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Xavier Plagaro Mussard

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  1. Like
    Xavier Plagaro Mussard reacted to AaronChicago in Blackmagic URSA Mini 4K ships!   
    I'm guessing Blackmagic grew faster than expected and wasn't prepared. They're still a relatively small company (compared to the giants). They'll either have to stay the course and be more accurate with a Q4 camera release schedule, or grow bigger and meet those early release dates.
  2. Like
    Xavier Plagaro Mussard reacted to DPC in Metabones Canon EF Speedbooster + Tokina 11-16: no infinity focus   
    In case someone else has the same problem, this is what happened: the Speedbooster was delivered with the screw that holds the rear lens element in place completely loose. 
    At some point the element was cleaned with a cloth and moved, thus making infinity focus impossible. I have readjusted and locked the screw down and all seems to be well.
    I'm sure you will understand that I'm not at all happy...
  3. Like
    Xavier Plagaro Mussard got a reaction from IronFilm in Blackmagic URSA Mini 4K ships!   
    ND filters are a necessary PITA. To have it included in the camera makes you life easier, camera makers should make our live easier!
  4. Like
    Xavier Plagaro Mussard reacted to Oliver Daniel in FS5 vs A7S II vs URSA mini 4.6k   
    I've actually been thinking the same thing, sort of. 
    I pre-ordered the URSA Mini 4.6k just to get in the queue, with the intention of purchasing if early reviews and a rental test were up to scratch. 
    There's quite a shift in my business at the moment towards commercial & corporate work due to the diminishing funds in music, where music video budgets are in great decline. 
    The URSA Mini 4.6k is going to have an amazing, cinematic image - but there are many benefits to the FS5 that can't be ignored (ND's, 240fps slow motion, reliability, size). I've got a bunch of DSLR sized gear here (sliders, gimbal tripod) that I couldn't use with the URSA Mini 4.6k. The FS5 would fit all of it. 
    Now the Sony image.... I've been shooting on Sony much more than any other brand because of the HFR. Music videos need it. However, I've never loved any of the images. I used a C300 at the weekend on a viral and it speaks volumes how much better the colour rendition on the Canon is compared to Sony. It's softer sure! But overall much more pleasing. Much much more. 
    So for me, I'd have to work much harder with FS5 images and make them sing. It would probably be the better camera to buy that adapts my business model. I'd have to swallow my zest for beautiful Blackmagic images and stick with Sony. But that's not what I want to do. It's sort of personal. The BM image is a massive deal. Massive. 
    As for the A7S II - I'd use this as an A-cam on a very low budget shoot and as a B-cam on others. 
    From all the cameras here - the FS5 is the best option to fit all purposes. But it's not the sexiest. 
  5. Like
    Xavier Plagaro Mussard got a reaction from pablogrollan in Thumb/flash drive as longterm storage   
    The only safe long-term storage would include several methods (SD, bluray, hard disk, usb stick, cloud) in several physical locations. 
  6. Like
    Xavier Plagaro Mussard reacted to Kubrickian in B&H Photo - largest seller of camera gear in USA exploits workers   
    It's probably organized by ISIS. They hate Jews right? 
    The "just get another job" comments floor me. You guys need to start living paycheck to paycheck for awhile. 
  7. Like
    Xavier Plagaro Mussard reacted to AaronChicago in B&H Photo - largest seller of camera gear in USA exploits workers   
    It's sort of like voting. Of course your one vote doesn't change the outcome but you're making a public effort to change something.
  8. Like
    Xavier Plagaro Mussard reacted to Kubrickian in B&H Photo - largest seller of camera gear in USA exploits workers   
    I feel like the people in this thread that are in denial about worker exploitation are the same people that gave Philip Bloom the benefit of the doubt over his domestic abuse. The world doesn't always adhere to your majority view. It's a deeply unjust place. 
  9. Like
    Xavier Plagaro Mussard reacted to Mattias Burling in B&H Photo - largest seller of camera gear in USA exploits workers   
    A camera is manufactured in China by a person that needs food and energy.
    It is flown to America by a plane and pilot and then offloaded by some people who all need energy.
    It is transported and then packaged into a warehouse in Brooklyn by people and trucks that use energy.
    After I have placed my order it is transported back to the airport by people and trucks consuming energy.
    Flown to Sweden by planes and people.
    Delivered by a truck to my town by trucks and people.
    I walk to the post and pick it up.
    A camera is manufactured in China by a person that needs food and energy.
    It is flown to Sweden by a plane and pilot and then offloaded by some people who all need energy.
    It is transported and then packaged into a Store in my town.
    I walk to the store and pick it up.
  10. Like
    Xavier Plagaro Mussard reacted to Mattias Burling in B&H Photo - largest seller of camera gear in USA exploits workers   
    Same here, shop locally when I can. And I use one of the smaller online stores that are based in small towns Sweden.
    Good for the home economy and better for the environment.
  11. Like
    Xavier Plagaro Mussard reacted to Don Kotlos in B&H Photo - largest seller of camera gear in USA exploits workers   
    Islamic site? Aljazeera is one of the least biased news corporations worldwide.
    Its not about religion. Its about companies abusing workers.  
  12. Like
    Xavier Plagaro Mussard reacted to maxotics in B&H Photo - largest seller of camera gear in USA exploits workers   
    B&H and Adorama, and many other stores, are run by Orthodox Jews.  It sounds like the warehouse workers have grim work, but so do most Jewish workers in these stores.  They are bused from their communities in Brooklyn and live very spartan lives, which is why these stores succeed (lower prices).  You read about "tribes" in the Middle East but don't need to travel there to see one in action.  Go to B&H.  Then go to Williamsburg, Crown Heights or Borough Park.   You won't see a lot of money flowing about.  Yet they gather round and protect their own.  I find these communities creepy.  Then I remind myself Park Avenue is just as creepy in its own way too.   There are no easy answers here, like boycotting a store.  The truth is, wherever you live, if you weren't born into money getting work is very difficult--especially if you're an immigrant.   In that story the only job many of those workers could get was at B&H.  Again, believe it or not, B&H doesn't treat its own Jewish workers much better.  The difference is that the Jewish employee believes in something more than money.  Or maybe they're too scared of raising prices (to pay workers more) and losing their customers to Mormons.
  13. Like
    Xavier Plagaro Mussard reacted to Zak Forsman in Scary Spam   
    speak for yourself. i've been hiding under my desk since last night.
  14. Like
    Xavier Plagaro Mussard got a reaction from kaylee in The new iMac is out, which version to get?   
    I have a top spec MacBook with the GeForce 750 1Gb and I edit LX100 4K files on it with no problem at all in FCP X. Of course, not everything is real-time and I have the viewer set to best-performance, not best quality. Color correction and some effects work realtime or enough fps. Multicam 4K I haven't tried and probably won't work smoothly!
    With Macs you must get the cheapest or the more expensive. Sell it with some warranty time left and you will probably loose less than 1000$!!!
  15. Like
    Xavier Plagaro Mussard reacted to barefoot in LED light advice   
    According to another blog, the Coelux currently costs £40,000 to buy and around £5,000 for installation. Hopefully the technology (along with the price) is adopted for the masses.
  16. Like
    Xavier Plagaro Mussard got a reaction from Mat Mayer in The new iMac is out, which version to get?   
    I have a top spec MacBook with the GeForce 750 1Gb and I edit LX100 4K files on it with no problem at all in FCP X. Of course, not everything is real-time and I have the viewer set to best-performance, not best quality. Color correction and some effects work realtime or enough fps. Multicam 4K I haven't tried and probably won't work smoothly!
    With Macs you must get the cheapest or the more expensive. Sell it with some warranty time left and you will probably loose less than 1000$!!!
  17. Like
    Xavier Plagaro Mussard reacted to AaronChicago in Sony A7sII - Overheating in 4k?   
    They pulled a "Reverse Blackmagic"
  18. Like
    Xavier Plagaro Mussard reacted to Mat Mayer in The new iMac is out, which version to get?   
    Pretty much decided on the top spec version with 512gb SSD and upgrading RAM myself. Looked at loads of laptops today but none were right; either not as powerful or poor screen. The only ones with a decent screen are 17 inches and weigh a tonne, but had an issue like not upgradeable and poor hard drive. None ticked all the boxes. The more I read reviews, the more horror stories I see for brands like Asus and Lenovo. Its just not worth paying half price on a machine which might break when abroad. Customer service isnt UK standard out here in Thailand, laptops are bought from pretty dodgy stores.
    The way I look at it is that it costs $3k for an iMac and in a year I will be able to get around $2k for it. So that's $20 a week for a beautiful machine, and I know from experience that I will be far more productive on it. The quality of my grading should be better too with the new screen color range; I have done some real crap on a laptop screen. My Premiere timelines are fairly simple, so I expect it will be smooth enough (RGB curves and some cross fades and dissolves). No idea when iMacs will be available here, but apparently the education discount is easy to blag here.
  19. Like
    Xavier Plagaro Mussard reacted to sudopera in The new iMac is out, which version to get?   
    It's good to see that new versions of iMac Retina screens cover DCI-P3 color gamut.
  20. Like
    Xavier Plagaro Mussard reacted to Turboguard in The new iMac is out, which version to get?   
    Was just looking at them myself and for 250 extra, just go with the 4GHz, no question about it.
  21. Like
    Xavier Plagaro Mussard reacted to manlio in Panasonic Fz1000 and Samsung NX1 advice   
    Yes Xavier, it is really what I have decided to do. Thank you! 
    Now I hope it arrives soon 
    Have a nice day.
  22. Like
    Xavier Plagaro Mussard reacted to kaylee in A few musings on what I missed in my month off from EOSHD!   

    great to hear andrew, glad youre well
  23. Like
    Xavier Plagaro Mussard reacted to fuzzynormal in A few musings on what I missed in my month off from EOSHD!   
    If one can tell a good story chances are one can be a good filmmaker.  now with the barriers to good motion picture IQ falling away, those that are creative will be the ones valued...unlike the past, where if you had the gear you were automatically established.
    EOSHD's 2013 review of the GM1 and GX7 lead me to get my hands on cheap consumer cams with wonderful IQ.  Making movies with that gear has been a ton of fun.
  24. Like
    Xavier Plagaro Mussard reacted to maxotics in A few musings on what I missed in my month off from EOSHD!   
    Glad to hear you're getting back to your core genius!  There continues to be a huge need out there for people who want to do cool things with consumer cameras.  I posted a video on how to run Magic Lantern on an EOS-M two years ago and it has 10,000 views.  It got 43 last week.  A quick NEX7 video I did has 15,000 views.  I bought a Canon 50D a few months ago, and run ML on it again, the same camera that brought me to EOSHD in the first place.  For the money, it is STILL a very powerful creative tool, which I'm sure you'll agree.  Lately, I've been playing around with the LX100.  The 4K photo mode is very interesting, not a lot of work has been done on that, or on other cameras.  Davinici Resolve, I've given up on it because it's just too complicated.  Gimbals are another complex gadget that will need guidance as they get cheaper and better.  Or the Panasonic G6.  I finally bought one and Andy Lee is right, a perfect camera in its way, timeless.  And yes, the BMPCC is a very creative camera but many people don't understand why.  In short, the original reason for EOSHD is as relevant as ever!
    I've learned a lot here at EOSHD and I look forward to the old Andrew
  25. Like
    Xavier Plagaro Mussard reacted to Sekhar in grading feedback?   
    This is way too blue. If you have people in the shot, one common way to grade is to isolate the skin and grade it so they line up along the "skin line" in the vector scope. The interesting fact about skin color is that it always lines up that way regardless of the race, so this procedure always works except for extreme black and white.
    E.g., here's a simple grade of your original (ungraded) shot adjust just for colors. It may not be what you want, but at least it's adjusted more or less for the skin.

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