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  1. Stonecold bargain. I'd buy it if I didn't already have one I can't afford
  2. Little short shot with iscorama and GH2.
  3. ​Price is actually pretty reasonable. 4k US is about right, only one of your links is for a 36 and there is mention of "leaked" putty in the description. The only listings on ebay.com for decent looking 36s currently are 4k (starting bid) to 7k USD. As andrew said, let us know when you see a 36 for £1300, i'll buy it! I'll buy ten at that price, especially if they come with the tokina achromat as Ben's does.
  4. Just because there are people with unsophisticated or bad taste, doesn't mean we should just aspire to that level. Sure, work with what you have but i'd encourage everyone to aim high!
  5. JGL does some good acting work but this is awful in all aspects IMO. It seems like a meta parody of the vimeo films that attempt to attribute intense meaning to a bunch of random slow motion travel shots. It's even worse when the footage jittery mobile phone footage. Maybe I just don't get it.
  6. I was really hoping to watch a film called cloud inside my baby
  7. Sometimes there's a reason something hasn't been done before. Even gasper noe's 'Touching the void" is unwatchable due it's gimicky fpp cinematography IMO . The need for a gimmick in every music video and tv show is starting to rub me the wrong way quite frankly.
  8. If not an iscorama, Kowa B&H or Bolex Moller.
  9. just buy an iscorama. theres one going on ebay for the low low price of $9000 right now http://www.ebay.com/itm/RARE-Iscorama-Anamorphot-1-5X-36-Isco-Gottingen-Anamorphic-MC-lens-Kowa-1-5X-2X-/251669389767?pt=Camera_Lenses&hash=item3a98aa21c7
  10. All these new anamorphic options are exciting in theory but where is the exciting footage? I think if this and the other newer options want to really move units they should have a DP do something impressive showing the results they can achieve when used well. The bent jello cam tests aren't enough when asking people to part with $800-4000. That never seemed to come with the letus or the slr 1.3x and I don't hear much about those since they have been released except FS posts.
  11. I will try to dig some out soon. I shot a bunch of test footage of typical close ups with oval city lights in bg a few months ago, just to see if I could on s16. 2 tokinas to really push it haha :) I actually love the plastic iscorama because it's so light I can actually do geurilla & handheld on the d16. I even made a camera bag with a hole in the bottom for the pistol grip and foam cushion for to support he isco so I can just rip it out and go and then drop it back in and run!
  12. Rich, I use the iscorama with my fujinon 25mm f0.85 wide open without problems :) (this on s16 sensor) I agree regarding focal lengths limits at the wide end. Shooting narrative indoors with a vignette limit worse than the iscorama would be pretty cramped, I struggled to get the shots I wanted at times due to the vignette limits. I often use a century optics wide angle adapter now as suggested by Andy and it works a treat when you need a bit extra. And at 0.85 with diopters there is no problem extreme oval bokeh even on s16.
  13. Yes that is why i got in the habit of doing noise reduction early and rendering it out, working with compressed footage it holds up a lot better during grading if it is cleaned first.
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