicated forum for it, took my NX1 to London in February and used it at BVE, shot with the SLR Magic PL anamorphics on the NX1 in Brighton and did a big blog post about it.
    The NX1 is as good in 2016 as it was in November 2014 and it will remain so for the next 2 years as well. Absolutely fantastic future proof camera.
    The 120fps looks improved from the first firmware in 2014. Quality looks similar to the X Pro 2. Not free of moire but nice and detailed.
  10. Like
    iamoui reacted to Beritar in 120 FPS - Sony a7s II vs others   
    Nx1 120 FPS
  11. Like
    iamoui reacted to DPStewart in Aputure: the Blackmagic of lighting   
    I am currently using 2 Aputure 672s lights on lightweight 10' stands with 43" shoot-through umbrellas mounted for SERIOUS run-and-gun stuff... I mean like we have from 10-minutes to maybe 30-minutes to get the shots before we get either nailed by security or flat out arrested.
    The guy carrying BOTH light fixtures may even have to climb over fences, etc.,

    Using these Aputures was the only way this was going to work. And it surely does work. Killer. 
  12. Like
    iamoui reacted to Marco Tecno in 120 FPS - Sony a7s II vs others   
    The bitrate hack improved the image from NX1 even further. Now I do 180mbit in 4k and FHD@100fps, while for FHD@120 I go down to 100mbit, which is anyway an improvement compared to the original 80mb.
    The worst part of NX1 is high ISO in video, and I can't understand why, since for raw still images, they are detailed and clean up to 3200 (and up to 6400 when downscaled in postprocessing to match 4k). Possibly a combination of poor downscaling (since video is from full sensor readout) and NR.
  13. Like
    iamoui reacted to vasile in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    You may want to wait some more unless you want to test again later on. After I get back the burner camera from repairs I will try to put together an even smaller mod, which should have less resource consumption (read: memory) than what I have out now. And I also intend to break the bluetooth dependency but this is not news.
    In general you should keep an eye on work in progress and on work finished or abandoned. The best place for requests is (AFAIAC) to add to this on github.
  14. Like
    iamoui reacted to Parker in Cheap wide   
    Yeah I agree, the Roki 12mm f2 is awesome, and for me, it's the obvious choice for an ultra-wide on NX cameras. It's very small and lightweight, and of course it's f2! I used to own the 10-18mm, loved it, but had to sell it for the same reasons as Ricardo, as sadly it's just unusable with fly-by-wire adapted. I also briefly owned the sigma 10-20mm, which I bought to replace the canon, it was fine, but too slow for my needs. The rokinon 12mm f2 is both very sharp and very fast! Awesome for steadicam stuff (including low light) and astrophotography as well. For me the extra stop was more useful than the zoom and 1 millimeter more width of the tokina 11-16 (the rokinon is also cheaper.) 

    If all you care about is the widest glass you can possibly get, there is also the Sigma 8-16mm, which I believe is the widest rectilinear glass ever made for crop cameras. I've never used it, but it's fairly pricey and I have heard it's not the sharpest lens. You never know though! 
  15. Like
    iamoui reacted to MountneerMan in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    I would rather not take sides. I support what both of you are working on and at this point they are quite different mods that appeal to different peoples needs. Vasile is working on a lean and clean mod with only a few features(right now its just bit-rate) and Kinoseed is working on squeezing as much as possible out of these two amazing cameras (witch to date has been amazing what he has been able to get out of them).
    Having said that It doesn't really matter what bill gates stole from Steve jobs or what Steve stole from bill gates they both have two different products for two different demographics. Besides I would hope that if someone comes up with a better way of doing something or something super useful the other would use it as well. You guys are both publishing as open source don't forget. 
    Full disclosure, All I really care about at this time is the bit-rate hack so I am leaning towards vasile's stripped down mod at this point in time but I really like what kinoseed is doing as well. As stated above my preference would be a world were everyone could get along and work together to exchanging ideas, even if they are working on separate projects/mods. unfortunately I know that is not really the world we live in  .
  16. Like
    iamoui reacted to BrorSvensson in Cheap wide   
    I would go with this one
  17. Like
    iamoui reacted to kinoseed in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    I guess some clarifications are in order.
    NX-KS works with the new fw versions (1.12 / 1.41) for both cameras, and sets the bitrates as before, with one addition of 400Mbps for time-lapses.
    @MountneerMan, vasile was never really part of NX-KS, from the very start I did uses his mod, but very soon after Otto made "poker" I started using that, which allowed for faster loading, and higher stable bitrates. Vasile, even tough apparently he obfuscated the bitrates and had to be "hacked" to be used with "poker" was given full credit.

    Lets say that "falling out" is put mildly as there was never a "functioning team", often resulting him demanding of proof for this or that, like when I posted a very high-bit video, he demanded that I show him jump-table for a hack or give him credit for the video that I made, as "apparently I modified the bitrates using his spreadsheet" ... and so forth. Lets say the constant slander was almost a harassment.

    When the new FW showed up, I gave him the new addresses, but the values were suspect, and after waiting a week for him to produce the new bitrates (as I suspected were different) he just said "they are the same" while apparently he's been working on his "mod". Well something didn't add up as the values from Samsung did not match Vasiles.
    So I redid his hack, and found he had miscalculated the values 4 bits out of 8 bytes, (which was not critical in the end, but gave different values) maybe it was not from his calculations, but error from his obfuscation - no idea, didn't really care to check his work that much.

    I can't speak of his new "mod", as I have not checked it, and don't intend to.
    But since he didn't contribute anything for the latest NX-KS mod, and only made sure his work can't be really used as opensource, was enough to let him go and do his own thing, although teaming with Otto was great.

    That about sums it up. : )

    But of course I had to say Otto has my full respect!
    He is the one that made it all possible.
  18. Like
    iamoui reacted to ricardo_sousa11 in Your ideal NX1 Settings   
    Once a month I come here update with new shoots and stuff, everytime I get here, im disapointed to see this thread so dead, cmon people! Lets share those incredible NX1 shots!

  19. Like
    iamoui reacted to kinoseed in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    NX-KS has been available for the new firmwares for a few days now:
    (there is absolutely no need to stay with the old firmware)
  20. Like
    iamoui reacted to dbp in Is the Alexa still king? (Actual question, not an argument)   
    Coming from editing H.264 files over the years, editing Pro Res from the BMPCC is a delight. I love the codec, and don't mind the size at all when you factor in the speed and smoothness of editing. I'm a huge fan of the whole Pro Res capture + edit workflow and I can totally see why so many shows still just shoot Pro Res with the Alexa.
    Agreed that the C300 .mxf files are a good happy medium. Higher quality but still cut like butter. 
  21. Like
    iamoui reacted to DPStewart in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    Honestly - I never thought the NX1 hack would get this far!

    I can remember long ago, when we were all but children playing in the garden, back when Kidzrevil first posted this challenge....

    At the rate some of the folks here are carving deeper into the guts, I wouldn't be all that surprised if one day someone DID find a way to get a RAW video feed out of these kittens of ours.

    In the meantime it sure seems to be a resounding success even just in it's first couple of months, with the increased bit-rates cleaning up some of the problem areas in just the way I expected it would. Kudos to all involved.

    Now if only Otto or someone else could write a sub-script that would prevent me from pointing my NX1 at bad subject material...
  22. Like
    iamoui reacted to Marco Tecno in Where can I get a New NX1?   
    I'm not so much for ff cameras. I mean, ok, they are cool, but I still prefer a high end apsc to a mid-end ff. Of course 1dx mk2 is incredible, but imo nx1 is better than most ff under 3000$.
  23. Like
    iamoui reacted to BrorSvensson in Xiaomi 4k Drone for under 460$   
    very exciting times with all these amazing devices dropping so much in price.
  24. Like
    iamoui reacted to Mattias Burling in 5D mk4 Spec   
    Its nice that they are getting 4K, but imo, an old 5Dmkiii with ML still beats A7sii/rii, GH4, etc and probably will trump the GH5 as well.
    So there is a big chance the new 5Div will get its ass kicked by its own predecessor. 
  25. Like
    iamoui reacted to Oliver Daniel in Thoughts on a7rII/a7s replacement for stills and video?   
    More people looking for that better image should focus on other things.
    I'd stick with your current gear and pay attention to other areas... lighting, composition, grading, ideas, style, feel. 
    As this sounds like a business choice, ultimately the purchase needs to increase your ROI. If your current gear is fine for your business purpose, stick with it. Get something later when there is a demand. 
    If it's an emotional thing, you need to have the disposable income to feed it. A lot of the time, my emotional relationship with certain cameras doesn't necessarily mean they are the right cameras for the business. That's why i haven't got a Digital Bolex. I can't justify the purchase at the moment when I have other more important business priorities. 
    If it's just too overpowering, I'd sell the lot and go for a 1DX ii. Great stills, great video. Done!
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