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Posts posted by andrgl

  1. 1 hour ago, samuel.cabral said:

    If the M5/M6 are just mirrorless 80Ds, the hardware is awesome for RAW video. But for now we don't have a Magic Lantern port for these cameras... (different system, more like point and shoot Canons). 

    As is... Even 1080p is poorly implemented by Canon. ?

    Never will, M5 uses a different firmware so it can't get ML. Maybe the next one.

  2. 21 hours ago, Turboguard said:

    Interested to see your results.

    How much wider can you really go? 8mm is insane, I use a 10mm on Bmpcc with speedbooster and I can basically see my own shoulders, lol

    Not exactly maybe, but if I stretch out my arm I can see half of my upper arm so maybe 6" from my shoulder. Here's an test video I did when I got the lens.


    Checked your post and video description, I must be daft because I couldn't see what lens you shot with... can you help me out? :)

  3. 57 minutes ago, Cinegain said:

    Wait, how is stabilization top notch with Canon? They only have silly e-stabilization, no?

    And that embedded video... actually, the image quality isn't too great and you'd already only use the your best shots, but the guy knows his composition, editing, grading etc that makes up for it. Just goes to show that it's the one that presses the buttons that matters, not the device the buttons are placed on. For vloggers etc however, a Canon is just a breeze to work with, you could just shoot away, drop the footage on the timeline, cut the sequence and you're done. If... like... the content is the only thing that matters, I mean, there's enough shakey portrait mode videos shot on potatoes that have gone viral. Though... if you're want to add a touch of actual cinematography and want the most control and information captured as possible... you can't deny that a Sony A-series or Panny G-series is flippin' awesome. They've got more to offer than that point-n-shoot characteristic of anything that's Canon consumer range and especially Panasonic is doing it rather well, I'd say.

    Is it really only electronic? Haha. Man, I'm guilty of talking shit against estab because of what motion blur does to the image, but to be honest, after testing both cameras, the M5 and GX85 seemed to be identical in smoothing shake.

    End of the day, because it was used and I had a few EOSM accessories laying around, this camera was cheaper to own than a A6500 or GX85.

  4. 10 minutes ago, mercer said:

    With the DPAF of the M series, you could have a nice compact set up. I have an M10, which I plan on selling, but the focus peaking is the best I've ever used, so that's a plus too. 

    I'm sure others would tell us the Sony A#### or Panny G#### are superior in so many ways but all Canon needs for the next M is 4K video. Stabilization and auto-focus are already top notch. And I found the M5 ergonomics superior for cameras this size. (G7 was pretty good too.)

  5. Found one used for $600, haven't touched these since the M1:


    • tiny
    • flip-out touchscreen
    • dpaf
    • ibis
    • canon color
    • 60fps slomo


    • native lens select still shit
    • soft 1080
    • no 4k
    • price as new laughable
    • meh video DR (raw stills at 100 are noice)
    • paperthin 8bit files not worth trying to grade


    An almost perfect consumer hybrid from Canon. Thank fuck for competition. Panasonic and Sony have woken the giant from a 5 year slumber.

    Forgot how much fun a tiny cam to snap pics and shoot a few family videos could be.

  6. 2 hours ago, cpc said:

    12 bits is 2 bits more than 10 bits, that is 1.2 times the amount of bits (and 4 times the values that can be encoded). These are nominal bits though. You can think of this as the available coding space. What you put in there is another story. First, the tone curve might not use all the available coding space (for example, the BM 4.6K log curve is closer to 11 bits). Then compression comes in. A BM camera may reduce actual precision to as low as 8-7 bits in HFR (4:1 compression), depending on image complexity.

    You can read the paper on canon log (c-log), canon raw uses the same curve sans debayer.

    lol sorry for the typo, was on phone, meant to write 4 times the data.

    You have a source for your blackmagic claims? None of the information you've posted is available from official channels.

    It's funny because your post omits the other half of the usual internet claim of 2 x 11-bit values conformed to 12-bit log. (15 stops has to come from somewhere.) 60fps on the 4.6k can be captured lossless btw.


    At the end of the day, more bits equals less omitted data and more flexibility in post. I'm sure you may be okay with 10-bit 60p, but others aren't. :) I guess Canon has to gimp their low-end models. It would've been nice to have option for 10/12/14bit capture.

  7. 1 hour ago, cpc said:

    Don't get fooled by nominal bitdepth. A 10-bit raw frame from the Varicam LT or the Canon C500 contains much more color info than a 12-bit 4:1 Blackmagic raw frame.

    How is that possible? Any 12-bit capture will have 4 times the amount of bits than a 10-bit file.

    Tried to find a white sheet on Canon RAW but was unable to. Care to share one?

  8. 12bit RAW is only 30p. :< Sooooooo weak! Damn, basically a perfect camera expect for the gimped output.

    RED and Blackmagic still own the throne for true internal 60+fps RAW.

    Hopefully the C200 lights a fire under the asses of Sony and Panasonic, would be amazing to get 12/14 bit RAW internal recording on their consumer grade shit.

  9. 22 hours ago, BenEricson said:

    Yeah, but the RED and even the 5d have much prettier highlights. The gh5 clips hard. This makes a huge difference when comparing the range of an image. 

    And here I thought content and editing were the priority. I never realized the difference a 1/4 stop of highlight rolloff could make. :( Man am I naive.

    The Social Network would've been shit if it was captured on the GH5.

  10. Garbage.

    I dream of Electric Sheep was a one off story. This is Hollywood trash.

    Their inability to try something new without shitting on an existing film is astounding.


    Like fuck, really? Should we expect a Minority Report II in 2037? (Edit: shows you how out of touch I am, they already made a shitty TV series out of the original film.)


    I can't wait for them to rape Back to the Future. Please, please, I want it so bad. I want Hollywood to pillage every movie I consider great.


    Airbud was mildly successful. Can we have more Airbud?


    Someone shoot me please... they made a movie about fucking Chips.


  11. One major warning:

    Regain steps focus motor. It's not as smooth as pulling mechanically. Do not for one second think this is a good substitute for a wireless follow focus.


    I made this mistake and ended up selling my set, as the focus transition looked ugly when focusing short distances.


  12. Always disliked Premiere. There's way too much to learn and so much legacy cruft. It feels like the perfect match for ENG shooters with a thousand hours of footage to organize and edit.

    I've been cutting and rendering on Resolve since version 9. It's always been ideal for working with RAW and now the H264 performance is pretty much perfect.

    If only there were tools good enough to rival Photoshop and After Effects, Adobe still has a stranglehold on 2D compositing.

  13. Actually it's a Canon 5D2 upgrade program. Hence the 200 moniker. Sensor unlocked to shoot in 16K resolution up 9000 fps. Only thing is you have to send the camera into the factory as they take a hammer to it and rebuild it with super glue.

    Oh yeah, plus they need to stencil on the two 0s, so you know it's a 200.

    What do you mean I'm full of shit? I heard it from a Canon rep.

  14. 1 hour ago, Andrew Reid said:

    So the max the sensor can give... around 12 stop and all of it rather nice thanks to 14bit RAW.

    Would be cool to see someone test if dual_iso module works with this.

    I remember seeing a test yield 15 stops of useable DR.

  15. 49 minutes ago, Mattias Burling said:

    Is there any source to back up the statement that they have over taken Nikon? (The press release does not show this)

    Is there a source that shows number of cameras sold? (The press release does not show this)

    Is there any numbers showing how it usually looks since this is just for the first three months of 2017? (The press release does not show this)

    What would also be interesting is to see the FF vs Crop sales and of corse where the profit is?

    Either way its interesting news. I hope every single day that Sony will get their shit together. Because they deliver excellent still cameras. They just need to nail video and quality control.

    Estimate based:


    You'll need to pay to access the data.

  16. 7 hours ago, jcs said:

    First video monitored and mixed with the Focal Listen (multilayer sound effects toward end of video):

    These headphones are so well damped it's like they have active noise cancellation. The sound is detailed, clear, with smooth highs and a wonderful sound. Super comfortable too. The Focal Listens are a fantastic upgrade ($249) from the already excellent Audio Technica ATH-M50 ($149) which is a nice upgrade from the Sony 7506 ($89). If you like the sound of the 7506 and/or ATH-M50, the Listens are worth a demo.

    I had not heard of Focal before, and listened to the Listens at CanJam 2017, thanks again @HockeyFan12 for the tip! (my experiences here, including with many dynamic, planar magnetic, electrostatic, and the $55,000 Sennheiser HE-1 headphones: https://brightland.com/w/the-best-headphones/).

    More reviews here: https://www.amazon.com/Focal-Listen-Closed-Over-Ear-Headphones/dp/B01H2NDPZY/

    Focal Listen page: https://www.focal.com/en/headphones/headphones/listen/listen. Their top of the line headphones, the Utopia is $4000: https://www.focal.com/en/headphones/headphones/utopia/utopiahttps://www.headamp.com/order/focal-utopia-open-back-dynamic-headphones/

    The Listen headphones are designed for mobile, and also have a mic and remote button. The supplied cable is a bit short for production work, so I ordered one of these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00LM4ON3I/ which works great. A longer cable can be used as the included cable is detachable (the UGreen brand will work as the connector housing is narrow enough).

    At CanJam I auditioned the Audeze LCD-X on my iPhone, then ran over and tried the Listens again on the same track- the Listens sounded much better! I'm sure the results will be different when using a high end amp, however the Listens will sound better too. The last headphones I listened to that got me this excited were Stax (which I finally ordered from Japan after the show).

    Written descriptions and a video mixed with them won't show you how they sound- you'll need to demo them in person.

    These are the kind of headphones that make you want to go through your music collection again, which I've been doing when not working on audio-related projects :)

    A+ bang for buck!

    Always wanted Hi-fi monitors, never interested in doing the research tho. Ordered them just now, on sale. Hope they're as awesome as you claim. :)

  17. 3 hours ago, silvertonesx24 said:

    It's why VC startups have gone gangbusters over the past few years. They all promise infinite scaleability through the digital ether and that makes for a very compelling investment proposition. I too prefer it to the advertising model, and it makes far more sense for the developer considering how Adblock and ad fraud wipe out tons of potential revenue for the site owner.

    I've also always had the nihilistic belief that the only real money to be made in creative is in selling or telling, not doing.

    LOL kid, you're delusional. If you seriously think even 1% of 1% of his traffic converts, I suggest you try it yourself.

    LETS FLATOUT IGNORE THE FACT I CAN BUY THE GUIDES, TELL PAYPAL I WANT MY MONEY BACK AND KEEP THEM. Because it's fucking PayPal and as a seller/merchant/piece of shit you have 0 recourse to being defrauded by your "customers".

    I averaged not even quite 4ish% for 2016 which blew my fucking mind. (When I started I used to project monthly revenue like: oh shit! If I hit 12 percent, I can retire and hire people to do this for me!) And that's in a crazy good niche with people who WANT to buy products.

    LMAO @ 100k selling PDFs. Ayyy Andrew would be churning out silos and milking that SEO if money rolling in. Itd be all cinema5d I here: we so poor plox and do this for free...... also he are some camera prices for c300 and fs7!! ;);) -plz-not-noticing-affiliate-tag

    Thanks for the laugh.

    PS: Half a point is for like shitty adsense CPM calcs. Just imagine how infinitesimal the number of DIY dslr shooters that are willing to spend money is.




    I'm not shitting on your mythical world where EOSHD is making millions. It's just that this niche (video) is shit and Andrew's call to actions are poorly placed.

    If he wanted to make bank he'd be writing about handguns for women and raking in like 30% commission on $1200 items.

  18. Unfortunately, I don't think you can adapt Canon or Nikon lenses to the CY mount.

    If you want a focal reducer for the cine lenses, your best bet is to get a EF to MFT model as that will allow you to use your CY lenses with an adapter, along with Nikon F/G and other mounts.

    My only issue with EF adapters is that you'll want to get an electronic one that can operate the aperture as virtually all of them do not have a mechanical iris.

    (I'm not a fan of electronic lenses, they tend to be prohibitively expensive to service so I prefer PL or Nikon F/G. Not that matters with the DS lenses as they're fully manual.)

  19. 37 minutes ago, Kisaha said:

    "Since the BMCC and Pocket Cinema Camera however they have only focussed on pros."

    Most of the amateurs will be happy with whatever Panasonic offers for 600euros while those Panasonic's are plug and play and the footage appears without much hassle on their brand new shiny 65" 4K TVs.

    Video companies are becoming more specialized because not a lot of people will be buying exotic video cameras with additional equipment to run, and not amateur friendly codecs; and the worst part is that they are NOT taking photos. How many are these specialized amateurs that will create a buying buzz (and absorb the R&D and marketing funds) for a completely new video camera? 

    My impression was that pocket was good for a lot of indie people (I have seen a few around Europe) but never was the "pocket" camera its name promised. 

    I am editing a project with the pocket right now, the whole rig was huge, the second -huge- battery didn't work and my friend lost the last 40 minutes of the performance we were recording and the video files were unnecessary big for such a low budgeted project (80GB for the pocket, and 60GB for the NX cameras with at least 40 minutes additional footage!) and the other cameras we had were around 40-50GB.

    Great image, but it was somehow out of place in my opinion. Great idea, poorly manufactured.

    If they can really make it a great portable pocket camera, then I will reconsider!

    This Ursa is the most interesting camera they ever produced, and the fact that it is available right now is a statement that this time they are really serious.

    LOL what? So many contradictions.


    You rig the bmpcc, a camera that literally fits in a pocket, and then complain about the size.

    You rig the camera with a third party battery and then complain about the camera when the battery fails.

    You use a camera that's purpose is 100% to produce raw DNG or ProRes, formats that everyone knows are data heavy, and complain about file size.

    You think a production camera around the same size as the FS5 is somehow more portable than the bmpcc.


    Your complaints smack of self inflicted trauma. You picked the wrong camera to shoot with. The gear is fine... you can't blame the camera for your mistakes.

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