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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. Hey, where's the one we had trac(k)ed? ; -)
  2. I believe people on the fence are taking one side anyway. As much as when we put loyalty or friendship in front of ideas, principles, values not to sale. Or because of that, we tend to see them as contradictory when they're balanced ones. Bias is not a wide option. A decision in the name of a wider universal range is. Both can share the same name: political motivation. The same to choice. No need to be dirty though. No need to be committed with just one side of the equation as better option route. Pretty different of the politically correctness. Apples to oranges, a poor apple contaminates an orange in a way or another. To denounce it rages higher because we can't be silent. To be accomplice of silence is not to be neutral. You become a supporter when you vote, at times even when not. There's balance on moderate views, there's no virgins nor claims, vows of chastity on neutrality. Count on it. No matter how golden the pill is. Where's the contradiction? Fuji makes cameras. And lenses. Develops drugs to save lives as well. Where's the contradictory approach here or there? Is this unwelcome and so-so rhetoric because someone has closely decided to protect a friend? (a nice guy BTW) But, bias. Well, different strokes for different folks, it's a friendly forum... just not exactly the main reason why I keep going here and never stop to be surprised with you, Reid. Brave soldier (E : -)
  3. Glad to see the job done ; ) I had no idea Sony has the vaccine too, pity we need to wait their high-end before the release of the a7S III to reach the shelves : D that is, for soon very likely, to evaluate from their CS as someone else has also written in this same page and Lavoisier said more than two hundred years ago... ...Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed.
  4. Well, the President of U.S. is much more than only the President of a country because of the way the world is nowadays. In any case I can be not an elector on his election, he can be not the President of the country I am citizen and still to not approve him. Even without interests in the US. Even though, if I have a business there as for instance, we can not vote and he still is the top authority of the country where I am based through a company of my own for example. No idea what you're talking about, honestly. I have no bias against anyone, Presidents of U.S. included : D To me and as universal truth, facts have to be based on evidences. No traces of it, no facts. Opinion, belief are territories of something else, completely distinct. As much as science and faith are of a different kind between each other.
  5. I don't blame anyone for the subject matter, Chinese or Trump included. I don't approve Trump as President for substantially more than that : ) but I follow the rules of the game. He was not the most voted, the system dictated him as President so I respect him as the one elected. I only know and see America is greater than his practices, much more than that. I don't believe in theories of conspiracy so I think Chinese have made a good job indeed to control the disease. Not from the beginning but later.
  6. Funny Andrew, you beat me for 1 minute... *thumbsup* My brother, an avid Fujifilm user, had just sent me the link (and I was going to open a thread in your forum as usual): https://www.fujirumors.com/china-says-fujifilm-drug-avigan-works-against-coronavirus-covid-19-and-shares-jump-up-15/ You da man ; -)
  7. You're too demanding, girl! :- D
  8. I'll remember this one next time I'll think about it. Who knows maybe you're just on the spot? For now, their military staff are already bringing us the vaccine! : D Xiaomi comes next with my 5G mobile phone ; ) Don't tell Trump though or they will follow Huawei and I still want my 8K footage! LOL ; -)
  9. You didn't follow my edit up there. Take a look again, it was edited before you posted this one. I can be an idiot in the keyboard of Super8 before he had learned a bit more of me, but I am not stupid, you will never get me there! LOL ; ) Faith is a very personal journey (E : -)
  10. That's nothing but stupidity. The guy is free for that show anyway : ) If he'd be my culture I'd say exactly the same :- D
  11. I am a believer and science lover as well. Faith and science can match. The point is the truth is always hidden, not the way we imagine in our wildest dreams. The same way a movie character works. There's some truth behind and beyond in a way or another. Need to find. This doesn't mean atheism is made of a different kind of a most strict religious viewpoint. No less dogmatic, the achilles' heel. Just some other form of belief. Not really distinct.
  12. LOL only you, David, to make me laugh in the middle of such tragedy : -)
  13. I can only hope so. But the situation in Italy is devastating. In Portugal, there are no ventilators to everyone. I am ashamed for the politicians we have. I can't accept that. We demand the best pros and not the best politicians? What the hell! When we really need them? That's why I like this doctor, he is a competent one in his field. That's what I expect and demand from them. From everyone. Comply your responsibilities. Let's hope this will work as soon as possible: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8121567/Coronavirus-vaccine-developed-Chinas-military-bio-warfare-expert-begins-clinical-trial.html https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1182923.shtml
  14. I fully agree, it's a shame! Human kind is absolutely disorganized. This is almost a collective suicide. Not complete, because a good part of us will survive to tell the story. Hope we'll learn the lesson.
  15. This Doctor is one of the guys Portuguese media have chosen to tell people the truth about. He is devastating towards the authorities. He blames them without fear. I found him very lucid and I am proud of his roots. As said, he works 20kms away (we're used to say here: same oven) where Bush family has their roots (there are other American personalities, as well) : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afonso_I_of_Portugal
  16. No, I really do appreciate the link you've posted. I suggest to everyone to listen. I just find her interesting but more vague than she should IMO. I had to edit it because I had to struggle with my automatic correction of the device I use to write to you when deleted a few words in the middle of the process. Maybe I am used to listen some other experts in the field with other background. Take a look to this doctor to treat patients in the hospital of my birthtown. It is in Portuguese but with subs tool you can listen his opinion. I fully subscribe him. He's not talking to a theatre audience. He's not a show man. He's a professional treating patients for real. We Portuguese of north of Portugal are kind but tough people, you know? We're used to say the truth to everyone whether it is pleasant or not. Just for reference, did you know the founder of our nationality (the king Afonso I) is Bush family's direct ancestor?
  17. I did, hence my comment. Interesting but too little IMHO. I am a liberal as far economics relates. But I do appreciate proactive measures to take place in politics. I'm sorry my lack of modesty but nothing of this tragedy would be happening if I was the man in charge. At least, in Europe. They are all responsible for these deaths. They simply have no guts. Weak leaders. Without vision. I am a proud one. I apologize for my non humble tone now but I am very disappointed with the leadership we have. Their mission was/is now. I really admire the Chinese : -)
  18. To wash our hands is too little anyway, must be proactive there. Panic doesn't help, respect to prevent the risk does. Masks the same. + control the infection spots with effective public health policies connected with the movement of people into uninfected regions. Politics job. We vote on them for something, isn't it? Not only to charge the taxes. Healthcare staff also need masks to do their work. Should be for everyone. Public health cannot be exclusive but as universal as life is.
  19. And they're worried with the future. Reason why we stopped everything for that matter. Financial markets are giving excellent open gates anyway. Bonds, FOREX, as for instance. Central banks rates also low today help to make it happen. Good opportunity to invest. From home, online. Used gear purchases too, as the one you've just opened some hours ago.
  20. Before my three academic degrees and two postgraduation programs completed (I am going on my third one now) in two different major fields to also comprehend politics and economics as well, I was used to study American society since I have memory of myself. Avid reader here, no less viewer and observer. Let alone my own experience and contact with. Something a few Americans don't know is the fact the Republican party was used to be the progressist political party and Democrats were the most conservative wing of North America. U.S.A. was not born in the second half of XX century, not even in the previous one ; ) In any case, Trump is not even a good rep of them. Neither the idea of America, its values and principles. Take a look in someone who said Obama was is President but not Trump (example already referred a few posts back): John McCain. Not as producer. We're used to call it forfait, a flat rate. The remainder. Basically, from sales. The last link of the chain to be paid, not from crowdfunding campaigns but copyright or contracts signed between parties to produce the pieces of work to comprehend exploitation too. VOD, most part today.
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